
Playing Politics 2

Friday November 25th 10:35am.

Sirius sat in a chair, in the middle of the room, inspecting his fingernails like this was just any other day and his life wasn't on the line. It was that sight that first greeted Amelia Bones as she came storming into the room.

"So it is true, Sirius Black is surrendering." She seemed shocked by the words she was saying, let alone his presence in the Wizengamots private meeting room.

"Tut-tut Bonsey, not surrendering but standing trial. The illustrious Department of Magical Law Enforcement saw fit to lock me up in Azkaban without one, so I thought it was best to rectify the situation." Apart from looking up to see who had made the comment, Sirius seemed uninterested by it all and had returned to examining the state of his manicured hands. The service one could get while lying on a beach in the Caribbean was quite exquisite he had to say, if you could afford it.

"Madam Bones, did you bring the Veritaserum as requested?" Dumbledore though it was best if he took control of proceedings. "I believe five drops will be needed, so if you would see to the administration of them we can proceed with the trial."

While it was well known that three drops was the usual dosage, and would be enough for most people, five would overwhelm the occlumency prowess of all but the most powerful in the mind arts. Dumbledore was well aware that as a heir to a family like the Blacks Sirius would be trained in occlumency, but he doubted he was good enough at it for five drops to not work, especially when you consider the damage a decade in Azkaban would have done.

Walking up to the smirking individual, Amelia was all too happy to yank Sirius head back via his hair, and administered the proscribed amount. While she had left Hogwarts before the Marauders attended, she had witnessed Sirius be kicked out of the Auror academy for misbehaviour at a time when talented duelists were needed. It was something that Amelia had held against him for the following months whenever he had visited young James at work.

That he had caused the death of a talented, if at times immature, Auror like James Potter made him quite hated by Amelia and many of the other individuals who had been part of the department at the end of the war. In a time of darkness, James Potter had a love of life and exuberance that was addictive, and was able to bring joy to the DMLE office. When that was added to his talent and willingness to tackle the hard work, he had been a very popular member of the office before he was forced into hiding.

Giving the potion a minute to set it, Dumbledore started with the control questions as was protocol. "Are you Sirius Orion Black?"


"Were you born on March 27th 1960?"

"No, that was when Prongs was born. I mean James Potter."

"Was Hufflepuff your House during your tenure at Hogwarts?"

"No, I am a Gryffindor." Having answered the three control questions, there was a small break as the Head of the DMLE, Minister and Chief Warlock worked out the questioned needed to be asked.

"Did you willingly betray James and Lily Potter to the wizard going by Lord Voldemort in 1981?" Dumbledore shook his head at the reaction around the room when he said Voldemort.

"No." This caused some whispers amongst those in attendance.

"Did you betray the Potter's in any other manner, such as against your will?" Establishing that he didn't give the Potter's whereabouts to Voldemort in any form was of the utter most importance for him to be found innocent, which is why Dumbledore asked this similar but more precise question.

"No." This time there was an uproar, not quiet whispers.

"It was common knowledge that the Potter's were hidden. I personally know that a Fidelius Charm was used, were you not the secret keeper?" Despite offering to cast the charm himself, Lily had insisted on doing so and Dumbledore only knew their location because Sirius had given him a slip of paper with the address before burning it.

"No. I was a deception to attract Vodie's agents, which was smart because I had at least 4 attempts made to capture me that I know about, while Peter was the true secret keeper." This also caused chaos in the room.

"Peter? Do you mean Peter Petigrew?" More clarification from Dumbledore.

"Yes." There was no stopping the yelling now, even with the canon blasts that Albus liberally let off. Quickly checking the time while he was waiting for order to settle over the room once again he realised that they would only be able to ask a few more questions after regaining control before the potion lost potency and reliability.

After a full 5 minutes Albus felt the noise level was low enough for him to continue with the questioning. "Is this why you attacked Petigrew and killed those Muggles before you were arrested?"

"I tracked the rat down and confronted him, he reacted by shouting accusations and flung a blasting curse at the ground. I was distracted when this caused a much larger explosion than expected and only turned back in time to see him transform into a rat, his animagus form, and scurry into the sewers. I was arrested shortly after that." The room was suspiciously quiet at this point, Harry suspected that they were just too shocked to make more noise.

