
Provoked! Part 2

This day Ye Long earned a huge amount of money. He bet on Nie Li in all three rounds and unsurprisingly Nie Li won without hitch. Although Ye Long didn't know what cause the ripple between Shen Fei and Nie Li since Ning'er wasn't involved, he did not pray into that.

Those things are bound to happen.

However, Ye Long felt very depressed. Today Nie Li gained a huge fan for himself. Besides the excited crowed who are cheering for 14 years old Gold Rank genius. Ye Long felt sullen because that Nie Li's biggest fan was his mother.

That's Right! His own mother Ye Yun became that guy's fan.

Ye Long grit his teeth when he heard Ye Yun saying that they should invite that guy into the mansion. He showed some dissatisfaction but mother's words are absolute. Ye Long didn't hate Nie Li or anything, it's just that he felt the guys don't deserve to be his brother in law.

'What a cunning guy!' Ye Long thought, finally giving up 'But don't worry, I will be watching you'

The only thing he could do now is glaring at the protagonist.


At this moment there was someone is even more frustrated than Ye Long. However, the roots of his frustration also the same.

Shen Ming couldn't stay calm. This time he screwed up. Not only did he lose family money he even brought humiliation toward Sacred Family. If the Alchemy Association and City Lord weren't here, he would rush up Nie Li and kill him on the spot.

And the entire Heavenly Mark Family.

Young Master Shen Fei was injured, barely holding on and two talent men lose to 14 years old brat just like that. What more, millions of Demon Spirit Coins disappeared.

Done! He is done!

Just as Shen Ming thinking about a plan to earn back lost money, a calm voice rang out. "Main affair elder, is there any even that anyone could participate?"

Spoke man was the culprit of his troubles. Shen Ming wanted the curse out loud but he found out Nie Li's idea isn't bad. If he let other Demon Spiritualists participate and bet on, that could earn some money back. Shen Ming didn't think twice immediately spring into action.

"Actually there is! since the main event is ended I will announce it now" Sheng Ming stood up, then declared. "In this event, anyone can participate and they could challenge anyone, but first both parties must pay one thousand Demon Spirit Coins. The winner will receive 2000 Coins back"

When Sheng Ming's word ended, the whole arena descends into heated discussions. Nie Li nodded his head, praising the quick thinking of Sheng Ming. Although he did not wish to let Sacred Family earn money, this must be done.


As things kept dragging on, Ye Long felt super down. He wanted to take a good nap and feel refresh. He didn't even care about what's happening below. Although he liked the flashy moves and combat abilities Nie Li and rest showed, after knowing Nie Li going to move into his mansion, he lost the appetite.

Ye Long stood up deciding to leave. His father and mother won't be coming back any time soon. And the Winged Dragon Family always travel with his family. Taking Xiao Ning'er and going home is the only option.

Suddenly, the whole arena quite downed.

Feeling curious, Ye Long looked over. He saw a boy around his age standing middle of the arena. He looked somewhat handsome. Brown hair and black eyes matched his attire.

"What is going on?" Ye Long mumbled. He felt puzzles, so sat down with a curious expression.

"I will be the first challenger" The boy spoke "My Name is Wei Nan and I challenge Ye Long"


Ye Zong: ...

Shen Ming:...….

Ye Yun: hehe!

Ye Long: "What the fuck?"

Ye Long cursed loudly. He was already having a slightly bad day. And now, out from the blue someone challenges him?! What the fuck, indeed.

"Who is Ye Long? Why have I never heard of him?" Sliver Rank fighter turn to his friend. He was representing most of the crowd, except big families.

His friend rather informed. He touched his chin and looking at Purple-Haired boy who cursed loudly enough.

"I think he is the city lord's son, I saw him with madam Ye Yun"

"City Lord's son?! Then why would that kid challenge young master?"

"How should I know? But it's going to be interesting! That Wei kid doesn't seem to an idiot"

"Yeah! Let's wait and see!"

While crowd discussing and coming up with their own theories, Ye Long didn't know he should laugh or cry. His mother gave him an encouraging look and his father have a smiling yet not smiling face.

