
Ch 29: Skull Island

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'Now that was fun, and within the next couple of years, there will be a holy war amongst the Humans, which means I will have more than just one kingdom. If he does well, it will become an empire, but I believe it is time to return to the outside world.' I then walk out of my inner world and appear back in Godzilla's lair but see it vacant from his presence.

'I wonder where he went, probably to check on Ghidorah. After all, he wouldn't want his nemesis to get out of his prison, especially when it would mean waking up all the MUTOs around the world.' as I check the System, I see that the show for the Monsterverse is currently happening.

'Well, if that isn't perfect timing, but time usually pauses when I'm in my inner world. Why didn't it this time? Not like I'm exactly complaining, but I am curious.' I then teleported over to Alaska to see the main characters from the show as they ran away from the plane before it quickly froze from the Frost Vark.

'If this isn't perfect timing, I don't know what is.' I land behind the Frost Vark, grab its tail with my hand, and drag it towards me. I then bite into the back of its head, quickly killing it, and start to eat it.

[DNA Absorption]

Frost Vark DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'That's fine, though I do see him being useful and will definitely be making my Artic region happy as he will fit in perfectly, though I see their species and Frozen Leviathans fighting a lot.' as I look over to the main characters of the show as I then teleport to Kazakhstan and quickly find the rift to Axis Mundi which I quickly go into.

'So this is Axis Mundi. It quite lacks luster, really.' I see a Brambleboar charging towards me, quickly leading to its death and a good pork meal for myself.

[DNA Absorption]

Brambleboar DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Expected though that's not the reason I'm here well, at least completely.' as I look over Axis Mundi to find the way to Hollow Earth, Skull Island, and where the Ion Dragon, which I quickly find the last one as I teleport to where he will appear when they try to leave as I then turn into a mole and make a small burrow for myself as I wait.

'Now let's get comfortable.' I wait for the events of the show to catch up to where I'm at as I take a nap, which remains moderately undisturbed before I hear screaming people and a roaring Ion Dragon.

'Well, I don't know if that was fast or that was just a good nap.' I then crawl out of my burrow and see Godzilla appear and roar as the Ion Dragon and Godzilla charge at each other.

'Nice, a good old monster fight, and this time, it's a lot more realistic, which I can get behind.' I watch Godzilla charge an atomic breath as he slams the Ion Dragon into the floor and lets it out at the Dragon, which surprisingly tanks, causing a slightly confused Godzilla. The Ion Dragon then gets out of Godzilla's grasp and wraps its tail around his neck. Then, it starts biting and sprays Nacre at Godzilla.

I then hear Godzilla say in his head this motherfucker I was trying to nap, and now I'm here. He then grabs the Ion Dragon's tail and rips him off his head; as he then tears one of its wings off and goes to throw him into the rift, but I then jump out and catch the Ion Dragon in my mouth as I start to tear into it and eat it leaving a stunned Godzilla then realizing it's me and goes of course.

[DNA Absorption]

Ion Dragon DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Thank you for the meal, big man, as well as the entertainment. It is truly appreciated and quite fun to watch,' I say to Godzilla. I quickly formed a link and heard a light growl through it.

'So you just sat there and watched and didn't think to help at all?' he angrily says through the link as he starts to walk towards me and charges an atomic breath.

'Did you honestly need help like that thing was easy for you, though it could surprisingly take an Atomic Breath.' I say through the link as I watch him slow down a bit and process what I said and angrily sigh before walking past me back through the rift.

'Messing with him is fun though him going through the rift cut the link, which sucks a bit, but I feel like if I do that again, I might end up fighting him as he was just a little pissed.' as I then teleport in front of an Endopede and quickly kill and eat it and its nest.

[DNA Absorption]

Endopede DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Not very shocking now. Do I want to go to Hollow Earth or Skull Island first as I can currently sense two other rifts, and I feel like Skull Island is currently the better choice as maybe I can mess with Kong a bit.' as I then teleport in front of a rift and appear a small ravine on Skull Island as I then teleport out of it and above the island.

'Now, before we meet Kong, we need to go on a bit of a hunting trip as usual that way, I can just mess with him.' as I start teleporting around the island and even taking a bite of the giant skull of a Skull Crawler before continuing my hoping.

[DNA Absorption]

Cranium Reptant DNA Icarus Folium DNA Skerry Bubalis DNA Arachnida Acidosasa DNA Phasmid Sylas DNA Gigantus Leviapus DNA Cantus Formica DNA Spinae Mortem DNA Gigantus Crocodiliad DNA Grass Hedgehog DNA Jovian Flytraps DNA 

Mutations Gained: Anesthetic Agent

'Well, that's not bad, but I still have some I need to eat, but not a bad list so far.' I then feel my venom sacs change slightly as they gain an anesthetic that makes it. Whenever I bite into something, they won't feel it, or the poison and acid are now coursing through their blood.

'Now that I have that let's continue hunting. After all, I don't want to do this twice.' I go back to teleporting around the island and killing anything that is different and new to add to my inner world.

