
Many Meetings 1

Friday 11th November 11:58 pm.

Stifling a yawn, Harry shuffled on his feet as he waited for the man he was meant to meet. Given how hard he had been pushing himself in his training lately, he has been getting to sleep before 9 each night, and for any other person he would be already asleep.

When a letter arrived for Harry at breakfast that morning from his old professor Remus Lupin to meet 'Padfoot' in the basement of Honeydukes, through the secret passage out of Hogwarts, he was surprised to say the least. Sirius was out of the country when he last checked, so he was not 100% sure he would turn up. There was also the possibility that this was a trap. It was for this reason that he was waiting under his invisibility cloak. He also didn't want to get caught out of the dorms at this time.

The door rattled and swung open, causing our young hero to hold his breath. Disappointment filled him when it was Mrs Flume, who owned the shop with her husband, that descended the stairs and looked around.

"It's clear." She called back up through the door, leading to her husband marching Sirius through the door at wand point.

"Padfoot!" Exclaimed Harry as he threw off his cloak and rushed up to the grizzled man, embracing him tightly.

"Mr Potter!" Ambrosius Flume squeaked out, utterly shocked at the teenager materialising out of thin air. "Get away from him Mr Potter! This is Sirius Black! He is a Death Eater and is responsible for your parents death. He broke out of Azkaban so that he can kill you!" The old man tried to pry Harry away from Sirius. Horrified that he was about to witness the murder of Harry Potter, but unable to stop it as Harry had managed to position himself between his wand and the wanted man.

"No! You have it wrong! Well, yes he is Sirius Black, but he isn't a Death Eater! He's my godfather." The words just tumbled out as he clutched the old dog to his chest. The Flumes didn't know how to respond to that. Sirius Black was Harry Potter's Godfather? Harry Potter was willingly hugging the man who was believed to be He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named right hand man? What was going on?

"Hey pup, how's it going?" The grin on his face revealed just how much fun Sirius was having. Harry couldn't help but return the smile with one of his own. "I haven't had a night this exciting since... Well since the last time we spent time together." His laugh boomed out into the room, further adding to the confusion of Ambrosius and his wife. Harry Potter had spent time with Sirius Black?

"It's good to see you Sirius! You're looking healthier than last time that's for sure, the tropics suit you. Speaking of, when did you get back? And why didn't you tell me?" Harry was a little offended that he hadn't been informed of the change of scenery for his Godfather, and made it known as he stepped back from the Marauder and fixed him with his best imitation of Hermione's disappointment look. It appeared to work as Sirius got fidgety under the kids scrutiny.

"Hey I only got back yesterday, and I'm catching up with you today, that sounds to me like I told you pretty quickly after I got in. I started my way back as soon as I heard about the blasted tournament, but it's slow moving when you're the most wanted man in the magical world. I figured you would need all the help in your corner that you can get, so me and Moony are in." Fixing Harry with a grin, appearing a lot more confident than he felt. "We will get through this together, Harry. I have your back. Moony has your back. And when you win, we are all gunna celebrate together."


"So what do you say?" Sirius looked at Harry across the table, it had taken a bit more persuasion but the Flume's had eventually left the two together in their living room.

"I mean I don't know. You want to adopt me after we get you exonerated? Of course I want that Sirius! But what will that mean for me and my inheritances?" Weeks ago Harry would have jumped on the opportunity but now he knew about his responsibility to the Potter family.

"Um well... This is... Well this is the complicated bit, or the good bit depending on how you look at it. Because of how closely you are related to the Black family, with James grandmother being a Black you fit the requirements for being my heir, but it would be easiest if you never take the seat on the Wizengamot because of the anger others will feel if you take another seat on top of the two you will have. However there is a solution, one that is less than ideal, but a solution none the less. If I live long enough your son can take the seat, but for that there is a further complication. My father, before I was born, entered into a contract with the head of the Greengrass family. In return for some business deals, my father championed a seat on the Wizengamot for Lord Greengrass through two terms. To seal it the two wrote up a marriage contract between the families, but unfortunately due to it being valid only for the main branch, and a 5 year age separation policy it was never completed. Me and my brother Regulus were the only two Blacks who qualified, not my cousins who were all women, and from the Greengrass family only one child, a male named Raslint, who was a year younger than me. I have been doing research and he has two daughters who fit the bill for you, one who is in your year. Daphne Greengrass? You will have to become engaged to her, but if she's anything like her mother Serane was at Hogwarts you're a lucky man." Sirius finished his long explanation with a smirk at Harry and his stunned expression.

