
Lord of the Mysteries: Lord Of The Dream Realm

Meng Xian, transported into the world of "Lord of the Mysteries," initially believes she's in a parallel universe. However, when she recognizes her colleague Zhou Mingrui as the protagonist of the novel, she realizes she's in a world destined for destruction. To survive, she devises a plan to befriend Zhou Mingrui and gain access to the Sefirah Castle, a place of immense power that might shield her from the impending doom. The good news is that Meng Xian has arrived long before the main events of the plot begin The bad news is that the plot's events are far off—thousands of years away. But her plan takes an unexpected turn when she discovers a mysterious book in the store This book, infused with the power of dreams, drags her into the ancient 2nd Epoch, far from her carefully laid plans.

haruhiflora · Livres et littérature
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20 Chs

Chapter 8:Moving Out

February 18th Friday 2016

In the bustling cafeteria at noon, Zhou Mingrui was in high spirits. He had just bought a bottle of Coke, which he jokingly referred to as his "happy water." The weight of his burdens seemed to have lifted, and he couldn't wait to share his news with Meng Xian.

"Meng Xian, I'll go back to pack my things tonight, and I'll move in with you tomorrow during the weekend," Zhou Mingrui announced, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Have you finished talking to the landlord?" Meng Xian asked, her eyes reflecting curiosity and concern

Zhou Mingrui took a sip of his soda, savoring the moment before responding. "Hmm!" He nodded vigorously.

Seeing that Meng Xian was curious about how he had managed to negotiate, Zhou Mingrui began to explain. "Just like when I moved out earlier, I was technically the one who violated the contract first.

If my roommate made noise and disturbed others, affecting my rest, I had the right to ask the landlord to eliminate the unreasonable noise."

He paused, taking another sip of his drink. "Of course, you know the result... the landlord didn't play any role."

Meng Xian nodded sympathetically. "Since he couldn't stop the noise, you had the right to request to terminate the lease."

"But the boundary of noise is not easy to determine..." Meng Xian said softly, her gaze steady on him. "Is this why you stayed up all night for several days?"

"Exactly," Zhou Mingrui replied, his voice filled with a mix of triumph and fatigue. "But the boundary of noise is not easy to determine.

That's why I stayed up all night for several days, collecting evidence."

Meng Xian's brow furrowed slightly. "Did you buy a noise monitor?"

"That's right." Zhou Mingrui's face lit up with a smile. "I bought it at a flea market. The original price was 120 yuan, but I bargained it down to 65 yuan!"

As he recounted his bargaining success, he stretched out his hands, mimicking the numbers five and six to illustrate his point.

Meng Xian's mouth curled up into a faint smile at his enthusiasm.

"It seems you're well aware that professional instruments such as testers require merchants to provide calibration certificates in order to function," she said softly.

"But if you want to collect noise forensics, even if you buy professional equipment worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and have a calibration certificate, as long as the tester does not have the relevant qualifications, the test results will still not have legal effect."

"Yes, and I can't hire a professional testing agency to test the noise. My two months' rent probably won't be enough to cover the cost," Zhou Mingrui admitted with a sheepish grin. "So this is not a criminal case, but a civil dispute. The data I collected is for the landlord to see, not for the judge."

Meng Xian's smile deepened slightly. She looked at Zhou Mingrui, who seemed to be in an unusually good mood despite the ordeal he had just gone through. His determination and resourcefulness shone through his weary demeanor.

"Did you stay up all night every day to collect evidence?" Meng Xian asked gently.

Zhou Mingrui nodded, a touch of bitterness in his voice. "Yes, I had no choice. There are specific legal standards for daily noise, so I had to manually collect evidence to resolve the dispute."

Meng Xian watched him closely, her eyes filled with a mix of admiration and concern. "It must have been exhausting," she said softly.

"It was," Zhou Mingrui admitted. "I still remember my heart pounding in my chest from the lack of rest, feeling like it would explode at any moment. It was a painful experience, but it was necessary."

Meng Xian's smile deepened slightly. She looked at Zhou Mingrui, noting the lightness in his demeanor. "Hehe... you're quite resourceful."

