
Lord Commander Of the Night Watch

summary: Edgar wakes up to find himself in the north of Westeros, and is captured for stealing food, before being sent to the wall. A translated work of the Chinese novel The king of the desperate Great Wall at 69xinshu.com I do not claim ownership of novel, I’ll only be translating the last volume since I found it terrible the rest I’ll just be posting here. you also don’t have to send points or such thinks, this is completely free, if you can’t find the link let me know.

Magnar · Livres et littérature
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34 Chs

chapter 14

In the world where Egg comes from, the progress of civilization shows a typical upward spiral. Although it is accompanied by many twists and turns, stagnation and even regression, the overall trajectory shows an obvious upward trend... But in Westeros, where In the world, this is not the case.

  Social development requires productivity. In the case of underdeveloped science and technology, productivity basically comes from population, and resources are needed to feed people. The irregular climate of the ice and fire world makes resources extremely tight, and the continuous wars caused by the competition for resources make the production of resources even more unguaranteed... … It's okay to say that it's a long summer, but if a winter lasts a little longer, civilization will experience a rather terrifying setback. In this strange cycle of "people are needed, but human life is worthless; if it is not developed, it will be impossible to develop". It becomes understandable that the level of social and humanistic development in the world of ice and fire is seriously inconsistent with the long history.

  Egger couldn't guess how much water there was in the so-called "tens of thousands of years" history since the Dawn Era, but he knew that in this world that was still in the era of feudal lords and in the most sparsely populated northern region, the army did not say that You can pull it out immediately if you want.


  "I will contact all the lords and ask each family to contribute men in proportion. We can collect a few hundred and send them to the Great Wall for support." Eddard Stark and his brother knew each other well and had a close relationship, and knew that Bunyan did not mean to offend. , was not angry, but sighed and shook his head: "Now is the busy farming season. Don't expect me to provide much in terms of manpower, but you can make a list of supplies for me, and I will find a way for you."

  " King, give me a chance to meet him, and I'll talk to him." "

  When I was talking to Robert in the tomb today, I already conveyed the news to him that the Great Wall needed support. Unfortunately...he doesn't have any at all now. The situation in King's Landing is tense, and he came to ask me for help this time." "

  If anything happens to the Great Wall, the North will be the first to suffer. At that time, you will assist Robert to turn King's Landing into a monolith. It won't help." Bunyan said stiffly, and now he calmed down: "You have to consider the pros and cons yourself. By the way, there is no urgent shortage of regular supplies and we can think about it in the long term, but there is one uncommon thing that I really want you to think about. Collect obsidian for me as soon as possible. You can indeed buy some on the market, but as a decoration, it is expensive and rare. What the Night Watch needs now is a large amount of cheap obsidian." "

  I saw in a book, Dragonstone Island has a huge reserve of obsidian." Egg interjected at the right time, "As long as you can find ways to mine it, it will definitely be enough." "

  I will write to Stannis to negotiate on this matter and ask him to provide convenience for you." Ed scoffed at the idea that Obsidian could restrain the White Walkers, but he had already turned down a lot of requests from his brothers, and he really couldn't continue to say no. He looked out the window: "It's getting late, you go take a shower and change clothes first, and get ready for the dinner... Robert is an old friend, but he is also a king. If you neglect him casually because you are familiar with him, even if he If you don't care, you won't avoid being blamed."


  The two night watchmen said goodbye to the Duke of Winterfell and left the room. Egger walked towards his residence under the leadership of Benyan. Although the Chief Ranger swore allegiance to the Night's Watch, he was still a real Stark after all. The room in the castle where he had lived since childhood was naturally reserved for him. To Egger's surprise, the former was given to him as well. I got a small room in Winter City.

  It stands to reason that when the castle is crowded with people at the moment, it would be good for me, an ordinary night watchman and an insignificant little character, to get a bunk bed in a hotel in a village outside the castle. How can I still stay with a large number of people? A bunch of knights and ladies generally enjoying their accommodation in Winterfell? However, Egger vaguely felt that rather than preferential treatment, this arrangement might have a greater component of preventing him from escaping...

  Various thoughts were constantly tumbling in his mind, and the two of them met a young man head-on.

