
Many Meetings 2.

Saturday 12th November 2:05 pm.

First through the door was Jebsis Welch, the man who had led Harry and Flitwick to the conference room, but this time he was not alone. With the elderly man were two new individuals, a young witch who looked to be only a few years out of Hogwarts and a wizard only a couple of years older. Behind the pair hovered Samantha with a tray of various drinks. After everyone else was seated at the table Samantha served the drinks and departed, closing the door on the way out.

"Mr. Potter may I introduce you to my colleagues Mr. Alest Ollivander and Miss Daffodil Smith. Before we get started I must ask you something; have you sought legal council, hired an attorney or other representation before?" Jebsis was a no nonsense individual and got right down to business. Of all the questions to start with, that caught Harry off guard.

"Um, no I haven't. Why do you ask?" Instead of getting answers straight away Harry had to watch with growing frustration as the three lawyers shuffled around papers and pointed out details to one another. Even worse were the hushed whispers passing from one individual to another, insuring that Harry only caught the odd word. These glimpses only helped to further increase his confusion, as well as further frustrating him. Why couldn't they just tell him who they were, why he was here and what this was all about?

"Mr. Welch if you wouldn't mind helping me out, I have a few questions? The goblins of Gringotts told me this firm used to represent my family?" Harry was going to get his answers.

"You haven't been told? How much do you know about you family?" Old Jebsis was shocked about young Mr. Potter's apparent lack of knowledge about his family.

"Until a short time ago essentially nothing. I knew my parents were James Potter and Lily Evans, they tied when I was a little over one. Then when I turned 11 I found out about magic, that my parents were a witch and wizard, and how they really died. That was it until about two weeks ago when I stumbled upon some information about the history of magical Britain and through that a little of my families role in it. On top of that, very little I must say. I know nothing of politics or my families positions." Despite all Harry had been learning about the Potter's it was still a pitiful amount of over 1300 tears of history.

The three magicals seated across from Harry were speechless. The heir of a most-Ancient and most-Nobel family essentially knows nothing about who he is? It took Mr. Welch a minute to collect himself before he could address the young man. "I see a new direction is required for this meeting. How about I start with the history of this firm and how it is tied to the Potter family. My grandfather, who I am named after, was a muggle born at Hogwarts in Ravenclaw with one of your ancestors. By the end of their time there they had become fast friends. They had also become good friends with another muggle born wizard who was a year under them, Joseph Smith, who had the same dream as my granddad. They wanted to be lawyers, however as muggle borns they didn't have access to all the ministry and wizengamot records and needed a financial backer to get them legal training. Your ancestor provided all of that for them. He paid for them to study at Oxford, and then with the help of his grandfather, father and uncle taught them all about wizarding law. He then funded the first Welch and Smith law office, in return as a firm we became the lawyers for the Potter family. We have handled all personal, business and political legal council in the 150 years since, up until your grandfather died. I myself was the family council during that period, but that is to pass to Daffodil, a descendent of Joseph Smith. Alest is one of our political experts, and can help clarifying any and all wizengamot relevant laws, and is also the individual responsible for today's meeting. I will act as overseer."

'Well at least now I understand the relationship between Welch and Smith and the Potter's.' Harry thought to himself sarcastically. It was a long winded answer, but given the detail covered in just the history of the firm and Potter's Harry guessed it was the shortest available answer. After all, 150 years is a significant period of time to be doing business together. He only had one question from all that was previously raised. "Why did you stop representing the family when my grandfather died?"

Jebsis took a sip of his tea before responding to the young mans question. "While we have represented individual Potter's on more occasions than we can count, we represent the family. Technically we work for the head of the family, Lord Potter, and usually it is only a couple of days at most before the next in line is appointed and we can get on with business. Unfortunately that wasn't the case when the last Lord Potter, your grandfather, died. Any other questions at the moment?" Harry shook his head and indicated for the legal team to continue.

The witch, Daffodil, talked for the first time. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance heir Potter. We will be working together closely in the future. In the two years since I joined the firm Jebsis has been filling me in on the Potter file and preparing me for taking over this position. If it's all right with you I would like to talk about some of the suits we will be filing on your behalf as soon as you become Lord Potter?" After receiving his confirmation that it was fine to continue she did. "We have several areas that will need our attention right away. The first will be to demand a retraction from the Daily Prophet for their latest pieces of slander against you, as well as the demand for Skeeter to be fired. Of course they will refuse to fire her, but we will get financial compensation from them and it will be a while before they publish another piece from her about you. The Boy-Who-Lived books have made many thousands of galleons from your name, we will get compensation for them and cease any further printing. There are other similar cases, but of a smaller scale, that we will also be proceeding through as time permits. Do you have any questions Mr. Potter?"

Harry thought about all that was said and decided that it was best to ask his questions, and hopefully get his answers before they progressed which would surely add new questions. "Firstly, why is it that you were chosen to be the new Potter council, you are quite young."

"Of course, tradition has always held that a Welch or Smith has been the personal lawyer for the family, alternating between the two families. My father was to become the next after Jebsis stepped down but we decided that a representative closer to your age might be easier on you. If my age is a problem my father can step in, it will just take a little while for him to catch fully up with all the details that he will need to know." She did not seem to be disappointed in her possible removal from what could be one of their most important clients, although Harry had only just met her so could not claim to be able to read her.

Harry however had no intentions of removing her, unless she proved incompetent. "That is not necessary. I was only curious I am happy for you to represent my House. Why are you taking those actions? And why is financial compensation so important? According to Gringotts I have more then enough money."

