
Tuesday 11th July, 9:40am

Findore met the group at the doors to Gringotts and waved them over. "Stay close. And for pity's sake remember that you are meeting with the leader of a nation and be respectful, I would like to keep my head if its the same to you."

"Sirius has eaten, so hopefully he will behave himself now." Harry glared at the man in question who just shrugged.

"What is wrong with him anyway? Was he dropped on his head as a baby?" The goblin asked as he led the group through a maze of tunnels to a solid pair of doors.

"Hey!" Sirius objected, but was ignored by the rest of the group.

Harry shook his head at the goblin. "Not that I am aware of, although it would explain a lot. No the idiot just thought it would be a good idea to go out drinking last night knowing full well we were coming in early this morning."

Findore thumped on the door thrice, slow and deliberate. "And you thought that bringing a man who shows this lack of professionalism to meet the Chieftain was a good idea?"

"Unfortunately Sirius is needed for this meeting, but hopefully it will teach him to grow up some. Keep your mouth shut Sirius." That last part was enforced with a point in the direction of the man who was about to interject. "Children are to be seen but not heard."

Sirius scowled at that but before he could respond the doors were thrust open to reveal a small, very opulent room heavy on the gold and marble. Two heavily armed goblins were standing in the back corners, each with armour head-to-toe, a sword at the hip, a shield and spear in hand. The only other occupant was a sharply dressed goblin who had opened the doors.

The smartly dressed goblin stepped to the side and waved in the five outside the room, before closing the doors behind Kingsley Shacklebolt who was the last to enter. He then placed a hand on the wall next to the door and muttered something under his breath.

It was most disconcerting for the humans when the entire room started to rapidly descend. It was so fast that at times Harry felt like his feet were starting to lose their connection to the floor, and all he could think about was what would happen when it came to a stop.

It kept descending for at least a minute, maybe two, before it started to slow down and eventually came to a smooth halt. The same goblin opened the door and ushered them into a wide hallway lined with benches on each side and armed guards standing at intervals in between the benches.

There were dozens of goblins seated on the benches, all obviously in their finest garb, many looking nervous at the prospect of going before the Chieftain, either seated on their own or in small groups. All the noise, muffled as it had been, ceased upon the entrance of the humans as all those seated turned as one to look at them. Even a mother-goblin who had been lecturing a uninterested young goblin stopped mid sentence to stare.

After several seconds of silence chaos ensued as everyone started speaking at once while pointing at the group. Many jumped between the humans and the door, ready to lay their lives down in defence of The Nations leader despite being unarmed, before the armed guards waved them back to their seats. Despite this many of the goblins still eyed the humans with distrust and fear.

The goblin from the lift rushed down the hallway to the large bejewelled doors at the end where he whispered to the guards stationed there and slipped through one of the doors. Following at a much more sedate pace Findore led the group through the hall/waiting area.

"There is no precedent for such a meeting to occur here within the Goblin Nation and as such we haven't decided on who among you is allowed to enter the room, and more importantly who is allowed to be armed…" The account manager trailed off as he wrung his hands, obviously nervous.

Without pause Harry produced both of his wand and thrust them into Tonks' hand. "Sirius give her your wands as well. Shack will keep his and come in with us while Tonks waits here."

"I'm not giving up my wands!" Sirius barked out.

Kingsley also raises his objections. "I like your confidence Lord Potter but as good as I am we will no doubt be outnumbered and on my own I won't be able to protect the two of you."

"We are meeting with a potential ally, one wand will be plenty. I would also like to point out that I am hardly defenceless without my wand." The teen waved away their concerns.

Trusting in his Godson Sirius gave his wands over to his cousin, but Shacklebolt still wasn't convinced. "I know you have been training in secret and are keeping things from Tonks and me, and I have been willing to give you your privacy, but you have to give me something otherwise I can't let you continue, as damaging as that might be to the war effort."

Taking a step back from the group Harry closed his eyes and concentrated before raising his hands before his chest. A second later the gleaming silver Sword of Gryffindor appeared in his clasped hands, blade pointed at the ceiling.

"Knarfulk-Gur-Silverhand!" Findore gasped out.

Once more chaos erupted as everyone yelled out, human and goblin alike, as they rushed to get a glimpse of the famous sword. In the excitement even the guards forgot their duty and added to the throng.

The ring was four bodies deep before the Aurors realised the position that they were in and started getting angsty, which Harry picked up on. "Findore can you get everyone to back up."