Zhou Mingrui's grin widened, his earlier hardships momentarily forgotten. "You know, sometimes you just have to play the cards you're dealt. And now, thanks to you, I won't have to deal with that noise anymore. Moving in with you... it's a real lifesaver."

Meng Xian nodded, a warm feeling spreading through her chest. She was genuinely glad to see him in better spirits. "I'm glad it worked out. Just remember to take care of yourself."

Another scene quietly emerged in his mind from the book "Lord of the Mysteries."

In order to retrieve the Antignus family's notes, a member of the secret order sneaked into the Moretti family home late at night.

His infiltration went smoothly without alerting the owner of the house. Klein and Benson were each sleeping soundly on their wooden bunk beds.

The member of the secret society came to the desk and searched for the notes. Time passed by minute by minute... Suddenly, he stopped and tilted his ear slightly.

The heartbeat rate behind me changed and became more rapid...

Someone's awake, the skinny member of the secret order thought grimly.

He was just about to turn around and let the unfortunate fellow continue to sleep, or sleep forever, but his back suddenly stiffened due to a chill of threat.

"Good evening, sir."

He heard a chuckling voice.

The member of the secret order tensed his body and clasped his hands quietly.

However, the owner of the voice did not react in any way, as if he had not noticed his attempt to fight back, or perhaps... he saw it but did not care.

His tone was still leisurely and calm:

"Please raise your hands, turn around, and try to move slowly. Honestly speaking, I am a timid and nervous person.

If you go too fast, I'll be scared... Can't you guarantee that there won't be any accidental firings?"

The member of the secret society became more alert, raised his hands halfway beside his head, and turned his body little by little.

Under his two thick and sharp brown eyebrows were a pair of blue eyes as ferocious as a wild animal, and what caught his eyes was one of the targets of this trip: Klein Moretti.

Klein, who was in the lower bunk, sat up at some point, holding a standard revolver in his hand, with the muzzle pointed at his head.

Seeing his "obedient" behavior, Klein nodded with satisfaction and reserve. "Yes, that's it."

After the member of the secret society had completely turned around, Klein calmly raised his chin and spoke in a friendly manner:

"Sir, let's go out and talk, so as not to disturb other people's sweet dreams. Well, move slower, step more lightly..."

Klein's voice was soft and gentle, revealing a casual sense of happiness.

"... This is the most basic courtesy of a gentleman."

Therefore, this member of the secret order, who was suspected to be a Beyonder, was intimidated by an ordinary person and did not dare to act rashly.

He automatically translated "Let's go out and talk" into "open the door and run away," and then unfortunately ran into the encirclement of the Night Watchers and fell into their trap.

He would never have thought that Klein, who looked like a sharpshooter, was actually a rookie who had only just started using a gun.

He would never have thought that the first shot from the revolver that intimidated him was actually a blank to prevent accidental firing.

He would never have thought that Klein's reliance was not on weapons, but on "An Actor's skill."

All the agendas that Klein carried out in the book, pretending to be a god even though he was a human but eventually became a god in three years, embodied the mantra 'fake it until you make it.'

Then another memory came to mind—Klein's internal monologue: "Phew, looks like I've managed to trick another person into becoming a member. No, I've managed to recruit another member..." It was the time when Derrick Berg joined.

Just thinking about this, Meng Xian couldn't help but form a small smile.

To sum up, Meng Xian could fully imagine how Zhou Mingrui, who got the noise data that he had worked so hard to detect, used both bluffing and deception to have a "cordial" communication and "friendly" negotiation with the landlord.

She exclaimed, "I always thought..."

"Hmm?" Zhou Mingrui looked up at her while putting rice into his mouth.

"It's really a waste of your talent to be just a worker. You have a good face and figure; maybe you can be an actor."

Zhou Mingrui tilted his head, a blush creeping up his cheeks. "Can I take this as a compliment?"

Meng Xian laughed, her eyes twinkling. "Yes, you certainly can."

Another ordinary day came to a close as Meng Xian finished her lunch, wrapped up her work, and prepared to unwind. The mundane rhythm of daily life felt comforting in its predictability.

The next day, Saturday morning, Meng Xian woke early with a sense of purpose. She took the bus to Zhou Mingrui's old neighborhood, where he was about to move out of his current rental.

They had agreed that Meng Xian would help him with the move, and she was determined to make it a smooth transition.

