
Lord of the luck

Lords, The Hegemons, and the masters of their own universe who protect humanity with their unparalleled powers and might. Join the journey of one such young lord that will become the master of his own universe.... Or not??? ( Disclaimer: English is not my forte. So, I would be glad if you could help me with errors if there are any. Extra Disclaimer: Not proficient in writing too.) (╹◡╹) (Another one: Might edit chapters after posting them )

SaUmiPtZ · Fantaisie
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39 Chs

Chapter 15: Nightmare Python

It was noon by the time I exited my lord's space.

I had a hearty lunch by myself as I was late for lunch today.

My mom was not at home, she had gone to the local federation market to purchase some household items with her friends from the shelter.

After having filled my stomach with lunch, I didn't enter my lord's space but watched TV while looking at the messages I had from my school group on my mobile.

" Hehe... Boys, This brother recruited two more orcs today... And guess what??!" Raju was the one who started a commotion in the group once again.

" WHAT??"

" What??"

" TELL Us fast!!"

The other people in the group became rowdy after his message.

" Guess what??!"

I could even imagine the nasty grin on his face when he sent this message.

As expected of the group that didn't have any work during vacation.

" FRICK.!!! What?"

" Are you trying to make fun of us?!"

" YUP! Is he trying to rub salt on our already pained hearts??"

" FRICK you, Raju"

The chat exploded with curses. Some I knew while there were also those words that I didn't even know existed.

" Hence, the Best place to learn something necessary along with most of the things unnecessary is a group with members that didn't have anything to do in their life."

" Ahem..! Why so serious?"


I was amazed by his message.

" Gotta respect his determination."

As expected of the message, the whole chat burst into laughter.

The only reply he got was laughing emojis all over the group.

" Hey, Brother... Were they different from the ones we know about.?"

" Were they beauties??"

" Did you... With them??"

" HELL, that might have been the big news he wanted to tell us... "

" HAHA... Did you enjoy their company brother.?"

The chat was filled with such messages. Even I was amazed by the creative minds of the people in the group, their imaginations were otherworldly for my tiny brain to even decipher some of the questions raised by them.

( Ding....! Member Raju( The lord) has left the group..)

" DANG... Did he really do it with female orcs?"

" Haha... He might have.! Otherwise, Why did he leave the group?"

Another round of laughter ensued within the group before finally calming down.

It was like every other student had been awoken from their slumber just to mock Raju before returning to their resting place once their job was done.

" Weren't they like legendary zombies from old times when SF wasn't in the atmosphere?"

It was said that zombies would wake up from their deep slumber after smelling the scent of any living things, come out of their grave, kill the unlucky fellow, and munch on their dead body before finally returning to their grave, waiting for another unlucky fellow to enter their zone.

The students here were also like zombies that would only awaken smelling Raju's presence within the group.

" What about the zombies nowadays? you say!"

They are similar to the zombies from before except for the fact that they don't need to feed on flesh and blood to survive due to the presence of SF. They still had their love for flesh and blood present in them but wouldn't mindlessly hunt other living beings to satiate their hunger.

I could only shake my head looking at the students in the group.

After that, I played games on my mobile for about half an hour before finally getting ready to enter the Lord's space for another round of exploration outside my territory. I still had about two and a half an hour before reaching my limit for the day.

My mom had already returned from her shopping and was storing the vegetables and other items in their designated areas while humming with a smile on her face.

She had been smiling a lot after I awakened as a lord.

" Hey... My little lord, Don't you have any work on your territory?"

She asked me with a smile on her face making me embarrassed.

" Haha... My Little boy has grown up. He even started to get embarrassed in front of his mom." She teased me.

" Ahem... I!!. Ahh, I finally remembered something I had left on my territory. See you, Mom.?!"

I only stopped running after returning back to my room and locking the door.

I could still hear a peal of laughter from my mom even after entering my room.

I took a deep breath for some time before finally calming my mind.

After that, I entered the lord's space.

I was welcomed by Lilith after entering the lord's space. She was cleaning my Dilapidated cottage with full enthusiasm. I stopped bothering myself with how Lilith always would maintain my empty cottage with a smile on her face while showing her little canines.

I nodded at her before searching for others in my territory but no one was present making me furrow my brows.

< They returned to the forest a while ago.>

Lilith said hastily after looking at my face.

" Did they heal their injuries before exiting the territory.?"

< Yes, they exited the territory once the Orc healed himself from his injuries.>

" Then that's good. Let's go meet with them." I said sternly before walking towards the spatial screen.

[ Beep... Killed peak tier-0 Nightmare Hound. Obtained 20 SF points.]

[ Beep... Killed advanced tier-0 Nightmare Hound. Obtained 15 SF points.]

[ Beep... Killed initial tier-1 Nightmare Python. Obtained 30 SF points.]

Just as I was ready to exit my territory, the third message piqued my interest.

" They even started killing the tier-1 monsters. Not bad for the warriors at the peak of tier-1."

I was satisfied with the speed they were hunting the monsters.

[ Beep... Killed advanced tier-0 Nightmare Hound. Obtained 15 SF points.]

[ Beep... Killed the initial tier-1 Nightmare Python. Obtained 30 SF points.]

[ Beep... Killed the initial tier-0 Nightmare Hound. Obtained 5 SF points.]

[ Beep... Killed the initial tier-0 Nightmare Hound. Obtained 5 SF points.]

[Beep.... Obtained 10 SF points.]


My ears were bombarded by several such messages.

Although I was annoyed by the string of such messages popping up in front of my eyes every second, I didn't bother with it because these SP points were going to be the most utilized resources for any lords including me.

I was ready to burden my eyes for the sake of SP points.

Anyway, the string of messages wasn't hampering my lordship at all. Just, having a string of messages flashing in front of my eyes was a little annoying although they would disappear the second they appeared.

With such messages popping in front of me, I reached the area where the group of three was hunting the monsters.

Although the environment of the area we were in had changed into a biome filled with murky water suitable for pythons, the Nightmare hounds were still in higher numbers. The fog was still prevalent in the area decreasing the vision.




The orc just beheaded a Nightmare hound as I entered the area.

Goblin was behind him rummaging through its drops before storing them within his stomach.

" It was still disgusting to see." I thought while looking at the Goblin gobble the drops with greed. But it worked like a charm so no complaints about his skills.

Lily was nowhere to be seen. As I was able to sense her presence within the area, I didn't bother asking about her.

She presented herself in front of me on her own accord after some time while the abomination of a monster was following beside her.

[ Nightmare Python]

[Rank: Soldier]

[Attribute: Strength]

[Strength: Tier-1(mid)]

[State: trapped inside illusion]

[Description: Predatory monster found within the Greyvile forest, one of the main darkholds and deadliest areas within the Azaroth Planet. It strangles its prey with its strong and flexible body before swallowing it alive. Has high defense giving headaches to powerful enemies.]

I even had the chance to see the new monster, the Nightmare Python.

Looking at its mouth, it was really something that could give nightmares to anyone with a faint heart.

" I have a strong heart" I wasn't trembling after looking at its mouth at all.