
loot hoarder

Alex lives an uninspiring life, as a high school student. The stories he heard from his late grandmother about his parents demise in a dimension war, felt like nothing more than tales. According to her, a relentless conflict raged between monstrous beings and humans withing that dimension. A war that somehow led to the banishment of his family. However, Alex dismissed it all as nonsense. Yet everything changed in an instant when he stumbled upon a gleaming, ancient artifact concealed in the depths of his basement. Little did he know, the artifact would transport him onto that fabled dimension. The gravity of his grandmother's tales now loomed before him, casting ominous shadow upon his, and his familys past, as he uncovers devestating secrets.

DaoistC3r0bc · Action
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6 Chs

Forward, my brothers

"Forward, my brothers, we must reach the temple before night fall"

The commander declared, his voice strong and charismatic,

as if carrying the weight of a thousand warriors.

"Our path is long and treacherous, but together we shall overcome,

for the greater good."

With a resounding echo of footsteps and the clanking of armor, the soldiers

moved forward, with the commander in front.

As the group moved onwards through the scroching desert,

their synchronized steps kicked up, swirling trails of sand.

And then, suddenly, the commander, turned his gaze towards Alex, his piercing eyes

staring into Alexs soul, the intense stare sent a shiver down Alexs spine.

"Protector," the commanders voice resonated with authority, demanding attention.

"Where is your sword?" his words hang in the air.

Alex could feel the heavy weight of the gazes around him.

'Please tell me you mean the dude behind me'.

But a quick scan on everyone, revealed that everyone indeed wears a sword, on their hip.

And only Alex doesnt.

A mix of anxiety and urgency flooded Alexs senses.

His pulse grew faster, as he thought of an answer. The commanders intense stare softened, as he approached Alex.

"Here" the commander declared.

from his side he produced a spare sword, its hilt worn out from the passage of time.

The weapon seemed to have a long history.

Alexs hand trembled as he accepted the sword.

"Consider yourself fortunate" his voice cautios, but full of resolve.

"This blade have been wielded by many brave souls who have come before you, it carries their valor

and sacrifices, and now it falls to you to carry their legacy"

A sense of relief washed over Alex, as he attached his sword to his hip.

With that the group continued on.

As the group marched through the desert, Alexs mind couldnt rest.

'If i want to survive, i need inforamtion, crucial information'