
Lookism:Solitary Confinement

Summary: When Park Ji Ho is thrown into solitary confinement. He finds an ex-convict in his head. Together they strive to get to the top of the pile and transform his situation. I do not own Lookism. Enjoy!

DaisukeDaiost · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

The prison was in a buzz but he was in solitary confinement right now.

Park Ji Ho wondered how his life got like this.

Just a few months ago, he was just a normal high school student.

He was friends with the people who were classed as the elite.

They had the looks, the money, the ability, when he was near them, nobody dared to bully him.

If he got into trouble, he could always run to them and they would get him out of trouble.

The one time he decided to handle thing's himself, he not only ended up push his abuser out of the window but the one person who shielded him from the bullying from the start.

His friend was in a Coma because of him and he was in juvenile detention.

The walls were so close that it was supplicating, his big blue uniform made the room feel hotter than it really was, the only thing he could hear was the defining sound of the fan as he was forced to sit up.

One day passed.

Two days passed.

Isolation was the worst form of torture and Park Ji Ho began to realise that this was all too true, it was now three days of him sitting like this and not seeing or talking to a single person.

He never knew how hellish it was not to see people on the street or have his mother enter his room.

Hell, at this point he would even talk to a stick to relieve his loneness, nobody had called him by his name in days and he felt his mind tilt towards insanity.

A whole month of this?

He would surely be insane when he got out.

The world was so rosy when he was in that group of elites, he was with them for so long that he forgot that those who had everything weren't always the nicest people.

But he had them to help him out.

And now he had no one.

Nobody was coming.

Not his friends, which he was sure he had lost forever.

Not his parents, unless it was visiting days.

Not the police.

They consider him the scum of the earth.

He had no one but himself.

When he got out of confinement, he expected a full-on ass kicking, followed by that guy who would take a shot at trying to rape him again.

He was losing it and he was shaving his head; he was just finding out there was another person next to him who was given him advise when he heard.

"Bullshit!" suddenly he heard.

Jiho eyes snapped in shock, and looked around, he could have sworn he heard something.

"You did hear something" suddenly the voice said again.

"Who's there?" said, Jiho turning around.

But more importantly, would they hold a conversation with him.

The person beyond the camera, thought he was finally going insane.

"I think I'm in your head, kid" said, the voice, making his eyes widen in shock.

"Is this some kind of joke?" said, Jiho.

"What's a joke, is the advice that was given to you. You win from the very start, no matter what? Please." said, the voice as if he was an idiot. "He makes it sound like he knows what he's talking about, you greehorns think being in a high school gang is the top of the crop in the world and would kiss the ground he walks on. So, let me tell you something. If he were in the presence of a veteran criminal, they won't even puff their smoke in his direction. If he was really that big, why is he here then? Somebody who has it all, only has to make one phone call and the police would never dare touch him. What about when the Yakuza show up, have you ever heard reports that one of those big high school gangs joined in to fight? Please. It's like your taking advice from a baby. It's embarrassing. If you take his advice, you'll not only injure yourself but you'll keep ending up here"

Jiho was shocked.

"So, allow me to introduce myself" said, the voice. "My name is Park Ji Ho. So, you can say we share the same name. And when I was alive, I had it all. I had money. Looks. Woman. Skills and Respect but of course I've had run in with the law but what success person didn't? I've been to Prison so many times, that the last time I want there, people thought I was a tourist and not an inmate. They hired professional cooks just to serve me and my room was like a motel room with no rent!"

Jiho was stunned, was his mind making this up?

"And do you know why I'm telling you this?" said, the voice. "I'm sitting here watching you slowly go insane. Watching you take advice an idiot's advice like it's a voice from god simply because he's talking to you and seemed to have it all. Once a leech, always a leech, I guess. Do you know what makes an asshole pitiful? Is when he can't even make a fist. Everybody in this prison knows this by now and what is awaiting you outside is a good old prison ass kicking. Either he's going to do it himself or he's going to force other's to hold you down, bribe the guards and then kick your ass while you were being held down. There is no way the guards are going to allow you to die though. They would 'conveniently' come in at the last second when they see your bleeding too much."

"Why are you telling me this?" said, Ji Ho.