"I don't want to marry Daphne! I don't want to marry anybody because of a contract! I want to fall in love and marry a girl who I choose." Harry hated the idea of a marriage contract. Then his thoughts turned to Hermione. What would she say? How could they continue to date?

"Well you could marry Daphne and whoever you fall in love with." Sirius wasn't done with shocking Harry. "In special circumstances in the wizarding world multiple marriages are accepted, and yours would be one such case. How about you think it over, we have time before you need an answer. One last detail you need to think about though... If you don't accept the adoption and the marriage contract before you're 17, Draco can claim the contract and with it the right to be the next Lord Black after my death. Daphne would be forced into marrying him and a lifetime of who knows what, and the Malfoy's will get a hereditary seat on the Wizengamot." They stood up, having finished their discussion for the night, and having hugged once more and promising to catch up soon went their separate ways.


Saturday 12th November 1:40 pm.

"Thanks for this Professor Flitwick, I owe you one." Harry was ready for his second appointment of the weekend, and one even more confusing than his midnight rendezvous. Findore had sent him a post-owl on Thursday telling Harry that he had arranged a meeting between the Wizarding Law Firm that had represented the Potter family for generations and the young Gryffindor.

It was to this meeting that Harry had arranged for his charms professor to be his supervisor for his trip to the office of the firm. Using the Floo network they were able to travel directly from Flitwick's office to the reception area of 'Welch and Smith Law-Wizards' which really confused Harry. It was a very non-magical name after all.

"Welcome to Welch and Smith. Do you have an appointment or do you require me to book you in for one?" An attractive women in her early twenties greeted them from behind a desk. The reception area looked exactly how Harry imagined a Muggle Law Firm would look, except for a large fireplace for Floo transport, and the lack of a computer on the desk. While Harry had never used a computer, he had seen one at the local library, and they seemed like the type of thing that a high end Law Firm would have.

"Yeah, uh, my name is Harry Potter and I have a appointment at 2. I believe Findore from Gringotts set it up, but I'm unsure who with." Harry fixed the lady with the warmest smile he could muster, after all it's helpful to treat those who will be working with you as nicely as possible.

"Samantha, I will show them through." A distinguished looking, elderly Wizard in some very flash looking dress robes, which must have cost a small fortune, said from the door way behind the lady to her left. "I am Jebsis Welch, if you would please follow me I will take you to the meeting room we are using today mr Potter. Your companion can follow if you wish." Indicating through the door, the pair from Hogwarts followed Welch. The hallway had several doors leading off it to offices and the such, and they were led to the third door on the left. The room was dominated by a walnut conference table, with 4 chairs down each side as well as one on each end.

"If you will be seated the others will be here shortly and we can get started." Waiting for Flitwick and Harry to be seated he left to go see to the final preparations. The professor and student occupied themselves by discussing the training they were doing for the tournament, and the progress that Harry had been making.

"You have a natural talent for combat magic Mr Potter. A prodigy as good as any I've ever seen. Obviously we need permission but I would love to take you to France over the summer to attend some of the duelling tournaments there. There is the school age one that you can compete in, and two others that we can watch together to dissect the players. I can also introduce you to a few of the contestants, it can't hurt to make new friends." The diminutive professor was practically bouncing in his seat with excitement.

"I'm honoured sir, but we will have to wait and see what will happen. We can discuss the idea more after the first task, got to keep my focus." Harry was excited about the possibility, but understood that it was never going to happen while the Dursley's are his guardians. Allow Harry to holiday and have fun in France? No chance of that. Changing the topic, Harry inquired about Filius' plan for the coming week in regards to the private lessons.

"What can I get you two as a drink?" Samantha asked as she popped her head through the door.

"Tea for me, black please. How about you Harry?" The professor turned to his young charge.

"Just water thank you." He wanted to focus on the upcoming meeting.

"Coming right up." The receptionist informed them before leaving them to their collective thoughts. It was another minute before the door handle rattled, and the door swung open.