"Cough….Cough….Cough….This brother? Did you make a mistake? I don't think we know each other?" Ye Long cough fakely before speaking up. He didn't like to be in the centre of attention. So speaking from this point made him bit uncomfortable.

Wei Nan smiled and said "Didn't I tell you? My name is Wei Nan and here to challenge you! Why? are you scared?"

Ye Zong felt something amiss. This Wei Nan seems to be trying to provoke his son. But to his knowledge, Ye Long never interact with those young people. What is going on?

Ye Long bit startled by the tone of this guy. He immediately felt aggressive feeling coming from Wei Nan. A frown appeared on his handsome face.

"But why would you wish to fight me? Did I do something wrong?" Ye Long asked genuinely confused.

Not only Wei Nan, even Nie Li felt Ye Long's genuine concern. He felt sorry for this kid, but this had to be done. Mere words cannot judge a person.

Wei Nan secretly looks over Nie Li's position. Seeing Nie Li approving to continue, Wei Nan was happy. He was waiting so long for this moment. He wishes to prove talented girl like Xiao Ning'er that she doesn't deserve this kind of a guy. According to Nie Li's suspicions, Ye Long might be working with Dark Guild.

Although it's hard to believe, Wei Nan believes in Nie Li's judgment.

Despite being extremely secretive, Wei Nan couldn't avoid experts eyes. Normal people might not notice but, Ye Zong, Ye Yun Ye Long and few others caught the contact between Wei Nan and Nie Li. Although they couldn't confirm it looking at expressionless Nie Li's face, nonetheless they saw it clearly.

Yang Xin who noticed this frowned and spoke somewhat sullenly. "Young Master Nie Li are you involved in this?"

Nie Li dumbfounded. Yang Xin who always trying to flirt with him now speaking to him in such a cold tone.

Looking at Nie Li's surprised face Yang Xin sneered "Although I don't know your purpose. if anything bad happens to little Long, don't tell me I'm being ruthless"

Nie Li didn't say anything, he kept his eyes on Wei Nan. But a cold light flashed in his eyes unnoticed by anyone.


"You did nothing wrong! I just wish to fight you, that's all? Won't you come?" Said Wei Nan look straight into Ye Long.

"Nah! I'm not interested. Besides, I don't have any Demon Spirit Coins" just because someone wanted to fight he needs fight as well? Ye Long too lazy for that. With lazy expression, Ye Long walk toward the Winged Dragon family.

"What?! City Lord's son doesn't have 1000 coins?! How unfortunate!" Wei Nan sneered "How about this! I will pay for you, let's just test each other out"

"I'm not feeling well, sorry!" Without turning back or stopping Ye Long answered. He really didn't want to waste time with nonsenses. Besides 5 Star Silver Rank nothing in his eyes.

The crowd didn't offer their opinions, they just waiting for a good show.

Mostly Ye Yun who still bit angry at Ye Long for leaving the house.

"Such a coward like you isn't worthy of Glory City," Wei Nan said angrily. But Ye Long didn't stop.

Xiao Ning'er could not endure anymore about burst out. However, Ye Long shook his head preventing her from standing. Xiao Mei, Ning'er' mother held her daughter's hand as if saying not to get agitated.

Ye Long furiously thought a possible reason, Nie Li would provoke him into fighting but nothing came out. He was already being provoked by Wei Nan, yet held it on not to cause a scene.

Ye Long isn't a great cultivator or a person with so much life experiences. It's true this is his second life but previous he was just a normal young man. Same as normal teenagers his endurance is very limited. He is easily provoked but his rationality wouldn't lose just like that.

"A coward like you don't deserve a girl like Xiao Ning'er" this time Wei Nan's loud voice reached Ye Long. His footsteps abruptly came to a hold. His face changed, always carefree sunny face twisted with anger. But he didn't look at Wei Nan, kept his face down.

A Strom about to blow!

Seeing Ye Long finally yield, Wei Nan smile triumphantly. He said "A coward like you isn't worthy of your parents"

Boom! Ye Long finally snapped!

"WHAT…DID…YOU…SAY?" Ye Long slowly turn back speaking word by word. His voice wasn't loud but it struck fear into everyone's heart.