  "Uncle Benjen!"

  "Jon." A smile appeared on the chief ranger's worried face: "You have grown taller again."

  The visitor was lean and had a long face and a face that was no different from Benjen's. He had dark brown hair. Although Egger could not recognize this young man who looked very different from the image in the TV series, he could already tell the identity of the person in front of him from the content of their greetings - the illegitimate son of Ed Stark known to outsiders. , whose actual identity is Jon Snow, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.

  Compared to the other person's special identity, there was another thing beside him that attracted Egger's attention more: a snow-white wolf cub, looking up at him curiously with its red eyes.

  (What's going on?! Because of his own existence, which is familiar with the plot, neither Gary nor Will escaped across the Great Wall, so the original scene of a Night Watch deserter being executed at the beginning of the plot will not appear... Then Stark The plot of a group of children encountering a dead direwolf on their way back to Winterfell from the execution ground will naturally no longer exist. Then how did this damn little direwolf get into the hands of Jon Snow?) "

  If I hadn't You misread, the little guy next to you is a direwolf." Benjen Stark also discovered the existence of the little wolf, and asked with some vigilance: "There are no distribution south of the Great Wall, where did it come from?" "

  The villagers are here Its dead mother was found on a path outside Winterfell. Jory went to investigate and brought back a litter of wolf cubs, exactly six..." The

  uncle and nephew of the Stark family were chatting away. , but there was a huge wave in Egger's heart - although the little wolf in front of him was small and cute, and did not make any threatening moves towards him, its appearance made him doubt something: he traveled through time Come here, can it have an impact on the story of Game of Thrones?

  Because of his interference, Gary, who was originally going to be beheaded as a deserter, was caught up by the White Walkers and injured in the battle. Will, who was hiding in a tree, escaped being killed by the corpse-turned-Weima Royce. This allows the time traveler to make judgments that can affect the progress of the plot.

  Therefore, even though he was hand-picked by Benjen Stark to lead the next reconnaissance outside the wall, Egger still had a trace of luck in his heart: the Night King's army of the dead has not yet taken shape, but the Night's Watch has already accepted Maester Aemon. suggested starting to collect obsidian through various channels. If you can bring enough dragonglass daggers, dragonglass arrowheads and even Valyrian steel weapons before the next patrol outside the wall... maybe you can change the initial situation of the war between humans and ghosts, and gain an advantage from the beginning of the war. Greatly weaken the threat of the White Walkers?

  Under the influence of this mentality, although Egger's will to escape was firm, it was not so strong that he had to run away - his plan was that it would be best if he could escape during this trip to Winterfell, and if he didn't get a good opportunity, it would be better. Never take the risk of beheading.


  However, the appearance of the little direwolf made Egger nervous: In this world where magic does exist, it seems impossible that there is some mysterious power that prevents the plot from changing much... What he did Although this has changed the plot, to put it bluntly, Gary and Will are both small characters worth mentioning: they are from humble backgrounds and have no amazing professional skills, and they are limited by the constraints of the Night Watchman status. Leaving the Great Wall, whether dead or alive, has minimal impact on the overall plot of Game of Thrones.

  But Benjen Stark is undoubtedly one of the important characters. If that hypothetical power really exists, is he destined to disappear during his next patrol outside the wall and be transformed into the living dead? If this is the case, how confident can you be that you, who followed him into the front line of the battle between humans and ghosts, will survive and escape?

  Thinking about the worst, according to the settings of some Internet articles I have read - I have been "exposed" after changing the plot. The unknown existence in charge of the destiny of mankind in this world may have planned to deliberately kill myself.

  Looking for a way to escape requires more attention.


  "What are you thinking about? Let's go." Benjen Stark had finished the reunion conversation with Jon, and patted Egg to bring him back to the real world from his thoughts: "Go take a bath and change again." Wear clothes, and you have to attend the dinner."

  "Me too?"

  "Of course, let alone the two of us Night Watchmen in Winterfell at the moment, even if the entire legion comes here, they will still enjoy guest-level treatment." Bunyan, who had just said goodbye to his nephew, still had a warm smile on his face, and his mood was obviously a little more relaxed: "Enjoy it, only in the north can the Night's Watch get some respect.