It was Jebsis who responded to these questions raised by the young man. "While it is true that you, and this firm, will profit from such actions that is not the main reason we are recommending such action. For over a decade other people have profited by using your name and unfortunate life, our estimates are it's a 50,000 galleon plus a year industry. For scale an average pay in the wizarding world is in the 1,500 to 2,500 galleons a year range showing how rich the authors and others in the Harry Potter industry are getting. If we don't demand monetary compensation the suit will be laughed away and they will continue doing what they want in terms of new products."

After a few other points were raised by both parties the topic changed from personal to matters of a more professional nature. For this Alest Ollivander led the conversation. "Now Mr. Potter the reason we asked for this meeting is to inform you of the possibilities that your entry into this tournament has presented us with. Usually a man in your situation would have to be a recognised adult to accept your seats, which is when you are 17 years old, but there have been exceptions written in law since the Ministry was created. If the Chief Warlock and two department heads declare an heir suitably mature to be an of age wizard he can take his seat, which happened to you when you were forced to continue in the tournament despite there being an age restriction. Here is our plan of attack…"


Harry loved the plan. It was subtle and simple. If all went to script those who would object would be caught napping and be unable to try anything before it was too late to stop it. There was also the added benefit that it was simple enough that there was very little that could go wrong, or so Harry thought. He wasn't willing to say as much in case he jinxed it, but he was quietly confident. Now that the firm had covered all that it wanted in regards Harry still had plenty of questions, especially after his earlier meeting that day and wanted to know the legal truths.

"My godfather says he wants to adopt me, although there are some complications to that, I was wondering if that adoption would cause any problems to our plan?" Although Sirius had told him it wouldn't affect his Lordship, he was hardly a Law expert unlike the others in this room appeared to be.

It was actually Professor Flitwick who responded, his first time speaking during the meeting. "You have a godfather Mr. Potter? I was unaware of that, I thought it was your muggle relatives who you lived with?" The faces of the others present in the room showed that they also stunned by this new piece of news.

"Yes I have a godfather, and before I say anything I need your word, all of you, not to reveal any of this until I give you permission, or it is revealed by us." Harry was taking every precaution on Sirius' behalf.

"As your legal representatives no one who is employed by this firm in any capacity is able to share client secrets, the same in the muggle world, in fact our firm takes it a step further with magical oaths by all employees. We couldn't tell anyone even if we wanted to. I believe that the professor has certain obligations to the headmaster, but I am unsure if they apply here so it is your decision whether he be present for this." It was Daffodil, in her role as Harry's new lawyer, who replied.

"The headmaster already knows who my godfather is after last year. Well here goes nothing… Sirius Black is my godfather." The shocked gasps by all present prevented the young Gryffindor from continuing, followed by a dozen questions blurted out by those who just found out the most wanted man in the wizarding world supposedly godfather to Harry Potter. "If you will ask me questions one at a time I will be able to respond to them." He couldn't help chuckling at them.

"Mr. Potter I believe Black has you confounded. He is responsible for the death of your parents! You need to avoid any correspondence with him that you may or may not have in case its bewitched!" Jebsis seemed shocked that on top of the revelation regarding Sirius Black Harry seemed to be enjoying this.

"I have been in the same room as him on more than one occasion, including a time when he had a wand in his hand so could have easily hurt me if he wanted. He is my godfather! It was Pettigrew who betrayed my parents, and by the way the bastard is still alive and I have seen him. I know that Sirius is innocent and I'm hoping that you will take him on as a client to prove his innocence. He is the only family I have left." Harry hoped that the passion in his voice would be enough to get the other individuals on his and Sirius' side.

"Mr. Potter he spent more than a decade in Azkaban for murdering Peter Pettigrew before he escaped." Jebsis wasn't ready to let it drop. He had lived through the last war and remembered the events of the finals days with all that happened.

"He was never convicted or even had a trial. As lawyers shouldn't you consider him innocent until proved guilty? I won't tell you what to believe but please at least look into the court records to find out that I'm telling the truth." Harry wasn't surprised that he was facing resistance on this topic.

"I will look into it, and if what you are saying turns out to be accurate we will of course represent him. In regards to your original question, being adopted will have no impact on your seats, in fact it will in theory help you as the Black's also hold a inherited seat. Given that our earlier plan will come to fruition first and with that you will be of age it is simply a matter of personal preference for the two of you around adoption. It will certainly change public opinion about the two of you, but whether for the better or worse is impossible to say." This time it was Mr. Ollivander who answered Harry. "If there never was a trial we will ensure he receives a proper trial in front of the full Wizengamot, although we cannot ensure success."

"Thank you, that is all I can ask of you. Why is a trial in front of the whole Wizengamot important? Can you have trial in front of less?" Once again Harry's curiosity was piqued once again.

"There are many different levels of trials in the magical world. The highest is in front of the entire Wizengamot which is only on Saturday's, unless it has the uttermost need of haste. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are smaller courts depending on the specifics of the case, civil or criminal for example, judged by 1 to 10 members from the Wizengamot who are chosen for their positions annually. Thursday and Friday are full sessions of the Wizengamot when they discuss new laws and the such, well officially that is, usually they just yell at each other." Alest happily explained the courting system to the young individual who would be thrown into this world fairly shortly.

"If the Wizengamot make new laws, and are the courts, what is it that the Ministry does?" It was a question that Harry had kept to himself for a couple of years now.

"Make a mess of things." Jebsis let out with a laugh. "On top of that they are responsible for insuring that the laws are kept, and bringing transgressors before the Wizengamot, and maintaining the Statute of Secrecy."

After a few other questions were raised by both Harry and the lawyers they parted ways, everyone considering the meeting a huge success.