As Meng Xian stepped off the bus, the familiar sights of the aging neighborhood greeted her. The buildings bore the wear of time, their exteriors cracked and faded, but recent coats of new paint gave them a fresh look. Large, bright numbers marked each building, adding a touch of modernity to the otherwise weathered surroundings.

She made her way to Building 3, where Zhou Mingrui lived. The absence of an elevator meant she had to climb the stairs, which she approached with determination.

The stairwells, though aged, were maintained with care. Each landing featured a public toilet, but the cleanliness was notable—no unpleasant odors lingered, a testament to the diligent upkeep.

Meng Xian climbed to the sixth floor, where Zhou Mingrui's unit was located. Her breathing was steady and her stride unbroken, a stark contrast to the weakness she remembered from her past life.

She could hardly believe how much her physical condition had improved since her arrival in this world.

Arriving at the top floor, Meng Xian's gaze wandered briefly over the corridor.

The walls, painted a soft beige, were punctuated by wooden doors leading to each apartment. The corridor had a lived-in feel, with the occasional welcome mat or potted plant brightening the otherwise plain space.

She paused momentarily as she reached Unit 604, taking in the scene. Opposite the door was a wooden panel with a small lock, typically used by residents for additional security.

As she walked past a slightly ajar door, she caught a glimpse inside. The small kitchen beyond was tidy and functional—a modest space filled with the essence of daily life.

The kitchen had a well-used stove, a practical washbasin, and a range hood that had seen better days.

The wall cabinets, though simple, were organized, and a frameless mirror was embedded in the wall above the towel rack. On the lower right side of the mirror, a tooth cup held two wooden combs—one with sparse teeth and one with dense teeth—alongside a plastic comb.

Several fluffy hair bands were nestled in the combs, hinting at the personal touches that made the space feel homey.

Meng Xian turned her attention back to the door of Zhou Mingrui's apartment. It had two doors: an old-fashioned metal frame door on the outside and a reddish-brown wooden door on the inside.

The metal door had seen better days, and a wall of gauze hung on the inner side, a makeshift attempt to keep out the elements and offer some privacy.

She took a deep breath and reached out to knock on the wooden door.

When Zhou Mingrui opened the door to Meng Xian's knock, his face broke into a welcoming smile, and he gestured for her to enter.

"No need to change your shoes; you can come in directly," he said, stepping aside.

Meng Xian stepped into the dimly lit apartment.

The space had a lived-in feel, marked by the usual signs of a home in transition. Boxes were stacked against the walls, some neatly packed while others were hastily thrown together.

The air held a faint, musty scent, mingled with the smell of old wood and the faint trace of recent cleaning.

As Meng Xian made her way inside, Zhou Mingrui raised a finger to his lips, signaling her to be quiet. "Someone is sleeping," he whispered.

Meng Xian raised an eyebrow and glanced at him meaningfully. "Your roommate?"

Zhou Mingrui nodded with a knowing smile.

"Yes, but he is him, and I am me. Anyway, we'll never meet again in the future, so there's no need to make things complicated."

Meng Xian's gaze lingered on him, searching for a deeper understanding. "Just let it go like this? Are you willing?"

Zhou Mingrui's smile faded slightly, and he hesitated before shaking his head gently. "If you ask me if I am willing, I am definitely not.

But revenge or something... To be honest, I used to get along well with the landlord, so let's forgive him when we can."

Meng Xian looked at him with a mix of understanding and curiosity. If it were her, she would likely make the same decision as Zhou Mingrui.

She could see the weariness in his eyes, the silent resignation that came from balancing emotional wounds with practical considerations.

Although Zhou Mingrui had managed to make the landlord compromise through his adept use of rhetoric, he was still at a disadvantage compared to the landlord's entrenched position.

The landlord, being a stubborn person, might have refused to settle without a fight. For Zhou Mingrui, a migrant worker without deep local roots or connections, pursuing a lawsuit could have jeopardized his job and well-being. The risk of losing more than he could afford was palpable.

Meng Xian considered the situation thoughtfully. She knew the fleeting satisfaction of revenge would not outweigh the potential long-term damage to his interests.

Zhou Mingrui had chosen to endure and let go, weighing his options with both rationality and emotion. It was a decision that spoke to his character, even as it reflected a significant difference between their approaches.

