
That Which is Below…

That Which is Below…


It is a successful PC game where I spend most of my time with now when I don't get to play Mobile Legends. (Actually, I barely even play MLBB.)

It's completely free, unlike those AAA games with developers that shamelessly lock their content behind paywalls (Yes, EA, Ubisoft, Activision and Bungie. I'm dissing at you.). The Warframe player community is absolutely non-toxic. The developers are always open to the community, allowing this utopian feeling of being in a gaming world where everything is possible. If you are a PC gamer, I suggest you play this game.

(Everything in the game is absolutely free. Everything can be acquired merely by playing the game.)

So… why did I bring this one up?

The game was everything I dreamed of, and I wanted MLBB to be that way. Perfection at its finest, a consistent, radiant gem that rewards those who brave the treacherous rocks to carve it out of its place. Unfortunately, I had to accept the ugly truth.

Which is why I lost my passion for writing this story.

The longer I stayed, the more problems I saw. The developers kept nerfing my favorite heroes, leaving me like a frustrated mess. I had utter disgust with the meta-heroes.

The developers lacked consistency.

Yet, here I am. Polishing up the story, adding more content.

I can't remember how many times I tried to punch a nearby wall whenever I overthink about the condition of the game itself, and how my dream of it being like Warframe would never happen until a miracle happens.

However, I knew that there were some who are absolutely caring for Mobile Legends, those who are sincere and trustworthy, dedicated to at least suggest ways to improve the game… even if they aren't developers.

The only thing fueling me are your positive reviews and such… and I am running low.

A spark of hope feeding off of its user's own oxygen to keep both alive.

That's when a user named 'thelittletaco' made his/her long review.

Kind sir/ma'am, you cannot believe how my spirits rose when I saw your review. I knew you were one of the significant few I aforementioned earlier. I sucked at drawing, though. XD

'The pages are my canvas; the files, my inspiration; the keyboard, my paintbrush.'

Thank you for the review, thelittletaco!

Also, you might have been creeped out by the weird transmission at the end of the previous chapter. You might've laughed about it, thinking I was justgoing vague or suicidal.

But guys… that's not me.

I know who it is, but that's not me.

Let's just call these anomalies the "Story Glitch". It's highly volatile, but necessary. You'll distinguish how the interruption indicates me or this anomaly.

For some reason, it likes to pop up whenever something significant or drastic happens, so be ready AT ALL COSTS.

If I reveal the secret now, the essence of the story will fade. A story I desperately want to finish.

If you think the mysterious dude was a hacker… He/she isn't.

"Hey, Arcturus! Now that you're back, tell us a story!"

Wanna know how I got into MLBB?

Through the introduction of a distant cousin, and the influence of a classmate.

I despised games like these before. Seriously.

I thought it's all going to go south once I tried playing it.

Well, it did hinder me, but I was able to find a way to manage all that. It was also very surprising to see that many top students in my school also play the game, having achieved a higher rank than mine.

ML ain't life, bros. But prioritize, and you'll get it right!