"Huh? What? Oh right!" Snapping out of his daze the Goblin snapped out something in his native tongue.

The trained guards were the first to remember themselves and returned to their posts, followed reluctantly by the rest of the goblins, although all kept their eyes fixed on the legendary blade. No longer being surrounded the Aurors started to relax but maintained their focus on the sword.

"May…" Findore started but then had to stop and regain his composure. "May I touch Knarfulk-Gur-Silverhand?"

Harry silently handed the sword over to the awed goblin, hilt first, whose hands were shaking. Slowly the Account Manager ran a finger over the intricate work of the handle and then along the blade, tracing the writing found there.

"Never in my life did I expect to see one of the Twins of Doom, let alone hold one. This day will not soon be forgotten by me and my clan." Slowly, reluctantly, he returned the sword to its owner. "Would you grant a boon to my people?"

Harry raised an eyebrow at the goblins tone and actions, having never before seen one so reverential, and never expecting to it was quite surprising. "Just what sort of boon do you have in mind?"

"Would you allow all the goblins present, if they so wish, to touch Knarfulk-Gur-Silverhand?" Findore asked with a odd gleam in his eye.

There was a palpable intake of breath as all of the goblins within hearing distance, which was the entire hall, leant forward. It was cunningly done by the account manager as there was no polite way for Harry to refuse now that everyone knew, but he didn't understand what the goblin hoped to achieve.

With no other options available to him the Gryffindor took the plunge. "Of course, Findore."

With a wide grin on his face at his clients acceptance he barked out orders in his native tongue to the goblins waiting to see the Chieftain. They were quick to respond and in a matter of seconds they were all standing in single file before Harry. Resting the blade on his two hands, one under the blade and the other under the handle, he nodded at the first goblin in line.

The first goblin, a female, stepped forward and with utmost reverence laid her hand over the large ruby and the end of the hilt and closed her eyes. After several seconds she opened her eyes again and reluctantly retreated to her seat, eyes firmly fixed on the sword. The next goblin laid a single finger upon the blade and stared at it with both wonder and longing.

Thusly the procession proceeded, some touching the gem, others the hilt or blade, a couple didn't even touch the blade and simply stood there for a short period of time hand outstretched towards it. It was without a doubt the oddest thing Harry had ever experienced, which is saying something given all that he had seen and done since finding out he was a wizard.

After the procession had finished the guards came up in pairs to touch it, without fail all grasping the hilt. Their experience with weapons showing in the care and confidence with which they touched the weapon, while admiring it's workmanship. Unlike their brethren who appreciated the sword for its beauty they were obvious in how they appreciated its deadly nature.

When the last goblin had paid homage to the blade and the artisan who had made it Sirius held out his hand and indicated for it to be handed over. After a quick inspection of the weapon he gave it a quick swing through several of the motions he had been taught in his youth.

"It's a fine weapon, Harry. Hopefully you never have to use it." The godfather relinquished it to its owner.

Harry had just banished the sword back to the ether when the doors were thrust open and the group was waved in, one member smaller with Tonks staying behind. The goblin from the lift announced the group, first in English and then in the goblin tongue, and they were brought before the throne.

The Chieftain's throne room was almost distastefully opulent. Marble, precious metals, gemstones. The wealth of an artisan nation clearly displayed for all to see.

At the back of the room, smack bang in the middle of the wall, was a large throne of bones. Worryingly enough Harry was sure he could make out more than a few bones that came from humans. Seated on the throne was a goblin wearing a shiny golden chainmail coat, and pure gold greaves and gauntlets.

"His Eminent Grace, Chieftain Jewelmaw the Wise, Lord of the Goblin Nation in Britain and Egypt and admired by the Goblin people across the globe may I introduce to you Lord Sirius Black, of the Black Family, and Lord Harry Potter, of the Potter and Peverell Families." Findore boomed out as he formally introduced both parties.

Sirius dipped his head, it was all that a Son of Black was willing to do, while Harry bowed fully. "Chieftain Jewelmaw, thank you for taking the time to meet with us this morning."

"What a historic day this is Lord Potter, Lord Black. Rarely have Wizengamot members been invited into this room outside of the times when peace treaties have had to be negotiated between our two species. I must say I was surprised to receive your request and my curiosity is piqued, let us dive straight into business." The Chieftains voice was rich and strong.

A quick glance at each other had the two Lords silently debating who should speak. Unsurprisingly it was the younger of the two who answered. He was the more mature and respectful of the two after all.