"It's because your so pathetic, you can provoke people but you can't dish out the dirt. You haven't even thought about changing your lack of fighting ability once. While your friends got stronger, what the hell have you been doing? Bragging and going running to them whenever you offend the wrong person." said, the voice, in mocking laughter. "Kid, you had friends who would help you out when you got scammed and was in heavy debt. Do you think there are many who had that kind of power and are willing to help a weak shit like you? You hit the jackpot when you had them but you were an idiot from beginning to end. Do you know that guy, Jay? Do you know how easy it would be for him to bail your ass out of prison, if you simply asked?"

He was stunned.

"What?" said, Ji Ho.

"Come on kid" said, the voice. "I'm inside your mind. Don't tell me you haven't noticed? Jay is oozing money and likes Daniel. You've indirectly offended the one person who could bail your ass out and makes sure you never step foot in prison. Do you think your parents can ever make that much money within 2 years? Who do you think keeps bailing your ass out? Daniel. He's the one who brings everybody together to help you. Without him, nobody gives a shit about you. Now Daniel is laying down on a hospital bed, I bet Jay is making sure you never get released early. Perhaps, he'll use his power to add a few more months in? You're the biggest morn I have ever seen. When your released, your history would keep people away for a bit before somebody takes a swing and everybody realizes your weak as shit. After that, its back to your bullying routine and not a single person would help you."

And Ji Ho, wondered if it was the loneliness talking.

The voice had come to insult him.

"Am I going crazy?" said, Ji Ho.

"Your going crazy and your alone. No elite to protect your ass. No parents to smoother you and the police want to see you hurt. You can either be a punching bag for the rest of your life, or pull yourself together and rise" said, the voice stunning him. "In all my 75 years of life. I'll tell you one thing I've learned pretty early on. Confinement's sole purpose is to attack a person mind. Not talking to Somebody. Being watched. Being forced to not move for long periods of time. It's nothing on its own, but together they can break somebody mind. To escape this trap, you have to make your mind do something. Like for instance think of the amazing food your mother is going to cook when you get out."

And Ji Ho suddenly could see it.

"How about visualizing yourself in big brand clothes and a big massive car with hot girls all over you?" said, the voice.

"Ooh" said, Ji Ho, his imagination running rampant as he imagined himself driving a foreign car with the best clothes and ladies with big breasts being all over him.

"You feel better don't you?" said, the voice.

"Your right" He said.

This room didn't feel so small anymore.

"I told you kid I've been through confinement a dozen of times. Ignore that wannabe gangster, you have a veteran right here. Has he even given you advise that has produced results in this space, like I have?" said, the voice. "In this world, what matters is respect and ability to make things happen. Walking out of Confinement as if its nothing would get you some respect. When I came out of confinement, I was the chilliest dude and was called older brother. So, If you want my help, I'll keep you sane. We'll, get out of this together because I'm stuck in your head and I have nothing better to do"

Stick with him?

Had he found a friend?

Did he really know what he was talking about?

This voice sounded vastly more knowledgeable then Kimyeong Kin.

What if there really was a professional in his head and taking Kimeyeong Kin advise would lead to a giant mistake?

So he agreed.

"So, what is round, red and can be bounced?" said the voice.

"A ball" said, Ji Ho.

"Good" said, the voice and Ji Ho felt proud.

"Dinner" said, a voice beyond the flap and pushed through terrible food through the flap, that was clearly not prepared with care.

Ji Ho blinked, it was dinner time already?

Ji Ho felt like gagging, when he saw the food.

The plate wasn't even properly washed.

"EAT! YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANYTHING FOR ANOTHER 10 HOURS!" shouted the person on the other end of the camera.

"Kid, swallow that food down" said, the voice. "I know what the kitchen staff does. They make food that they know your body won't get any benefit from because they know how it digests. Now what happens if I tinker with your body digest's system so you that you get maximum benefit from it? Let's for instance keeping your mind awake and alert, making sure your muscle's don't go soft and your hunger doesn't eat you from the inside out?"

Ji Ho was stunned.

"So Kid, eat up" said, the voice and Ji Ho could almost see the smile.

This person in his head was the worst person to be put into solitary confinement, Ji Ho found out quickly.

