
Ch 32: The Questionnaire

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'We are for today, and we can play more tomorrow, or I can show you more fun games, or we can even go hunting after Skull Crawlers for a little fun and work,' I say to the sad Monke. I see him lift his head with a smile and nod as he leads me to his cave, where we quickly fall asleep, with me morphing back into my normal form before waking up the next day.

'He still seems to be asleep, which means I can do a couple of quick things.' as I stand slowly as not to wake Kong up and walk out of the cave before teleporting to Monarch Headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.

'So this is their Headquarters, quite small actually, well, at least on the outside, there are three and a half layers underground which span quite far with just a couple of things.' I morph into my Human form and quickly weave a suit out of my silk before walking into the building like I own the place.

"This is Monarch Headquarters, correct, ma'am? " I ask the receptionist at the front of the building as I spread my senses and telepathy through the building, keeping a separate train of thought to look for anyone important.

"No, this isn't Monarch Headquarters, sir, but I am curious about Monarch," the receptionist says as she presses a tiny button under her desk. I hear a high-pitched signal go through the building and set off several devices on the second basement floor.

"Why must you make it difficult? You could have just said yes and then sent me to the third basement floor, and I could have talked with Ishirō about trying to appeal to the rest of the organization about the MUTO, but no, it had to be difficult." I say in a disappointed and tired tone as I show my tail and horns, my eyes shining a shimmering yellow.

"So let's take our bets. I say ten out of that elevator, six out of that one in the corner, and fifteen from the stairs behind your desk. Also, this isn't really a bet; I already know," I say to the receptionist as I form a chair out of ice. I also sense someone quickly running down the stairs, who I can tell is Ishirō.

"Sir, what are you talking about? There is no one here besides us currently," the receptionist says with clear fear in her eyes as she starts pressing the button another couple of times to make sure the point gets across to those in the basement.

"Don't worry about it. You can sit down and relax," I say to calm the receptionist as my eyes turn a mellow pink. I watch the elevator doors open and see several guards come out and circle around me while pointing guns at me with very evident body armor on.

"Well, hello, gentleman, but I don't believe this is how you say hello to a gust. After all, I'm pretty sure I can disable all your guns before you can do something, especially you, Todd. I know you are just itching to pull that trigger." I say with my eyes turning a shade of red with hints of black as I see the guard, who I labeled Todd, start and shake as he looks at me and him just about ready to pull the trigger on his gun

"You are trespassing on private property, and we are taking you under personal custody," one of the guards yells, causing a small frown to grow on my face. I look over at him and quickly scan through his head to see who they are.

"Now, I don't believe that is very kind of you to say, Patrick. By the way, how are Sandy and Edward doing? Is Sandy still good with her trumpet." I say to the guard and watch his eyes darken, and his face drops under his mask as a smile grows on my face. I dispel my chair as I stand up.

"Sorry, that was uncalled for. I apologize, but make sure to tell Anna that her casserole was delicious, will you?" I say to Patrick as I snap my fingers and let out an EMP, causing all the lights within the building to go out. I then dash around the guards and take their weapons before knocking them to their knees and tying their arms and legs together. I then send out another blast of electricity through the building to bring the generators back on.

"Well, now that was dealt with, how about you finally come through the door, Ishirō? I came here so we could talk, and also, you have a very nice receptionist, though it would have been nice if you guys just went with it." I say as I walk over to the guards on the floor before crossing my arms, looking at the stairwell door, and seeing Ishirō.

"Nice to finally meet you, Ishirō, though it would have been nice if you had come out sooner," I say to the slightly panicked Japanese man as he looks at the guards on the floor before looking at me with both fear and curiosity.

"Who are you, and why have you done this to the guards?" Ishirō asks as he looks to make sure the guards are all right and sees that they are fine besides the fact that they are on the ground.

"Well, to make that question simple, my name is Livyatan, and the reason I did this was that they pointed guns at me, so I believe it was a reasonable response," I say back to Ishirō quickly, causing his eyes to widen when he hears my name to the point that he no longer cares about the guards.

"Did did you just say your name was Livyatan," Ishirō says as he stutters a bit, quickly looks at my tail again, and identifies it as the tail of the new MUTO. I also watch the man have a quick panic attack in his head before seeing the opportunities this could have for the Humans and MUTOs.

"Yes, I did, now my good friend. Let's move on to the next part of this conversation in your office, shall we? I have a lot I want to talk about, and I bet you have a lot you wish to ask, so let's get comfortable." I say as I then teleport us to his office on the third basement floor as. I see several MUTO folders about each that has been seen so far and how they have contributed to the world since they have been awake.

"How did you do that? How can you talk? How can you take a human form? How can you do any of this." Ishirō asks quickly in shock at what is going on and how I just took us into his office as I walk towards the shelf full of MUTO folders and grab Godzilla's

"That is a lot of questions right there, my friend. How about we take it a bit slow? I will answer a question; then I will ask a question: how about that? Does that work with you?" I say to Ishirō as I look over the several entries on Godzilla before turning around and seeing Ishirō nodding his head, getting behind his desk, and offering me a seat in front of him.

"Now, I will start with one of your questions. The reason I can teleport is that I have a specific organ made to allow for spatial displacement. It was made between genetics and mechanics. It senses the area around me properly, evaluating it before I jump. I call it my Warp Organ." I say to Ishirō as I explain in a way that makes sense how I can teleport around so easily.