"As I am sure you are aware for centuries the Most Noble Lords have had duties on top of their Wizengamot responsibilities. These duties include being representatives to certain institutions throughout the British World, examples being at Hogwarts and with Her Majesty the Queen. We feel that one mighty institution that has been overlooked for too long is Gringotts. With the support of the rest of the Hereditary Lords we feel it is time to rectify that." Harry was trying to lay on the flattery.

That caused quite a stir, as Jewelmaw sat up straighter and his advisers to each side of the room started whispering to each other. What surprised Harry is that a lot of what he heard, despite only being able to understand the tone, was angry.

Jewelmaw snarled out his response. "For centuries the Goblin Nation has defended Gringotts. We have fought tooth and nail, we have bled and died, and still we fought on! Now you try to sneak it out from under us with honeyed words? Never!"

Harry raised his hands. "I think you misheard me, please allow me to explain further."

"Explain, but be quick about it. Perhaps we can avoid war and bloodshed." The Chieftain sat there, clenching and unclenching his fists.

"Lord Black would work as the Wizengamot ambassador to Gringotts Bank, and if you will take him Chieftain Jewelmaw, ambassador to you and the Goblin Nation. His job is then to keep you updated on the happenings in the Wizengamot, particularly any that could affect Gringotts or the Nation. He would also act as the go between between Gringotts, and yourself, and the Wizengamot and Ministry for any concerns or problems raised. An example would be if you found out about crimes committed against Gringotts Lord Black would then go before the Wizengamot and petition for the individual to be handed over to face Goblin justice, or at least to ensure prosecution in the Magical world. It would be a very similar arrangement to the one the Lord Ruwas has with Her Majesty the Queen, which more than anything shows how highly respected such a position is. You cannot stop us placing Lord Black with Gringotts, as it is within our powers, but we don't want to force something as we want this to be a mutual decision of great benefit to each party, however if you accepted him into the position of Wizengamot adviser to the Chieftain it would put you on the same standing as her Majesty which I am sure you are aware has never happened before in any magical nation." It was a lot to go through and Harry was a bit winded by the end of it.

A couple of the Chieftain's advisors spoke up trying to have their voice heard over all the others. Some sounded angry, some sounded concerned, others excited, but Harry was unable to catch any meaning behind the foreign dialect. He added learn Goblin to his mental checklist of things he needed, or at least a translation device.

Jewelmaw casually raised a hand and silence instantly descended on the room. Lowering the hand to the arm of his throne he started drumming his nails on the gold. Advisors weren't the goblin who would have to answer to the Council of Greybeards. Or face the possibility of a knife in the back in the middle of the night.

"While your words are honey sweet, human, your species has a track record of failing to honour agreements." The drumming of fingers had stopped.

"Perhaps, but so has the Goblin Nation to be fair… Let us not dwell on the failures of diplomacy that were the works of our forefathers, but strive to make a better future for our descendants. Maybe this venture will end in failure, but maybe it will bring a level of understanding between our two nations that has been sorely lacking. Perhaps today we can prevent future conflict by coming to an agreement." Sirius spoke up, and his diplomatic tone and words caught Harry by surprise.

A goblin in full battle raiment, not bejewelled and showy like a couple of the attendants but rather well cared for battle-wear, pounded the metal cap of his spear-shaft into the ground. "We are not fools, you want something from us, and given the Voldemort situation I can guess what it is. You want warrior-goblins to fight and die so that you cowards don't have to."

Harry took a few moments to ensure that he understood the goblins words, he had a thick accent, before responding. "Incorrect. If a goblin was to shed any blood during this dispute it would be a disaster. Voldemort would gain dozens, hundreds, of new recruits if that were to happen. We will deal with them ourselves, it's the only way to not just defeat the self-stylised Dark Lord but also to cut out the cancer that allowed him and his followers to rise."

"Then what is it you want?" The Goblin, who Harry assumed was a General, asked.

"We want your support so that when we make decisions we are confident that you will help us enforce it. An example being that we have created a ward scheme that will allow you to identify, and trap, Death Eaters thanks to the Dark Mark which they wear. We are having it installed in several places, and we feel that a strategic location would be the Bank. We understand that you won't put a Wizard-made ward up but if we give you a copy you will be able to test it and develop a Goblin-ward that would fit the same purpose." Harry understood that he was walking a fine line, and going too far would do irreversible damage to Wizard-Goblin relations.

