
The Bright Blazing Sun

A man must accomplish the task he has been entrusted with.

That's what Fred thought, as he walked over on the dirt road, surrounded by the lush green forest. His bag was slung over his shoulder as he silently ruminated over his past couple of days. Merlin… It has been months since I last saw him...

Ever since his fateful encounter with Merlin Hermes, the Wandering Magician, Fred's thoughts had been completely plagued by the image of the latter, as well the horrific encounter that creeped up his soul every now and then. Fred wasn't stupid; he knew for a fact that he had been mentally scarred. How couldn't he? If it wasn't for Merlin that day, he would have never been able to return back.

To let him recover, Lord Quan gave him a month of rest. An act of kindness. This had proven effective as Fred was mostly recovered from his injuries, as well as his mental trauma. Yet the effects lingered. It wasn't too much of a bother for Fred—he had simply learned to pay no mind to them.

After a month of rest, Fred was assigned back to his duties. A delivery man though he was no longer given organs to deliver and was strictly forbidden to go anywhere near Lord Semirun's mansion. Fred, being the obedient one, strictly followed. Currently, he was delivering some gems to the other part of the city, one that Fred has never visited before. For this, he was to follow one of his close friends, Jese.

"And this is what happens when you strictly abide by a singular route. I get it, you never had to deliver anywhere else, but did you seriously never bother exploring?" Jese scolded her good friend. Well, she had been scolding him the entire way, so by this point, her words only fell on empty ears. Fred simply shook his head, presenting a tired expression, as he and Jese approached the Moon city.

Jese, unexpectedly closed her mouth, and leaned forward towards Fred, whispering in his ears. "It isn't over yet." The latter felt a chill run down his spine as he slowly gulped. "Are you kidding me…" He deeply said, expressing his intense mental tiredness. He and Jese hung their heads low as they slowly walked inside the Moon city. Almost instantly, their attention was caught by the abnormal silence that seemed to envelope the whole City of Sanguines. This caused Jese to raise her head, and look around wearing a confused look. 

Suddenly, she felt hundreds of gazes land upon her at once. Some filled with malice, while others held an indescribable essence within them, one that could not be easily discerned. Jese gulped, and so did Fred, whom had also felt the numerous gazes landing on them. His thoughts began to run wild, as the past trauma creeped itself back on to his mind, the scenes flashing past his eyes, as he felt his body turn stiff, before eventually succumbing to paralysis from fear.

He felt a tug beside him, Jese, who now held his hands, squeezing them tightly, while she barely maintained her composure. Fred saw her side profile from the corner of his eyes, and tried to move his body, trying to overcome his fear, even if the attempt was to result in failure. 

It was then, suddenly, a bright glow enveloped his vision. A radiant warmth washed over his body, purging all his bad emotions, washing them away, far away from his cloudy mind. Fred immediately gained back control over his body, and simultaneously looked up, before instinctively shielding his eyes. Soon, his vision adapted to the bright light that illuminated from the sky. The clouds that enveloped the Moon City, began to clear up, as Fred and Jese for the first time in their lives, witnessed, a spectacle that they had only dreamt of witnessing.

The Bright Blazing Sun!

Golden rays erupted from the sky, shining over the City of Sanguines, illuminating every part of the city, far brighter than what the Crimson Moon could ever hope to output. The Sun, once always tucked away behind the dark clouds dotting the city's skies, had for the first time showed its full glory. Its purifying rays illuminated the land, casting away the darkness and madness that permeated the land.

It was a beautiful and wonderful sight, one that Fred or Jese could not have described in words. But for the Sanguines, it was nothing short of ugly. A despicable light that did nothing but harm them, burned their skin away. It was at that moment, Fred understood the reason behind the mostly empty streets of Moon city. Sun!

It was the bright illumination from the Sun that had caused these ravenous beasts to retract into the shadows. "They" could not withstood this incandescent light. 

A slight chuckle escaped from his lips, as he squeezed Jese's hands, smiling and looking up at the bright sun.

The Incandescent Sun.

Klein breathed out while stretching his body 

The King of King of Angels had donned on a winter fur jacket over his black waist coat, as if to protect himself from the chilly tendura that surrounded him. Of course, naturally, as a Mythical Creature, Klein would not feel the cold the same way humans did. For this reason, he had to deceive his own body, to interact with the harsh environment as the average human would; a minor way to reinforce his humanity.

"So cold..." Klein rubbed his hands and exhaled on them. Besides him, Amanises took notice of his action, and couldn't help but muse to herself. Good thing I am a demonic wolf, my fur is thick enough to protect me from the harsh cold! Just as she grinned, a patch of snow fell over from a tall tree, landing directly on her head.


