
88. Chapter 88

“Okay, you got this, Haught!”

Cracking her knuckles, Nicole rolled her neck and shoulders, working out the kinks before adjusted her snapback and pulling a bandana up to cover her nose and mouth. Taking a couple of deep, calming, breaths, she took a firm grip of the door handle and started counting down from three. As she hit “one,” and turned the handle and pushing against the weight lodged behind the door.

“Nicole, stop being so dramatic!”

Rolling her eyes, Waverly gave Nicole’s taut jean covered ass a firm slap and slipped under her arm to shimmy through the gap Nicole had created into the spare bedroom beyond. A spare bedroom that was set to become their baby’s nursery if the room was sound enough.

“It’s not so bad,” she coughed and quickly adjusted a dust mask over her own mouth. “Maybe a little musty,” she admitted. She tried to keep her voice light and hopeful for her own benefit as much as Nicole’s.

Nicole pushed a little harder, moving the… whatever the hell it was, it was still impossible to tell, that was blocking the way… aside enough to squeeze in beside Waverly and not have it collapse behind them.

Clicking on a torch, she swung it around. Her frown deepened as the circular beam of light bounced over the twisted floor to ceiling mountain of furniture, fabric and magazines crammed into the room at some point in time and left to moulder away. “Oh, boy! I didn’t get a chance to look in here before. This is… it’s terrible, Waves!”

“I’ve seen worse…” at the local junkyard but she wasn’t going to tell Nicole that as her Alpha was already looking less than impressed which was saying a hell of a lot for a woman that had had to spend far too much of her life living where she could find the room to curl up to sleep. “Kind of looks like it should be on an episode of Hoarders, doesn’t it? Hey, maybe there’s an old lady or a half-feral child living behind it all.”


Waverly sniggered at the horrified tone of Nicole’s voice. Strangely her Alpha was perfectly okay with most horror movies and not even the most twisted and blood-soaked, torture porn ones phased her. What did make her jump and get squirrelly were the psychological ones… and any parts of the original version of Psycho that mentioned the mother. Which Nicole said had put her off staying in motels for years and had forced Waverly to cross Bates Motel off her viewing list.

“So, where do you think we should start, Baby?”

Nicole looked around the overflowing room again. “We could start by moving? Or burning the house and rebuilding seems like a plan to me. Ow!” she rubbed her shoulder. “Too much? How about calling in some professional cleaners to do it?”

“How about, you grab a garbage bag and pull your big girl panties up, Nicole Haught? I expect a clear path to that window before you have to go on shift.”

Sighing, Nicole pulled on her work gloves and obediently pulled a black bag off the roll Waverly had slapped her with and was brandishing at her like a stick. “Yes, ma’am,” she saluted jauntily.

Pulling down their masks, Waverly planted a kiss of encouragement on Nicole’s cheek that had dimples popping in an instant. “Come on, work,” she smiled as she pulled Nicole’s bandana back into place and turned her snapback backwards on top of her red hair.

Nicole wasn’t shy about hard work at all but rummaging around in a dank, dusty room wasn’t exactly on her list of things she wanted to be doing… Ever! Really, she kept half expecting to find a body trapped under the pile of junk. A prior victim to the towering mountains of clutter. Being with Waverly made Nicole forget about everything else though as they filled bag after bag, stopping only to remove them so they had more room to work in, have a drink and, quite often, have a look at something Waverly had found.

She had to admit it, the room wasn’t in as bad a condition as it had first looked. At least there was no mould or rotten floorboards anyway. The window looked like it was going to need replacing but if they got away with that and a hell of a lot of disinfectants and steam cleaning before they painted and decorated… well, it could make a nice nursery. Going by the twinkle in Waverly’s eyes she was already seeing it as she wanted and Nicole was going to do her very best to make sure her vision became a reality.

Waverly paused to admire the play of Nicole’s muscles as she worked, and to grab a drink from getting suddenly thirsty as all the moisture in her body moved south in a rush. “Do you think we should put in an adjoining door?” she asked to distract from her blatant ogling as Nicole’s eyes started to turn her way.

Straightening up, Nicole looked at the colour riding high in Waverly’s cheeks as she lifted her arms up high to stretch out her body to remove imaginary kinks before turning her attention to the wall. “Waves, do you want more kids or sex of any kind after this little one is born?”

“Huh?” Waverly shook her head, trying to focus on the question instead of Nicole’s stretched out body and the glorious, mouth-watering, display of defined abs as Nicole used the edge of her shirt to wipe her face. “More sex?! Of course!” Right that minute would be good as far as Waverly was concerned! Well maybe after a shower… or in the shower!

“Then no, no adjoining doors,” Nicole winked knowingly at the hungry look in Waverly’s eyes. “Come on, we’re nearly through to the window.”

