
Lord of The Mysteries: The Arrival of the New Black Emperor

A fanfiction of "Lord of the Mysteries," following the Black Emperor pathway. The Old Ones roar in the starry sky, heralding the impending apocalypse. The authority of "Order," which can minimize the risk of losing control, becomes the target of the Old Ones' contention. However, the Old Ones are unaware that the essence symbolizing order and distortion, the "Land of Disorder," has been mastered by a newly transmigrated young man with a complex background named Hobert. He joins the Tarot Club and begins to structure the order of the human world, gradually gaining control over the authority of order.

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30 Chs

Chapter 25: The Second Tarot Meeting

Chapter 25: The Second Tarot Meeting

Hobert inquired about the residence of Mr. Heyman, to which Mr. Robin replied, "We only know this gentleman's name, but we don't have any other information about him."

Hobert felt somewhat helpless and had to investigate on his own. He left the share authorization document behind, and just as he saw Mr. Robin off, Barton called out to him, "Are you planning to help?"

"Yes," Hobert replied, "At the very least, I will investigate."

Barton shook his head, "We are lawyers, not police officers or detectives. We need our clients to provide sufficient evidence. Our role is to help clients with their lawsuits, not to search for evidence."

Hobert smiled wryly, "I know you're right, but I still want to help him. Even if after investigating I find that I can't help him, my conscience will feel better."

Barton shrugged, "Alright then, but the firm won't reimburse your expenses on this case. Of course, if there are any gains, you don't need to hand them over to the firm. Consider it a private commission."

Hobert nodded, "Understood."

Hobert spent the entire morning handling his gun license. After returning from the government office, he organized materials and reviewed documents. He planned to go out in the afternoon under the pretense of visiting a client and then find a hotel to rent a room by the hour to attend the Tarot meeting.

Fortunately, he didn't go out. Just before noon, he received a letter from the mercenary club, stating that someone selling common extraordinary materials like dragon blood grass had arranged to meet him at the club at 4 PM.

Additionally, someone wanted to sell notes from Emperor Roselle and had also arranged to meet him around 4 PM.

It seemed that Monday would be too busy to visit clients.

Around 2 PM, Hobert left the office, walked through two streets, and found a hotel where he rented a room for 1 soule.

At 3 PM, a well-prepared Hobert was pulled above the gray fog.

After the members greeted each other, Hobert sincerely thanked them, "Thank you, Mr. Fool, for the idea you provided at the last meeting. After my confirmation, my family indeed has a maddening curse, and I am currently investigating its origin.

"If anyone hears of a similar curse, please let me know. I will offer extraordinary knowledge as a reward for the information."

The Hanged Man agreed, while "Justice" seemed a bit restless, "Honorable Mr. Fool, always helpful Mr. Hanged Man, and knowledgeable Mr. Emperor, I have a question to ask:

"What can a pet with extraordinary powers do for its owner?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she noticed that Mr. Fool, the Hanged Man, and the Emperor all fell silent.

Audrey: Hey, hey, hey, say something, don't look at me like that! Really, I'm asking for a friend!

Hobert's light laugh broke the silence, "If the pet possesses the extraordinary ability of a 'Spectator,' it can observe and eavesdrop in certain situations on your behalf. People are wary of their kind but are less likely to suspect a pet of eavesdropping."

Audrey: Makes sense! Many times when Dad discusses important matters with others, he avoids me, but they don't drive away Susie.

Wait a minute, Mr. Emperor, why did you directly use 'Spectator' as an example?

She quickly jumped to the next topic to ease her embarrassment, "Mr. Fool, I found another page of Emperor Roselle's diary."

After about four or five minutes, Mr. Fool finished reading the diary, "You may now discuss."

Audrey breathed a sigh of relief, "I want to know if there is a potion called 'Arbitrator,' and what kind of extraordinary person can pass through wooden doors directly?"

"There is," Hobert replied casually, "Extraordinary individuals on the 'Arbitrator' pathway are common in the armies of the Ruen Kingdom and the Feneport Kingdom because the royal families of these two kingdoms, the Augustus family and the Castia family, became extraordinary families on the 'Arbitrator' pathway due to their allegiance to the Solomon Empire and the Trensost Empire.

"Additionally, due to wars and other reasons, the kings of these two kingdoms awarded some soldiers with 'Arbitrator' pathway potions, resulting in some non-royal 'Arbitrator' extraordinary families.

"Generally speaking, 'Arbitrators' are widely present among the nobility, military, and political circles of the two kingdoms. The Fusac Empire should also have some 'Arbitrator' extraordinary traits, as it has been an old rival of the Ruen Kingdom."

Audrey was somewhat surprised, not expecting the royal families to be extraordinary families. But thinking about it, in a world with extraordinary individuals, the fact that the Augustus family has existed for a thousand years and remained unshaken speaks volumes.

Hobert continued, "As for extraordinary individuals who can pass through wooden doors, they are on the 'Apprentice' pathway. The Spirit Knowledge Society has many extraordinary individuals on this pathway. Additionally, the Abraham family also holds relatively complete potion formulas for this pathway.

"However, like my family, the Abraham family is also deeply affected by a curse. It is said that there are no strong individuals on this pathway currently."

Alger and Klein were both slightly surprised. They knew about the 'Apprentice' pathway and the Spirit Knowledge Society, but they had never heard of the Abraham family, which made them once again marvel at the Emperor's vast knowledge.

They were also very curious about the history and current situation of the Abraham family.

"Mr. Emperor," Audrey asked, "Why haven't I heard of the Abraham family?"

Klein secretly thought: Miss Justice, your question is excellent!

Alger also perked up his ears, seriously "freeloading" this secret knowledge of the extraordinary world.

Hobert smiled, "That's because this family began to decline in the Fourth Epoch. However, almost all extraordinary individuals on the 'Apprentice' pathway, except those from the Spirit Knowledge Society, have some connection to this family."

Audrey nodded, "Mr. Emperor, your explanation is very detailed. How should I pay you?"

Hobert had already planned to ask Audrey to investigate the fallen nobles in Backlund, which naturally included Laft Pound.

However, just as he was about to speak, Hobert suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu. He racked his brain and finally remembered.

In a Tarot meeting a few months later, "Mr. World" would commission Audrey to conduct the same investigation!

At the same time, memories of Laft also flooded Hobert's mind.

The Pound family were descendants of the Blood Emperor Tudor. After changing their surname and going into hiding, they began to serve the Ruen royal family. However, their real goal was to settle in Backlund and attempt to excavate the relics left by the Tudor Empire.

As a result, many strong members of the family were killed by the evil spirits in the relics, causing the Pound family to fall into decline.

(End of this chapter)