
5. Like a beautiful fairytale porno

Soft country music flowed from the tinny speakers of the old-fashioned jukebox standing almost forgotten in the corner of the bar. The twang of electric guitar and crooning southern drawl of the singer was barely audible over even the low level of chatter coming from the patrons, the most hardened and cynical of drinkers that Purgatory had to offer, that were scattered around either sitting on stools and leaning heavily against the worn wood of the bar that had seen better days over a hundred years before, or slumped around one of the tables. All of them hiding from the fact that the sun, such as it was at that time of year, was still up.

Thin beams of wintery sun wormed its way in, leaking in around the edges of the windows. Motes of dust danced and spun within them.

Waverly ran her fingers across the top of the bar where one of the beams fell upon it. She was there, working her usual shift in Shorty’s Bar, surrounded by people she had known all her life. But her mind was a million miles away.

Or, more precisely, her mind was locked in the past, twelve long hours before, right on the outskirts of their territory, aching and yearning for the big, red Alpha wolf and her vanilla dipped doughnut scent.

Waverly wanted, needed to see her again. To touch her and feel her touch upon her. She wanted to feel her teeth clamping down upon her throat, piercing her skin to seal a bond between them. She wanted it more than she had ever wanted anything in her life.


There was no way of knowing if she would ever see her again.

Purgatory was just a small town that was barely even marked on the maps. What if the red wolf was just passing by on her way somewhere else, somewhere better? Somewhere where Waverly would never be able to find her or see her again?

No! Waverly refused, despite all evidence to the contrary, to believe that fate could be so cruel as to offer her only a glimpse of her soulmate and then snatch her way?

Biting back a whimper, Waverly looked up, her eyes going to the windows of the bar. The panes were obscured by decals and flyers in an attempt to give the early barflies a sense of privacy while they drank but Waverly could just about make out the outline of a truck pulling up outside. Which wasn’t unusual, given the long winters and the number of ranches that made trucks the vehicle of choice in Purgatory. They were big and solid enough to make it over the harsh land and through the harsher weather that Calgary threw at them.

What was unusual about this truck was that it, above all the others that had gone by that day and even those that had stopped… this one had drawn her eye in the first place.

Anticipation coiled through her as she heard a door slamming closed on the truck and saw it drive away moments later. A figure moved past the window and even through the obscured glass, Waverly could tell that whoever it was, was tall and willowy… and there was just something about them that made her label the person as feminine.

The anticipation coiled tighter as ‘she’ neared the door to the bar and Waverly gripped the edge of the bar tightly as her legs started to jitter nervously, setting her bouncing up and down with the urge to rush across the room and open the damn door herself!

What was taking so long?!

When the door finally opened and four regulars spilled in, Waverly growled in frustration and had to cover it with a cough as Shorty paused in wiping down a glass to look at her questioningly. Waverly glanced down, slightly embarrassed at her outburst and yet still wondering if it would be too unseemly if she hurdled the bar and ran out to see who it had been.

“A stranger! Welcome to Purgatory and to Shorty’s… What can I get for you?”

The scent of vanilla wrapped itself around Waverly, setting her body on fire as she followed the scent to the far end of the bar and a figure was perched upon the barstool at the furthest away from everyone.

It was her!

Using her position to her advantage, Waverly studied her Alpha. Just thinking it had need rising through her as she took in the delicate, perfectly sculptured, lines of her face, the soft curve of her lips, the flash of pearly white teeth as she bit her lip in thought. Her hair, every strand of it, was covered by a dark blue beanie that made Waverly’s fingers itch to snatch it off to see if her hair was a red as her wolf’s.

“Just a coffee please, black.”

Her soft voice sent a southern drawl stoked tingle straight to her core. “I’ll get this, Shorty,” Waverly offered brightly in anticipation.

“Okay, well I guess, Waverly will be taking care of you now.”

Oh, you have no idea, Waverly smirked to herself at the thought. “Hi, I’m Waverly,” she held out a hand and kept it there until the Alpha finally took the hint and took it with a firm but not too strong grip, her long, elegant fingers brushing against the pulse at her wrist as wide brown eyes met her gaze.

“Pleased to meet you. Name’s, Nicole.” She schooled her face and tried to resist the urge to bolt as a fresh wave of the Omega’s scent wrapped around her. Nicole had caught her alluring scent even before the door to the bar had opened. The only thing that had had her stepping through was the need to get something warm inside her and that she was sure she could hide her nature from anyone and make her escape when the Sheriff came to meet her as they had arranged weeks before.

“Nicole,” she delighted in the way her name felt upon her tongue and had to resist the urge to keep saying it so she could taste it some more and make it like the woman it belonged to… hers. “Would you like anything to eat to go with your coffee?” The Alpha’s stomach gave a loud growl but the woman herself shook her head, a faint blush colouring her cheekbones at the sound.

“No, that’s okay, just the coffee will be fine.” Truthfully, coffee was all she had the money for until she found where the hell her bank card was and found an AMT that would even accept it… according to her lift into town, Purgatory’s one working AMT had been ripped from the wall by thieves the week before and they were waiting for whoever was in charge of such things to decide if Purgatory was really worth replacing it.

That left Nicole with limited options according to him. She could use credit cards… which Nicole didn’t have. Draw money from the bank… which Nicole didn’t have an account with. Another option was using an ATM in the Big City… which meant catching the unreliable Bluntline Express coach or misappropriating the police cruiser she hadn’t even been assigned yet. Or she could just wait until she got her first paycheck.

“I’ll be right back,” Waverly gave Nicole’s elegant fingers an extra squeeze before reluctantly releasing them and turning to go fix her a coffee. She didn’t let it stop her from glancing Nicole’s way though. Taking in every move and shift of her body as she looked around the bar with barely perceptible glances and a subtle tilt of her head that screamed scenting to Waverly.

The light caught the jut of Nicole’s cheekbones and the slightly sunken look of her cheeks, and Waverly frowned at the sight, her teeth gritting to hold back a growl as she recalled all too clearly how Wynonna had taken her kill off her and the violent growl of the Alpha’s stomach.

“Here you go.”

Nicole glanced back from her careful study of the bar and the patrons. Her mouth watered at the sight of the doughnut Waverly had set upon the bar along with the black coffee she had ordered. She reared back as her Alpha wanted to lunge forward and devour the sweet treat. “I didn’t—”

Waverly ran her hand along Nicole’s, gently squeezing her wrist to still her as she went to push the plate away. “My treat… the coffee too.” Startling herself with her actions, Waverly picked the doughnut up off the plate and leaned across the bar. She held it out to Nicole, nearly brushing her Alpha’s lips with the vanilla dipped doughnut. “Try it, please?”

Her dominant side rebelled at the notion but Nicole felt herself soften at the softly husked ‘please’ that fell from Waverly’s lips. Closing the gap, what little there was, she opened her mouth and let the Omega feed her the glazed doughnut a bite at a time until Waverly’s fingers brushed across her lips.

Waverly let her fingers linger upon the full curve of her lips. She could feel Nicole’s breath puffing warmly against the tips of her fingers. Her eyes darted between Nicole’s lips and the soft brown of her eyes. Back and forth. Back and forth. The need to close the gap and taste from her lips creating a white noise in Waverly’s head and a burning ache between her thighs that refused to be denied.

Her Alpha.

Her mate.
