
Lost Abyss

NNKS · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

First and Last?

In an old house far away from civilisation a girl was lying on the floor, the house itself was filthy with trash everywhere, mice and cockroaches moved around freely as if it was their home. The girl was very skinny and looked as if she was was on the verge of death, her clothes were torn and looked as if it had been worn for a very long period of time, The girls skin had been burned and mostly ripped off, her arms had been sliced up by a sharp weapon repeatedly that the old blood had stuck to her skin like super glue making her skin look red while the new blood was still pouring out of her wounds. The girls legs were the same as her arms except the tendons were cut making her unable to move, the girls empty eyes had lost all sense of understanding and emotion, her half dead corpse twitched as she took her final breath. 


"Where am I?" I thought, as I opened my eyes to see nothing but black, no blood or sharp weapons just darkness, everywhere. 

"S-So c-cold, Did I die?" I started to panic and my mind started racing about what to do. I didn't know If I was dreaming but after not waking up after a while I knew it wasn't a dream. After a while I eventually gave up my efforts to see if anything would happen.


I've been keeping track of time and I've been here for about two days, my mind has slowly started to accept that I'm most likely dead and I can't do anything about this freezing temperature.


Still here... It's been about two months now, I'm very bored since there's obviously nothing to do. I did try and move around a lot but I didn't know if I was actually moving or not, no surprise, nothing happened so I gave that up, I'm starting to lose hope that something will happen.


I have lost track of the time I've been here for, it could have been a year, ten, twenty, I wouldn't know I've lost the will to do anything my mind has been slowing down a lot and can barely think correctly...


My mind is coming to a point where it's going to stop soon I can feel it, I'm scared I don't know what will happen to me when it stops.


I'm going insane, my thought's are slowing down faster, I have lost all hope. "I wish I never died" 

[Unique skill, Immortal Soul Acquired]

"Huh?, did someone hear me?"

"hello?", no one answered, I tried again.

"hello is anyone there?", no answer.

Even though my mind has slowed down I can still think and 'talk' but I didn't know if I was actually talking or if it was my mind playing tricks on me making me think I was actually talking aloud. After a while I gathered my thoughts and came up with a theory that 'it' only talked back after the word 'wish' but there was only one way to find out.

"I wish I wasn't so cold"

[Skill, Cold nullification Acquired]

"ye-AHHHhhhh I-It-Its so hot now!"

"I-I wish I-it wasn't hot any more!"

[Skill, Heat nullification Acquired]

"sigh.. thank god that's over", as that happened my mind was stopping and I didn't realise.




[Searching suitable race... ....Surroundings being absorbed... .... (Void)]

[Unique skill, Void Space Acquired]

[Suitable race selected... Abyss Angel]

[Species skills: Gate of The Abyss. Abyssal Light. Abyssal Flame. Immortal body. Immortal Beauty. Creation(Abyssal realm)]

[Because you are the first and last of the abyss you have been given the Divine skills: Absolute Abyssal Eyes. Abyss's Judgement. Abyss's blessing. Abyss step]

[Selecting Best location... ...(User owns a Realm so you will be born there)... ...]

[Realm: uninhabitable... .. changing Realm to suit the user]

[Beginning reincarnation]

==== POV CHANGE ====

A place forgotten by most a monochromatic realm, the landscape stretches out endlessly in varying shades of grey. The sky hangs heavy overhead, a perpetual blanket of charcoal clouds that obscure any glimpse of sunlight or stars. The air is thick with a palpable sense of oppression, as if the very essence of colour has been drained from existence.

The land stretches out in undulating waves of muted tones, where the lush greenery of forests and meadows has been replaced by a sombre palette of greys and blacks. Trees rise from the earth like spectral sentinels, their branches reaching toward the sky in twisted silhouettes against the perpetual gloom.

Rivers wind their way through the landscape looking as if its not moving, their waters reflecting the dull light that filters through the heavy clouds above.

In a cave not too far from a giant forest Is a tree, this tree, although the world of grey had shown no sign of life this tree had a singular apple, this apple was not the shade of grey you would expect to find if this world did have life it was a different colour entirely. The apple was a glowing golden colour with a white and black hue covering it like a blanket. saying it stood out was an understatement, It's the only thing that has life in this world and its an entirely different colour from anything this world has to offer. The apple after a while started to glow more and more until it fell from the tree, once it fell from the tree an ethereal light enveloped the cave immediately as if it was swallowing it whole. Inside the cave the apple, now floating next to the tree absorbing everything around it not stopping. After a while the ethereal light was being sucked back in too and when it all ended a person can be seen manifesting.

The woman possesses an ethereal and alluring beauty that immediately captures attention. She has lustrous, white hair that cascades down her back in waves, framing her delicate yet striking features. Her eyes, a deep crimson hue, gleam with intelligence and intensity, adding to her captivating presence.

Her skin is flawless and pale, almost porcelain-like in its smoothness, contrasting the vibrant red of her eyes. Despite her seemingly delicate appearance, there is an undeniable and overwhelming aura of strength and authority that surrounds her, hinting at the power she wields.