As Meng Xian reflected on the nature of her relationship with Zhou Mingrui, she couldn't help but ponder how much of their interaction was genuine versus how much was influenced by circumstance.

"How much of my relationship with you is acting?" she mused internally. "Perhaps there is still a little sincerity... After all, if you were a completely hypocritical person, I would have distanced myself from you without a word."

Shaking off her deeper reflections, Meng Xian focused on the present. "Let's go," she said, closing her eyes momentarily to suppress her newly emerged emotions.

She smiled warmly, her expression softening.

"Where's your luggage?"

After they finished preparing Zhou Mingrui's belongings, they took a taxi back to Meng Xian's shared house.

She had initially suggested taking the bus to save money, but Zhou Mingrui's response was unusually resolute.

"You're here to help me move," he said firmly, "I can't let my friend who's helping me take the bus twice." His insistence on paying for the taxi was a testament to his gratitude and perhaps his way of showing respect for her help.

Meng Xian blinked, a hint of amusement and sympathy crossing her face. She watched as Zhou Mingrui approached the taxi, his expression a blend of determination and financial concern.

Seeing his wallet, she silently mourned for it, recognizing the sacrifice he was making.

The elevator doors slid open with a soft chime, and Meng Xian and Zhou Mingrui stepped out onto the 24th floor.

They carried their suitcases and bags, each step echoing softly in the quiet, well-maintained corridor. Meng Xian quickly entered the security code, and the door unlocked with a reassuring click.

"Okay, come in," she said, stepping aside to let Zhou Mingrui enter first.

As they crossed the threshold, Meng Xian slipped her shoes off and neatly placed them on the shoe rack by the entrance.

She then retrieved a pair of new, soft slippers she had bought for Zhou Mingrui. With a smile, she handed them to him.

"Change into these. They're more comfortable for moving around," Meng Xian suggested.

Zhou Mingrui took the slippers gratefully, changing into them before heading toward the master bedroom.

The room was a fresh, modern space, decorated in a style that favored simplicity and lightness.

The furniture was sleek, with bright, airy colors that seemed to breathe life into the room. White walls, unadorned by wallpaper, reflected the natural light, giving the room a clean and inviting appearance.

Zhou Mingrui's eyes lit up as he took in the space. He wandered around, touching the surfaces and taking in the calm atmosphere. It was clear he was pleased with his new environment.

Meng Xian, on the other hand, chose to observe silently. She leaned against the door frame, her arms folded across her chest, lost in her own thoughts.

Suddenly, a sharp, uncomfortable sensation pierced through her head. Meng Xian winced, her hand instinctively reaching up to touch her temple. Just as she was about to dismiss it, she heard a concerned voice.

"Meng Xian? Meng Xian?" Zhou Mingrui's voice cut through her haze, laced with worry.

She blinked, shaking off the headache with an effort. Zhou Mingrui approached her, his brow furrowed. "Are you okay? I've been calling you for a while, and you look pale."

Meng Xian managed a weak smile. "I'm fine. It might just be from staying up late last night."

Zhou Mingrui furrowed his brow, a hint of playful reproach in his tone. "Tsk tsk. You only let people light lamps but not the governor set fires.

I'll return the words you gave me: take care of yourself."

Meng Xian's expression softened as she met his gaze. "Thank you, but I am very aware of my physical condition."

Zhou Mingrui seemed to accept her reassurance but was still curious. "What did you do last night? Watching anime, reading novels, watching videos, playing games? But I don't think you'd give up self-discipline for those, right?"

Meng Xian's lips twitched into a smile at his guessing game. "Thank you for your concern…"

Before she traveled through time, she had indeed indulged in those late-night activities as part of her routine. As a writer, staying up late was almost second nature.

Zhou Mingrui's eyes widened in mock horror. "Could it be… staying up late to study?!"

Meng Xian gave him a sidelong glance, her eyes narrowing slightly in a mix of surprise and mild offense. "Why do you look so surprised? I'm a little offended."

Zhou Mingrui's expression shifted to one of amusement as he chuckled softly. "Just kidding," he said, a teasing glint in his eyes. "I know you're probably more disciplined than that. I just couldn't resist making a joke."