This caused a stir among the Chieftain's attendants who whispered to each other as a very old looking goblin hobbled over to Jewelmaw and had a quiet private conversation. Harry gave them an extra modicum of privacy by diverting his attention and inspecting the throne room. Beyond the wealth that was on display the room also told a story.

The back wall, which was where the door they had come through was located, held four giant tapestries. The first two to the left of the door and the others on the right. One depicted a giant creature which Harry had no idea as to its identity, towering over the peaks of a mountain range. It had six arms that all had muscles bulging. In one hand he held a hammer, and in another he held a chisel.

In the next the creature, still wielding the chisel and hammer, appeared to be crafting humanoid beings. It took Harry several seconds to realise that the humanoids were in fact goblins, and therefore the giant creature must be some sort of goblin deity. The tools led him to believe it was the god of crafting.

On the other side of the door the first tapestry showed five different boats heading in different directions, each with different coloured sails boasting different symbols. The last showed the ship with the yellow sail pulling into a cove that Harry couldn't even guess at its location. From what he knew of Gringotts history it could have been either Egypt or England.

One of the side walls had a giant marble relief depicting several pitched battles between goblins and enemies. Wizards, trolls, centaurs even some dragons were present in the artwork, and the abundant use of gold and silver overlay as well as precious gems brought them to life. It was a masterpiece and Harry knew that it was priceless, let alone its sentimental value to the Goblin Nation.

What surprised Harry the most about the relief was the fact that in two of the battles depicted the goblins clearly lost. While loses can stoke the fires of future victories in his opinion it was unusual for loses to be displayed so prominently, instead of exaggerating the victories. He knew that the Ministry most certainly wouldn't.

Adorning the wall behind Jewelmaw's throne were two banners, one on each side of the throne. The left was the same yellow-gold as the ship from the tapestries with a crossed black pickaxe and spear above some writing in a language Harry couldn't read. The continued display of it led Harry to believe it was either the flag or crest of the British Goblin Nation.

The other banner was a royal purple colour. It featured a rampart Manticore getting lanced by a heavily armoured goblin, shield raised to fend off the beasts deadly tail. Given how dangerous a Manticore is it certainly was an impressive crest, and had to either belong to Jewelmaw or his clan. Assuming the crest was earned from a true event it was a feat worthy of legend.

The final wall featured another marble relief to mirror its opposing wall. Instead of showing the military history of the Nation it showed it's feats of artistic mastery. There were depictions of great mines, the building of Gringotts, the finding of spectacular gems and the forging of historic artifacts. Harry was fairly certain he saw the forging of the Sword of Gryffindor and an identical sword that was gold rather than silver and had emeralds instead of rubies.

The elderly goblin bowed to the Chieftain and took a step back from his leader. Jewelmaw turned his attention back to the humans and started drumming his fingers on the arm of the throne once more. Knowing it would be impolite to keep inspecting the room Harry returned the Chieftains gaze.

"What would be the purpose of this ward scheme? You made it clear that you don't want us to kill those identified, so what value would they give us?" The sounds of affirmation from those in attendance showed that it wasn't just Jewelmaw's opinion that he was voicing.

Harry nodded slowly to show he understood their concerns. "Firstly it will allow you to track who are Death Eaters, which we will combine with the list that we are compiling for a better overview of just who our enemy is. Secondly we have agreed to allow a blanket twenty percent markup for all Marked Death Eaters. Meaning that when you would usually charge 5 galleons per hundred you can charge 25, call it a overseer fee if you will. This will compensate you for your time and effort while also having the extra benefit of slowly bleeding the bastards dry without them even realising it."

A lot of teeth were shown as goblins around the room grinned at that. If there were two things the goblins loved they were profit and killing your enemy without them even realising it was happening. "We will make no promises but our people will look at the ward scheme at evaluate possible applications for it."

"Thank you Chieftain Jewelmaw." Sirius said for both of them.

"In regards to your placement as a Gringotts advisor to the Wizengamot Lord Black, you are correct that any attempts to block it will cause more problems than we would like so we will allow it. However until you prove your worth and trustworthiness there will be no agreement between myself and the Nation for an advisory position. The Goblin Liaison Office in the Ministry is a joke, an offensive one at that, but if you turn out to actually be of value we might very well take you up on that." Jewelmaw's declaration brought out some murmurs but most of the goblin attendants didn't seem surprised.

Sirius dipped his head in a shallow bow and thanked the leader of the Nation for his consideration and wisdom in this matter. Harry assume it was mainly polite nothings that protocol required because it sounded so unlike the Padfoot that the boy knew.