When Ji Ho wanted to go toilet and had to do it in front of the camera, the shouts would be drowned out by the voice insulting the guards.

So instead of humiliation, Ji Ho tried hard to keep a straight face as the voice insulted his watchers who couldn't possibly hear what he was saying.

When he was told to go sleep and couldn't, the voice told him to curl up and it would make sure his spine doesn't feel the strain and cramp due to the position.

It was the most comfortable experience Ji Ho had and he slept until he was yelled at to get up.

"Can I call you, Hyung?" said, Ji Ho once again looking as if he was talking to himself again, through the camera lenses.

"Oh, so you believe me now?" said, the voice.

"We'll, your giving me advice that I wouldn't have known and your helping me with my body" said, Ji Ho.

In his mind, he imagined this person to be muscular with tattoos, with a regular cigarette in his mouth.

"You can call me Hyung" said, the voice before he said. "Now, let's see what I've got. Ah ha. The three little pigs."

Ji Ho sweat dropped.

"There once was three little pigs" said, the voice. "One pig had been kicked out of his parents' house for being a dead beat at 40. The second pig had his house stolen in a turf war while the third had his house flattened by natural disasters"

And Ji Ho would have anime fell down if he could.

"Hyung. What are you reading!?" said, Ji Ho, he was very interested in seeing this book.

"It's my version of 3 little pigs" said, the voice. "Now shut up and let me read to you"

And Ji Ho burst out laughing, he looked freaking insane to the guard watching.

His Hyung version of three little pig's, was a gangster version that he had no choice but to sweat drop at, even at one point the wolf pulled out a machine gun after failing to rob one pig.

When he was done, Ji Ho was in tears.

"Hyung, please read to me from now on" said, Ji Ho, it was so ridiculous that it was entertaining.

"We'll see" said, the voice, before saying. "Let's practice fighting"

"How?" said, Ji Ho.

"Like this" He said.

And then Ji Hi saw a fist coming towards him and slammed into him, his face shook from the blow but didn't feel any pain.

The fist was gone.

"What was that!?" said, Ji Ho.

"I implanted an image of a fist coming at you in your mind and stimulated your senses so your body thought it was real to an extent" said, the voice stunning him. "This space is perfect if you want to avoid your future ass kicking."

"Perfect how?' said, Ji Ho.

"This place forces you to try and dodge with the littlest movement" said, the voice stunning him. "The guard watching you doesn't want you to move. If you move too much, he would call you out on it. You must dodge with the littlest movement so that not even he notices"

Ji Ho was stunned.

"Ji Ho. You've spent all your life not even knowing how to dodge a punch. Its time to learn it" said, the voice. "Its time to learn it by force. You can win a fight by tiring your opponent out. In its confinement you can never practice hitting but what you can do is practice avoiding a punch." before said. "And if you think of skipping this, I will never talk to you again and allow you to go insane"

Ji Ho was shocked.

The voice know how his personality was, he said he would do it but he never does.

He can either risk insanity or do this here.

"Fine" He said. "Bring it"

And the voice did.

And thus started the strange show, the guard or guards watching him saw, his body shook as if he took a blow and his body rocking from side to side.

"HEY! STOP MOVING!" shouted the guard.

To Ji Ho it confirmed he was too obvious.

Ji Ho received a beating because of the repeat warning but he kept at it.

He was going to come out of this and kick that guy's ass.

#Month End#

"Its been one month" said, a guard with his fellow co-worker. "I wonder how insane he is"

There was four guards in total.

"I don't" Said, the other. " I watched him. He went completely nuts and we had to shave his head and handcuff his hands to his back. But after a while, he calmed down and was just shaking and talking to himself"

"Huh?" said, the other. "It just means he is still crazy. The craziest always just chill in solitary confinement as if it's a vacation, because the loneness doesn't get to them because their minds are so broken already. It's a good thing he's a four eyes with a short frame. We might need more backup if he was larger"

They arrived at the jail cell and said. "Hey, kid. Your confinement is over." and then they began to lock the door. "We're going to drag your ass out"

But they didn't expect to be answered back.

"Really? I thought I had a least another weak" said, a voice back.

Ji Ho came out of the room on his own and looked like he had regained his sanity.

The guards were understandably shocked.