
Lord of the absolute world i dominate the land of the gods

[Your world will be destroyed pick a skill and play to survive]

ThunderChanel_100 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Survival in the new world

After confirming my status i remembered what the gods information said about skill aquisition basically you had to imitate the skill without having the skill,it sounds confusing but its really not all you have to do in order to aquire the swordsmanship skill is to swing your sword in the air.

I decided to try it out so i took the iron sword out from my inventory and swang my sword in the air after about 50 swings i heard[Basic skill][Basic swordsmanship](aquired) satisfied with the skill aquisition i focused on it and it expanded [Basic swordsmaship](proficency 1%)(10% attack power increase when using the sword)[Special information][teaches the user the basics of swordsmanship with the rise of skill proficency]

i nodded and continued swinging my sword until the skill proficency reached 10% while i was doing that swordsmanship theory was appearing in my head and when i reached 10% i aquired a skill [basic thrust](proficency 1%)(10%more damage when thrusting with the sword)and the basic swordsmaship skill looked like this [basic swormanship](proficency 10%)(20% attack power increase)

after that i gathered some sticks and some stones and made a basic fire i lit it using a stick like in the survival shows,while i was doing that i aquired the skill [Basic skill][Basic survival](proficency 1%] the skill was pretty self explanatory.i then looked at my inventory slots and noticed i had some meat and water botttles,i started cooking the meat over the fire and aquire the [Basic skill][Basic cooking](proficency 1%)focusing on it i learned it increases the taste of whatever i cook and also teaches me better cooking techiques that give different buffs.

After eating the meat i gained a +10 modifier on my strenght,so i was twice as strong as a level 1 should be,after resting for an hour i gained the [Basic skill][resting](proficency 1%)witch provided a bonus to recovery and then started meditating for another hour because meditation was one of the best ways to increase my chances of survival in this world according to the information given by the god.

As normal i heard[Basic skill][Basic meditation](proficency 1%) and it provided bonuses to recovery and mental strengh recovery while mediating,i continued meditating for the rest of the hour and raised the proficency to 5%.After the hour was done i got up and went to the edge of my territory where a thin wall made of light was,touching it i heard [WARNING][passing through this wall you will lose the protection of the territory and may be attacked by monsters],aknoledging the message i still desided to pass through in order to catch a chicken type monster existing in the woods near me.

Entering the woods i walked a bit until i saw the monster i wanted to catch,it looked like a big chicken the size of a human child actually i was just barely bigger than it in my current body it was appropriently named big chicken and there were 3 of them it was a bit intimidating but ik it was weaker than i am currently so i walked towards it fearlessly but stealthily in order to acuire a stealth skill and true to my expectations when i was just 10 meters from the chick i heard [Basic skill][Basic stealth](proficency 1%).

Getting closer the big chicken i noticed some changes in their behaviour it was beggining to notice me so i stayed still and controlled my breathing and heard [Basic skill][Basic hidding](proficency 1%)[Basic skill][Basic breathing technique](stealth based)(proficency 1%),after that it went back to normal but i stayed still for another 10 minutes while raising all my stealth skills and felt confortable moving to 5 meters away from them at this point i noticed my stealth skills raising rapidly the breathing techique is already at 5% while the basic stealth is at 8%.

After waiting for a while longer my stealth skill skill reached 15% my basic hiding reached 10% and my basic breathing techique reached 8%,i felt like the proficency was enough so i revealed my self to the big chickens.The biggest one that looked like their leader attacked me at once so i thrust my sword towards it and dealt around 15 damage to it,suprisingly lesser than what i thought after watching it more closely i wondered what level it was and heard [Gradeless skill][Apraisal]there was no proficency for it.]

Apraising the big chicken i saw it was level 5 but i couldnt see its stats and skills,at that point the other 2 chickens wanted to get in the fight but were repelled by their leader,i was confused but felt that it might want to assert its dominance to the other 2.It lunged at me and tried to peck me i wanted to block it but when its beak touched my sword i felt my hands go numb so i evaded the attack looking at the location where the big chickens beak landed i saw a huge rock shattered.

I once again attacked it with a slash and once again i dealt 15 damage,at this point the chicken was sething with anger and its feathers suddenly turned red when i tried to slash it again i discovered i dealt only 5 damage even with my +10 strenght modifier,i was shocked wouldnt that mean that without the modifier i wouldnt be able to deal any damage?it then charged towards me at a speed completely different than before instantly with 1 attack i was left with 1 hp one of its attacks had dealt 9 of my hp,at this point i was worried but i noticed it was staggering after that attack so i put all my strenght and attacked it and i was suprised to see [critical hit][target is in a weakened state extra damage is applied]you have dealt 50 damage the damage has exheeded the total health of the big chicken you have defeated the big chicken...

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