
Lord Who Visit Another World

A normal man reincarnated into a fantasy world as a Lord. He also gets a versatile pocket dimension that can be used as a place for him to train, relax, and sleep. He doesn't know why he gets that power and why he gets reincarnated to that world, but he will enjoy every day of it.

LuxVonDeux · Anime et bandes dessinées
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161 Chs

Monster Wave

I look around the room and see many people have a grim expression on their faces. Currently, I'm in the war room, where many high members of military groups gather. The older one is Duke Lampert Gideon von Vasper, my Granduncle and the Grand Marshal of the Vulux kingdom.

He is the one that holds the most territory in the south and the one that guards the border between the Vulux kingdom and the Holy Light Empire. He is the tip of the spear if there is an invasion coming at the Vulux kingdom.

He is coming from my mother's house, the Vasper house. They are the more traditional house where the boy needs to dedicate their entire life to the martial field while the girl needs to dedicate their lives to become a perfect lady.

Unlike my grandmother's house, where many of their ladies can choose their path if that path did not hinder the family matter. That is why I have a difficult life. The family from my grandmother's side demanded me to learn some physical arts like sword art or archery. On the other hand, the family from my mother's side demanded me to be a perfect lady, delicate, not showing the sign of manliness and unable to intervene with political matters.

That is why I don't have any martial art experience under my belt. However, lucky for me, my grandmother decided to teach me archery when I'm a little bit older after arguing with my granduncle.

Anyway, right now, we are inside the war room to discuss the fate of the northern region of Vulux Kingdom. It has been a day since the sign of the S-class monster, and right now, we are waiting for the magician we call from the Tower of Magic to show us the situation in the northern region.

It is a tradition to hire a high-class mage from the Tower of Magic to show us the situation in the place where the S-class monster is born. This spell is called the All-Seeing spell. It is a little bit pompous as it cannot see anything, but it is good enough to spy on other countries without a problem.

I snap from my thought when I see a portal appear in the middle of the room, and coming from the portal are five older men wearing long Black robes indicating that they are a Grandmaster mage. Mage has its own rank. Unlike adventurers that only use a single alphabet as their rank, the Tower of Mage uses a full title.

Student -> Apprentice -> Journeyman -> Master -> Grandmaster -> Arch Mage -> Five-Star Mage -> Four-Star Mage -> Three-Star Mage -> Two-Star Mage -> One-Star Mage -> Sorcerer.

While the others have a really different in terms of power, the Five-star to one-star mage doesn't have a distinct difference in terms of power. They used it to stroke their ego as it was the title of five Vice-leader of Tower of Mage. The same with sorcerers. While yes, the title Sorcerer is given to the most powerful mage in the Tower of Magic, the holder of this title is not too different from the other star mage.

I snap from my thoughts when I hear my father greet the mage group in front of me. However, I ignore them when I hear my power saying.

|5 unscanned individuals are detected. Do you want to scan them?|


|Scanning... Scan completed|

I look at their stats and stay at the most powerful mage in the group, according to their INT stats.

|Anderson Lagul|

|Grandmaster of Tower of Magic|

|76 years old|


|STR: 15|

|VIT: 50|

|INT: 575|

|WIS: 32|

|What he feels about you|

{Disgusted at you. Disgusted because you don't have any magic in you. Annoyed being sent here by the Arch Mage}

Oh great! A racist mage! My father hired a racist mage. Great, just great. Not only is he a racist mage, but he is also weaker than Isaac by a massive amount! I know this mage can enchant his body using magic, but I have a suspicion he can only reach Isaac's unenchanted physical stats!

Not only weak at physical stats, but this mage is also weaker than Isaac in terms of magic. The only reason this mage has a good amount of VIT stats is because of his magic and maybe magic item or potion.

"Do you want to send the All-Seeing Spell to another noble?"

"Yes. Sent them to all the noble in the Vulux Kingdom."

"Very well. We shall begin the ritual."

The mage group begins to chant some random word I don't understand, and I can feel the air begin to change. It becomes thicker than normal. The air feels like it can be cut with a sword.

The longer they chant, the more sweat begins to drop to the ground. It was like they are struggling to cast their spell as I can see their face become paler than normal. After two minutes of chanting, a pillar of light appears in the middle of their formation, and a second later, the pillar of light cracks and creates a hundred balls of light, and it begins to disappear from the room.

After chanting, the mage began to drop like a fly and went unconscious. The servant takes the mage away from the war room and places them in the guest room.

However, Ignore them and look at the ball of light that begins to show me Isaac shouting at the army who fight against the monster that gathers around the place where the S-rank monster is born.

I then hear him shouting at his men while holding the spear high in the air.

"I'm sure you hear the sound of their roar! The sounds of the damned try to resist! Stomp them out! Stab them out! Kill them all!"

Isaac's voice is like the roar of a lion that roars at his enemy. His men also follow his speech with a command like a well-oiled machine and stomp, stab and kill the monster that is coming at them.

This is what makes fighting against the S-Class monster need the might of the entire kingdom. S-class being born will attract many monsters from the surrounding area. Not only the northern area but the southern area is also affected by this.

Many monsters migrate to the north to come to the S-class monster. From a weak F-class monster to a strong A-class monster, they gather at one spot—the area where the S-class will be born.

I widen my eyes when I see a massive cyclops appear from the forest with a massive club in its hand. This monster is a B+ monster with thick skin and massive physical power. However, before it can reach Isaac and his army, Isaac leaps to the sky and uses the air as his ground to create a second jump, the third and the fourth, before he appears in front of the cyclops.

He twirls his spear around, and suddenly a pillar of water coming from the lake nearby shoots out toward him and hits the cyclops. After hitting the cyclops with a water jet, Isaac changes the water's shape into a water ball and begins to drown the cyclops with it.

However, instead of leaving the Cyclops to experience a slow death, he takes a deep breath and then releases an ice breath at the monster. From its toe, the cyclops begin to freeze up. In a span of a few seconds, the cyclops freeze solid. Isaac then stabs the cyclops with his spear and destroys it with a single stab.

He then looks at his men, who look at him in awe before shouting at them.

"Men! What is our mission!"


"Not a single monster will be spared! There is one thing to do! Create a living hell!"


Like a blazing fire that gets petrol thrown at it, it begins to blaze even more. That is how the northern people do after they hear Isaac's speech and action. They stab, slice, and even punch the monster with all they can.

"I, Isaac Lionheart, Call the power of the Stars! Heal! Cure! Let my ally feel your power! Polaris!"

After he finished his chant, a bright symbol appeared above Isaac's head, and it shone with power. A second later, a bright light begins to illuminate the army that holds the monster. I widen my eyes when I see the light heal not only them but also the monster that is touching it. It damages them!

"Why do we go deeper into the flame? Charge head-on into the monster horde? What a ridiculous question! It is for the sake of our loved ones! To the battlefield! To the frontlines! Then the edge of deaths! Show this commitment from casting your life away! Offer your loyalty! Your obedience! And your very own souls! Submit every fiber of your being, raising a triumph shout! Go forth! Go and prove that we can create a better future!"


With another war cry, all the soldiers start to fight like a mad man. They continue to push and push forward like a man being possessed. They ignore any injury, pain, and even death. Their only mission? Extermination.

"Are these the people I am trying to antagonize?"

I look at my father as if he is an idiot. Wait a minute. He is an idiot.

Now you can feel my pain!

The advanced chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


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