
Ch 33: Crab Sucker

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

"The biggest Leviathan from my home is the Sea Emperor Leviathan at two hundred meters, though the biggest that ever existed on it is the Gargantuan Leviathan at one thousand meters to one thousand five hundred meters," I say to Ishirō as he quickly turns to me and gawks at the size of how giant that Leviathan is and how it would tower past Godzilla.

"Yeah, they were huge, but they are long extinct. Now it is my turn to ask a question, and I would like to know how many MUTOs you have started making entries on and which ones you see as future problems." I say to Ishirō, which snaps him out of his small trance, and he walks over to the shelf.

"We currently have thirty-one that we know of excluding you, and we are still counting as there several other counts of other MUTOs we have yet to find like there is shown in some scriptures, paintings, and other works that there is another Rodan and others out there and they just haven't come out yet though I believe we can drop that number down by one since Ghidorah is dead," Ishirō says as he turns to more and gains a look of wanting to know everything he can about the MUTO's and the possible future that can be shared between them and Humans.

"That doesn't shock me that there are so many, but that also means some didn't come out when Ghidorah and Godzilla let out their Alpha calls, which means there are other alphas that can challenge his right, but I want you to answer the second part, of my question," I say to Ishirō as I think over possible problems in the future and how this world might very well be a mix between previous Godzilla movies which means a second Rodan and many other issues.

"Well, the MUTOs we have labeled to be watched are Godzilla, Kong, Tiamat, Amhuluk, and Baphomet. We obviously have the two contenders for king, but we have documents that say throughout history that Tiamat and Amhuluk have been troublesome. Baphomet, just for the fact of that, raises many suspicions in my associates and even me." Ishirō says as he grabs those specific folders before handing them to me, which I promptly open, starting with Baphomet.

"Understandable list, though I'm assuming I have been removed from it as I have done nothing to show hate or distrust towards humans and have only helped Godzilla and Kong." as I see the long list of concerns on Baphomet but find most of them as unjust as unlike his looks his mind says they are a kind MUTO and only trying to do their part of nature.

"Yes, we excluded you as you don't even have a history on this planet, but I believe it is my turn to ask a question, and I want to know why you care so much for Kong and Godzilla. After all, you just appeared and decided to help them both." Ishirō asks as he watches me lift my eyes from the entry on Baphomet before looking at him.

"It's simple; really I care for Kong due to the fact he is the youngest MUTO on the planet as well as practically being a teenager stuck with the job of an adult and not knowing anyone else of his race since he was killed due to a Skull Crawler killing both his parents which he then killed himself later in life," I say to Ishirō with slightly sad eyes for Kong, knowing there isn't nothing I could have done about it.

"And for Godzilla, it's simple because this planet is his. Even if he just wants to lay down and sleep with Mothra by his side, he is constantly dragged back out to deal with the other MUTOs because they are too stupid and have to stop Humans from hurting them or the other way around. Hence, I help him as his new instated guard and enforcer. That is another reason why I am here. As I said earlier, I want peace between the two. That way, he can finally relax as he has been alive for longer than Pangea split probably." as I look at Ishirō with a look that says you all need to stop messing with the big man so he can finally get some relaxed time with his girlfriend.

"That is fair and very good reasoning, too, for both of them, especially Kong as he is young and was documented to be small when we first found him on the island for that expedition as well as Godzilla being that old and having to deal with all the conflicts it would be no surprise that he is just tired and wanting to get away from it," Ishirō says as he gives a sad look about the reality of the two MUTOs and how the government also just sees them as possible pieces.

"But it is now my turn to ask a question, Ishirō, and I would like to know one more thing before we move to the next portion of our conversation: do you believe that having a peace between Humans and MUTOs or are there going to be constant problems between the two because as the way I see it's not going well so far," I ask as I look down at the entry for Tiamat while glancing at only a little at some details.

"At the rate we are going, I don't believe the government wants to control them due to the fact they can heal the world by just existing, but they also want them to be made into military powers so other countries can be brought to their knees so it can be possible just not in this century or the next," Ishirō answers honestly as he thinks over all the possibilities and does not see any that genuinely work for the world.

"Understandable. Looking at it, I mostly agree with that fact. As for what I know, the MUTOs are willing to have peace as long as they are both unbothered and occasionally given something like radiation for Scylla and Tiamat. While I also see humans wanting it as well, as long as the people in power don't have any say in it, they will just try to corrupt it in some way. After all, that's how most governments turn out." I say back to Ishirō on his view of seeing it and even agree somewhat.

