
loot hoarder

Alex lives an uninspiring life, as a high school student. The stories he heard from his late grandmother about his parents demise in a dimension war, felt like nothing more than tales. According to her, a relentless conflict raged between monstrous beings and humans withing that dimension. A war that somehow led to the banishment of his family. However, Alex dismissed it all as nonsense. Yet everything changed in an instant when he stumbled upon a gleaming, ancient artifact concealed in the depths of his basement. Little did he know, the artifact would transport him onto that fabled dimension. The gravity of his grandmother's tales now loomed before him, casting ominous shadow upon his, and his familys past, as he uncovers devestating secrets.

DaoistC3r0bc · Action
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6 Chs

To the temple before night fall

'Damn, i can barely remember Grandma blabbering about some other dimension,

when i was like 7 or something'

Alex tried to dig deeper in his mind.

'She kept going on about auras and magic...'

'if that was the fifth time they performed this freaky ritual,

then i've got to figure out how this power thing works here.'

The information was crucial to his survival, however,

he had to approach the subject tactfully, so he wouldn't

draw suspicion.

Spotting a soldier nearby, Alex decided to strike up a conversation.

But he didnt only have to think about his question, but also adapt his vocabulary,

of this new... situation.

After a long though, Alex approched the soldier with a friendly demeanor,

"You know, i've been observing the soldiers around here, and i cant help but wonder,

what qualities or attributes, do you think leaders in our ranks value the most?

what sets them apart from the rest of us?"

Alex was very proud of his carefully crafted question, as he was sure, he is about to get

some important information.

seeing Alexs face, with genuine curiousity and vibrant with life, was a stark contrast to the powerful,

but weary, mentally exhusted, expressions the rest of the soldiers possessed.

The soldier smiled a weary smile.

"And what is that lad?"

'Ho no... he thinks this is a rethorical question... this is... this is the wrost possible scenario.'

Alex had to think quick on his feet.

"Conviction." Alex replied.

The soldier met alexs gaze.

"Ah, lad, in this world, its the third release of power that earns the highest regard.

The pinnacle of strength and skill, unmatched by the great, great, majority.

But let me tell you a secret," he leaned closer.

"Many of those who posses such extraordinary abilities choose to conceal their true prowess.

They fear the horrors of the battlefield, the inevitable bloodshed and sacrifice.

Can you imagine? hiding their powers, forsaking their potential to avoid chaos and carnage."

A tired chuckle escaped the soldier's lips, as he shook his head, weariness etched across his face.

"But what does it matter now, in the face of our impeding fate? We're all but pawns in this grand

game, destined for a sacrifical end."

Alex digested the information, but after hearing these words, a certain feeling

wouldnt let go of Alex.

'something... something feels wrong.'

Alexs senses sharpened.

As if the sand tries to hide the truth, amidst its vast expanses,

His eyes catch a glimpse of something strange.

Bloodstained footprints dot the path they tread, but their placement, does not seem


A few more minutes of walking revealed,

the marks trace a haunting pattern.

their wild path, and direction, running away from the current direction they are heading.

The marks seems to desprately flee from an unseen terror with a violent struggle.

But its not just the hidden, erratic bloodstained marks that arouse Alexs growing unease.

His gaze shifts to his fellow soldiers, and he observes, that a select few of them, clutch a small,

golden knife, adorned with cryptic engravings on their blade.

Alexs heart almost skipped a beat when the realization dawned on him.

'destined for a sacrifical end, he said, we are heading towards a temple, as the commander said,

strange knives, bloodstained footprints... we... no, they, are all heading to be sacrificed...'

As Alex and the army forge ahead through the scorching desert, an unsettling sensation creeps up his

spine, but this time, different, an inexplicable feeling, a hunch of immidiate danger.

'Am i going crazy?... something.. something is coming'

But the rest of the army, still the same, indifferent, it seems Alexs feeling is not shared with anyone.

The unfamiliar sensation only grew more intense, and sent his heart racing.

Alex instinctively moves forward, inadvertenly swapping his position with another soldier, who

now trails behind.

In a chilling instant, a blood curdling scream pierces the air, as the soldier falls lifeless.

Crimson blood painting the sand.

Panic ensues as swarms of invisible beasts descend upon the unsuspecting army, chaos erupting

in a blink of an eye.

Alex, runs to the center of the group, as his eyes dart around the chaotic battlefield,

trying to discern information about the assailants.

Alex observes at the futile attemps of some of the soldiers to reveal the beasts location,

by showering them with sand, but to no avail.

But he notices a faint pattern.

The creatures maneuver with an uncanny grace, almost invisible to the eye,

the creatures are avoiding any of the cast shadows.

But nothing is perfect, and altough their attacks are precise, sometimes, it seems,

that the enemy, and shadow intersects, revealing something ever so slightly.

The invisible enemies are closing in, the sound of falling soldiers, only amplifying


However, Alex, indifferent, as if stuck in a flow state, of utter focus.

Alex gazes at the sun overhead.

'The sun is at its peak'

He takes a look around him

'No dunes, or hills'

'But most importantly, why the enemies have no shadows?'

Alex instincts scream at him, to move, as his demise is growing close.

It was either do or die.

Alex quickly grabs clothes from a fallen soldier, ties them together,

and raises it above his head, alongside his fancy sword.

The sword felt as if it tripled his strength.

He bolted forward, a sprint so intense, violently sending particles of sand everywhere,

towards the last position of a fallen soldier, towards a beast.

The gust of wind whipped the fabric into a friendzied dance, casting shifting shadows across the


As he thinks he is closing in on a beast, Alex jumped.

He soared as high as he could.

As the intersecting planes of shadow and creature converge, time slows to a crawl.

Revealing eerie details of the beast terrifying appereance.

Alexs gaze locks with the creatures hunting yellow eyes, slit like, and

brimming with hunger.

Massive human form, adorned with imposing, jet black horns.

Its skin resembling that of an elephant, rugged and impenetrable.

Its mouth akin to that of a vampire, dripped with insidious drool.

The creature looked as if it was in agonizing torment under the shadow.

But still, the creature managed to grab Alexs shoulder, while in mid-air.

Crushing, with all its force, sending Alex into a wave of excruciating pain.

Undettered, and with the fabric still in his grasp, he whipped the his sword

forward, driving it with precision through the creatures throat.

In one swift and calculated motion, he wrapped the cloth around the creature,

transforming the encounter, into a flawlessly executed assassination.

The injury was hard for Alex, and threatend to immobalize him.

A minute passed, and then,

an immense preassure filled the air, its as if time stood still.

Each breath, a monumental task.

Even blinking was nearly impossible.

Several crawling seconds passed in this suspended state.

And finally, the preassure lifted.

Alex could finally open his eyes to scan his sorrounding,

to see the commander, clutching his blood stained sword.

Visibly exhusted from the grueling battle.

The battle had concluded, leaving only seven survivors,

including Alex.

In the distance a peculiar structure came into view.


The commander declared with chilling rage.