
Lookism : Inevitable

Follow Kai as he leaves the darkness of his home and joins the world again, ready to make friends and push through trials of blood, sweat, and tears in his path to grow stronger for himself and those he cares for. *P.S. I am terrible at writing summaries, so please just give it a shot and read the story before you judge based on the description. *P.S. Artwork is not mine. If the creator wants it taken down, I will.

BlazingImmortal · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

God Dog's Head

"So, Join the God dog's Daniel" Said a handsome brown haired male with a red and black jacket and blue pants as he was sitting on park bench looking up at Daniel Park with confidence in his tone.

As the two continued their chat they were unaware of the approaching figures walking towards them from behind revealing themselves to be Vin Jin, Logan and Kai who heard the latest part of their conversation and decided to butt in.

"...I Got four guys working for me right now, They'll be here soon so we can talk together for now" The brown haired male said still only paying attention to Daniel park until he heard the voice of someone he recognised as Ivan Park "Ah there they are now" he stated to Daniel only to turn around and immediately recognise that something was wrong when he saw Hope and Ivan standing bloodied behind three other males who looked relatively unharmed.

"Hope and Ivan, More like Despair and Hell" Vin Jin and Logan said at the same time with while pointing back at the two OB members of God Dog not noticing the the sweat drop role down Kai's face as he thought 'If I didn't know any better I would say they rehearsed that' while watching the brown haired males face change to one of slight shock at the sight of the small group.

"Yeah those two dumbasses and all there followers attacked us so we put them down" Kai informed as a blood thirsty smile crossed his face surprising the rest of the gathered group "although those two followed us here so I'm assuming you're God Dog's Head aren't you?" He continued as he assessed the male standing before them who had quickly brushed off his shock however it was quickly returned when Vasco showed up in front of them with Jin Jang in front of him.

"Johan they're stronger than we thought" Ivan said from his position behind the the J High fighters as he trembled in fear at what would happen to them after they were all individually beaten relatively easily.

"Is everybody here?, Daniel are you Okay?" Vasco asked as he held a trembling Jin Jang who looked terrified while he assessed the unfavourable situation that the God Dog's had found themselves in only to hear Vasco speak up again "There are no more hostages, I will punish you myself" he stated with conviction as he looked at a still shocked Johan who was still processing the situation.

Johan's shock soon turned to confusion as the J High group quickly set there sights on each other instead if focusing on the God Dog's Head in front of them.

"Who the fuck are you guy's? Fuck off" Logan stated as he turned to the others causing Kai to sweat drop at his words 'he knows who we are though' Kai thought as the other two became more aggressive.

"I don't care if it's the God Dog's or the Burn Knuckles, I'll fuck you all up!" Vin Jin said as he squared off with Logan and Vasco 'What did the Burn Knuckles do to him' Kai thought as he stared at Vin Jin in confusion.

"I will punish all you bad guy's" Vasco declared as the three of them grew more agitated to the point of even growling at each other 'Does he mean me as well?' Kai thought after hearing Vasco's declaration.

"Screw it, might as well find out who among us is the strongest here and now!" Kai said as he two prepared to fight all of then intruding on each other's personal space as they made the decision to go all out only for them to hear Johan speak up.

"You think God Dog's lost?, The God Dog's only had one member anyway..." he started as he pulled of his jacket to show his God Dog emblem on his chest pride and confidence showing clear on his face as he finished his statement "Me" his words and actions automatically making the others take him seriously but ultimately still take it as a free for all fight between them.

"I'll show you, Daniel... I'll show you which side you should choose" Johan said as he flexed his hands with a maniacal smile.

"My band aids don't come cheep..." Logan stated muttering the last part quietly and raising his fist to show a dirt stain across it that likely came from a band aid.

"I brought... Swimming goggles" Vin Jin said as he adjusted the straps on his goggles preparing for the intense fight to come.

Vasco said nothing as he pulled a Red Mongkol as he starred at the others in preparation for any attack that was to come in his way.

"Haha... This will be fun" Kai stated as he rolled up the sleeves of his grey jacket with a grin on his face from the excitement this fight would give him.

As they all faced each other down Kai started to assess the situation while watching Vasco, Vin Jin and Logan 'I came for this Johan guy who sent people after us, but seeing as this is about to happen I can't help but be excited' he thought as he turned his gaze towards Daniel and Johan 'Although the biggest threats to me at the moment is this guy, I don't know how strong he is or how he fights, this could get dangerous' he concluded as he looked at Johan God Dog's crew head.

'There's also Daniel I haven't seen him fight either but I hear he's as string as Vasco and Zack so I shouldn't underestimate him, cause he looks ready to join as well' Kai was contemplating as he and the others were brought out of their thoughts by Vasco who spoke up out of nowhere.

"Bad Guy's, I'll punish All of you" Vasco said as he took his stance reminiscent of an amateur Muay Thai stance ready to fight.

"Ain't that fucking neat" Vin Jin and Logan stated at the same time as they too took there stances ready to fight completely unprepared when Kai threw a punch directly at Logans face.

'THWACK' the punch connected with Logans face sending his head back and blood flying out his mouth at the sudden attack essentially acting as a starting bell for the fight as the second the punch landed the other two also attacked.

A dull thud sounded out as Kai barely managed to block a punch to the face from Vin with his forearm who didn't have enough time to continue his assault as Vasco kicked Vin directly in the face with a push kick that had blood spraying into the air.

