
Lost and Found: Chapter 6

A/N: Geez, 300+ views already in a single week! I've set a personal goal to reach 1k+ by the end of October and enjoy this chapter I've painstakingly created!


-----Ivan's POV-----

Uhh, am I seeing things straight? Why is a corrupt worker drone doing here? And why aren't V and N doing anything about it?

Upon closer inspection, V is bound in chains, clearly forced to be their prisoner.  The thought of V being a POW makes me laugh inside intensely. I finally muster up the courage to ask N.

"What's up with the WD? And where's J?" I ask.

N steps to the side, fully revealing the WD. Odd, that's what. Can WDs even have emo personalities? Damn, those are the most purple hair and eyes I've ever seen.

"What's she doing here?" I ask N curiously. She's staring at me. Oh shoot. Is it my height?

Oops... I kneel down to get to eye-level to her to ask her a few questions (NO IT IS NOT A PROPOSAL YOU KNUCKLEHEADS). She clearly does not like being treated like a shorty, even though she is one.

She clenches her fists, to which N replies with, "Calm down, Uzi!" Ahh, so that's her name!

I collapse into fits of laughter after hearing her name. Named after a frickin' gun! I roll around in the snow, pounding my fists. I eventually calm down, but my insides are still trying the best not to laugh again.

"Ahh.... Excuse me," I say, getting up.

V eyes me, suggesting a question: what was that about?

In response, I answer, "That name! She was named after an Italian sub-machine gun!"

They're just gawking at Uzi, then giggle. 

N can't hold it in, though, so he starts laughing his head off. Uzi shoots him a glare (figuratively, duh, or is it? maybe she did shoot him! get it?)

N and V take a little time to stop laughing, but eventually, we manage it back to the corpse spire. Still, my question about J's whereabouts hasn't been answered, so I have to ask again.

"What happened to J?" I ask V.

V was chained down to the ground, on the bottom floor. She managed, "Uzi blew N's head off with her railgun, but he regenerated. Can't say the same for J though. Pretty sure her whole head and upper torso are ashes now."

I am shocked. A weapon this powerful shouldn't be in the hands of a corrupt WD! Or any WD, in this case.

Uzi walks in, and if she could read my mind she says, "You know, you humans always thing we're corrupt."

"How did you know I was literally thinking that?"

"Ehh, it's basically 1+1 to figure out."


"I now have a plan to k̸̝̦̩͋̈́͊ĭ̶̞̖͔̕l̴̫͓͊̾́͋̌̓ļ̸̮̫̘͉͉͗̅̎͗̚ all humans!" Uzi jumps on the table, cackling like a maniac. After a minute or so, she clears her throat (does she even have one?) and continues.

"Have you ever wondered about what our families go through when one of us dies?" she asks me, pointing a finger at my chest, about as high as she could reach.

"I've never really thought about that. They teach us you were corrupt and wanted to kill us off, even when we created you guys," I replied, deep in thought.

"Well, you learned something today. We want to have a proper life and a family too, you know! It's not just humans that want that!" She tells me.

"Oh, okay," was all I could manage to say. I was processing all of this. "I do have a WD friend back on Earth."

Uzi perks up, interested in this news. "Oh. What's their name?"

I answer, "Ellis". 

"Do you treat them the same way you would treat us down here on Copper 9?" she asks.

"Now that you mention it, no, I wouldn't. I mean, before this conversation, yeah, but now? No, I think I'll try to tell JC Jenson to leave you alone." (Keyword: you [just {you} and not {your species}])

Uzi is slightly skeptical about my change of perspective, but she gets reassured when I assert, "I'll go to the office and contact them,"

She must have been thinking that I was joking, but now she sees I'm serious about this. I do have something else more important to talk about anyways.

The office is small, with a single receiving and outgoing radio. I turn it on, and it works for some reason. I pick up the outgoing radio and holler, "GET ME OFF THIS PLANET JC JENSON I AM A HUMAN THAT CRASHED HERE PART OF A TOUR GROUP PLEASE GET ME OFF BEFORE I SUE YOU AND I AM VERY LONELY HERE YOU BITCHES"

Don't know how, but it goes through. I add, "ALSO LEAVE THE WORKER DRONES ALONE THEY JUST WANT TO LIVE"

Another beep signifies that the message has been sent. Now to just wait for an incoming mes--



I pick up the outgoing radio and then shout right into the mouthpiece, "NAME IS IVAN [sorry mfs you dont get his last name] AND IM A STUDENT AT NEW NEW LOS ANGELES INSITIUTE OF HISTORY STUDENT ID 823903 AND THATS IT I THINK"

I think my ears are damaged beyond repai--






Finally, the call has ended. At the least, I'd have to wait for about 1 month for JC Jenson to pick me up from this intergalactic garbage dump. (Screw you copper 9! Shame on you!)

I am unexplainably bored here, so bored that the word bored can't even wrap around how bored I really am. That bored. (AHHHH THATS TOO MUCH BORED)

N approaches me as I scroll through my old photos, hoping to diminish the feeling of loneliness with some old memories of good times. He pauses, not knowing what to do. 

He clears his voice, and tells me, "Uhh, so Thad (another unknown WD) told Uzi that we might be able to get back into the colony. But you are new though--" He pauses for a moment, as if thinking of the right answer.

"And we were wondering if you wanted to come along!" He finishes with a smile.

"How are they going to let you in? You're literally a DD," I replied.

"Oh. I kind of drew an apology card for them. I hope it works- :)" N said. Sometimes I don't know if he is a minor or not.

"Alrighty then, let's go," I say, getting up and putting my phone in my pocket. N and I regroup with Uzi, leaving V chained to the landing pod floor.

Thad (male WD it appears) is leading the way back. We walk through an awful lot of rubble and junk, through ruined skyscrapers and roads. N is just looking at his fingers, studying them with non-human intensity. (duh)

  Finally, after eons of walking, we make it. WOW. Those sure are large doors. Large, in comparison to WDs. I mean, they're literally the size of two vans stacked on each other. I try not to snicker at how small they are, just like my dong. (WAIT NO I WASNT SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT SHOOT)

I mean, who's going to read my thoughts anyways, right, readers? (wait a second...)

NVM, let's continue on!

I start to walk around the entrance as Thad tries to message the WDF to open up the tiny ass doors (as in a type of donkey, okay?). I kick the ground, obviously bored to both ends of Copper 9. (Now that i think about it, does a circle even have sides?)

I kick away some old, rusted metal junk, hoping to find something interesting in this pile of scrap. I might find something, something, that could help me survive mentally and physically until I get picked up by this FREAKIN PIECE OF NATURE COMPANY!! Oi, they even have the audacity to kill innocent drones here while vouching for world peace and equality back on earth.

I stub my toes (keyletter: 's') on a large frozen piece of junk stuck in the ground. I gasp in pain. My shoes aren't helping either. I grab my foot and then start hopping around, not knowing what to do. N is looking at me funny, but I can't really explain human pain and instincts to a robot, or CAN I?

After what seems like an eternity, Thad has still not been able to get anybody to open the door, even after knocking for years on end. The pain has finally subsided, and I'm able to figure out what hurt my goddamn foot. I yoink a MP-5 out of the snow, conveniently complete with a loaded magazine and several spare magazines.

Probably from a dead MTF worker back when this place was still inhabitable. (Guess the reference, ya'll) And right on cue, I kick the snow again, to see a fully armored MTF worker laying the snow. Of course, they're dead and all that is left of them is a skeleton, but look at that armor!

Carefully, I pull the body (or should I say skeleton) out of the snow, and then take off the bulletproof vest. I put it on myself, take some of the knee and elbow protectors, and finally take the helmet and visor, just in case. I put all of those on my, and now I walk like a penguin. Just kidding, of course, OR AM I?

A low rumble is heard as a small crack opens in the gates. Finally, Thad manages to get someone to open up the freaking gates.

"Who's there? Hey, Uzi, aren't you - um- grounded or something?" the WD asks us, not knowing I'm here.

Uzi groans, then replies with, "Has my dad being telling all of you that? Nope, I got banished," Uzi whispers under her breath, but I can hear, "by myself."

The WD suddenly notices N, and says, "Woah! Aren't you that sadistic murder drone?" N looks embarrassed, and ashamed of himself. I really wonder what he did to get this reputation...

He moves forward and hands the WD a paper, stepping back. The WD opens it, smiles, and then hangs it on the door (no he did NOT hang it with a noose).

He finally says, "Get in here, ya goobs!" N looks proud, and the WD opens the doors. I finally fall into his line of vision. His face transforms into an expression of total shock and terror. He backs away, obviously scared of the firearm strapped on my back and my totally badass armor.

"Wassup, my g?" I ask him casually. He seems shocked that I'm not going to kill him right here and use his oil as car lubricant (NO DIRTY MINDED PEOPLE DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT)

I notice that he is gripping a metal pipe with a death grip, but he is still shaking. He releases the pipe, and then finally manages to utter, "Welcome in, and please don't kill all of us if you are here to exterminate,"

I let out a small chuckle, and then reply with, "No worries, dude, calm down! I'm only here to help my friends out."

He backs away, then runs. I guess they have really bad relations with humans. Quite possible also because the vest has a MTF badge on it. I guess this colony used to be a containment and test facility once.

That aside, I catch up to the others, who are patiently waiting for me. Yep. Very patiently waiting for me. Totally.

Uzi announces to our squad, "Alrighty, gangsters, let's go explore this storage room where N and I fought V and J." She quickly adds, "Also, we want to find J's core and get rid of it for good."

Uzi notices my new armor and weapons, and then complains, "No fair! I want some cool freaking armor and weapons!"

-----random teacher's POV------


Why does Khan have to ramble on about his daughter and their personal issues? I don't get it. I don't care anyways, as shown by what I'm actually doing right now.

Solitaire has been a favorite for passing PTC time. Genuinely, Uzi shouldn't have brought her railgun to school anyways. I think Sam might have gone high off of the explosion fumes. Damn kid always has a magnet on his head.

I don't have the time to listen to Khan anymore. I minimize solitaire, and then boldly announce, when he is mid-sentence, "NEXT"

He is pissed, and then throws a punch at my visor. My screen cracks. Unfazed, I continue, "Move out of the way, Mr. Doorman, I've got more parents to talk to,"

He steams his way out of my classroom, knowing very well he was the last parent in here.

-----Uzi's POV-----

Why does Ivan get cool guns and a cool outfit? Friggin' unfair! At least we've passed the forensics team and have arrived at the cyrosleep area.

Ivan yells, "J? Where are you?~"

N shuts him up real fast, for a good reason too. A human hand, attached to a metal arm is slowly making its way towards us. Thad is looking concerned about his and Ivan is aiming his gun at it already.

In one swift action, the hand grabs onto Thad's leg. He screams out in shock and pure terror, surprised by this move. Ivan reacts quickly, discharging several rounds into the arm, causing it to break and fall off.

I complain yet again, "Not fair that my railgun has a cooldown, and your gun doesn't!"

He replies with, "Mines shoot bullets, but yours can decimate an entire monster I bet."

With no winner to this conversation, we focus on Thad. He walks over casually, thanking Ivan, before being grabbed yet again by a large tentacle of sorts. Whee!


Words: 2407