… What are the chances? Amanises lampooned at her own bad luck even as the Lady of Misfortune, and shook off the snow from her head. She looked back at Klein, who covered a laugh, an action which caused the demonic wolf to crack a smile and then let out a chuckle. It had been a couple of months since the two had embarked on their adventure, with a natural result of the duo warming up to each other's presence.

They began to walk once more through the snowy tendura planes, while looking at the cloudy sky, with orange bright rays penetrating in some places, giving the sky as a whole, an holy look. Klein sighed looking at the cloudy figure of the sun, that was tucked behind by clouds. "His" influence is growing… He thought, as a gentle cold breeze hitted his face, prompting Klein to shiver.

"You should probably wear a head cap. Your ears and cheek are red." Just as Amanises said that, she tilted her head, gazing at Klein, who appeared quite pretty due to his bright red facials, and his snowy fair skin. "And your nose too. Your nose is red." Klein in response, shook his hands in front of his face, and nonchalantly said with a smile, "I get it… I get it." The top hat on his head suddenly changed shape, as it turned into a pikachu head shaped cap that covered his ears.

A Pokemon fan… If only, I could pull my card collection from the historical void... Amanises felt solemn and displayed it adequately on her face. Klein noticed her expression, and tilted his head in confusion. Before he could have asked her anything regarding her weird expression, his spirituality triggered prompting him to look in a certain direction in the forest.

"That…" Amanises had also seemingly sensed the strange attraction that had triggered both of their spirituality. Without exchanging words, they both advanced with caution towards the ominous attraction. In just a few moments, they reached an abandoned stone ruin, with moss and cobwebs covering its weathering form.

This was a shocking matter for even Klein! 

"Stone ruin? Didn't you say these planes are mostly untouched?" Amanises questioned, before pausing. Yeah… He said 'Mostly'. Realization dawned on her, while Klein who was about to explain himself noticed her enlightened expression and opted to remain silent.

A Stone ruin is pretty weird… Also the strange pull coming from here… Could it be that it has medium to high level characteristics of Fool, Error, or Door? This wasn't a surprise for Klein, as he and Amanises had repeatedly encountered mid to high sequence characteristics monsters on their journey, with most of them being a mix of various non-neighbouring pathways.

Without entertaining a talk, the duo walked inside the stone ruin, with Klein wishing away the cobwebs and moss layering the place. Soon, they noticed various decayed skeletons, resembling that of various races. The ruin itself was not too big, hence it didn't take too long for Klein and Amanises to completely explore the entirety of it. Yet, they were unable to identify the source of the Mystical attraction.

Suddenly, Amanises felt her weight decrease, as she looked down and noticed herself floating on top of a void hole. Almost immediately, her figure disappeared from the spot, reappearing a few feet away from the void hole, the surroundings darkness quickly gathered in spot, cloaking it entirely.

The Darkness then began to shatter, as the void hole was completely melted away. Amanises didn't melt just a hole, but the very deception of space that was applied on her! She was Deceived! The deception came along with an illusion, to mask the fake as real, making her feel like she was about to fall into the void, in spite of it not even being a real hole.

The Darkness around her quickly began to expand, covering the whole ruin in a matter of seconds. Amanises looked down and clicked her tongue, as the darkness immediately melted away the entirety of ruin, skeletons within it, and even the figure of Klein, though it quickly turned into melted pieces of paper. Amanises didn't stop there, as she controlled the darkness, expanding it into a large area outside the abandoned ruin, and melted and vanquished the whole area.

From the darkness, her serene figure quickly took form, with her eyes devoid of the usual serenity that accompanied them. As she now stood in front of a staff, inlaid with gems, with the most brightest one presenting a bluish hue that shined on her face, she quickly retraced her vision as instead of the gems inlaid staff, there now stood, a figure of "Klein" himself. "He" raised "His" hand, as a door of light appeared at Amanises figure, entangling with her, locking her in a place. But then, the door of light damped, as the bright light that shone through it was converged by the darkness that gathered and poured through the door of light swiftly melting it to nothingness, with Amansies figure melting into darkness. "Klein" witnessing this, raised "His" hand once more, as more doors of lights swiftly appeared all around, yet just as fast as they appeared, they were quickly melted into nothingness.

"Klein" suddenly felt countless gazes land on "Him" at once. "He" felt intense terror, and at the same time, an extreme feel of calm washed over "His" body, as before he could even react, "His" entire figure was torn apart by the surrounding darkness, with "Him" being unable to even use paper substituents. But then, from the torn apart body of "Klein", the staff inlaid with gems reappeared!