With a little room to move Vasco started to turn to attack Logan only for Kai to raise his left leg and kick Vasco in the face with a high kick that caused Vasco to stagger back wards with blood spraying into the air as his Red Mongkol came flying off from the force of the kick.

The kick however had left Kai open for a split that Logan capitalised on the moment with a body blow directly to the solar plexus that had Kai spit out blood as he nearly double over only to quickly return with a left hook to Logans liver that had him spitting blood.

Vin Jin was not to be left out as he delivered a superman punch to Vasco's face spraying blood in the air only for Vasco to quickly return with a knee strike to Vin Jin's stomach that had blood dribbling from Vin Jin's mouth.

"What the...?, Why are they?" Hope and Ivan said quietly to Jin Jang who was equally confused as them while they watched the four throw devastating hit after devastating hit turning the fight into a four way brawl 'Weren't they on the same side, It's a complete free for all!' Jin Jang thought in astonishment 'what am I watching' he thought to himself unable to believe the strength of the fighters in front of him.

Vin Jin, Vasco, Logan and Kai were caught of guard as Johan entered the fight with a quick barrage of hits that had everyone pausing their actions to defend as he punched Vasco in the face with a right straight that connected brutally sending blood flying although Vasco remained up relatively unharmed despite the blood as he stood firm.

Johan quickly followed up with a spin kick to Vin Jin who managed to block with his forearms despite the sting of pain he maintained his ground Johan continued with a right hook to Logans face who just barely blocked the hit with his arm but caused pain to spread from the point of impact.

Johan then threw a left high kick to Kai that resembled his own earlier kick too much to be a coincidence and because of his shock Kai did not manage to guard in time and was knocked back slightly when the kick landed on his face blood spraying into the air as Kai maintained his footing and stared down Johan who had successfully halted the free for all fight by himself.

"Now I know why the Old Boys got beat" Johan said while he stood facing the four fighters he had pushed back who observed him with weary faces as Johan continued to speak to Daniel completely ignoring the rest.

"Stop playing games with these losers, It's time to decide Daniel... Join me" Johan said as he extended a hand towards Daniel still ignoring the rest much to their shock and annoyance as they all glared at him.

'That bastard took all three of them? How?' Jin Jang thought to himself shocked at the sight of Johan forcing those monsters back by himself 'has he gotten stronger' he thought to himself with a grim face.

As the J High group was about to interupt Johan who was trying to recruit Daniel with the promise of money and power they were given pause as they noticed people flooding over the hill behind Johan.

"You and Me, Let's both reach for the top" Johan finished as he smirked when the vast number of God Dog's members came to a stop behind him all wearing a jumper with their crews emblem on it.

'Fuck they still had that many?' 'Are they self replicating or what?' 'If only I still had my full strength' were all thoughts that went of in Vin Jin's and Logan's mind only for Kai to bring them out of their thoughts with a slight grimace and a smirk as he talked.

"Hey, how bout you lot take the hundred or so on the left and I'll take the hundred or so on the right" Kai said as his smirk turned blood thirsty as his fist connected with one of God Dog's random members who had gotten too close to him, the punch landing square in his face splashing blood into the air as the God Dog thugs was knocked back onto the ground unconscious.

"Holy shit he knocked him out cold with one hit" A random God Dog member shouted as he started to sweat not wanting to take a hot like that some other members who had also gotten too close backed away from Kai incase they became his next target.

"Heh... I'll take on two hundred then" Vin Jin said as he came to stand next to Kai with smile on his face, Kai's words successful hyping them up as Logan and Vasco also moved to stand next to Kai ready to fight to the bitter end as Johan looked on in shock at the fact that they were still planning on fighting the entirety of God Dog's members.

Vasco suddenly rushed forward taking Johan by surprise when he jumped through the air and threw a right kick at Johan who barely guarded against the hits he was knock back slightly with pain resonating from the point of impact against his forearms.

"You need power to protect you say.... Power exists for the weak" Vasco said as he stomped his foot firmly into the ground and threw a right straight with nearly all his power at Johans face as he said "Your Wrong"

However Vasco's declaration failed when Johan hit Vasco in the face with a right high kick that had blood flying into the air.

'That's my... Kick' Vasco thought shocked as he remembered his brief fight with Johan early in the day when he therewith that exact same kick at the God Dog's leader his shock was mirrored on the other J High fighters who were familiar with Vasco's fighting style.

"This Kick is harder than it looks" Johan stated still in the aftermath of his kick as he lowered his foot he continued his sentence "who am I kidding, I'm better with Hands!" He said as he threw a straight aiming for Vasco's face ready to deal significant damage.

His punch though was interrupted halfway by Daniel who had simply caught it with one hand saving Vasco from the devastating hit.

"Sorry but I'll pass up, on your offer... You said you need power to protect others, and power equals money, Right? You were right about one thing. I want to make a lot of money and I have lots of things I want to protect. But if I have to abandon what I wanted to protect to get all that power, What good would that do? In the end you'll be left on your own" Daniel said as his words seemed to shock Johan for a moment as he listened to his words.

"Right now you look so unstable that you can barely stand straight, I won't abandon anyone to protect others" Daniel finished as Johan's eyes widened in shock as he looked at Daniel who had a firm and resolute look in his eyes.