Even Ye Zong and Ye Yun felt shooked. At first, they thought Ye Long would just walk away. They knew their son held great power. Not even Ye Mo could much up to him. What more Ye Long never take anything seriously. So parents never felt like stopping the boy named Wei Nan.

"Even the Dragon has its reverse scale. Looks like that kid named Wei Nan successfully scratch it" Xiao Yunfeng sighed looking at enraged Ye Long.

Wei Nan's heart trembled. His whole body is suddenly petrified. Looking at Ye Long's enraged being he took a step back.

Nie Li stood up, same as Wei Nan, his heart went cold when he saw current Ye Long.

Ye Long yet to take a step. But the whole arena sensed bundles anger enfold them.

Suddenly enormous pressure fell upon them trying to crush every single one. Shen Ming, Ye Zong, Ye Yun and other patriarchs from big families use their own force to resist mountain-like heavy pressure. But it was almost irresistible.

Wei Nan pant heavily laying on the ground. The only person who hasn't effect by this was Nie Li. Although now his original purpose fulfilled, the thing went a bit out of hand. Who would have thought that this kid would be this angry? And this power, what level is he at? Nie Li couldn't tell.

Ye Long was truly angry. On earth, he didn't have a family. And now he does have a loving family. But someone says he doesn't deserve them? Why? Why would someone say such a thing?

Although he knew Wei Nan just wanted to provoke him, if he stays silent after all that, people might really think he is a Coward.

Ye Long disappeared! He finally took action.

"Oh no!" Seeing Ye Long vanishing Nie Li knew his target. Nie Li right away integrated with [Shadow Devil] Demon Spirit and speed toward Wei Nan.

"So much trouble!" Ye Zong reluctantly stood up and move toward the Wei Nan. By now the pressure excludes from Ye Long disappeared. People felt relief and eased.

Ye Long is a lot faster than [Shadow Devil] or Ye Zong. In a blink, he stood behind confused and scared Wei Nan. He stretched the hand grabbing on to a chunk of Wei Nan's hair. Wei Nan was lifted into the air by his own hair.


Wei Nan screamed agonizedly. But Ye Long's anger didn't disappear. He shook Wei Nan's body bringing out more pain.

"Let him go!" When Ye Long about to speak, he heard a cold voice.

It was Nie Li!

Both Nie Li and Ye Zong arrived. Although Ye Zong was fast to arrive Nie Li spoke first.

"Or what? What are you going to do about it?" Ye Long shook Wei Nan once more. Wei Nan's miserable screams reverberate through the silent Martial Field. But Ye Long did care slightest. Although he didn't plan on killing Wei Nan or Nie Li he wanted to beat them up badly.

"Little Long that's enough! Let him go! This isn't like you" Ye Zong said in a low tone. He didn't know what to do. But he felt Ye Long was a bit rush to act.

Ye Long smiled coldly and said "No father! Today I'm going to teach them a lesson. they shouldn't have messed with me. Just because I stay out from their business"

Then he caught Wei Nan's neck, letting go the hair. Although Wei Nan screamed from the pain he never begged for mercy. Not even once his eyes change, the whole time his eyes carried ruthless glint.

Nie Li couldn't endure any more and took action. Akin to a black mist he disappeared. Appearing behind Ye Long, in an instant, he merged with [Fanged Panda] Demon Spirit.

A heavy palm descended onto Ye Long's back.

Ye Long sneered "Insignificant trick"

He didn't even look, he slightly angled his body. Before Nie Li's palm hit him, Ye Long caught it with the freehand.


The power behind Nie Li's palm wasn't small. If it was normal 5 Star Gold Ranker he might suffer under the force behind this attack. But Ye Long felt nothing.

Nie Li was surprised. How could he catch that? Even a Legendary Rank Demon Spiritualist had to guard against that attack. But now with was caught so easily.

Nie Li tried to take back his hand, however, he was unable to do so.

"You think you can beat me? Since you don't know better, Let me teach you" Saying so Ye Long pulled Nie Li toward him and caught his neck.

Now both Ye Long's hands gripping two men from their neck. He was like a purple hair Demon.


Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts