
Lost Abyss

NNKS · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The Other End

As I walked through the portal it felt as if my body had been dragged by a rope for miles, at the other side of the portal a white light grew brighter as I got to the end. when i left the portal my head was spinning, it might of been because it was my first time doing it. Thus having thrown up everywhere and after a few minutes just calming down I finally had the time to take in my surroundings. 

Unlike my realm the abyss realm this place had life and colour everywhere, animals and insect you would normally see on earth, towering trees, their trunks adorned with mosses and vines, stand sentinel over the forest floor, their branches reaching skyward as if in silent praise. Shafts of golden sunlight pierce through the emerald foliage, dappling the ground with patches of warmth and illumination.

A carpet of lush ferns and delicate wildflowers blankets the forest floor, painting the landscape with a riot of colours - from the soft pastels of forget-me-nots to the fiery oranges of tiger lilies. Butterflies flit gracefully between the blooms, their iridescent wings shimmering in the sunlight as they dance on the gentle breeze.

Hidden among the verdant foliage, crystal-clear streams meander their way through the forest, their babbling waters weaving a serpentine path through the undergrowth. The air is filled with the soothing sound of trickling water, a melody that seems to lull the senses into a state of tranquil bliss.

although this place might seem great I felt a small strain as if being here felt wrong however this feeling was so small that I just ignored it. Moving on, getting up from where I had just puked everywhere, thinking about what the World soul told me, He said It would change which did get me a little curious. satisfying my curiosity I used my unique skill, 'Question'.

"World soul are you there?" immediately responding a mysterious voice rang through my ear's.

{I am here monarch} After checking that the world soul did in fact change I started asking a bunch of questions bombarding the world soul a few examples would be where am I, is it dangerous here, is there anyone else nearby etc.. 

I learned a lot from the World soul like, I am now on the planet called Alvana there are different races that live on this world such as dwarfs, elfs, Humans and more like monsters and mana beasts. monsters were just you typical thing you would find anywhere but mana beast were apparently on a whole other level to normal monsters the world soul also explained that the people here use something called mana, mana is something that can be developed in a persons body but nope everyone can develop one, the more developed it is the stronger they are allowing them to use magic and manipulate the elements, elements come in different forms like water and fire, earth and air, darkness and light, these are considered basic elements to people and only certain people can use more than one of the basic element, they also have sub element which is a more complex version of a basic element, take water or light for example this is a basic element, if a person who is a water mage can gain a profound understanding of their element they can manipulate it to change form, for water it would be ice and for light it could be something like healing, though the the stronger the power the harder it will be to control or obtain. 

I asked the World soul if I can use mana and It said it was not needed as I use skills instead. as I was talking and questioning the World soul to gain an understanding of the world I was checking my status again.

Species skill: Creation(you can create anything with your willpower and intelligence(E.g. Abyssal world(home))

Immediately realising what I could do I didn't hesitate, My hand started glowing as I used the creation skill, I was creating clothes for myself, don't really want to go walking around naked do I.

After a minute the clothes appeared and all had to do to get them was use the skill and think of what I wanted to happen.. realising how powerful this skill was I became a little nervous to keep using it but hey practice makes perfect right? just like with the portal and how I control my skills. The clothing I had made was a black one-piece dress which accommodated my wings along with a pair of heels and a white cloak with golden stripes. once I had the clothes I quickly put it all on, it fitted me perfectly.

"world soul do you know where I am right now?" 

{You are currently Deep in the great forest of elevire in the elven kingdom} 

To be honest I'm a person who likes to take things slow and understand things before I do anything and besides I'm not in a rush to meet people first of I want to understand what this forest is about as this is the first place I came to, I don't want to rush of and miss anything. And with that settled I should explore the area a little first get to know some of my surroundings.

== some time later ==

surprisingly my body didn't need to eat or drink, I'm guessing its something to do with my race or something but I didn't really mind though, the normal body is troublesome, always needing things like a constant supply of water and food to survive which in some cases lead to people fighting over it. I was happy with my new body It had no scars, blemishes, nothing was wrong with it. 

Exploring the forest was very fun I found a lot of new things, new areas, animals, plants. To my surprise the animal's in the forest didn't run away from me, instead they came over to me like they were a pet. A deer snuggled its face into my large chest, not rejecting the deer I started patting it, a little later lots of groups of different types of animal came over lying down next to my feet as if they felt it was safe around me. 

"this is so cool! I've never been around so many animals before" This was my first time being around so many animals and it made me exited they were all so cute and friendly towards me even a bear!

A few hours later after sitting with the animals they had all fallen asleep, although they were all so cute I didn't want to stay for long so I quietly got up and walked away from them while they all slept soundly.

I looked up at the sky and realised it was getting dark but I had nowhere to sleep I glanced at my creation skill a little nervous to use it. 

"I have to use it to sleep, I got this" 

The reason I was so hesitant to use the creation skill is because it felt a little uncomfortable to use it right now though I felt that would change with more practice with the skill. ready, I used it. my hand started glowing again a few minutes later a large house appeared. immediately in my mind I thought (Home...)

The exterior of the house is a masterpiece, crafted from polished wood, adorned with intricate carvings. Vines and ivy climb the walls, weaving through the wooden lattice that forms balconies and walkways, adding a sense of organic beauty to the structure. As I approaches the entrance, there was a grand archway, The door itself is a work of art, made from solid wood and stone

Upon entering the house, I was enveloped in a sense of serenity and wonder. Sunlight filters through stained glass windows, casting colourful patterns of light across the polished wooden floors. The interior is spacious yet cozy, with high ceilings supported by graceful arches and pillars carved to resemble intertwining branches. In every corner of this large house, there is a sense of harmony and balance. 

A smile appeared on my face as I was exploring the house (I always wanted to own a house In my past life though I never had that chance... However now I do)

getting tired I walked up the stairs to find a suitable room to make my bedroom, all of the rooms were great however I was more Attracted to the room with the balcony, I liked good views so I chose the balcony room as a suitable place for my bedroom. 

Not wasting any time I created a bed with fluffy pillows with a quilt and hopped in bed as my face landed on the pillows I immediately fell asleep.