“I hope it still opens, this room could do with a good airing.”

“Definitely… though I’m still open to the use of matches,” Nicole grimaced as she looked at what was either an abandoned and now manky fur glove or a dead animal. Picking it up at arm’s reach, she dropped it into a bag with only a small shudder.

“Really?” Waverly chuckled. “I’ve seen you with fresh blood dripping from your mouth and that’s your breaking point?”

“Main word there… fresh… I’d caught that fair and square, it was fresh and I hadn’t eaten for days… that,” she poked the bag with her toe. “So, not fresh and god knows what it even was. And for the record, I also go ninja,” she waved her arms in emphasis, “if I walk into a spiders web, so you get the closet.”

“There’s a closet?” Waverly followed Nicole’s gesture and made out the edge of a door behind what looked like it might have been a mattress or a rotten pile of wood. “How are we going to get this big stuff out? Going to make a hell of a mess if we try getting it out through the house. And do not suggest matches again!”

Nicole closed her mouth with a click of teeth and pouted for a moment. “Okay, well as combustion seems to be out…” she ducked the old magazine that flew from Waverly’s hand straight at her head. “This old window is going in the corner and needs replacing… could just knock that out, hire a skip and toss the bigger stuff out through the hole?” Nicole looked around the room, trying to see how it might look once it was empty and clean. “What colour are you thinking for the room and furniture? I mean, do you want to know what the sex will be first or just going for something more neutral?”

“I wouldn’t mind knowing the sex but no matter what it turns out to be I don’t want to limit the colours or anything else in their life because of gender… what do you think of a delicate blue and some pastel rainbows?”

Moving closer to Nicole, Waverly snuggled into her side, breathing in the heat and heavenly scent of their bond, and the tang of salt from their sweat. Even with all the dust and grime covering them both she still smelt clean. Hooking her arm around Nicole’s trim waist, Waverly delighted in the weight of Nicole’s hand against hers and the familiar restless play of fingers as she gestured around the room, trying to paint a picture with her words as to how she was seeing the room once it was decorated.

Nicole found herself captivated by Waverly’s passionate enthusiasm and the happiness lighting her eyes and whole face as she talked and planned.

Waverly paused, suddenly aware that Nicole was looking at her instead of paying attention to where she’d decided would be the best place for a crib. “Nicole, you’re not looking.”

“Yes, yes I am.”

“I meant at the roo-mhmmm.” The ability to speak or form a coherent thought flew out of the window as Nicole’s mouth slanted down over hers in a heated kiss that left Waverly clutching at Nicole’s body as her legs grew weak. “Wow,” she breathed against the full sensual curve of Nicole’s lips.

Grabbing Nicole’s hand, Waverly started pulling her from the room. The hell with Nicole’s ridiculous ideas on time limits for quickies!

“Waves… what about getting to the window?” Nicole asked teasingly.

Waverly was surprised that her teeth didn’t shatter from how hard she clenched them. Deciding on a better route to what she wanted other than outright violence… Waverly stepped back from her hungry-eyed Alpha and stripped out of her clothing. She let them drop to the floor, the soft rustle of clothing and every inch of skin revealed darkening Nicole’s eyes further until Waverly felt like she was going to go up in flames from the heat of her gaze.

“You can finish getting to the window if you want but… I’m going to go take a shower and I would kind of like it if my Alpha would join me in there so I can feel her tongue and fingers buried in me.”

Nicole nearly tripped over her own feet in her rush to follow the allure of Waverly’s body as she turned and slowly stalked away.

“You took your time,” Waverly purred as Nicole finally joined her in the bathroom and carried her into the shower.

“Nearly pitched myself down the stairs trying to get out of my jeans,” Nicole admitted with a grin at Waverly’s soft laugh. Keeping her back between Waverly and the first blast of water, Nicole turned it on and only allowed more than a drop to touch Waverly’s body once it was warm enough for her.

They washed each other, the shower growing heated from the water and the soft moans and sighs of pleasure as they revisited familiar dips and curves of each other’s bodies and forged new paths.

Waverly’s head fell back in pleasure, fingers tangled in Nicole’s hair as her nose and mouth nudged between her thighs, her tongue swirling and dancing around the throbbing bud of her clit and between desire soaked folds. Giving in to Nicole’s strength, Waverly pulled her closer, her hips dancing as she ground against her Alpha’s face as she fell apart.

Nicole pressed kisses along the length of Waverly’s body as she slowly rose to her feet and claimed her softly parted lips and the breathless gasps panting from her. Dragging her short nails along the inside of Waverly’s trembling thighs, Nicole teased her fingers through tight curls. “Mmmm, I believe you wanted my fingers too?”