This Klein, Amanises had fought and overpowered, was but a mere illusion that was turned real through the use of deception at conceptual level. Before, the staff could conjure anymore tricks, the darkness around it churned, as a fair hand took hold of the staff. Amanises, who was about to pounce over at the staff, stopped herself, as she looked over at the man whom the fair hand belonged to. Another Klein.

Amanises quickly controlled the darkness, as it took a material form of a spear, launching itself onto Klein, only for the spear to suddenly halt as it was unable to penetrate the thick grayish white fog enveloping Klein's figure, like a cocoon. The greyish white fog then expanded, overcoming the darkness around them, quickly engulfing the entire area. As soon as the greyish white fog made contact with Amanises figure, who was unable to dodge it due to the darkness around her having been consumed by the fog, she felt a wave of calm wash over her. Her thoughts became clear once more, as the serene calm returned in her eyes.

What the? Amanises felt her clouded mind becoming clearer, as she remembered her previous action. She noticed the fog churning, as it soon disappeared, letting her take a look at the havoc she had wreaked. The entire 10 km radius surrounding the once abandoned ruin, was completely and utterly destroyed. Trees, ground, snow, everything appeared completely melted, with a black hue at the edges of what was left of them. The ground appeared completely ploughed, and the once abandoned ruins had nothing left of them. It appeared as if there was simply never a ruin there.

This caused her eyes to widen and her mouth to hang open. What the??? Wait, what happened to me there??! Amanises was confused, beyond baffled. She turned her head towards Klein, who wore a look of amusement, and confusion. "I swear on my life, I have zero idea what happened to me!" She tried to explain herself, before being shunned away by Klein's waving hand. "No, it's not your fault. Don't worry about that."

Klein consoled her, before habitually beginning to analyze. In fact, it's a little weird. For a goddess as serene and calm as her, that act of irrationality is out of character. Not even the Evernight Goddess had ever acted that immaturely… Well, I have never seen her fight, but still.

Klein had a vague guess regarding her condition, which he considered to be the likely case. He then took note of her spoiled mood. Sighing, he walked towards Amanises, whose head hung low as she was pondering over her sudden loss of calm, when she suddenly felt a hand pat her head. "Now, now, it's okay. Sometimes we all get carried away." Klein grinned, as he took notice of the sudden moment of her tail. Amanises ears twitched, as she flinched away from him. "I may act like a dog at times, but that doesn't equate to me being an actual dog damnit."

Klein chuckled, as he raised his hand to tip his tophat, only to remember he wasn't wearing one. Awkwardly laughing again, he put his hand against his chest, and gave a bow. "Sorry. I just thought it would lighten your mood a little, which it seems to have." Amanises opened her mouth to refute, before shutting it again. …Damn it. I need a human body, how much more time would it take!

She turned her gaze towards the staff, inlaid with gems, and slowly asked. "What is this thing?" Klein, without turning his head, answered. "I suppose you should be aware of artifacts. This is one such artifact belonging to Sequence 3: Mentor of Deceit and Sequence 4: Lie." Klein paused, as he extended his hand and pulled a gold coin from the historical void. Chuckling, he tossed the coin in the air, as his pupil dilated. The coin spun around in mid air, before landing back in his palm, and disappearing. Klein's pupil also returned to normal, as he began to speak again. "It has living characteristics and has the capability to create various illusions, and make them seem real through deception. This deception is at a conceptual level, so even the effects are simulated to a certain extent. It first conjured the old trick in the book, simulating falling. Before conjuring an illusion of me from your memory. Of course, the illusions, especially at my level, are quite inaccurate, which is the reason you were able to get rid of it without much trouble."

Amanises took note of the artifact, and nodded. Since my head wasn't clear, I wasn't able to discern the real Klein… I suppose visually, the artifact can create a 1 to 1 replica… Also, Mentor of Deceit? Amansies didn't hold back on her curiosity and simply asked, "What pathway does Mentor of Deceit correspond to?" 

"Marauder." Klein replied. Marauder… Seems fitting for a pathway named Marauder to have deceiving abilities, even more fitting when you consider that it is one of the pathways of Lord of Mysteries… Actually now that I think about it, don't Giant's also have similar abilities?! Amanises thought to herself and nodded calmly.

Klein looked at the staff, before looking back at Amanies. "Wanna name it?" Amanises interest was instantly piqued, as she pondered for a moment, before replying. "Lie." Klein smiled and nodded as the staff disappeared from his hand, appearing above the gray fog, within the ancient majestic palace.