"We have one question for Lord Potter-Peverell… You are Heir Black as well unless We are misinformed?" The Chieftain inquired.

"Yes Chieftain, however unless Sirius dies before my oldest son by the future Lady Black, Daphne, reaches his majority I will never be Lord Black. My hope is that I will have at least two sons so that I will not have to pass on too much responsibility to anyone." Harry answered the question honestly, as well as filling in what he assumed was the unasked question.

Jewelmaw grinned a toothy grin and nodded at that. "That is good. We were worried that you would take the position seriously while you need it now in this time of strife but would forget it later, but clearly you do not want to be in the position of needing to sacrifice this responsibility. It makes us a little more confident in how serious you are taking this."

"Chieftain Jewelmaw may I make a suggestion, more of a request actually, regarding how this advisor position is handled?" Harry waited for permission before he continued. "I believe that an employee of Gringotts, Bill Weasley, will request a transfer to your London branch if he hasn't already. I believe he will want to fight in this war, and also be closer to his family, both of which are understandable, however one of the ways he will seek to do this is by being a part of a certain organisation which I fear will put him in a tight position with regards to his employment Oaths. A better solution, I believe, would be to have him as the initial partner for Lord Black in Gringotts. Have a Goblin work alongside him so that the Nation knows that we are not part of a conspiracy against you with the ultimate goal of having that goblin take over after he is more familiar with the Wizarding world and the Wizengamot. This will allow Bill to feel he is an important part of this fight without putting his work for the Nation in jeopardy, will lesson the chance of miscommunication early in this new relationship, and will soon lead to more understanding between Wizards and Goblins. Given that Sirius will only be here one, two days max, a week I am sure that you can find a use for as talented of an employee as Mister Weasley the rest of the week."

Jewelmaw waved over a new goblin and quickly talked to him before addressing the wizards. "We will consider the request and review the file on this Mister Weasley alongside the Council Of Greybeards, and if We are satisfied we will interview him. At this stage it seems a reasonable request."

Turning his attention to the goblin who ushered the group in he said a few quick words before that goblin and Findore came over to lead out the clearly dismissed wizards. Harry however stayed where he was and wouldn't budge. This caused a stir.

"Come, it is time to leave. The Chieftain has dismissed you!" The usher desperately sputtered out as he tugged on the boys sleeve.

"I have some personal business with the Chieftain and the Nation. It was not proper to mention it earlier as we were here on Wizengamot business but now I, Lord Harry James Potter-Peverell, request an audience with Chieftain Jewelmaw of the Goblin Nation of Britain and Egypt." Harry stood tall at attention as he proclaimed his audience request.

The goblin leader raised his hand. "This is most irregular but you have earned yourself a little goodwill, be careful as it would be a shame to lose it all. However it would be a waste of time for all involved to send you out to wait for a little postering on Our behalf. Speak your personal business Lord Potter-Peverell."

"Thank you. As you may or may not be aware recently I gained possession of a goblin artifact. The Sword Of Gryffindor, Knarfulk-Gur-Silverhand, came to me in a time of peril and now seems to believe that I own it because it answers my call at will. I understand that many of the Nation question the right of ownership after the purchaser dies as they feel it should revert to the maker or his clan… I am unsure about that but I respect it, and certainly don't feel a right to pass it down to my descendants when I never purchased it. With this in mind I signed a document, one that was enforced by my magic, so that upon my death it will be returned to the Nation." Harry stopped here mainly because of the noise made by the goblins attending.

At a signal from the Chieftain the guards started slamming their spear-butts into the ground and a silence fell over the room. "You would do that for the Nation?"

"It has already been done, Chieftain Jewelmaw. I signed it a few days ago. I must warn you, and the Nation, that there are several safeguards in place that will be enforced by magic itself. Should a goblin knowingly be involved in my death in a non-natural way the sword will never be returned to the Nation and will be displayed in a place of pride in Hogwarts. This is just so that you don't have your guards don't cut me down on my way out of the building today so that you can get the sword. Not that I thought you would but with passions running high a goblin might zealously do something they will later regret." Harry clarified for all who were listening.

"If what you say is true and Knarfulk-Gur-Silverhand is returned to the Nation your name will live forever in our histories, but we will not hold our breath. After all you wizards have lied to the Nation and made many promises over the centuries." Somehow the goblin sounded both doubtful and respectful at the same time.