"Do you have any questions Minister? Madam Bones?" Albus knew that the two would have to be satisfied for Sirius sake so let them have the floor.

"How did you escape from Azkaban?" To breach up any holes in the prisons security it was a question that had plagued Amelia since it had happened.

"I am an animagi, just like Petigrew and James were, between that and knowing I was innocent kept me sane. The guards only come around twice a day, and you hear them coming, so I would spend most of the time in my animals form and would change back when I heard the guards approaching. I saw in the newspaper that Fudge gave me that Petigrew was at Hogwarts with Harry and I knew I had to escape. So I planned my escape. I stopped eating and after a number of days I was skinny enough to slip between the bars and used my form to hide from the guards. I almost died swimming back to the mainland but was able to hide in a hay bale for a few days recovering after making shore." Amelia was taking notes on everything Sirius was saying.

"How did you evade capture for all this time?" This time it was the Minister who asked a question, the answer to which had been very embarrassing for him.

"Knowing the danger we were in during the war, Lily, James and I had stashes of cash and documents around the country in case they were needed. Given nobody else knew the whereabouts of them I figured they would still be there, and went to the closest. It had some pounds, muggle money, a blank passport, and a wand we had taken off a Death Eater. Using the wand I was able to apparate to some other stashes and get enough cash to stay in a Bed & Breakfast for a few weeks. I did this moving around until after an incident at Hogwarts last year when I met Harry. Using the passport and the money from the rest of the stashes I went to the Caribbean and was there until Harry was entered in the Triwizard Tournament." Most present, including Dumbledore, didn't know where the Caribbean was, what a passport was, or what a Bed & Breakfast was. It was of course Lily's idea to have emergency stashes and that was also a novel idea to the room.

"Are you a danger to Harry Potter, or anybody else?" This was from Bones again.

"No! I could never hurt Harry, he is my Godson! He is the only family I have left, and I am the last family he has as well. I am a danger to anybody who tries to hurt pup, but to anybody who respects us I am perfectly safe." No one in the audience could fault him for that.

The truth serum was still working so Madam Bones decided to keep asking questions. "What animagus form do you have?"

"A large dog, similar in appearance to a grim."

"Why did you and James Potter never register as animagi? It is illegal not to do so." It was unlikely that he would be fined or serve time for this breach, given his previous stint in Azkaban, but she had to know.

"We knew that the Death Eaters had agents inside the Ministry, and so registering would give away an advantage we would otherwise have. James' team knew that the two of us were animagi and used us in several different circumstances, my dog form being a help for undercover work and they were happy to have me onboard for non-classified work." At his words the DMLE head whispered to the clerk who went running out of the room. She looked to the others indicating she had asked all her questions.

Dumbledore had an important question that he knew many of the members would also be wanting the answer to. "Are you planning on taking up your families seat if acquitted today?"

"In the future, yes, but not any time soon. I will need quite some time to fully recover from my holiday in Azkaban, with professional treatment. I will also need to address the Black family financial situation, which I am sure is a shambles after the last head passed away. If all goes to plan I will be ready to take up the seat in the second half of next year." This relaxed many in the room, as it was easier to pass bills with less members, and Sirius might have a chip on his shoulder against those who were members when he was arrested and didn't realise he didn't receive a trial.

The door opened at this point and a tall, large dark-skinned individual walked in with the clerk behind him. He seemed to take in the entire room, including Sirius Black's presence, at a glance and showed no sign of being surprised that the most wanted individual in Britain was sitting casually in a chair. "I was unaware that we had caught Black. Who was responsible? Tonks? Scrimgeour himself? An Unspeakable?"

"He actually is here on his own volition. He received no trial in 1981, and is claiming innocence to it all. I have some questions regarding his answers. Kingsley, you were one of the senior members of James Potter's six man Auror unit were you not?" As Head of the DMLE Amelia had access to his file, but hadn't checked it in a while so wanted confirmation form the man.

"Yes I was. It was Mad-Eye's team, I was the number 3, James was one of the rooks on the squad." This caught Harry's attention. Here was a man who had worked with his father, and the young Lion made a note to talk to him later.

"Did you know that James was an animagus?" Amelia was still asking the questions.

"Of course, the whole unit knew. He had asked Alastor if he should register but we all thought that was a bad idea. Given his form was a stag it wasn't the most useful in towns, but a massive advantage when we were searching woodland areas for Death Eater bases." While he could receive a small fine for that knowledge, he saw no need to hide the truth. He was also technically following orders not to report it, so Amelia would be unlikely to tell him off.