Lie had officially become the first member of Klein's junk pile.

Klein sighed, as he looked around at the destroyed expanse of land. He extended his hands, and spoke out loudly. "I wish for this place to return to how it was before." Just as Klein declared his wish, the surroundings churned, as the melted trees began to grow back at an abnormal rate. The melted snow quickly took back its original form, covering back the ploughed ground. In just a few moments, the place had returned back to how it was before Klein and Amanises's arrival, with the exception of the ruins.

This was because there was simply nothing left of them, not even pebbles. A miracle could not bring back what was lost in history. For Klein to be able to do that, he would have had to separate the past from present, something he was incapable of at the moment. Hence, he made the decision to leave it be.

Amanises witnessed the miracle and felt somewhat relieved. I should stay away from fights… She had also guessed by this point as to the reason behind her previous actions, which only served to increase her annoyance. "Shall we get a move on. Tingen city isn't too far away from here." Amanises nodded, as she and Klein began to move on again, not before Amanises took another look back at where the ruins used to be.

Used to be.

"Have you…"

Far away from any land, in a distant part of the sonia sea, a figure with pointy ears, blue eyes, blue hairs, and fair skin that was covered by exotic mystical beast leather, deeply spoke in elvish, his voice becoming distant at the end. This was a Calamity Elf, one of the many subsidiary gods of the Elven King, the Tyrant whose supreme reign united the skies and seas.

Besides this Calamity, was a giant scaleless serpent, with dense patterns and complicated symbols representing godhood at its surface. Each symbol, while difficult to discern, seemingly represented a different shaped wheel that spun around slowly, representing the various future possibilities.

"Yes. I have wondered as to why the Queen's arrangements never allowed us to venture deep within human territory." The Scaleless serpent followed after the Calamity, as "His" tail wriggled, coiling around "His" own body. The Calamity remained silent, seemingly contemplating over "His" Queen's numerous arrangements. 

"Well, the biggest reason must be because of those Envoys of Death! Those wretched, oily and puss filled giant birds keep loitering around the Lord's territory, opening those annoying doors leading to everywhere! All the more reason why destroying their skeletal wings is my favourite pastime!" The Calamity Elve roared in Elvish, "His" tone carrying a deep sense of hatred, excitement and cruelty.

The Scaleless Serpent hissed. "And that is correct. If we don't take care of those giant birds, then who will? The Giants are busy with dragons, while the Sanguines are busy with Mutants. The lower ranks can not handle that many just through "borrowing". They require "Us" to descend. And if the Lord "Himself" or the Queen have to step foot on the battlefield, then we may as well let the river of fate drown us for having failed the sole purpose of our lives."

The Calamity Elf nodded, sharing the sentiment. "He" then began to think over again, a rare thing for a hot headed Elf like "Him", before turning "His" head back towards "His" ally. "When was the last attack?" "He" asked, to which, the scaleless serpent hissed once more, "His" giant tail moving around like it had a life of its own.

"It has been quite a long while since we last suffered an attack from "Them". Why? Do your hands itch?" "He" spited openly, earning a deep but sinister chuckle from the Calamity that stood beside "Him". "I seek to bring forth a Calamity in this world. Those Envoys have not returned for a while now. Considering how close we are to the shores, and from how much trouble we have received from those Humans. How about it? It wouldn't take too long to wipe them out.

"An Umutable Calamity that befalls upon all those that oppose The Tyrant! "He" will be nothing short of pleased!" The Calamity Elf broke into a maniacal laughter, imagining the Tyrant commending "Him" for getting rid of a long term hindrance. Curiously, the surroundings seemed to resonate, as if the world's rules and laws were bending with "His" wild emotions.

The Scaleless Snake was unperturbed by this as "He" simply scoffed. "Or you will get executed. You are walking over the Queen's arrangement." 

"I am aware of that. But think about it—if we got rid of those humans on the shore, then we would finally be able to occupy that large piece of land. So much territory to rule over. The end results will justify the means!" The Calamity spoke loudly. "His" voice once more affecting the multitude of realms overlapping "His" surroundings. "Even if we may be stepping over the Queen's arrangement, we are doing it for the greater good of our race. The Queen will understand our point of view!"

The Scaleless serpent remained silent for the longest of time. Seemingly in thought, while the symbols resembling a wheel churned and turned, completing one full rotation. "His" tail spun around before coiling itself completely like a spiral. The tail soon retracted itself, while the Snake of Mercury narrowed "His" gaze, and proclaimed in a deep voice. "A True Calamity will soon sweep upon the enemies."

It was a prophecy. A vague prophecy. 

