
Lord Of The Nameless

When do we truly die? Is it when you recieve a bullet through the head? Or when you take your last breath? No! It's when you are forgotten. History is only written by the Victors.

D_honoured1 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


Since birth, Adrian had been made to believe that he couldn't use any elemental ability, but the case before him was different, and certainly speaking otherwise; He could use all seven.

He left the secret room with thoughts on his mind as he tried to sleep.

Was this the reason why the crystal had shined white or is there something else not recorded in history?

Adrian had asked his mom the next day if it was possible to use all elements. Her reaction had been quite different from what he was hoping for.

She laughed at his naivety (so she thought), but she answered his question.

"The best I have heard is a person using three elements and those are extremely rare."

"How rare?"

"Like one in ten million rare"


"Yeah. Your father is also one of them"


It was like he had been hit with a huge rock. Adrian knew his father was strong but he didn't think his father would be one of those in a million kinds of geniuses.

"However, just because it hasn't been recorded doesn't mean it's impossible though"

His mother had said this just to cheer him. What kind of mother would want her son to look dejected while he was making inquiries?

"It would be tasking though, as you would need to be properly efficient in each element"

Adrian's mother replies had enlightened him. He hadn't told her about himself yet but he was happy that she was supportive of him.

However, there were also new findings to his questions; his father is a rare genius. He hadn't seen his father in a fight but he was well aware that his father was no pushover.

The reason he hadn't heard about his father's strength is that his research so far had been about mana, affinities, and the world. Although he had looked at different topics on states, countries, and empires at large, he had not done any research on his father.

He made a mental note to do this. Adrian had used his secret room to train himself and do various experiments with his mana.

Usually, at three years old, every noble assigns teachers to their child to groom them and prepare them for the world; the earlier the better. Adrian was currently four years old and had gotten no tutor.

His mother couldn't get any renowned person to tutor him since most of them had already been scouted by other powerful nobles.

Some of them had declined because of her reputation. No matter how much of a genius he was, because he had shown no affinity at birth, he was simply abandoned.

Adrian had chosen to self-study instead. Regarding matters with etiquette, manners, and the way a noble should behave, Adrian excelled; It wasn't a big deal to him since he is a reincarnated soul.

However, when it came to combat, he was lacking. Even with memories from his past life, he couldn't progress as he had no sparring partner.

Deep in thoughts about what he could do, his mother had introduced him to her most loyal and trustworthy guard.

"Hello Prince Adrian, I am Reynard; the outcast" He spoke with a knee to the ground

"Rise" Adrian commanded

"Adrian dear, Reynard here has agreed to tutor you on combat and to be your sparring partner"

"Please take care of me, your highness"

Reynard is a beastman; a tiger variant among the catkins hence, the outcast title. In this world, one thing that was similar to Earth was their racial preferences.

Nobles were like gods, even among the same race. This was most common among humans. Reynard was currently an elemental master at the mid-stage.

Being a beastman with no backing, he had worked hard to get to his current position. I don't know the story behind how he got appointed but since I was born, he had been my mothers' guard.

Since he would be training me, I felt elated since he had a lot of experience. Days went by and he had commenced his combat teachings.

"Currently, your highness, I can't teach you any elemental related technique due to your nature but I can teach you somethings for your protection"

"Go on"

"Every race has a special trait."

"Like a bloodline limit?"

"Yes, my prince, like that. Beastmen can only use earth and lightning elements plus they have a great nose. Just by smell, a beastman can detect your power level and mana affinity"

"How is that possible?"

"Well, for us, it quite natural actually. If a person is too strong, his elemental affinity releases a thick smell of that element, so we can sniff it and tell his strength. However, there are ways to trick the nose of a beastman."

"Hmm. That is pretty resourceful"

"Yes. There are still some other things I would teach you but let's rush upon the other races. Demon kins can use Fire, Lightning, and Darkness, plus they have special eyes. A demon's eyes can see through you instantly. Of cause, there are ways to trick them too. Elves can only use wind, plus they have special ears. An elf can hear you coming from miles away. Fairies are light users. They are known for their great mana manipulation technique. When in a battle with a fairy, it is advised that you end the battle as quickly as you can. Their mana manipulation technique enables them to recover mana at a faster rate than any race. The merkins are a water element based race. They have unique traits under their skins that allow them to stay in water for a long time. They have the best water techniques. Dwarves can only use earth and fire elements. They are known to be the best builders of anything. Give a dwarf a foundation plan and he would build you a kingdom"

"Wow. That's quite a lot"

"And finally, humans. They are the only race that can use all elements. However, unlike other races that seem to have an inbuilt mechanism to understand and know their prowess, humans can learn to master any element of their choice but it has to be their effort"

Over the years, Reynard kept tutoring Adrian. While Adrian was away, Reynard would report his progress to Adrian's mother.

"What's new today?"

"He is a genius among geniuses, your highness. I honestly have nothing to teach him just six months into our sparring session"


"He absorbs everything like a sponge, no, like a desert"

Adrian's mother noticed a troubled expression on Reynards' face.

"What is it Reynard, speak"

"Your highness, three months into our training, Adrian would ask me to show him an elemental move, which I did. He would ask questions and try relating them to other elements. I didn't understand this so, I have been quite worried about it"

"Is that all?"

"Yes, your highness"

She thought for a while. She couldn't understand the reason for this cause of action from Adrian but she continued to support him.

"Continue helping him, Reynard. I am very grateful"

"Of cause, your highness, I swear on my honour"

Adrian had discovered a trick to how each race had a unique ability. They had constantly used mana to enhance that sense-organ in their body. Just like how each part of the body worked separately but achieving one goal, so also can mana be applied.

If you add mana to the organs of the body, it increases that organ's ability. Because the other races have been constantly doing this, it had become natural to them and had turned into something that can be passed down to the next generation.

With this discovery, Adrian had continued to use mana to enhance every part of his body. He had learned how to control his mana so precisely that he was no longer emitting any mana.

It was like his body was devoid of mana. What he didn't know was that this "simple' trick he had discovered was what powerhouses who were in the saint realm and above could do. This is because, by that time, they would have a great deal of control over their mana.

*** Adrian's Secret Room***

Adrian stood in the center of the room. Different traps had been set around him; from six armed wooden golems to poisonous darts, arrows, and so on. It looked impossible to escape.

With a *click* sound, the traps are activated. The lights in the room went out as each trap activated. Arrow after arrow, dart after dart, he evaded them all with his eyes closed.

When the golems got closer to him, they moved a speed beyond the ordinary eyes. This is because they were powered by mana to fight against anyone in the elemental apprentice low-stage realm.

The room was completely dark. However, there was a pair of golden iris with black pupils, shining brightly in the dark.


The sound of swords clashing could be heard. After a few minutes, there was complete silence, then six magic seals appeared in six different directions of the pair of eyes.


Lightning shot out of each seal as it struck something in its paths. Soon, the lights came on.

Adrian stood at the same spot he was in before the light went out, but his eyes were different. His sclera was pitch black, his iris was a golden color and his pupil remained black but they had formed a pattern; a six-edged star pattern.

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