"I feel that the Potter's have always been honest and respectful with the Nation." Harry responded.

Jewelmaw shook his head at that. "Respectful? In 1748 it was the Potter's who decided that goblins would be banned from being allowed possession of wands!"

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, but the Nation had just lost the 1746-1748 rebellion and the Wizengamot was planning on taking Gringotts from you in compensation. Lord Potter didn't trust the Ministry to be trustworthy and discreet with how they would handle the bank and couldn't allow that to happen so raised the stripping of the right to wands as a better alternative. The rest lapped up the chance as it would allow them a level of superiority in their own heads. Lord Potter was well aware of the fact that only about 1 in a hundred goblins are able to manifest magic in a way that would allow them the use of wands so realistically it wasn't taking away a lot, certainly not compared with if the Nation lost control of Gringotts."

That brought forward more muttering, including plenty of angry tones. The Chieftain indicated to the guards who stamped until silence descended upon the room. "Our historians will investigate what you have said. However nothing more can be gained from discussing this, so you may go."

There was no debating this dismissal so the group left, meeting up with Tonks who had been nervously waiting for them.


Friday 14th July 1995, 10:30am local time.

Harry was seated at one of the desks in the library of the South African Potter Manor going over some projected losses for the rest of the summer. As a favour to him Charles was closing down Potter2 for a month or two so that the workers, 7 house-elves, could help Harry with his Phoenix, Inc. project. He had been nervous to ask Charles if he could borrow a couple of house-elves to speed up the work but after explaining his vision the older Potter had decided to take it a step further and temporarily halt work at Potter2 so that all of the elves from there could assist.

It was an expensive decision that would cost them at least 5 figures of potential profit, even if it was such a small period of time, and Harry was grateful for what his relative was doing for him. Using house-elves and family members as the only workers for the business the expenses were a fraction of the size of their competitors, and so while they were a relatively small operation they actually were one of the ten richest mining companies in the world. In the last century it was actually this branch of the Potter family that had been the most successful and despite only giving a small percentage of their profits back to the main family in had been by far the biggest impact on Harry's wealth.

Each generation produced numerous children to grow the amount of workers available, as did spouses who married into the family, and all were expected to add value to the family. With so many different aspects needed covering; mining, distribution, sales, innovation and management no matter what skills and personality a person had there was an area in the business that they could thrive. Add in the advantage of magic and it was no surprise that they had been so successful.

Putting aside the spreadsheet with a snort, knowing that he could barely make heads or tails out of it, he picked up the next order of business. Blowing out his breath noisily he scanned the order sheet in front of him for obvious discrepancies but didn't see any. Happy with what he read he wrote out a cheque for the correct amount and sealed it in an envelope to be sent off later. Repeating the process again with a different invoice he once more noisily exhaled.

"Oi, quiet." The other person using the library complained about his ongoing antics.

Having completely forgotten about her presence his flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry Daphne. How is the homework going?"

"This is impossible. How am I supposed to be able to get an O.W.L in defense when I have had 4 different professors in four years, of which only two have been capable, and all of them have told us different things? I need a foot-and-a-half on an uncommon deadly spell, but the last few years we learnt about the Unforgivables, not exactly uncommon, and Dark Creatures which involved mainly learning Defensive spells. I've looked through the books here and while there are some Defense texts, mostly school ones, there are no spells that I think would be uncommon enough that to qualify."

"Well with regards to passing your Defense O.W.L this year if who we are planning on teaching the class works out it should be a great year and you will learn plenty. For this assignment however I would either look at an innocuous spell that could be applied with deadly intent or we can grab some books from the Black library and find a rare Dark spell to write about." Harry was happy to direct his attention to anything other than work so left his chair to look at the books Daphne was reading.

Leaning back in her chair to give Harry easier access the future Daphne Black thought about what he said. "What do you mean by innocuous spell?"

Harry thought of an example to give his fiancee. "Stergi val, the drying dishes spell works by expelling water from the surface of the plate, or whatever, but it can also draw out any moisture that is within the dish. That is why often the first few times it is used you have to be careful not to make the dishes brittle or completely fall apart. With the right power and intent I suppose it would be possible to use it, a simple household charm, to drain an opponent of the water in their body which could quite easily lead to their death."

"Oh I get what you mean now, that if a person is creative enough and truly ruthless enough almost any spell could be used to kill someone. Now are you going to tell your future wife who the next Defense teacher will be or will I have to wait and find out with everyone else.?" Closing the two books that she had open Daph turned her attention fully to Harry.