The Calamity Elf's lips curled upwards. Without wasting another moment, "He" turned around, and walked away, seemingly to gather an army. 

It didn't take too long as the scaleless serpent quickly heard synchronised steps behind him. Turning "His" body, "He" saw the Calamity Elf walking towards "Him", behind was a sizable army of Elves of varying strength. But the Scaleless Serpent quickly discerned most of them to be at higher rankings (Around Sequence 5-4).

Nodding, the Scaleless serpent's body began to morph before taking the shape of an Elf that was slightly taller than the Calamity Elf, "His" hair was ruffled while his deep blue eyes had a wheel-like pupil.

Sighing, the Snake of Mercury took a deep breath and dived into the ocean, followed by Calamity and other Elves. The Calamity Elf stretched "His" hands outwards at the vast sea expanse, as giant waves began to take form. Suddenly a giant whirlwind blade took form just beneath the Elves, engulfing all of them, as they began to traverse through the sea at supersonic speed.

Giant waves, tornados, earthquakes, and even the sky shattered, as various calamities quickly took form one after another, lining themselves as they approached towards the shore at high speeds. The humans standing by, quickly took notice of the sudden attack approaching their way, as one of them went inside the tents, soon coming back with a middle aged, blue-haired man. Leodero.

Leodero witnessed the approaching calamities and felt his heart sink. Quickly, he controlled the wind and began flying while reinforcing his dominion, forming various wind blades, high rising waves, rain storms, and a multitude of natural disasters, before clashing all of them with the approaching Calamities in a bid to stop them. Yet, it instantly proved futile, as the approaching calamities were not only unhindered by this, they even incorporated them into their forms, seemingly multiplying and growing in intensity.

Before Leodero could make any further moves, the ground beneath him began to shake, prompting him to turn his head back down. Immediately various cracks produced from the earth, increasing in size as the earth began to split apart! The men standing on the fissuring ground quickly moved as they made distance away from the increasing cracks.

Of course, not all of them were as quick-witted as the others. Some among the many, specifically those at lower sequence, were unable to react in time, causing them to fall into the cracks! Panic and fear quickly took over, as these helpless men stretched their arms out in an attempt to grab on to anything. Yet fate was cruel. Whatever they held on to broke after them, and whoever grabbed on to his falling ally only magically slipped after dooming the both of them.

Leodero, watching this, quickly diverted his attention and controlled the wind, catching on to as many people as possible. He turned his head and looked at the approaching calamities and then back at his allies. His gaze grew heavier as an internal strife occurred in his mind.

Try to stop the approaching calamities or save his Allies.

Leodero had to make a decision and he had to make one fast. He gritted his teeth, contemplating, it was either the lives of many that will be lost once the calamity hit the shore, or the lives of those few that will be lost from falling inside the very land. His expressions twisted further and further, as his body began to shake uncontrollably. 

The calamity approaching towards the shore only took a more deadlier and deadlier form, looking to completely tear the entire shore apart. The earthquakes intensified in strength, causing the cracks to become widen. Eventually, the cracks developed into full ravines, swallowing everything at the shore, sand, water, and the various tents that were set up. More and more people began to fall in the newly created ravines, which caught Leodero's attention as he controlled the wind, catching more people. 

It was at that moment, Leodero made his decision. Along the lines of the shore, the water began to rise upwards, eventually reaching the clouds themselves. Whereas at the shore, a windy tornado took shape in mid air, the winds swayed all those that had fallen in the large ravine safely throwing them further away from the shore into the forest behind it, many kilometers away.

Leodero's decision was pretty simple. He chose both. By creating a giant tornado, he threw away all his men far back into the forest, while erecting a water wall behind him, to potentially give him a singular moment to face the impending Calamity head on. He would not retreat. 

Leodero immediately turned around, as he witnessed the giant Calamity storm colliding with the water wall he had erected. The water wall upon collison was instantly destroyed, crumbling back into the ocean. Leodero's gaze settled on top of the calamity storm, as he looked over at a figure radiating oppression and fearuring pointy ears, blue eyes, and blue hair. The Calamity Elf.

From beneath the ocean, more Elves began to emerge from the waters, each of which Leodero recognized to be quite formidable. He remained motionless as the calamities were approaching one after the another, ready to hit shore any moment, while the Elves that had come with the calamities, began to advance towards him.

Leodero took a deep breath, before exhaling, and readying himself for what was about to come. He manipulated the wind, and water to try and resist the Calamity storm heading the shores way when suddenly…

The Calamity storm dissipated. 