Meng Xian shook her head with a soft laugh, the lingering discomfort momentarily forgotten. "You and your jokes," she said, her voice carrying a note of affectionate exasperation.

A soft meow caught their attention. Starlight, the cat, padded into the room with a graceful, feline curiosity. His fur, a mix of delicate shades, shimmered in the ambient light as he approached Meng Xian. He circled her legs, rubbing his body against her ankles and meowing in a gentle, welcoming tone.

Zhou Mingrui's eyes lit up with recognition. "Is this the cat you were talking about?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Meng Xian knelt down, reaching out to pet Starlight. The cat purred contentedly, pressing into her touch with an affectionate nudge. "Yes, his name is Starlight. I found him on the street during New Year's Eve."

Zhou Mingrui smiled warmly, watching the interaction with a sense of delight. "Ah, I see," he said, his gaze softening as he observed Meng Xian's tender care for the cat.

The cat seemed to sense the warmth in their interaction and purred contentedly. After a few moments, Starlight's attention shifted to Zhou Mingrui. With a curious glint in his eyes, he approached the new presence, sniffing Zhou Mingrui's hand tentatively.

Zhou Mingrui, sensing the cat's interest, extended his hand further. "Come here, buddy," he said softly.

The cat approached cautiously, sniffing Zhou Mingrui's hand before tentatively nudging it.

Zhou Mingrui's face lit up with joy as Starlight began to snuggle against his hand. "Looks like Starlight likes me," he said with a pleased grin.

Meng Xian observed the interaction with a subtle smile, her gaze reflecting a mix of amusement and contemplation.

She could see a certain similarity between Zhou Mingrui and Starlight in their gentle, curious demeanor. The sight was oddly heartwarming.

"The cat really likes you too," Meng Xian said, her voice soft but genuine.

Zhou Mingrui nodded, still petting Starlight. "Well, Starlight is a really nice cat."

Meng Xian agreed, "Yes, he is quite friendly."

As Zhou Mingrui stood up, Starlight lounged comfortably on the floor, watching them with half-closed eyes.

Meng Xian motioned towards the side bedroom. "Let's head to your room."

They walked down the hallway, Starlight trailing behind them with a casual, almost regal air. Meng Xian opened the door to the side bedroom next door and gestured for Zhou Mingrui to enter.

The moment he stepped inside, his expression shifted to one of surprise and confusion.

Zhou Mingrui's eyes widened as he took in the room's decor. The walls were a bright, eye-watering red, complemented by red furniture, red curtains, and even a red ceiling. The room was drenched in a hue so vivid it was almost overwhelming.

He tried to mask his discomfort, but his reaction was evident. "Is this… the decoration of your house?" His voice faltered slightly, his tone hinting at incredulity.

Meng Xian, noticing his reaction, offered an apologetic smile. "This room actually belonged to a couple who lived here before. They decorated it according to their taste, which was quite… bold."

Zhou Mingrui looked around, his discomfort palpable. "It's, um, very red."

Meng Xian continued, her tone light yet explanatory. "The couple originally planned to keep this room for their elders.

However, their elders chose to stay in their hometown, so they decided to rent it out. They initially only allowed female tenants, but after seeing the room's decor, no one showed interest."

She paused, letting the implication sink in. "Let's just say the decor didn't appeal to many."

"Not to mention girls," he thought, "even a guy like me can't handle this much red!"

"Anyway," Meng Xian smiled at him, her tone light, "that's the story."

Starlight wandered into the room, meowing softly as he explored the vibrant surroundings.

Zhou Mingrui took a deep breath and, trying to make light of the situation, joked, "This room looks... a bit too intense. Are we sure there's no hidden agenda here? Some kind of sorcery or evil spirits, maybe?"

He mentally sifted through every horror novel, suspense film, and supernatural tale he'd ever encountered, searching for any resemblance to the room's unsettling decor.

Meng Xian's expression remained calm, but a faint, enigmatic smile touched her lips. "Don't worry," she said reassuringly, "I checked carefully and there are no special arrangements. Even if the so-called ghosts did appear..."

Her voice trailed off, but her eyes sparkled with an odd, almost mischievous gleam. For a moment, Zhou Mingrui felt a shiver run down his spine