
Lord Of Ancient Magic

Eran was an ordinary man living in the modern earth, one day he transported to another world and noticed that he had given a good system and power. It seems that every kind of ancient knowldege can be used as magic and the knowledge that he have from earth counts as Ancient Knowledge and Magic.

Krizantem · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Alive or Death - Chapter 13

Humans are a self-explanatory race evolved from primate-type creatures. They are intelligent but sometimes foolish.

Nighlers are humanoid creatures of the dark. They look like humans except for the gray skin and purple eyes. Most of them are dark-mages who normally do not like light and sun, so they live in underground bases and cave villages.

The Catfolk or Catsfolk, a race of humanoid cat-type creatures, are the best hunters, and they are known for their dislike towards the human race in particular.

Human warriors and mages used to hunt cats for slaves or skins for their various types of colored fur.

Mannquins, or mannequins, are an ancient race that does not have much history. They are completely made up of mannequins and humanoid in form. They are capable fighters and strong mages. They do not have much contact with other races.

Eran learned about these things from Netavir.

The Green King Continent was made up of five big regions, and its size was bigger than "Earth" by ten times.

The Great Plains Of Nelion

Lord Mountains

Desert of Dark Sand

Lake Velon

Malior Forest

Inside these five regions, there are many empires and kingdoms, not to mention villages and small-towns. The population of the "Green King Continent" is more than 10 billion, and people are scattered across the lands.

Netavir only knows one other continent, the Green King Continent, and its name is the Undernight Continent, and there is not much known about it. At least Netavir did not know much about it.

After listening to many things about the world itself, Eran listened to the knowledge Netavir had about magic and spells.

He learned that there were many types of magic and that almost everything could be magic. Usually, organizations and magic schools test students with Mage Stone and then use "Applor Stone" to understand where their origin lies.

The origin of Netavir himself was "Dark Element and Dark Magic", which means that he will be most reliable when using dark magic. It does not mean that he can not use magic spells of other elements or other magic spells, it just means that his dark magic is stronger and it will cost less for him to cast spells of dark magic and dark elements.

"Magic Spells"

"Spells created by other mages using and controlling magic energy."


"Using magic to create or enchant items and creatures, the Dark Abomination is created by using dark magic and the corpses of humans with animals."

"Close-Combat Mage"

"Using magic to enhance one's body and physical capabilities to fight against enemies"


"Using magic to summon ancient creatures from different kinds of dimensions or directly from the world" "Magic energy is given to a summoned creature to complete the process of summoning."

After that, Eran listened to all the things Netavir said and commented.

"There are many things I did not know, and most likely, this guy does not know much either."

Netavir, sitting on the ground, looked at Eran and asked.

"Can I go? I told you everything."

Eran smiled and nodded. Unbinding him and letting him go, Netavir gulped and opened the door, and started walking towards the forest.

As he was walking, he took a deep breath and felt that his mind was fuzzy. Within seconds later, he dropped to the ground.

Before Eran let go of Netavir, he used three different words.

"Decay – Heart – 30 Seconds" (In Latin)

"Decay – Brain – 30 Seconds" (In Latin)

"Burning To Dust" (in Latin)