

Past, One day suddenly a explosion accured in somewhere in space that shook the whole universe. After resulting presence of cosmic energy in space around every planters including earth also that change life system of every living organisms. Every where in earth plants, animals and humans are evolving get the power that the cells provide after being evolved. Humans thought that now they control everything but it turns wrong when some alien ships attacked on earth and making humans their slaves and experimeted on them. Humans begans to suffer from the aliens that known as Viper.

They look exactly look like humans but instead of two they have three eyes and they are more powerful. They were searching for something that was the cause of explosion in space but they never found it. Humans with abilities began to attack on their bases on leadership of a youth known as Lord by the people cause them flee from earth with out their technologies. So, the peace comes at leadership of Lord but one day he suddenly disappeared.

Present 2056 AD, the earth is developed in a world where power govers and weak suffer .The land divided on earth basically on the power of ten people that known as Ruler. They have area under their names and they rule on the area. There was constant fluctuations of powers between the rulers So, for solving they form a Council of Rulers. Every ruler presents their land on council. Every Ruler are obliged to served as one in front of enemies of other world thatst why council was made. The head of council is the strongest Ruler knows Albert white a mutant with a power of lighting know as strongest Ruler.Ablert White was sitting in a comfortable chair in his study room in mansion seeing photos a of castle head that was buried under earth. After seeing the photos Albert raised his eyes to the eyesof person infront of himJon his personal bodyguard and said, " Jon how much time it needed to completly dig out that castle" Jon replied clamly , "It will take two days more" Then Albert gaze at the window seeing the sun shine asked Jon , " Do you have any idea what inside the castle?" Jon replied ,"No, Sir". Albert again made a contact between his and Jon eyes and said ," you have one day to find out". Then he dismissed Jon. On his way Jon took out his phone dialled a number ring the bell on other side man replied,"Good morning Sir Jon, how may I help you ?".Jon said ," Frey take a team of your best members goto that site of black and blast the castle head go inside find out what was hidden in the castle to buried under Earth? "Frey replied ," understood sir". After one hour Frey and his five friends are ready in full battle shoot armour with anti cosmic guns . Frey looked one of his friends and said ," Blast it".Ten minutes later a explosion accured and whole ground shook for about ten kilometres after five minutes dust settled reveling inside of castle head.Frey looked at his friends and said ,"Jump". All six jumped in castle head's hole together and thirty seconds later they stand on a carpet that is purple in colour. They look around to see inside of the castle and get shocked. There are fire lamps every where in castle are lit up and no amount of dust can be seen. Frey looked at hall way and said ," let's go inside ". They started walking towards hallway in amaze the interior of castle is so beautiful in colour looked like mix of red curtains ,golden lamps and purple hallway after two minutes they arrived in front of a black gate that had a cravings of dragons qlmoal looked alive. Soon they touched the gate try to push in but failed. Frey looked at others and said ," Use your full power". And took of his gun from his shoulder and others did the same. This time Frey released his full power that was regarded as fourth rank mutant and his muscle bulg up and others also have same transformation they push the door at once shouting," For Ruler" . After that the gate slightly started opening they picked their guns and put on googGo from their pockets that have ability to see in dark because inside the gate only darkness can be seen. They started walking towards the midsection of path and soon they see a coffin laying in centre of hall and a sword suspending in air above the coffin. Frey looked at others and nodded and they also nodedn and aim their guns and the started anti cosmic guns at sword at same time. Soon the laser stopped at one inch before the sword and vanished and onlookers were shocked. Total silence Frey stared walking towards sword. After reaching from coffins side Frey looked at the sword closely and shocked to see it's appearence that sword has a black black blade on top of red and gloden colours rune can be seen and it's hil is purple in colour it connected to the blade like veins are merging from hilt to blade but look amazing that single word aapeared on Frey and his company. Frey reached his arm try to grap hilt of sword and grabbed it after using his full power and tried to move it but failed and then look at others and said ,"Help me get this sword besides everything yours". Others glittered and they also transform in their hulk grabbed the hilt of sword firmly try to shook it from it place. Then something happen the runes runes of black sword red and golden started shining and their grip loosed on sword and they were throw away by sudden energy from sword. The energy released from the sword they never sense it that type of energy it's like freezing their blood and rune stopped shining and the coffin began shaking a powerfull aura released as coffin lead open up reveling a youth around mid twenties.

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