

David has no idea how long it's been. There are only the scratches on the wall. There is only the next time. and the next. and the next. Until he wins, until he's free, until he gets her back. There is only the loop.

Zorkary · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

The Choice

The tunnel ended abruptly, suspiciously so in fact. One minute it went on forever and the next, a huge cavern. They looked backward, a shimmering tunnel stretched for what looked like miles.

"Magic, must be an illusion covering the entrance to make you think you still have forever to go."

David only grunted. They turned to survey the room, and froze in place. At their feet steps go down into a pit in the center of the room, where Amanda is hanging in the air. Slowly spinning, seemingly on her own, no strings attached.

"Well you finally made it" Legion's voice echoed from everywhere at once. "....and you brought a friend it seems….Hello Solomon, it's been a while"

"Not long enough Legion…"

"We're going to do this dance again?"

"As many times as it takes"

Legions voice shook in anger "David….you have a choice, sacrifice yourself and save Amanda, or sacrifice your friend and save Amanda."

David looked at Solomon. Who stared back, unmoving. "Solomon...what does he mean?"

"One of us has to die David, thats the only way to save Amanda."

David looked from Solomon to the knife in his hand to Amanda. He had finally made it to her, and he didn't know if he could save her.