
los angeles detective

A detective travels across the United States and becomes an agent of the Los Angeles Police Department. After getting through the initial confusion, he repeatedly solved strange cases, became famous all over the world, and was called the most legendary detective in history...

Mansour_Zakaria_3118 · Urbain
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39 Chs

Chapter 32 Dating

  Steven was taken away by the lawyer.

  Marcus shrugged, "Just let him go?"

  Susan said, "The photo was not taken by Steven, and there is no reason to detain him according to California law."

  Jenny asked, "Does he have a motive?"

  " Motives cannot be used as evidence." Susan still looked serious.

  Luke was also a little depressed. If there were no lawyers in China, it wouldn't matter.

  As long as Steven has a motive, the direct trial will be clear.

  If Steven is suspicious, he investigates further.

  No problem, return his innocence, the police can focus their investigation energy on other directions, and rescue Alyssa faster.

  But California has California laws, and that doesn't work for Los Angeles.

  David sighed, "I deliberately provoked Steven just now. His emotions don't seem to be fake, and he can feel his feelings for his wife.

  I think... Alisa's disappearance probably has nothing to do with him."

  David finished , and looked at Luke aside, "What do you think?"

  Luke shook his head, "I don't have a wife." The deputy team   smiled

  , "Captain, what should we do next?"

If we find the common features of the three victims, we may be able to find new clues." Susan left the words and returned to the captain's office.

  The deputy team pouted, as if I had known it for a long time.

  David asked, "What ideas do you have for the deputy team?"

  "The captain doesn't have any. What new ideas can I have?"

  "Come on, everyone knows that you are resourceful, old and strong, don't be humble."

  The deputy team took out a comb from his pocket and brushed his hair, "From the current clues, the key person is Tony Will, who bought the modified Taser gun, no matter who is the suspect in the robbery, it cannot be avoided He must have a certain intersection with him.

  If Tony himself is the suspect, then he must also have a certain connection with the victim. Therefore, we will now focus our investigation on the relationship between Harry, Steven, Alisa and Tony. Contact.

  Of course, the focus is to investigate Steven."

  Matthew said, "I have checked before, Tony and these three people should not have direct contact." "

  Yes, Tony may not have this identity, but don't forget, Tony has only used a fake identity for twenty years, and the other party still has a real identity. What if the other party uses the real identity to connect with these three people?" The deputy team concluded, "Investigate the peripheral relations of these three people thoroughly

  , See if there is anyone suspected of Tony Will."

  "Yes, captain."

  "It's the vice-team, don't ask me to correct you again."



  Luke meets Daisy at the Fly Bar.

  Through several contacts, Luke has a good feeling for Daisy.

  To put it bluntly, he was greedy for her body.

  He had girlfriends in his previous life, but he had never talked to a foreign girl.

  I'm looking forward to it.

  eight o'clock.

  Luke meets Daisy at the door of the bar.

  Daisy was wearing a black professional dress. Although it was work clothes, it was still difficult to hide Daisy's curvaceous curves, but she looked a little tired.

  "Sorry, I asked you to wait for me again."

  "I just arrived too, go in."

  The two entered the bar and found a small square table for two.

  Luke ordered two glasses of wine and a fruit plate, and the waiter brought some free snacks for the two of them.

  Of course, tipping is indispensable.

  When he came to Los Angeles, Luke had the idea of ​​picking up girls for the first time.

  Depending on the country, culture, or race, Luke's previous method of picking up girls may not be effective.

  He is still in the groping stage.

  "Do you often come to this bar?"

  "My family lives nearby, and sometimes I would stop by for a drink on the way home from work to feel the smell of fireworks." "

  This is not what a beautiful woman in her twenties should say."

  Daisy smiled, "What about you? Do you often work overtime too?"

  "I used to work overtime a lot, and I was injured a while ago, which made me realize that there are many things in life besides work. Now I can try not to work overtime as much as possible. Unless there are special Circumstances or important clues."

  "Does your captain have any objections? Although I have only met her once, I feel that she is quite serious." "You have a

  point, and I am actively fighting to prove to her that I can do it without working overtime." It can complete the work of its part. Now it seems that the effect is not bad."

  The waiter came over with a tray and brought a small fruit plate and two glasses of wine.

  "Cheers." The two toasted each other.

  Daisy put down her glass, "By the way, how is the investigation of the Taser gun robbery going? Oh, if it involves a confidentiality clause, you don't have to say it."

  Luke ate an orange, "The case is more complicated than imagined, We have found several suspicious people, but there is no direct evidence of their crimes, and we are now in a stalemate."

  Daisy asked, "Are you sure that Tim, the suspect who robbed me, is not a suspect in the Taser robbery?" ?"

  Luke nodded, "He had an alibi for the first two Taser robberies."

  "I can't believe my luck is so bad now. I was targeted by robbers as soon as I went out." "

  Maybe you are too dazzling."

  Daisy raised her glass, "Anyway, thank you Arrive in time, otherwise... I will be embarrassed."

  Luke also raised his glass, "To your tires, it gave us this fate."

  Daisy laughed and joked, "Yeah, I'm going to give it Buy a separate insurance."

  "Haha..." Luke smiled.

  Afterwards, the two fell into a brief silence.

  Luke found a new topic, "How have you been in the past two days? Have any suspicious people harassed you?" "

  No, but... I work all day during the day and come home alone at night, and I still feel a little uneasy." "

  Then you I should consider finding a roommate."

  "I'm still used to living alone."

  Luke was somewhat disappointed, "Then install a surveillance camera."

  "I don't like surveillance, I feel like I'm the one being watched. I'm more nervous."

  This idea is very American, but Daisy's idea is also correct, hackers can indeed monitor in reverse.

  "Then use some small tricks."

  "What small tricks."

  "For example, find an inconspicuous string, clamp it on the door of the house, and check whether the string has been moved before going home.

  If the string falls If you fall or change a location, it means that someone may have entered the room. Although it may not be completely effective, it saves time, effort and money." Daisy thought for a while, "Sounds good,

  I will try it."

  " Hey, if you encounter suspicious situations, you can call me at any time."

  "Thank you."

  After chatting for a while, Luke offered to send Daisy home.

  The two slipped across the road for a while and came to Daisy's house on foot.

  Daisy's house is a two-story villa with no lights, so living alone would be a little scary.

  "Do you want me to take you in?"

  "No, thank you very much for taking me home." Daisy spread her hands and seemed a little embarrassed, "I'll treat you to a drink some other day." "Don't invite me in for a cup of coffee.

  " ?"

  Daisy smiled, pursing her red lips, "I have this idea, but I have to go to court tomorrow morning, and I have to rest early..." "

  Work is important, I can understand. You go in, ma'am Strongman."

  "Bye." Daisy greeted and went home.

  Daisy entered the house, turned on the light, and stood by the window waving to Luke.

  Luke waved and turned to leave.

  "Ding dong..."

  Daisy sent a text message, "See you tomorrow."

  (End of this chapter)