"It's not a secret per se, it just hasn't been finalised yet. Assuming the new Minister signs off on it, which we have no reason to think she won't, an Auror team will be based out of Hogwarts with an assignment to protect the school and Hogsmeade. It will be Shack and Tonks' unit and those two will do most of the classes but there will be times when the other Aurors will help out." Hogwarts was a soft target that needed to be protected, and Hogsmeade was also an obvious target, so it made sense to have some trained wands permanently there during a time of war. "Professor Flitwick will also be starting up a proper duelling club, unlike the joke Lockhart Filius is an excellent dueller, and the Aurors will be able to bring a valuable voice of experience."

The pairs attention was instantly drawn to a mysterious puff of orange smoke that appeared in front of Harry. The smoke cleared quite quickly and was replaced by an envelope that hovered in the air briefly before it started falling to ground. With the natural reactions that made him such a skilled seeker Harry plucked it out of the air.

"Harry! Don't just touch a mystery envelope! Who knows what enchantments could be on it, especially when it appeared with some unknown magic!" Daphne admonished the Gryffindor.

Ears turning pink with embarrassment the boy gently placed the envelope down on the desk and took a couple of steps away, Daphne following his lead and creating distance between themselves and the offending item. "Sorry Daph, it was a reflex. Shack! Get in here!"

Half a minute later Kingsley Shacklebolt burst into the room wand raised, eyes scanning for any danger. "What is the problem?"

Tonks stumbled through the door before Harry could answer and ended up splayed out on the floor. It split the tension perfectly as the two teens broke out in laughter and even Shack smiled. For the next 30 seconds no explanation was forthcoming because the two who knew what was going on were unable to speak.

"That parchment appeared with magic and Harry touched it, can you check it and him for enchantments?" Daphne asked while pointing out the mail to the experts.

Minute after minute rolled by as multiple detection charms were cast on both the envelope and the boy they were charged with protecting. The longer it went on the more worried Daphne got and the more annoyed Harry got with wand after wand being waved in his face. After a final hushed discussion the Aurors deigned to fill in the other pair on what they had found.

"I have no idea how it arrived, I have never seen magic like it. Where did it come from? How did it locate you? I just don't know." Tonks was blatantly baffled by the bamboozling arrival of the dispatch.

"There are no enchantments on the letter, and you are fine as well. It's up to you if you open it or destroy it but my best guess is that it is safe." Kingsley added his opinion to his colleagues ravings.

Approaching the letter and reading that it was addressed to 'Lord Peverell' rather than his usual names he was further intrigued. "Best guess Shack? That's reassuring… Gryffindors charge, I guess."

Snatching the mail before he lost his nerve he broke the wax holding it closed. Flinching away with his eyes closed he waited a couple of seconds, only opening his eyes when nothing happened. Unfolding it he quickly read through it keeping his face neutral so as to not alert the others as to what was in it.

"Well?" Daphne prodded, wanting to know what was going on.

Folding the parchment back up he walked over to the desk he had been using earlier and started packing up. Knowing that all eyes were on him Harry moved with deliberate precision. He could almost feel Daphne glaring daggers at him.

"Excuse me." Harry said politely, as he turned to leave the library.

"Where in Merlin's name do you think you are going?" His fiancée almost yelled out.

Turning to respond he saw her standing there with arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. Looking at his Auror guards he saw that they were not happy either. "I have a meeting with the new Minister and several important Ministry Department Heads."

"Well be careful. And don't be a prat, we already have Sirius for that." Daphne said lowering the brow but keeping her arms crossed.

Harry nodded before sweeping out of the room and heading toward the bedroom he had been assigned. He was halfway there before he realised that he had a tail, looking over his shoulder to see Shack and Tonks behind him. He rolled his eyes.

Getting to his room he locked the documents away in his trunk and grabbed a robe which he threw over his clothes. "I assume you both are going to insist on coming?"

"Of course. It is our job after all." Shack responded dryly.

Thinking quickly he unlocked the trunk and pulled out several envelopes he had waiting there and tucked them under his robe. "Grab on then."

A burst of flame later the three were standing in the Minister for Magic's office waiting room, startling the secretary seated there behind a desk. "Sorry about that. I believe they are expecting me. Shack wait here, Tonks be useful and go post these for me."

