
The Age of Lords: A Scholar's Journey

In a world on the brink of collapse, Ethan is thrust into the "Age of Lords," where survival is dictated by mastering territories and harnessing magic. With only basic skills and minimal advantages, he must navigate this perilous new reality to secure his place and thrive. Ethan's exceptional learning ability becomes his greatest asset in this challenging environment. As he adapts and acquires crucial knowledge, he begins to turn the tide in his favor, striving to build a strong foundation for success in the demanding "Age of Lords."

Infinity_Snake · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The Wisdom Tree's Challenge

Ethan stood before the gnarled roots of the Wisdom Tree, its ancient bark cracked and etched with time. As he approached, a notification flashed before his eyes: *[You have visited the Wisdom Tree]*.

He had read that the tree could offer a significant boon, perhaps even an instant level-up. But in this unpredictable world, nothing was guaranteed.

The tree's bark shifted, forming a face with deep-set eyes that glimmered with ancient knowledge. It regarded champion spirit with curiosity. "A strong spirit indeed," it rumbled, its voice deep like a distant storm.

"But one tainted by the erosion of magic. Without this curse, he could have been a second-tier warrior. What a waste of potential."

Ethan ignored the system's prompt and addressed the tree directly. "Is there a way to save him?" His voice was steady, betraying the urgency of his request.

The Wisdom Tree's eyes narrowed, curiosity deepening. "Save him? A mage concerned for a mere monster—how curious. You are a strange one, indeed."

Ethan's gaze was unwavering. "He's loyal to me. I can't, in good conscience, let that loyalty go unrewarded."

The tree's expression softened slightly, as if recognizing something unique in Ethan. "There is a way, but it comes with challenges," it said. The champion spirit monster at Ethan's side remained silent, its eyes glowing faintly with inner fire.

The tree continued, "The potential within this champion spirit is unusual—perhaps even heroic. If you can nurture this potential, elevate him to hero status, he may escape the curse of magic."

Ethan's breath caught. "How can I achieve that?"

"I have a warrior class transfer certificate," the tree said. "Give it to your champion spirit, and he will ascend to a warrior of immense strength. But rules bind this world, and I cannot give it to you outright. You must prove yourself worthy."

Ethan nodded. "What must I do to earn it?"

"There is a tomb to the north," the tree explained. "A place tainted by the restless dead. Cleanse this tomb, and the transfer certificate will be yours."

A notification appeared:

*[You have received the quest: Clear the Tomb of the Undead]*

*[Objective: Clear the tomb located to the north]*

*[Reward: Warrior Class Transfer Certificate, 1000 experience points]*

*[Do you accept? Yes/No]*

"How far is this tomb?" Ethan asked, already calculating the time and resources it would take.

"Eleven kilometers," the Wisdom Tree replied, its voice almost amused. "But I must say, you stare at me as if you're measuring me for something more, young mage."

Ethan quickly averted his gaze. "Apologies. I was lost in thought."

The tree's laughter rumbled like thunder. "Go now, and bring me news of your victory."

Ethan turned to his champion spirit monster. "We have a mission," he said, determination in his voice. "Let's move."

The champion spirit monster hesitated. "Master, can the Wisdom Tree truly be trusted?"

Ethan paused. The tree had spoken with authority, yet something about its awareness of the world's mechanics was unsettling. "Perhaps not entirely," he admitted.

"But the system is something we can trust. The rules of this world bind even entities like the Wisdom Tree."

As they journeyed north, the forest grew darker and more oppressive. The air was thick with decay, and shadows seemed to hold lurking threats.

Wild monsters emerged frequently, forcing Ethan and his spirits to fight through them. The champion spirit monster wielded its strength with deadly precision, cutting down any challenge.

Ethan's mind, however, was elsewhere. The Wisdom Tree's mention of a *god-given lord* implied a higher awareness, perhaps a consciousness behind the system. This world was not just a game; it was alive with its own rules and history.

But such thoughts were for another time. For now, the focus was on the tomb of the undead—a place holding danger and the promise of salvation for his champion spirit.

As they approached the tomb, the ground grew colder, and the trees thinned until they stood before a large stone structure. The entrance was wide and dark, an ominous maw that seemed to swallow all light.

A notification appeared:

*[One-time Dungeon: Tomb of the Undead - Skeleton Training Ground (Lower Level 1)]*

*[Number of tier 1 common-level enemies: 90%]*

*[Number of tier 1 elite enemies: 10%]*

*[Chance of encountering hero units or tier 1 champion units: 1%]*

*[Do you want to enter the dungeon? Yes/No]*

Ethan took a deep breath, steadying himself. The tomb loomed before him, a relic of a time long past, now infested with the undead. "A dungeon," he muttered. "Of course they'd include dungeons."

This was more than just a quest—it was a test, a challenge issued by the world itself. Ethan knew that within this tomb lay the answers he sought, the power needed to save his champion spirit. But he also knew that this dungeon could be his undoing if he wasn't careful.

"Let's go," he said, resolute. He glanced at the champion spirit monster beside him, who returned his gaze with determination. Together, they stepped forward, crossing the threshold into the tomb's dark embrace.

Inside, the air was thick with decay. The walls were lined with ancient bones, and the floor littered with remnants of past battles. They were not alone for long. The first wave of skeletons emerged from the shadows, their bones clattering as they moved with unnatural speed.

Ethan raised his staff, summoning a burst of arcane energy that blasted the first skeleton into pieces. The champion spirit monster charged forward, its blade slicing through the undead with ease.

The battle was fierce but brief. The skeletons, though numerous, were no match for Ethan's magic and the champion spirit's brute strength. As the last skeleton fell, Ethan took a moment to catch his breath, scanning the darkness for further threats.

The tomb was vast, its corridors winding deeper into the earth. With each step, the air grew colder, and the presence of the undead more oppressive.

Several more groups of skeletons emerged, each stronger than the last, but they pressed on, driven by the promise of the reward that lay at the end of this dark path.

Finally, they reached the heart of the tomb—a large chamber dominated by an ancient, cracked sarcophagus. The air was thick with undead energy, pulsing around them like a living thing.

As they approached the sarcophagus, the ground trembled, and the lid slowly slid open. A skeletal figure rose, its eyes burning with a malevolent red light. It was larger and more imposing than the others, its armor etched with faintly glowing runes.

This was the final challenge—a skeletal knight, one of the elite defenders of the tomb. Ethan and the champion spirit exchanged a glance, both knowing this would be their toughest fight yet.

The skeletal knight charged, sword raised high. Ethan barely had time to cast a shield spell before the knight's blade came crashing down. The impact sent a shockwave through the chamber, but the shield held.