
Losing myself in Fate

I, Jason Rodriguez 19 year's old was a regular truck driver. My life was already content with taking care of my parents laughing and enjoying the days of their last. ------------------------------------- To take care of my parents health, I had to drop out from the college and work as a construction site truck driver. -------------------------------------- At my last moment of life, I was driving back to park the truck at the company. When suddenly a kid came in the middle of the road. I used the steering wheel to make a sharp right turn, what I didn't expect another truck ram into me. Then I reincarnated, I regained my memories at the age of 7 with the help of system. My name is Shirou Emiya? And what is Mana and Od? A/N: I don't own the series, characters or any events. This is a fanfiction with crossover.

NoThigh_NoLife · Anime et bandes dessinées
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32 Chs

Training Noelle.

Time skip 'A week', Morning, Black Bulls Base.

A week passed since the disastrous mixer, Finral sempai recover so fast that in the next day he went into different mixer alone. While Asta went to common realm town in Nean to visit Rebecca to play with her siblings in off day.

Finral sempai was good enough to give him a lift to Nean with his spatial magic. While he went away to find new candidates for mixer.

Noelle and Me were outside the base in forest practicing as Noelle needed daily training for keeping her magic control in check.

"Haa!" Bthoom! She makes a huge water sphere and aims at a tree, but somehow her aim changed and the spell hit the ground making a huge crater.

She got successfull for only one time but rest, she had made craters all around because of her poor control. She had redden cheeks wondering Emiya would laugh at her poor performance. She waits for his remark.

"All right, that's enough here drink it." Emiya passes her water glass from jug as she was sweating a lot. She was training since dawn but still wasn't that successful.

Gulp* Gulp*

"Noelle, you have very large mana pool. You're doing better for your first time in practicing control over magic spells."

Noelle sighs in relax as she didn't get ridiculed or laugh at.

"Noelle what do you know about water and it's nature?" Emiya smiles and asks her.

"Umm....water can be shaped, changed to different state." She replies back and wonder's I'd she miss something.

"Yes, that's correct water can change into any shape, if you pour it into cup. It would occupy it's space, similarly if you put water in teapot. Water is shapeless and we could give it a shape by holding it an a cup, bottle or a teapot.

Water can flow or it can crash as water. It is one of the four major elements in nature.

The reason you can't aim properly is because you are trying to use a huge spell. That spell has lot of water and weight too, it's get harder to control when we don't have enough practice.

You can cast that spell easily when you have better casting speed. The fast you're the less load you have to take when forming a spell.

Noelle you're getting better so don't worry, ok. Let's start from basic, how about.... show me your smallest and fastest spell you can cast." Emiya first explains her about the nature of water before asking her to cast a spell.

She looks at Emiya seriously before casting her smallest spell. *Swoop*

From her childhood she had a problem with her spells. Even before she got a grimoire, she would often lose control of her spells causing chaos allmost everywhere. Her siblings would ditch her believing she was the reason of the death of their mothers.

Since getting grimoire, her magic practice remains the same as her control was still poor. But she could generate water and form them spheres.

Within a second she forms a smaller sphere of water (Radii of 10cm) than the ones she was practicing since the morning and fires infront.... showing to Emiya.

"Hmm... that's better how about making it smaller....it would take time, I believe you can do it."

Noelle follows and made a smaller sphere than before it was radii 7 cm then fires it at the ground. It took her 3 seconds. *Fwip*

"That's good, it would take you more time to form smaller spheres than this one. Now repeat the two spheres which you casted now continuously."

"But does it have any relationship with control? You said you would help me in teaching right?" She ponders a bit and asks Emiya as she didn't find any meaning about this training.

"Yes, that's the training for now you have to practice repetition so that it would remain in your mind, how much size you have to give it to your spell to make it easier for yourself. New spells can be created of our imaginations and emotions. While grimoire has spells which would help you a certainly.

But you have to discover new spells for versatility, for a mage it's better to keep more spells in their arsenal as to act in different situations.

This training would help you in concentration and shaping water through your instincts. The more you repeat it, the more you will find it easy casting other spells. For now you should practice the spells which I asked you after that you should check the spells on your grimoire.

You have large mana pool which would help you in practicing many spells so use it properly okay... anyways where's Gauche Sempai, I didn't find him today during breakfast was he on a squad mission."

"I don't remember well but he was muttering about some birthday. Yes, he went for Marie today.... that damn sis-con." Noelle shrug her shoulder remembering yesterday's dinner, when Guache was holding a photograph and muttering creepily didn't minding his nosebleed.

"Well leave he might cause a ruckus somewhere, anyways you should practice I'll meditate here." Emiya said before sitting down on ground before closing her eyes.

(Humph* It's not like I wanted to talk to you, I just wanted to u-use you for training.) She calms her breathing as she was looking at Emiya's face for a long time.


Bandit Gang spot, Commoner realm, Nean

There was a man sitting over a hundreds bandits which he had defeated. He would often open his locket to check a picture of his beloved little sister.

While he didn't mind his blooding nose.... the man was Gauche Adlai, a nobleman of House Adlai and a 1st Class Junior Magic Knight of the Clover Kingdom's Black Bull squad. Surrounding him were defeated bandits who were asking mercy for their crimes as they got throughly beaten.

"Too strong.... What was that magic?...."

"Well now, how do you want to die?" Gauche slams his foot over a bandit's head.

"Eeeek!! Sp..... spare us!! We'll stop attacking the village!"

"All right, I will not kill you today." *Shuffle* Gauche stood up taking his locket out.

Snap* He opens it, inside it was a picture of Marie. "Because today.... is my little sister Marie's birthday. Heh heh he heh."

Dribble* He started bleeding his nose looking at Marie's pic.


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