It wasn't just the calamity storm, but every other calamity that had been created by the Calamity Elf soon dissipated! Not a single one of them hit the Shore. Even the constant earthquakes had stopped. Leodero was surprised by the sudden halt in the impending attacks and looked up at the Calamity Elf, only to see the latter wearing the same look of surprise, and puzzlement. 

It was as if the very concept of Calamity was shattered from this plane. All Calamities throughout the world had halted.

Then, Leodero's eyes suddenly narrowed as a bright light flashed the area, causing him to hoist his hands upwards, putting them against his eyelids. Adjusting his vision, he looked back up, not at the Calamity Elf, but at the sky itself. The sky that usually held hundreds of dense clouds in this area, suddenly began to clear up as more and more bright rays penetrated into the dark atmosphere, reflecting the blue expanse of sea.

As Leodero came to witness, in just a few moments, the sky had completely cleared up with The Bright Blazing Sun pulsating its illumination on to this sea, onto the land behind Leodero, shining over the very figures of Elves and Human alike. A rainbow came out of nowhere shining brightly in the sky, complimenting its appearance. It was a beautiful, almost enchanting spectacle, almost as if "Gods" had gazed upon this battlefield. 

And the "Gods" have decided to favour this measly Human, as Leodero noticed the sea trembling. Before he or the Elves that had also noticed the anomaly, could make any further sense of this situation, a giant hand emerged from the sea. Leodero immediately backed away, expecting it to be another attack, which proved true, except the attack was not meant for him.

As the giant hand made of water emerged from the sea, it was followed by a shoulder, a head, neck, and chest. In just a few moments, what had emerged from the sea, was simply not describable. It appeared to be a giant body made of water, a titan whose lower half appeared to be submerged under the sea, while the other half the length of the sky itself. His "Jaw" was hanging low from its "head", so low to the point of touching the sea itself. While its giant arms flung around, caughting the Elves at the bottom of the sea. The Calamity Giant took who had been frozen from bearing witness to a "Calamity" larger than one "He" had seen in "His" entire life, took notice of this, but before "He" could have made a move, a blood curdling scream resounded through the air, as the arm emerged back from under the sea, this time dyed in crimson red.

It opened its palms, letting the dead mutilated corpses of Elves fall into the ocean, The charred corpses appeared to have been struck by lightning over and over until the very bones had been burned to crisp. The arms then turned towards the Calamity Elf, the latter instantly felt fear, alongside a crazy tyrannical aura, one akin to that of the Tyrant "Himself".

"His" mind was plagued by intense fear, as "He" turned around and tried to run away from this "Calamity". Suddenly, before the Calamity Elf could even react, one of the hands of the "Calamity" had gotten hold of the lower half of "His" figure, instantly crushing it, causing the Calamity Elf to feel a wave of pain. This immediately caused the rest of his figure to deform into what appeared to be a sea creature full of tentacles, but half the part of his body was absent.

It was a ugly creature, and a slippery one at that. As it tries to make use of the slipperiness of its body to potentially try to escape, yet, it resulted in failure as the "Calamity" closed his hands on the creature, and before the Calamity Elf could even fathom his situation, his entire body was crushed. The Calamity Elf had hopelessly perished, unable to even put up any resistance against the True "Calamity". A Tyrant.

"A True Calamity will soon sweep upon the enemies." The Prophecy had not described their victory, but indicated an inevitable failure, and the death that was soon to deliver onto them.

Leodero was speechless, even beyond, senseless. His ears rang with the sounds of his own heartbeat beating, while his body trembled under the Tyrannical Aura that was radiated from the "Calamity" that stood before him, yet strangely, he also felt himself relaxing from under the warm rays of the sun. Suddenly, the "Calamity" before him trembled before exploding into a droplet of water that soon merged back with the sea, but Leodero's gaze remained fixed on the spot where the "Calamity" previously stood. 

Only after a long time did he raise his head and look at the bright, eternally pulsating sun, its golden rays providing warmth to the entire world, hoisting life itself under its gaze. Leodero did not know of the emotions he was feeling, confusion, frustration, fear, enlightenment, happiness, sadness. He felt an influx of every emotion that dared to split apart his very psyche at any moment. Suddenly, Leodero noticed the land that had split apart from the earthquakes, began to sew itself back together, and just as he could have tuned his head to look at the insane development, the land was as good as untouched. The sea settled itself back down, while the sky remained clear with bright sun shining its rays upon the land and the ocean.

Leodero landed back down on the ground, looking at the vast expanse of sea before him. He clasped his hands, closed his eyes and lifted his head to look at the Forever Brightening Sun.

