
los angeles detective

A detective travels across the United States and becomes an agent of the Los Angeles Police Department. After getting through the initial confusion, he repeatedly solved strange cases, became famous all over the world, and was called the most legendary detective in history...

Mansour_Zakaria_3118 · Urbain
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39 Chs

Chapter 3; A Week

 Working overtime is impossible.

  In his previous life, Luke spent most of his life staying up late and working overtime.

  When I was young, I stayed up late to do my homework, and it was normal to work overtime after work.


  Really enough.

  I lived so seriously, worked hard, and worked so hard, but in return I was covered with occupational diseases, and I saw God before I was forty.

  In this life, he wanted to live an easy life.


  Luke's mother's home is located in the Eno community.

  There is a small commercial plaza on the east side of the community, which is not large in scale, but there are supermarkets, convenience stores, fast food restaurants, and gas stations.

  Luke didn't want to be at the police station, and he didn't want to go home to his mother too early.

  I just want to find a quiet place for the meeting, that's all.

  Luke parked his motorcycle in front of a milk tea shop.

  Luke drank milk tea for the first time in Los Angeles, and the clerk recommended boba milk tea to him.


  Luke became very interested. After getting the milk tea, he realized that it was actually a large particle of pearl milk tea.


  Luke felt cheated.

  I found a seat by the window and sat down, took a sip of milk tea, it was sweet and sweet, even worse than domestic milk tea.

  Then, he started to daze.

  This is Luke's favorite thing to do after time travel.

  He still can't figure out why he traveled to Los Angeles.

  When he first crossed, Luke felt a sense of being cut off, and he desperately wanted to contact his relatives and friends in China.

  But out of professional sensitivity, Luke knew that he couldn't do this. He tried his best to restrain this strong desire and learn about the situation in Huaguo through other channels.

  This is a parallel world. Although it is also 2022, there has been no epidemic here, and he can no longer go back.

  Try to accept your new identity, but adjusting to life abroad is not as easy as you think.

  Before I knew it, it had been half a month...


  A voice suddenly sounded in Luke's head, [The host has been matched successfully, and the detective system has been activated... The first trial rewards an 'Adventure Card'. ]

  "What the hell?"

  Luke thought he had an auditory hallucination, and then an option menu appeared in his mind, and a warehouse interface appeared on the left.

  Luke patted his head and took a big sip of milk tea, the interface in his mind still existed.

  Soon Luke calmed down. Although it was a bit unbelievable, what was it compared to time travel?

  Rule out the possibility of mental problems.

  Luke's first consideration is whether this so-called 'detective system' will harm him?

  Luke inspected himself with no abnormalities, nor did he feel any discomfort, and for the time being, he did not find that the 'Detective System' was harmful to him.

  What's the use of studying the 'Detective System' next?

  There is a card on the warehouse interface with the word 'Adventure' written on it, and a small line of notes below [Passive card, function unknown]

  Luke thought in his mind, "System, what is the use of this card?"

  There was no response.

  Asked several times, still no response.

  It can only be understood literally - passively triggering some kind of adventure.

  Sounds pretty good, wondering if I can make some money?

  Suddenly, Luke had an occupational disease.

  There is a feeling of being 'peeped' by someone.

  Luke came back to his senses and glanced around. There were not many customers in the store, and no suspicious figure was found outside the window.

  "Could it be that I'm overthinking..."

  With a system suddenly in place, it's inevitable to be a little worried.

  Luke calmed down, the system was invisible, and as long as he didn't take the initiative to kill himself, no one would find out.

  I am a poor dick in Los Angeles, and there is nothing worthy of peeping except for being handsome.

  As for the Harley motorcycle, strictly speaking, it still belongs to the bank.

  The Harley was bought with a loan from the original owner. It cost 20,000 U.S. dollars, with a down payment of 4,000 U.S. dollars, a loan of 16,000 U.S. dollars, and a yearly interest of 600 U.S. dollars on the loan.

  The monthly repayment is $1400.

  Luke's current monthly salary is around $6,500.

  It stands to reason that his income is not low, but after deducting taxes, he actually got less than 5,000 yuan. In addition to the motorcycle loan, there are also card loans and foreign debts.

  After paying off the car loan and credit card loan at the beginning of the month, there are only a few hundred dollars left for living expenses.

  Luke just wants to make money now and rent a house.

  I don't want to live the days of being dependent on others.

  After get off work, lying on your own sofa watching TV, drinking beer, and eating fried chicken, this is life.

  Now, he can only live this kind of life in his dreams.

  Hope this card can bring you good luck.


  Thursday morning, 8.58.

  Luke walked into the 'Robbery-Murder Division' humming a ditty.

  With one more system, he is in a good mood.

  David, a bald white man, looked over, and Luke pointed his middle finger without waiting for him to speak.

  David was not angry either, "Congratulations, you have won the lottery."

  "What do you mean?" Luke was vigilant. The 'Detective System' was exposed?


  That thing can't be seen or touched, how could it be discovered?

  David pointed to the captain's office, "Queen Susan has summoned you."

  "It's a childish trick, I won't be so stupid as to throw myself into the trap." Luke had just breathed a sigh of relief, but he also had a bad premonition.

  "I conveyed it." David shrugged his shoulders, as if you could believe it or not, "Goodluck."


  A few minutes later, Luke entered the captain's office.

  "Captain, are you looking for me?"

  "Yes." With a cold face, Susan pointed to the opposite chair and signaled Luke to sit down.

  "What are your orders?"

  Susan leaned forward and pressed her elbows on the table, "I haven't been transferred to the 'Robbery-Murder Division' for a long time, and I can feel that you don't like me. I don't either. But I


  n't Hope to bring this emotion to work."

  "You misunderstood, I never had this idea."

  "Luke, your whole body is not in the right state after the last injury. Refuse to work overtime and pick and choose tasks. , and you are always absent-minded in meetings.

  If you are unable to take on your current job due to injury, I can help you apply for a transfer and change to a lighter position." If it was a few days ago,

  Luke might not care about the transfer, but now it is different .

  I just got the Detective System, and I haven't figured out how this system is triggered, but from the name, the 'Detective System' may be related to the police profession.

  He does not know whether the job change will affect the 'magic detective system'.

  Even if it's for the detective system, stay temporarily.

  "The last time I was injured, my mentality did change a bit. I realized that my family is the most important thing, and I wanted to spend more time with my family, so I didn't want to work overtime. I believe in my ability, and I

  can do my job well without working overtime. I will become a An indispensable part of this team."

  "I would like to believe in you.

  But your current state and the evaluation of you by your colleagues make me doubt it.

  I hope to see your actions and changes. Otherwise, no matter what you want If you don't want to, I will help you apply for a transfer, understand?"

  "Give me half a month, and you will see my value in the team." Half a month is enough for Luke to understand the 'Detective System'.

  Susan's tone was emotionless, "You only have one week."

   Haha, I have opened a new book, and I haven't opened a new book for half a year. I really miss all the book friends.

    I have never left the game, and I have been reading materials, watching American TV series, and researching new books, hoping to make a breakthrough for myself.

    I will carefully write the story and every character well. Thank you for your support, and I hope you can read it well.

      (end of this chapter)