"Well, I will ask my last question. Then we move to the part of trying to find peace, but my question is, what happened to the Oxygen Destroyer? As we tried to watch what happened with it, Ghidorah storm was too big and causing interference, and we couldn't see what happened to it." Ishirō asks as he grabs the monitor to his left, turns it towards me to play the video, and shows that the footage gets incredibly glitchy when Ghidorah hits the water and then completely cuts once I'm seen jumping from the water.

"That's convenient. If not for the fact that I'm about to tell you I ate it that way, it couldn't affect Godzilla since I knew it would only hurt him and do nothing to Ghidorah besides just give him an upper hand against him." I say casually as I watch Ishirō's eyes widen and almost pop out of his head with his jaw dropped so low it might as well be tickling the desk.

"Did you just say you ate the Oxygen Destroyer?" Ishirō asks with evident concern and fear in his voice as I see the video perfectly clear up and then extend itself, causing me to be confused and watch myself eat the missile before being launched back and letting out a burp before diving back into the water.

"I did, but that's not the point. Look at your monitor, Ishirō." I say to the afraid but now confused man as he turns his head and looks in confusion at how it is perfectly cleared up now. He watches me eat the missile before getting flung back.

"How is that possible? This raises so many questions about you being able to eat a missile unscathed and the fact that the video perfectly cleared up once you said that you ate it. Did you do this to the video, but you also seemed confused about how?" Ishirō asks questions while talking more to himself than to me as I continue to watch in confusion and decide it is a matter to address later.

"I have no idea, Ishirō, but I must be leaving now. I will come by again next week so we can continue our conversation. By then, please make copies of all the entries of the MUTOs for me, and then we can start talking about trying to create peace between MUTOs and Humans, but I need to get back to Kong and do some hunting with him." I say to Ishirō, which quickly snaps him out of his self-entertained talk as he looks over to me and gives me a slight nod before returning to the possibilities of how. I then teleported back to the cave where Kong and I slept.

'Hey Kong, are you up yet? It's time to get the day started. We need to deal with some Crawlers before we try so much new stuff.' I say through our link as I morph back into Kong. I wait for him to tiredly walk out of the cave and give me a nod as he stubbles to the river down the mountain.

'You're okay, Kong. You are just a bit stumbly,' I say with a hint of laughter, causing him to fall into the river and get a rush of water through his nose. The water completely wakes him up, and he jumps back up with wide-open eyes.

'It's good to see you finally awake completely now. Are you ready for today's activities, or do you need a bit longer?' I say through our link while laughing through half of it. He gives me a look and asks why this happened to me.

'Yeah, I'm good to do it now, but let's eat something first. There should be one of those pesky squids around. We can.' Kong says through the link as he looks around, as there usually is at least one in the river this early in the morning.

'Give me a moment, and we will have food.' I say to Kong as I see him continue to snap his neck around to find a squid to eat, but he quickly just gives up as I quickly go into my inner world and get welcomed by a small wave of destruction.

'While this is my problem, I don't really want to deal with it,' I think as I look into the sky and see a Red Death being clobbered by a Ghidorah before being killed by it. I turn around and tear off three legs from a Scylla in the ocean before leaving my inner world just to let the destruction happen, as it will sort itself out.

'Here you go, Kong. This is breakfast, so please enjoy.' I put the legs on the floor between us, causing a load to crash below us and making Kong shocked. But chalk it up to me being weird as usual before starting to eat one of the more giant legs. Stars shine in his eyes as he begins to eat it quickly, barely leaving anything left after ten minutes, with just the Exo-skeleton left.

'You have just done what many have strived for. You ate every piece of meat from these crab legs, and it is still in one piece. It's completely hollow. You even managed to suck the meat out that the joints were protecting, but they are somehow undamaged; the meat under it is gone.' I say to Kong as I stare in awe at how flawlessly he ate the crab legs. I just see him rubbing his belly in happiness before letting out a very satisfied burp.


{A/N Well, I hope you guys liked the chapter, as this is the end of his talk with Ishirō for now, as well as pulling some curious mysteries related to the video, which I don't plan on explaining.

But as usual, like the last couple of chapters, I don't have much to say, so I will just put the usual below. I hope you all enjoyed it.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Kings Guard, Flaming Disaster +8

Length: 374m (1227ft)

DNA Assimilated: 277


[Makings of a King]


1: Kill Ghidorah (COMPLETE)

2: Help Godzilla (COMPLETE)

3: Prevent the death of Mothra (COMPLETE)

4: Explore


1: Unique Mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge

[Return to Monke]


1: Kill Skar King

2: Help King Kong


1: Random Mutation

2: World Kit

[Be a Pest]


1: Annoy Godzilla (COMPLETE)

2: Quality Time with King Kong


1: Random Mutation

2: Mothra's Favor