For the longest time, Leodero maintained his position, as a bright bluish sphere, with lightning strikes occurring within the sphere, was dropped in front of him. Leodero, opened his eyes, looking over at the bluish sphere. The Calamity Characteristic.

"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven." 

—Quote By John Milton.

In the vast expanse of a clear sea, the bright sky that stretched outwards towards infinity, the small or large islands that stood like dots when watched from above. The magnificent, mighty scaled dragons soared above in the sky, that laid bare before their very eyes.

In the City of Miracles, Livesyed, the divine kingdom belonging to The Dragon of Imagination. A realm that solely belongs to the dragons, a place where no corruption could uphold, no truth could be hidden, no lie could be spoken. It was a city where the mind itself laid bare. And laid in a place, inaccessible to most.

Then, Why was this marvelous city now in chaos? Because, the dragons became incapable of soaring in the sky. It was a situation never seen before, never heard of, and never imagined. The City of Miracles, situated within the mind realm, was an incredibly hidden, and near impossible to access place. After all, no one except the dragons had the ability to navigate deep within the sea of collective subconsciousness. Yet, despite their imaginations, reality turned out beyond expectations.

The, oh so mighty, forever unyielding dragons, the kings of sky that ruled over the chaos of the mind, had been affected by the chaos of this very realm. The ushering madness that enveloped many of the dragons' minds, had put the city on a tether of destruction, leaving no choice for the Dragon of Imagination and "His" kins, to consult "His" very people himself. 

The Bright Sun Illuminated the realm, brightening over the City of Miracles. It was abnormal yet incredibly normal. The Sun that should have never been looming over the city, was suddenly there, casting its rays over the madness stricken dragons, providing them a gentle warmth, and a relief that was beyond imaginable.

Why had the Sun suddenly appeared? No one knew the answer. Yet, it was very clearly a declaration. The cogs had begun to make a turn, the clock hand had moved by a unit, the trends of time had undergone a change.

All because of a brightly, illuminating, forever blazing, sun.

"The Sky is different."

The God of Puppets, Antigonus uttered in a low distant voice, as if in a revervie. This relatively short demonic wolf stood at the balcony of his mansion, watching over the entire Demonic wolf settlement, more specifically at the distant black chapel, at the centre. The thick greyish white fog that enveloped the whole place, tucked the ancient black chapel behind it, while the crimson shone brighter as ever.

That should have been the case. But, weirdly enough it wasn't.

The Crimson moon that always shone atop the demonic wolf settlement, casting its illumination to the entire expanse, that was of Evernight demonic wolf, had visibly dimmed. The Sky that was enveloped in a black curtain, had a faint tint of blue in it. The thick greyish white fog that envelope the space for as far as Antigonus' eyes could see, had become ever so slightly darker in colour, bearing with it an aura of degeneracy and corruption.

Merely staring at the white expanse of fog gave Antigonus a mad headache. Not only that, "He" felt "His" spirit body and his shadow wanting to become one and whole, which caused "Him" to wish to ask Malantha, "His" sister, to conceal himself, so as to not be affected by the weird nature of the fog. Regardless, "He" didn't dare stare for too long as "He" turned "His" gaze to look at the very slightly bluish sky, and the dimmed crimson moon that shone, not so brightly, in the sky. What is happening… Antigonus couldn't help but think to himself, as "He" recalled the various anomalies that had occurred in the past couple of months, starting with "His" birthday where "He", as well as the other subsidiary gods, had all lost their memories of the day, memories they still haven't been able to recover. Antigonus had initially tried to wish for "His" memories to return to "Him", but not only did the wish result in failure but a greyish white fog would also envelop "His" vision. Not only that, their "livestock" had also disappeared entirely. 

This was followed by the sudden appearance of giant barriers made of thick greyish white fog, that had ensued chaos in the entire settlement. Initially it was thought to be an attack from the Giant's king due to the memory loss "He" and the other subsidiary gods have suffered from, but was quickly dismissed due to "His" master belief of it being related to an existence that had control over Sefirah Castle.

Antigonus himself never understood what Sefirah Castle truly was. Just that, it was equivalent to an existence or an artifact that was way above gods level. Due to the importance, the King of Demonic Wolves had placed on this mystical castle of sorts, a large part of the Demonic wolves pack, while some Subsidiary gods such as Salinger, and Amanises, had been deployed out of the settlement in order to search and investigate on behalf of their master.

Amanises… Antigonus' ears twitched, as "He" closed "His" eyes, remembering her pretty face. "He", Kotar, and Malantha had stayed behind so as to guard the settlement in case of a well timed enemy attack. Well… At least, "He" and Malantha had stayed for this reason, Kotar only stayed behind because "He" was too lazy and because the outside world was scary.