"How about Sirius Black? Did you know he was an animagus and went on missions with the team?" Amelia would confront him in private later about the breach of proticol if he confirmed this area of Black's testimony.

"Black is an animagus? That would explain a lot! Philips was James' partner and training supervisor, and most of the time that Sirius helped us he was with those two. Philips died a few days before the Potter's, a Death Eater ambush, which will be why Black being an animagus wasn't added to our files after his arrest. Mad-eye okayed Sirius joining us for patrols and some minor stuff, you know he was a skilled duelist, he proved so in the academy, he was just too immature to be an Auror. Mad-eye wasn't going to turn down help from someone we believed to be trustworthy, I know he regretted it after Black was arrested however, but we needed all the help we could get. He also was doing it for free." This time Kingsley knew he would get an earful when they were in Amelia's office later.


Friday November 25th 1:30pm.

The members of the Wizengamot were settling back into their seats after the lunch break, still a little restless after the exciting morning which had ended less stimulatingly. After Harry's spanner had been tossed in the works, the other three people waiting to go before the 'Mot had their chances, but all were standard requests. A change or exemption to a law, problems with the Ministry that had to be addressed in front of the full 'Mot by law instead of the other smaller courts. Standard Friday business for the Wizengamot.

Harry had not spoken during any of the petitions, and had quietly cast his vote for what he felt was the fair outcome the one time a vote had been called for. Given he hadn't finished his Hogwarts education yet he wasn't required to attend the Wizengamot unlike the other members, and only had to delegate a representative until he could fulfil that responsibility. He chose to stay for what was coming up. In the future Alest Ollivander, for a fee of course, would attend sessions on his behalf.

The door burst opened, accidentally it a manner reminiscent to Harry's own entrance earlier, and in walked Malfoy senior looking supremely confident and arrogant. It seemed, much as they had hoped, Lucius had not received news about this mornings proceeding having only just arrived at the ministry via international port-key. Usually his allies in the Wizengamot would have told him what had happened, but being overseas seemed to have left him unreachable. Perfect for their plans.

"Sorry I am late, I was out of the country." Malfoy said as he walked into the centre of the room, failing to show the proper level of respect to Dumbledore and the members of the 'Mot.

"Mr. Malfoy, you are here today because you have been nominated for a 5-year term as a member of the Wizengamot, starting with the first session of next year, on January 5th. Mr. Hurnel the floor is yours." Albus fulfilled his duty as Chief Warlock and then sat back to see how young Harry would handle this development.

"Thank you, Chief Warlock. Lucius Malfoy is an outstanding wizard who exemplifies what we all strive to be. It is for this reason that I have nominated him for induction into our esteemed midst." The wizard who Harry assumed was Hurnel sat down and a woman stood up.

"I concur. Lucius will be a fine addition to the Wizengamot." This continued for a few minutes as Alest whispered the names of those who stood up to Harry so he would know the individuals later.

After about 8 members had spoken for Lucius Harry stood up, and waited as silence overtook the room. "Many members have stood up and talked about how outstanding of an individual Mr. Malfoy is, which has raised many questions in my head. Why is Lucius such a great man? What has he done to earn that title? Has he helped the poor? Has he helped those whose lives were destroyed by the war get back on their feet? Has he cared for widows and orphans that he and his friends made? Has he made beneficial advancements that have helped the people of Magical Britain? What has he done to deserve this honour?"

"I can hardly be responsible for caring for everyone who is not been fortunate in life. I was also cleared of guilt for my actions during the war." Lucius had to bite out with a false smile on his face, wondering what Potter was doing at the Wizengamot session. "However I am unaware as to what right you have to be present here today, let alone asking questions of those who have business with the Wizengamot."

"Of course, you weren't here this morning so couldn't be expected to know. This morning I took up my inheritance and with that my families two seats on the Wizengamot. So I am here and questioning you, because I unlike you are a member of this illustrious body. No you are not responsible for all those less well off than yourself, but you have often been heard claiming to be the richest man in Magical Britain so surely a few knuts of charity are not beyond you, are they?" Harry was really starting to enjoy himself now.