Barely waiting for the witch to catch the envelopes Harry entered the office which already had three people waiting there. Pholius and Amelia Bones he recognised but the other woman he had never met before but knew who she was. Easl Brenant the new Minister for Magic.

"Director Bones, Pholius, good to see you both again. Minister Brenant it is a pleasure to meet you, I have heard great things." Harry shook hands with the woman he was meeting for the first time.

"It's good to meet you, Lord Potter-Peverell. And I had hoped you had heard good things about me or would have questioned why you consented to my elevation to this position." Easl evaluated the young man before her. "Before we get started, if you don't mind, why did you think I would be a good Minister?"

"Your work as the Head of the Ministry of Magic Research Committee is without reproach and impressed me when I reviewed it. However for complete transparency other factors included that you have worked for the Ministry for almost 40 years, never been accused of bribery or corruption, and are of a pedigree high enough that even Voldemort and his supporters can't complain. As crude as that sounds, unfortunately it is important. Lastly your connection to Cedric Diggory played a large role. You are his mother's Grand-Aunt and will want justice for him, while also are not so close as to be accused of that playing a factor in any of your decisions." Knowing how closely he would need to work with the new Minister he felt being completely honest from the start was important.

The shocked expression showed how unexpected the open honesty was to the woman. "Pardon me, but after so long working for the Ministry I am used to secret agendas and half-truths. You caught me unexpectedly. I had wondered if you had only chosen me because of my relation to Cedric."

Harry shook his head. "It was considered but if we only wanted someone related to Cedric who would viciously attack the Death Eaters we would have asked Amos Diggory, but we need a stable leader who is honest, trustworthy but capable of mercy when needed. We feel that you have earned this 6 month interim position and if it works out how we hope we will support the extension of you tenure."

"This is all well and good, but can we get down to business? I didn't ask you here for a social call." Pholius interjected gruffly.

"You sent that mail? I wondered if it was a D.o.M invention, how does it work?" Harry's curiosity was piqued.

Pholius glared at the young Lord. "Later! We are here because we are planning a minor assault on some Death Eaters tonight."

Harry sat down heavily hearing that. "An assault? Are we ready for that?"

The other two looked at the Director of the D.M.L.E. "I would prefer to wait a few extra weeks but it's a D.o.M target so I have to send Aurors to supervise otherwise who knows what will happen."

"It might be the best chance to strike this target, and we can't let him get away." Pholius pulled out a file then copied it and handed one out to each of the group. "Augustus Rookwood."

"Rookwood is dead, he died in Azkaban not long ago." Amelia Bones countered.

Pulling out another sheet of parchment he gave it to Harry who read it before passing it around. "That is the official report on Rookwood saying that he was found dead at a little after 11 in the morning, Thursday 29th of June just passed. He was found during the daily patrol so according to the guards could have died any time in the last day, and that is good enough for the Ministry. Given that he was an Unspeakable and traitor we weren't happy with just accepting the report and did our own check. His "body" was an expertly transfigured rock, and given the skill and power required to have it trick the guards and stay that way for days we think Voldemort himself did the work. It would also explain how he spirited away the real Rookwood."

"So Rookwood isn't dead?" Amelia seemed disbelieving at that news.

"We have been searching for him since and have finally found him this morning, at the address we are hitting tonight. Visual confirmation. From what we have been able to learn he has been recovering wherever Voldemort has his base and only left there today. It seems he thinks he is healthy enough for a big weekend and is planning a small raid with a few Death Eater friends and they are using Stewart Husal's house for the weekend." The Unspeakable glared at her for doubting his people.

"Who is this Husal?" The new Minister asked.

It was Amelia who answered, rather than Pholius. "A Death Eater sycophant and supporter from last time around. His family runs a store in Knockturn Alley."

"We believe he has taken the Mark this time around." Pholius added.

Harry frowned as he thought about all that he had learnt so far in this meeting. "What sort of resistance are you expecting?"

"Between 4 and 6 Marked Death Eaters maybe 2 prospective recruits. I would be surprised if there were 9 people there when we hit." Pholius said handing out a scout report to back him up.

"And how large of an attacking force are you sending in?" Easl asked of her underlings.

"12 is the plan. Should be a large enough team to overwhelm them, but not so large that assembling it will alert them that something is happening." Director Bones told Easl and Potter.

"Two Auror units and a pair of your Unspeakables Pholius?" Harry inquired.

"Not quite." The Head Unspeakable responded. "8 Aurors, of which 2 are Hit-Wizards, myself, 2 of my troops. And you, Harry."