Coward… Antigonous commented, remembering the hideous face of Kotar, which alway brought forth an urge to turn "Him" into "His" puppet. Ever since "His" birthday, there hadn't been an occurrence of another "Visible" anomaly. In reality, numerous small changes, such as with the dimming of the surrounding darkness had occurred. The sky had gained a tint of blue, the crimson moon had dimmed in brightness, and the fog that enveloped the place had gained a corruptive, almost degenerative aura. There was also Flegrea's worsening condition, which was slowly accelerating, prompting the King of Demonic wolves to become increasingly unstable, causing "His" kin, as well as the entire race to suffer from "His" corruption, causing irrationality and bad temper.

Antigonus couldn't help but narrow "His" gaze, sighing, as he looked back at the ancient black chapel, fixing "His" gaze at it for a moment, before turning "His" body back around, and walking back inside "His" mansion. I just hope whatever may be in the future doesn't affect me and my sister… And Amanises too much.

"He" thought, controlling "His" marionettes, preparing a scrumptious meal with whatever "He" may have left. As "He" went inside, "He" failed to take notice of a giant looming shadow, seemingly erupting from the Astral World itself, casting its darkness on the demonic wolf settlement—On the ancient black chapel.

The Bright sun was troublesome. 

Its glow that burned away all evil and got rid of all corruption, wasn't a good thing for those that wielded curses, and evil. The Devils fled in fear, with their bodies burning under the bright illumination of the sun, suffering mutation as it washed away their curses. The Abyss and corruption fought against the sun's sudden purification, and some times, it seemed to push forward while others times, it fled away unable to withstand the radiance from the bright ball of warmth. The Devil Monarch wasn't happy with such a development, as "He" increased "His" search for the Abyss.

The Mutants remained within the spirit world, not daring to step outside, as the fear of being burned alive washed over their every being. In a way, they had been trapped within the spirit world, incapable of stepping outside, no matter how much they tried to fight against the sun's purification, all their efforts resulted in utter failures, with not even Mutant King able to "chain" it completely. They had been hopelessly contained.

In the Giant's king court, the light of dawn grew deeper, with the King himself gazing at the Eternally pulsating ball of light. A beautiful spectacle that seemed to signify glory beyond his, as well as holiness. While the phoenixes stopped their assaults, illusory doors closed everywhere around the world, to escape the illumination from the sun, but even more so, the gaze of the all seeing eye, present on the sun's surface followed. It was invisible, yet every Sequence 0 and even a certain King of the King of Angels, was able to sense the Omniscient gaze that witnessed everything in the world at once.

It witnessed the flourishing kindness, the struggles of mankind, the cruelty of Mythical Races, and a developing relationship between two mythical creatures. It witnessed everything; every sin, every sinner, every corrupt ruler to the smallest of slaves—for nothing was hidden to the bright omniscient sun. 

The Bright blazing sun.

Amanises was delighted. Watching over, just a few meters away from them was the newly established Tingen City. It had been months over months since they began their journey together, to finally at the end reach Tingen. "So, was it worth it?" Klein asked while laughing in delight. It had been a long while, since he had to physically travel to some place. He was no longer wearing a jacket, and instead his normal clothing, with his tall tophat.

"Every second." Amanises smiled while replying, as they both began to make their way towards Tingen. Klein Concealed their figures through the use of illusions, so as to not startle the city's individuals. Just as they were about to reach the city, both Klein and Amanises, as well as the inhabitant of Tingen, came to notice crimson creeping in. Klein felt a chill run down his spine, as he looked up at the sky, his eyes widening immediately.

There, in the sky, was a large, extremely bright crimson moon, its glow creeping in, overpowering the bright rays of the sun, as the crimson enveloped the whole area –No. The whole world. It was a true Blood Moon, one that enveloped the entirety of the world in it, as the crimson descended everywhere, giving respite to the various Mythical Races that were affected by the bright glow of sun.

Klein, coldly looked at the crimson moon, as he began to contemplate. While Amanises was perturbed by the abnormal glow of crimson moon, and by the cold temperament of Klein towards it. Both of their trains of thoughts were cut short, as a bright light shone atop of them. This time, Klein truly was surprised.

As the crimson began to be overshadowed by the bright golden rays of sun, that was right behind the crimson moon. The environment quickly shifted, as the world that was bathed in crimson, was now enveloped by the hue of an orange light. The crimson and bright rays came to mix together, as what was once a blood moon had now developed into a solar eclipse.

A Solar Eclipse! Klein was baffled.