
Longevity Clan Starts with the Patriarch's Marriage

After transmigrating into a fantasy world and struggling for over a hundred years, the mediocre Han Li had given up. After descending the mountain to take a wife, he discovered he had opened the fantasy world in the wrong way. He could rise to power just by lying flat, so why bother with arduous cultivation and endless fighting? Years later, the Eternal Clan began its quiet rise, its tendrils spreading across myriad realms, manipulating the Great Saints and Immortal Mansions from behind. One day, Han Li, sitting high in the Nine Heavens, watched over his countless descendants, narrating his glorious history. An Immortal Emperor crossed realms intending to obliterate the Han Family, but was flicked to death by Han Li with a snap of his fingers. Suddenly, all realms trembled at the revelation that Patriarch Han was so powerful! [Eternal Flow + Family Flow + Survival Flow]

Ride the wind while it's weak · Oriental
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496 Chs

Chapter 126 Arrival at Yonchang Manor (Subscription Request)_1

Translator: 549690339

Xuanshi City.

It was still that mansion with tall gates and a large courtyard.

At this moment, a lady in a purple dress was brewing tea, while a beauty in a yellow dress played the zither. Both were at ease, thoroughly enjoying themselves.

"What a comfortable life," said the lady in purple, lifting her cup to savor a sip of the freshly brewed Spiritual Tea, relishing the moment.

They had been living in the manor for nearly two years, hidden away in the mortal world without any contact with Xuanshi City's Cultivation Realm.

The saying 'the greatest hiddenness is to seem ordinary' held true here. Hidden in this place, even the mad dogs of the Jingye Office hadn't pursued them here, allowing the two women to gradually lower their guard.

The lady in purple quite liked their current life—no need to fight and kill, no need to struggle for cultivation resources, and no need to lurk cautiously and walk on thin ice in the capital city of the Daqian Empire.