
Looking Through the Battlefield

In the year 3000, humanity is paired up with either a Quincy or a shinigami. A war has broken out with each pairing trying to destroy the other, having enough of the verbal and sometimes physical abuse from her siblings, Karma leaves the frontline in search of her long-lost half-sibling. Problems arise causing her to put her search on a pause but she vows to find him before her time is up.

Kyra_Karma · Sports, voyage et activités
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47 Chs

Takeda Sisters VS Commander

"2 on 1 hardly seems fair and it seems as though you were about to get your ass beat," I said teasing Kami.

"HA, you wish after this is over I'm soooo kicking your ass," Kami said as I teleported her to my side.

"When was the last time we fought side by side huh?" I asked Kami, feeling a sense of nostalgia.

"Pfft, as if we'd ever get the chance to fight side by side like this, " Kami said giving a small smile.

"You can remember it more vividly when you're drawing your last breathes," the commander said charging at us.

Kami then ran to the right so I ran to the left, the commander went after her first. Kami then picked up the pace and ran faster she gave me a look and I nodded. I then teleported her onto the commander. She marked him and jumped off I teleported her back to me.

"Sayanora asshole," Kami said as she activated her power but nothing happened. "oh you've gotta be kidding me,"

"Nice try girls but my power is Nullify so second born none of your attacks will work on me," the commander said.

"Wanna try your brute force?" I asked

"I'm no brute Karma, watch yourself but let's try it," she said as I teleported her behind the commander. She gave him a kick that looked as though it did nothing so I teleported her back. When she landed, she gripped her ankle and said "shit,".

"You alright?"

"I'm fine," she said trying to stand up but she fell back down.

"You're not, you can't even stand,"

"Shut up I'm fine," she said struggling to her feet, even standing she could barely keep her balance. "even if I'm injured there's no way you'd take him down yourself,"

"You're right about that but looks as though I'm going to have to try," I said sighing. Looking at the commander he could obviously tell Kami was injured. He then charged at us but he disappeared, I heard the sound of someone gasping for air. I turned around to see Kami being held by the throat, the air got caught in my throat and my eyes started to water.

"Karma…quick…" Kami struggled to speak.

"Don't talk! I'll come get you," I said teleporting to her aid, but as soon as I opened the portal I was propelled back. I sat there in shock. "h-how did he?" I said sitting in the dirt. Then someone popped up from the dirt and grabbed onto my neck.

"Idiot…" Kami let out then the person fell to the dirt, I gasped for air the moment the person let go.

"That girl was always a disappointment, " the commander scoffed. "any last words second born, " he said to Kami as her eyes started to water.

"I'll be…waiting…for you…in the…depths of…hell…you bastard…" Kami struggled to say then after her words she was let go. The commander's arm fell to the ground with her.

"Listen, I won't kill you but I won't let you kill either of us," I said pointing to where the commander's arm was last. I opened and closed a portal on his arm causing it to detach from the rest of his body.

"This is war, third born, everyone dies. My comrades died, my friends died, my family died, " the commander said now approaching me, "it was a mistake trying to kill the second-born first, I should've realized you were the stronger one and I should kill you first, " he said grabbing me by the top of my head. "In regards of power, the second born is nothing compared to you, "

"POWER?!" Kami screamed as she struggled to stand. "You wanna talk about power? I'll show you power, she's inferior to me as she'll never surpass me in anything, " Kami said, I could see the anger in her eyes, she was only this angry when I got praise for anything. "I'll kill you where you stand you blind bastard, maybe then when you descending into the depths of hell you'll realize how wrong you are," Kami shrieked as she rushed towards the commander. Once she got close enough he kicked her probably about 30 feet.

"Such a disappointment, I at least hoped you'd put up more of a fight, " the commander said in a disapproving tone. Kami laid on her back in the dirt, she wasn't moving and from where I was I couldn't tell if she was alive.

"Kami!" I screamed hoping for a response, but nothing was said back, "Kami!?" I screamed again trying to get free from the commander's grip.

"It's no use, she's dead, " the commander said in a monotone voice.

"N-no, that can't be she's just taking a nap, yeah a nap, she's going to kick your ass when she gets up, " I said with full confidence in her.

"Stupid kids, " the commander said before throwing me down face-first into the dirt, he then started stomping onto my head and said "idiotic children and your father is a bigger idiot for letting children rank so high. What did you earn your ranks for? Huh was it because you're daddy's little girl?" I laid face down in the dirt waiting for him to stop, for some reason I couldn't help but feel he was right. What did I have my rank for? Was it because I was my Father's daughter? The commander stopped stomping on me and I could hear him starting to walk away. Should I even get up? What would be the point? I'm no match for him and it's not like I could even do anything to him. I didn't even earn my rank I instantly went from rookie to General. I decided to lay here and do nothing until I heard a noise.


I looked up to see what it was and all I saw was Kami in the commander's arms, eyes half-open, looking lifeless.