[DNA Absorption]

Stagnum Acrididae DNA Tortoisa Vulkana DNA Vultura Insanus DNA Titanus Kong DNA Giant Dodo DNA Trapdoor Crab DNA Vine Snake DNA Croc Monster DNA Giant Ant DNA Hawk Monster DNA Dog DNA Aloe Turtle DNA Killer Chameleon DNA Kraken DNA 

Mutations Gained: Molten Blood 

{A/N if you haven't realized, I'm using the Scientific names for this world, so don't be too confused on why you don't know any of these names.}

'Not bad, though. I completely forgot about the skeletons of Kong's mother and father being here. I don't need to eat anyone else from his kind. Though I will probably still eat Skar King, I believe it is time to go say hi to the monkey.' I start to feel my entire body burn, with my blood turning to lava. I quickly get used to it as my body cools itself while keeping it warm enough for my blood to continue circulating.

'Wasn't expecting that feeling, but now it's time to go say hi because I really wasn't expecting that Mutation to feel that way.' I then teleport in front of a fighting Kong and Skull Crawler with the Skull Crawler, quickly getting its head beaten in.

'Well, that was a little brutal, my monkey friend though I can understand. After all, they are the reason for your parent's death and almost yours as well on multiple occasions.' I say to Kong through a link as he quickly looks at me to evaluate me before saying anything back.

'You are a new MUTO and hopefully unlike these crawlers.' Kong says through the link as he kicks the Skull Crawler's body, sending it a good bit and colliding into a hill.

'I'm not like the Skull Crawlers, though it is still weird seeing how young you are compared to how big you are, though it is fitting for how you and every other MUTO are titans.' I say to Kong as I look him over and see several scars, the most notable from the Skull Devil from the movie.

'That is good. Would you like to be my friend? Then there isn't much to do around here besides protect the animals and tribe.' Kong says happily before becoming slightly sad. He continues speaking and looks at me.

'I would happily be your friend after all. Who doesn't want a giant monkey as a friend?' I say through the link as I walk towards him and see a giant ape smile on his face. He jumps out of happiness like a child.

'Yes, I have a friend now. What would you like to do, friend? I haven't even actually asked you your name. What is your name?' Kong quickly asked as he came towards me with glee in his eyes.

'My name is Livyatan. Kong, how about we make some catch? Though you don't know what that is, it is a good start.' I say to Kong as I morph into a giant ape, causing shock to show on his face.

'You can look like me, Livyatan; that is awesome, but how can you do that.' Kong says with shock as he looks at me intently, with a hint of sadness but happiness well showing in his eyes as he looks at me.

'It's just something special I can do, Kong. Now, do you still want to play catch, or will you continue sadly staring at me?' I tell Kong through our link as I grab a couple of boulders with my telekinesis and compress them together to form a baseball for our giant monkey selves.

'I don't know what catch is, though.' Kong says through the link, quickly wiping his eyes, which were starting to well with tears, and he looks slightly confused at me.

'That's fine. I will teach you, but first, you got to start with catching this, so I'm going to throw it towards you, and you want to make sure it doesn't hit the ground by catching it make sense.' as I toss the boulder in my hand and start to do some tricks causing Kong to become mesmerized.

'Okay, I think I get it. I'm ready to catch it whenever you through it, Livyatan.' Kong says as he backs up and watches the boulder in my hand as I toss it one more time before throwing it to him gently using the classic underhand method so he can learn, which he quickly figures out as he catches it in a bowl-like shape of his hands.

'Yep, just like that, Kong. Now throw it back, and we can keep playing until the sun goes down.' I look over to see that it is around three in the afternoon before looking back at Kong to see him happily toss the boulder in his hand.

'We can play that long, Livyatan.' Kong says with stars in his eyes as he replicates what I did and tosses the boulder to me, which I quickly catch, and then give him a thumbs up as we start to do this for the rest of the day, resulting in a pleased Kong.

'Well, we have to stop for the day, Kong. The sun is setting, so I have to leave, but I promise I will come back at some point.' I say through the link as I toss the boulder to him, which he easily catches before giving me a sad but understanding look.

'Thank you for teaching me, Livyatan, and thank you for becoming my friend,' Kong says through the link as he looks at me with a happy smile that is very similar to that of an anime protagonist.

'You're welcome, Kong, and you can keep the boulder. By the way, I will see you soon, so bye, my big monkey friend.' I say through the link before I close it, morph back into my normal form, and teleport away.


{A/N Well, I hope you guys liked the chapter and how I made Kong pretty much a very lonely teenager who happily accepted the chance to have a friend and play catch with, which I now realize I made the MC Kong's adoptive father, but that's fine and if anyone wonders why I made Kong that way you have to remember in the movie Skull Island Kong started to tear up when Mason Weaver touched his cheek.

But that aside, I will put the usual below and would also like to say I am pre-writing every chapter from this one to Thursday, so there won't be any pictures if he ate anything within those chapters.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Flaming Disaster, Savior of Dragons +7

Length: 312m (1023ft)

DNA Assimilated: 262


[Makings of a King]


1: Kill Ghidorah

2: Help Godzilla

3: Prevent the death of Mothra

4: Explore


1: Unique Mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge

[Return to Monke]


1: Kill Skar King

2: Help King Kong


1: Random Mutation

2: World Kit

[Be a Pest]


1: Annoy Godzilla

2: Annoy King Kong


1: Random Mutation

2: Mothra's Favor