"So the reason you can teleport is a specialized organ made specifically for your species, but explain how it is also mechanical. After all, the only way that would be possible is if an alien species implanted it into you." Ishirō asks with curiosity as he pulls a folder out of a drawer, which I quickly tell is mine.

"That's not how I said this would work, Ishirō. It's my turn to ask a question now, though. I will happily answer that question for you if you want to make it your next question, but mine is why were you all trying to wake up Ghidorah than try to kill Godzilla with an Oxygen Destroyer." I say with a friendly tone, which quickly turns cold, with my eyes turning a dark red and my teeth sharpening like knives.

"Because my associates are dumb and thought that it could kill both Godzilla and Ghidorah, which I was heavily against as Godzilla is king of the earth and the one to keep the other MUTOs in check, but the government got mad when they learned we couldn't control either of them," Ishirō says with no fear over how I changed when I asked my question which I quickly tell his response is honest and didn't want the Oxygen Destroyer deployed.

"That is an acceptable response, but you should know, which I believe you already have, that the Oxygen Destroyer would have only killed Godzilla if not just weakened him due to the fact Ghidorah is an alien and does not belong on this planet as he tried to usurp Godzilla and succeeded for a little before I killed him," I say to Ishirō as he nods to what I said, knowing that is true after watching the fact that the Oxygen Destroyer did nothing.

"That is true, though my next question is, where do you originate from? You have no history here but just appeared during G-day. Again, when dealing with the Frost Vark in Alaska, then in Axis Mundi while disappearing for a time, then appearing again when Rodan flew over the ocean to fight Ghidorah, which we led him to." Ishirō asks as he holds his pen, ready to write down my response the moment I give it, hoping that I'm not some Extra-Terrestrial being like Ghidorah.

"Good question. Well, the simple answer is that I'm an alien from a planet called 4546B that was dying of an alien virus, which I was able to purge thanks to releasing one of the Leviathan class animals on the planet out of containment, which had a special enzyme to cure the planet it is where I was born and raised before I went to several other places and then landed here to be of some help to Godzilla before I then leave here as well." I say to Ishirō and watch him write this all down quickly before looking up at me and reading over what he just wrote before saying anything.

"I have a lot of questions related to that answer alone, mainly the facts of why you are here, as there must be more of a reason than just to help Godzilla. I also want to know where this home planet of yours is located and what life on it is like, though you are to ask a question next." Ishirō says as his head pops full of questions that keep causing more and more to sprout by the second.

"I will answer all of your questions in earnest once it's your turn again, but my question is, what do you all plan on doing with Kong after all? I am to look after him for a while." I ask as I lean forward a bit to see the answer I will get.

"Well, my associates want to see if Kong will be able to challenge Godzilla for his right to be king. They believe if anyone should be king, it should be a MUTO, at least like it can be a relative of us, and also because their species both have a rivalry." Ishirō says with a bit of reluctance as my eyes gain a bit of a cold aspect as I let out a sigh.

"You Humans are so dumb. Why can't you be smart and not try and meddle with everything like you are gods meant to tinker with everything until it only fits your purpose?" I say with apparent awe at what I heard and see Ishirō nod with what I said, agreeing that Humans overstep their boundaries too much.

"God, ask me a question. That way, we can possibly move to something not as dumb." I say as I wait for a question from Ishirō as he starts to think of one that could both be a good change from his answer and one that will be useful to him and the association.

"It is similar to the question I asked when I got an answer: What was life like on the planet you originated from?" Ishirō asks, looking at me with interest and hoping I will give a detailed answer.

"Well, The planet I came from was mostly a water planet, but even though it was dying, it was full of life and diversity, while the most beautiful of life there were those of giant size and wonder. here, give me a piece of paper and a pencil, and I can draw you a picture of something from my home." I say as Ishirō hands me a piece of paper, and I start to draw a picture of a Kelp Leviathan in as much detail as possible with only a pencil.

"I would also like to say this is one of the smaller Leviathans on the planet and also the last of their species. It was called a Kelp Leviathan and was sixty meters long and could easily contend with anything in its territory and anything that would intrude." I say with a slightly reminiscent tone in my voice as I hand the drawing to Ishirō.

"It is beautiful. You said this is one of the smaller Leviathans on your home planet. How big was the largest, if you don't mind answering that quick question?" Ishirō asks as he stares in awe at the drawing I made, and I quickly shrug at his quick question.

"The biggest Leviathan from my home is the Sea Emperor Leviathan at two hundred meters, though the biggest that ever existed on it is the Gargantuan Leviathan at one thousand meters to one thousand five hundred meters," I say to Ishirō as he quickly turns to me and gawks at the size of how giant that Leviathan is and how it would tower past Godzilla.


{A/N Well, I hope you guys liked the chapter, and I will soon be starting to do some diplomatic stuff between Monarch and the MUTOs. That way, they won't constantly get in the way so that the following chapters might be a bit boring.

But I will now put the usual below, so I hope you all enjoyed it.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Kings Guard, Flaming Disaster +8

Length: 374m (1227ft)

DNA Assimilated: 277


[Makings of a King]


1: Kill Ghidorah (COMPLETE)

2: Help Godzilla (COMPLETE)

3: Prevent the death of Mothra (COMPLETE)

4: Explore


1: Unique Mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge

[Return to Monke]


1: Kill Skar King

2: Help King Kong


1: Random Mutation

2: World Kit

[Be a Pest]


1: Annoy Godzilla (COMPLETE)

2: Quality Time with King Kong


1: Random Mutation

2: Mothra's Favor