
Lord of Mysteries: My Identities Echoes Across Time

After crossing over from the Detective Conan world to the Lord of Mysteries world, Lynn gained the ability to project avatars into different timelines. Avatar/Smurf Account No. 1 became an angel upon arrival. Apart from being half-mad, it had no other issues. Lynn decided to use it to follow the Ancient Sun God and live comfortably. Smurf Account No. 2 was born in the era of Earth civilization. Lynn declared: "Preventing the arrival of the Cosmos and protecting a high-quality life starts with me." For Smurf Account No. 3, Lynn chose to work in the Solomon Empire, successfully achieving the "Empire's Flow, Lynn the Unyielding." accomplishment. ... With the Main Avatar/Account, Lynn infiltrated the Tarot Club, tore apart bad scripts, beat up Amon, tricked Adam, and teamed up with Klein to plot against the Outer Gods. During this process, Lynn comprehended his own essence and ascended to godhood. Lynn is a traveler of time. He witnesses everything, records everything, bears everything, and controls everything. Thus, the past is within him, the present is within him, and the future is also within him. PS: The protagonist's true form is a bubble. He is a fragment of humanity that accidentally emerged from the bubble and eventually became an independent entity. -------------x---------------- This is a translation. You can check out the original: "诡秘:我的马甲遍布时间线" Written by: "Like Listening to the Sound of the Wind" The author of "Mysteries: The Outer God is Myself" -------------x---------------- If you want, support me on Patreon and get access to 30 translated chapters in advance: p@treon.com/IHaveNoNamingSense Join my new Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/DPcmAzAy

IHaveNoNamingSense · Livres et littérature
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245 Chs

Chapter 215: The Root of the Problem

Although Lynn was very dissatisfied with Sasrir's head flick, as someone quite self-aware, Lynn didn't mind seeking Sasrir's advice. He wanted to see if Sasrir had any solutions regarding the True Creator's state and any good ideas for the impending doom.

"Though I wish I could tell you that knowing the future means we just need to prevent Aucuses and Leodero from betraying us, things aren't that simple," Sasrir said, rubbing his temples. He glanced at the quietly listening Lynn and explained, "The root cause of this issue is the God Almighty awakening within the main body, forcing the Lord to fall and then be reborn. Unless this source is resolved, even without Aucuses, another Aucuses could emerge. There will always be someone who doesn't want a Great Old One to appear so early. The Lord's rebirth process is their best opportunity to strike, and..."

At this point, Sasrir hesitated, then continued, "This matter itself might not be that simple."

"Do you mean that Aucuses' betrayal was anticipated by the Sun God? Or did Aucuses betray because the God Almighty also awakened within him?" Lynn pondered, proposing several widely discussed theories.

"I'm not sure. That future is too far away, and much information is unknown to both you and me. I can't make an accurate judgment," Sasrir shook his head. The current situation was vastly different from the future when the Sun God fell, making it impossible to judge the future without precognition.

Lynn didn't have much information either, given the long history where the truth had been buried. The original story revealed only some details, which might not even be the true facts.

"In terms of intelligence, I could ask your future self, but he might not know much either," Lynn said, shrugging. "The True Creator has gone mad and might not have complete information on this matter."

After all, the True Creator only integrated the human nature and negative emotions of the Ancient Sun God, and it's unclear if memories are missing.

Adam probably knows the whole truth, but Lynn doubted he would reveal it.

That guy seemed friendly and polite but was actually very wary of him.

"Actually, whether there is a secret behind Aucuses' betrayal doesn't really matter," Lynn shook his head and then looked at Sasrir, saying, "What's important is that if everything goes as originally developed, even if I stop you, you would still choose to merge with the Sun God's as his human nature. Even if it drives you mad, even if it makes you no longer entirely yourself."

"Then one day in the future, you will merge with the other half of the Sun God and bring him back. Well, let's call it a return," Lynn said with a grimace, thinking of the True Creator's fate in the original story and feeling more and more repulsed by Adam.

Sasrir remained silent, looking at Lynn with a quiet sigh before finally saying, "I am the Lord's avatar. My existence in this world is to help the Lord fight against the God Almighty's will."

"Lynn, you don't need to separate me from the Lord."

"Alright, so knocking you out and dragging you away won't work. Otherwise, you'd hate me for life," Lynn said seriously, his words sounding terrifyingly sinister. It was hard to tell if he was joking or genuinely considering such a method.

Lynn extended a finger, saying, "So, there are only two ways to change your future fundamentally. First, resolve the God Almighty's awakening within the Sun God's body. Without this issue, the Sun God wouldn't use self-destruction to eliminate the God Almighty's will, and you wouldn't need to merge with his human nature after the accident."

"But if the God Almighty's Will were so easily resolved, the Sun God wouldn't have been forced to resort to death," Lynn added, raising another finger, "Second, ensure the Sun God's rebirth goes smoothly. But considering whether Aucuses' betrayal was anticipated by the Sun God is still unknown. Although it's unlikely, it's hard to say if everything would follow the original path even without external interference. Perhaps everything is part of the Sun God's plan."

"That makes you doomed to madness," Lynn said, looking at Sasrir with a frown, clearly unhappy with this outcome.

However, when Lynn lowered his eyes, he silently added to himself — the third option: find a way to preserve Sasrir's personality intact or extract it when merging with the Sun God's human nature. As long as it doesn't affect the Sun God's "rebirth," Sasrir might not reject this outcome.

But Lynn couldn't say this upfront. Sasrir might accept this fate after it's set in stone but wouldn't agree to the proposal if presented early.

After all, this plan might affect the Sun God's "rebirth."

'Splitting personalities isn't my specialty. Maybe I should consider working from the time aspect. For example... separating a Sasrir from the moment before merging with the Sun God?' Lynn thought. Although he had no concrete plan yet, he felt he could achieve this.

Cutting someone's time, creating different states of oneself, Lynn vaguely remembered doing such things before but had forgotten the specifics.

"Instead of changing my future from the source, perhaps thinking about how to wake me from madness would be a more appropriate path," Sasrir suggested, sensing Lynn's displeasure but not knowing his thoughts.

"You are right in focusing on anchors and believers. According to what you said, believers' perception of gods can influence the gods' character and state to some extent. To change my future state, it's not just about increasing my believers and anchors. When promoting faith, you need to shape the image as close to a righteous god as possible," Sasrir said, pausing as if remembering something. "This is useful knowledge. It seems I need to be more mindful when proclaiming the Lord and other deities..."

Clearly, Sasrir's thoughts had drifted to the construction of the divine kingdom. Truly worthy of being him.

(End of Chapter)

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