
Lookism [Masterpiece]

A guy gets reincarnated into Lookism as Daniel Park, come and read how he will throw hands with anyone cause he isn't the pussy the protagonist was. An Au Lookism fanfiction, so some minor things might be different but the essence is that. the protagonist will change the plot for sure so you can even suggest something. Don't expect the Mc to be always serious! he wants to enjoy his life. tags: No: Smut, yuri, yaoi, weak mc, simp, system. Yes: Action, fast growth to overpowered, romance? Yes but realistic! Good read.

Kqro · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

Chapter 10: Improvement

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Good read!


"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."

- Mahatma Gandhi


(Author Pov:)

Daniel walked towards James, at every step his speed increased until he was running towards him, Daniel smile never leaving his face.

James turned around and did the same and the two clashed in the air, their forearms in a showcase of strength, James smiled slightly and with extreme ease he pushed Daniel sending him flying, the combination of the speed, technique and strength thresholds flipped this fight upside down.

Daniel flipped in the air and landed gracefully, he looked forward and saw the shoes of james an inch of his face.


A powerfull blow took him in the air, his brain shaking from the impact, his eyes wide, this blow was completely on another level that the ones from before, before he could move he clearly saw james being on top of him with his leg raised, 'Heh, he got me-' *Sbam!*

The pink haired man slammed Daniel on the ground breaking it. His face bloodied, he opened his eyes and looked at James behind his head with a raised leg, his gase indifferent, Daniel smiled.


The pink head axe kicked towards the second body head but with pure conviction and fearlessness Daniel grabbed the foot on the groud and flipped James upside down using Aikido. Who even while being upside down unleashed a kick without difficulty but Daniel was nowere to be seen.

James looked around and suddently took a sharp turn not seeing anyone: "I catched you Riki.." James widened his eyes and he felt a sharp pain on his left ribs: "Ugh-" he didn't expect that Daniel would grab his ribs bone, his eyes were glowing in blue color.

Speed Threshold

Daniel raised him whole like picking up a child with a hand, the pain continued to assault James who used an invisible attack toward Daniel face who simply dodged by tilting his head.

The second body raised James body at the top and trew him on the ground *Bamm!* James Kicked towards Daniel belly while using the ground as a base.

Daniel moved his hand and deflected the attack but James disappeared and appeared behind him and Daniel didn't back up and the two clashed again.

The more they fought the more they improved, James became more familiar with the application the thresholds while Daniel tried many techniques he read and saw online, since his body was already familiar with the techniques he improved them beginning to create his own style.

The more he pushed his body the better his control got, his smile that was always vibrant was nowhere to be seen.

He was serious!

It doesn't matter from wich angle he was, his attacks will always hurt and reach the opponet, while his defence was improving continuously.

And then!

He stood still, closed his eyes and breathed, James took the opportunity to unleash extremely fast and powerful kicks that Daniel just tanked without moving, he was just like an immovable barrier.

James was shoked so he used his full power for the strongest kick he could do, he jumped while kicking the air with so much power that he redirected his direction and flew towards Daniel, James whole body spinned gaining speed and power, with a combination of strength, speed and technique, with extreme balance he unleashed his strongest kick.

Daniel took the boxing defense stance and James kick touched his forearms..


A sonic boom was heard, and the power behind the attack shook the entire building, the civilians hundred of meters away felt the sound wawe.

James touched the ground and looked at Daniel who didn't move even an inch, his stance still there and smoke on his arms, he breathed out with his visible eye glowing green,

Endurance Threshold

James looked at the second body: 'I-impossible! He didn't got a scratch!' Daniel returned to a normal position and looked at James, his gase serious.

He looked at his hands and said with a calm voice: "Thanks." He disappeared and James looked around with shook, he couldn't see his movements and then..

"Don't die pink head." A deep voice was heard and he saw Daniel appearing in front of him.

Daniel eyes brightened with an red color, veins appeared on his arm and he punched.

James eyes widened and hurriedly tried to deflect with power, speed and technique but the punch was immovable so James placed his arms to defend and then..



Destruction, that's the simple explaniation.

The movent the punch came in contact with James arms...

The impact sent him towards the wall that broke, but there were other walls behind so he continued, the result was complete destruction, he was lucky that Daniel held back at the last moment so only his arms hurt massively, since the man neded the pink haired help.

"Cough.." James coughed for some time while breating with difficulty, his body in pain, he barely felt his arm.

*Tap* *Tap*

Sounds of Daniel steps were heard, James raised his head an looked at Daniel who was walking calmly: "It was a good fight, thank you." He smiled while giving James a hand who took it, the Black hair helped the big ferehead up while patting his back: "Come on let's go to the hospital." he said.

James shook his head and said: "No.. Cough! I can manage." he was confident of his ability to recover, so Daniel didn't press further.

The duo walked away together.


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James and Daniel were currently at a bar, they were in a private Vip room.

"So i suppose you need my help to take down Charles right?" James said, since with his intelligence he understood what Daniel wanted.

"Honestly i still don't know, i especially visited you to improve, but if i need your help i will tell you." He used the excuse of recruiting an ally but he just wanted to fight James, since he could just go to Charles right now and kill him, but that would be boring.

"Okay, you know where to find me." James nodded and got up, but Daniel called him: "Hell nahh i'm not doing allat, searching for you like some manhwa protagonist, give me your number and i will call." He said while scratching his nose with his pinky, he was too lazy to do all that work.

James looked at this weird man and shook his head, took out his phone and the two exanged numbers.

"See you soon."

"Bye big ahh forehea-" James didn't let him finish and slammed the door, Daniel laughed while ordering food, it's free since the pink head pays. 


End of the chapter. Comment and leave a review with power stones if you want to support me. It's free for you.

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Author Out.