

David has no idea how long it's been. There are only the scratches on the wall. There is only the next time. and the next. and the next. Until he wins, until he's free, until he gets her back. There is only the loop.

Zorkary · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

The Warning

After another twenty-two days of working together, they had found an immense and incredibly straight tunnel that lead slightly down. They followed it and after a long while, with no resistance for once, could see a light ahead.

"Do you think this is it?" David said with hardly any audible voice.

Solomon said nothing but simply walked forward with his bow on alert.

The tunnel ended in a large dome with a floor that sloped down in a series of steps all the way around, like an indoor coliseum. In the center, something moved.

They both crept to the end of the tunnel and peaked into the room cautiously.

"It's a wolf..." Solomon whispered "it's staring at us"

David and Solomon kept their eyes on the wolf. The wolf kept its eyes on them.

David withdrew enough to feel safe to whisper.

"What should we do?"

Solomon was silent, still making eye contact with the wolf.

David glanced across the dome, "there's another tunnel across the dome"

Solomon glanced up for a split second, the wolf glanced with him and locked eyes again, as if to say 'you think you'll make it?"

"I'm going to try and shoot it..."

David thought about this. They didn't have much to lose. Either way, they probably have to fight it. Why not?

Solomon drew back his bow, took aim, and shot all in one fluid motion. The arrow flew straight at the wolf, about to strike it in the throat, if only the wolf didn't casually slide to the side, letting the arrow pass by with no harm.

David blinked.

The wolf looked down at the arrow and then back at the men. It seemed to arch an eyebrow, obviously an impossibility.

"You've made it this far, impressive" The Wolf said. "I'm not here to stop you, rather to warn you. Go back"

"Yea, no" 'I'm talking to a wolf' David thought, "we've come a long way to get to this point"

The Wolf shrugged "then you will die" and disappeared.

David looked at Solomon "Well….that was unexpected"

"Probably from Legion"

"Possibly...didn't seem his style though"

"In any event" Solomon shrugged his bow onto his back "I'm not going back, you?"

"Not on your life."