Malfoy however just gritted his teeth and didn't say anything, hoping the boy would sit down. He wasn't going to get his wish. "While you may have been found not-guilty with the weakest claim of innocence ever, I happen to have a personal vendetta against those who followed Voldemort." He paused at the gasps before continuing. "I lost a lot to him and his followers, so I am not ashamed to admit that I will seek justice for myself and those who also suffered at their hands."

"This court found me innocent and you insult them by saying anything else. I was forced into those actions by the Imperius curse, I'm sure you understand what that means, Potter." He had the foolish boy on the ropes now.

"Ah yes the Imperius curse… How weak willed are you Lucius? Must be very weak willed to commit such atrocities without fighting back. Certainly not the strong sort of individual needed to be a part of this body. You would be a liability, one that I can't in good conscious sit back at watch happen." Harry had prepared in depth for this very conversation.

Malfoy still didn't realise that he was losing the battle of wits. He forged forward not realising the narrow ledge he was on. "You wouldn't be able to get out of it, boy. It's easy to judge something you know nothing about."

"I have fought off the Imperius curse, Lucy. And not by a weak individual, but by Alastor Moody, I'm sure you remember him? It was in class earlier this year. Don't be too embarrassed… Your son is also equally weak minded as you are. If a 14 year old boy can do it, shouldn't you be able to as well? After all aren't you an adult? Given that you can't, you are obviously not suitable for a seat on the Wizengamot which would make you a target for many people." This was almost too easy for Harry, with Malfoy being completely unprepared for the onslaught, but he wasn't letting himself get cocky. Lucius Malfoy was a slippery individual, and he would be ready for their next meeting.

"Yes Mr. Moody I'm sure is impressive but the Dark Lord himself used the curse on me, he is not as easy to shake off as I'm sure you can understand." It was the last ace up Lucius' sleeve, but he was sure it would be enough to win him the seat he sought.

"Voldemort himself? Most impressive that he saw you as such a valuable target to go after you personally. It is also surprising given how much of a coward Voldemort was, rarely doing anything himself and just using his slaves, I mean the Death Eaters. Did he attack you personally, which goes against everything we know about Voldemort, or were you taken before him prisoner?" Harry wasn't ready to let up. This time Harry's words stunned the audience.

"I was brought before him and he then used the curse on me." For the first time Lucius thought that he might not win this battle.

"Then I suggest upgrading the wards at your house, to protect you in the future. Did he only put you under once, or regularly? I find it shocking that you didn't escape after weeks, let alone months or the years that you were under. Surely he would have been distracted at some point and his control over you would have slackened? And after Voldemort was defeated how come you didn't hand yourself into the authorities straight away? His grip over you would have been broken that night, so why was it that it was a fortnight later that you were arrested and thats when you pled Imperius? Are you willing to take the wizard's oath that you were under the Imperius and didn't act on your own volition?" This was what Harry wanted all along, Lucius in a corner that he couldn't escape from.

"I have already been found innocent, Potter!" The furious blonde snarled.

Nodding to that statement, Harry continued. "Yes, but you are not on trial here. We are simply establishing if you are suitable for a seat on the Wizengamot or not, and I personally have doubts. Such an oath would alleviate my worries, and any worries other members may have as well." Waiting a moment knowing that Lucius would be unable to say anything but the appearance of chance was important. "No? Then I say we should have the vote, because what else can be said?"

When nobody spoke in contention to that Dumbledore saw it as his responsibility to move proceedings along. "Given that there are 45 seats active, Mr. Malfoy needs 23 affirmative votes to receive one of the open seats for next year, please write your vote on the Wizengamot Pad attached to all your desks." He had a conversation with the Minister while giving them time to cast their votes, as neither were allowed to vote in this situation, not being Wizengamot members.

Reading the result in front of him, Albus looked up as many members waited with baited breath. "Receiving 30 votes to 11, with 4 abstained votes, the motion for Mr. Malfoy to becoming a member of the Wizengamot has failed to pass. I apologise if this is not to your liking Mr. Malfoy, but can you please leave the Wizengamot as we have a closed session ahead." Lucius stormed out before Albus had even finished speaking.

Harry waited a few minutes, hearing the topics ahead and how they didn't effect him, and his lack of care for the outcome, he passed directions on to Alest for the coming few days. Begging his leave from the 'Mot, needing to get back to Hogwarts, Harry departed from his first Wizengamot session.