
31. Chapter 31

Nicole looked around the bedroom that Waverly led her to. Walking through the house had been difficult with the smell of Alpha hanging so heavy in the air. Even though she was getting used to the scent of them all, and felt she could trust them, it had been grating on her senses. Waverly kept her moving though, her gentle touch, her scent and that seductive little body leading her through the house and scent until the door of her bedroom closed behind them and Nicole could breathe easier with the scent of her Omega filling the air.

The room though, whilst it smelt of Waverly… there was something not Waverly about it. The touches were there, that were what Nicole would have expected from the woman, the Omega, that she belonged to. It was there in the soft but bright drapes of fabric that hung around the curtains, softening the light from the moon brightened snow. And also in the immense amount of decorative pillows she had somehow managed to fit on such a small bed.

Nicole could tell that if… when… Waverly got to nesting, soft furnishings were going to be her go-to item.

The rest of the room though… it just wasn’t hers and Nicole had the feeling that Waverly was trying to stamp her identity on a room that hadn’t been hers.

Waverly watched Nicole taking in her room and felt the unspoken questions within her. “It used to be Willa’s room. Our big sisters,” she explained. “She… she died a long time ago and Wynonna and I had to go live with Gus and Curtis. When I went to work at Shorty’s he let me have a room there so I didn’t have to be on the road after late shifts or if I just needed the space to think. Then when Wynonna came back she started fixing the Homestead up again and persuaded me to take Willa’s old room. It gets a bit crowded and ‘loud’ here sometimes though.”

“I bet,” Nicole chuckled softly. “Three Alpha’s in such a small space must be tricky even if they weren’t all sharing each other.”

“Yeah, when they’re together though, all those rough Alpha edges just fit together and smooth each other out. All the ruts though! Ugh! The walls are just too thin here!” Waverly stage-whispered as she moved closer and slid her arms around Nicole’s slender waist. She smiled, pleased with herself as Nicole’s dimples popped into view again and her shoulders shook with her chuckle.

“Thin walls. Well, I guess that rules out a quickie, huh?”

“Well right now we’re both just sopping wet so how about we get out of these clothes.”

“Eww, dudes, you two are gross!”

“See,” Waverly rolled her eyes as Wynonna’s chortle reached them from the bottom of the stairs. “Super thin walls.”

“Good thing my place is neighbour free for miles around then. No need to worry about anyone hearing when you scream the house down.”

Waverly reached for Nicole as she stepped back but her Alpha grinned and gave her fingers a light tap to keep them at bay as she started stripping out of her clothes. Deciding to enjoy the view, Waverly sat on the edge of her bed and ate up each bit revealed as Nicole’s clothing dropped away with hungry eyes.

Beautifully, unashamedly, naked, Nicole stepped towards her and changed, dropping to all fours and crossing to the bed in wolf form. Waverly knew she could see it a million times and it would take her breath away each and every time. She shivered as Nicole’s nose nudged the inside of her ankles, finding a bare bit of skin to press her wet nose against as she slinked her way up, taking in her scent as she crawled on top of her to rest her head over her shoulder.

Rubbing their faces together, Waverly wrapped her arms around Nicole’s neck and dug her fingers deep into her coat to get to the warmth beneath. She felt the wolf inside her aching to get out to romp and roll with Nicole, but she wanted to touch with human hands a moment longer. Drawing back, she stared into the brown wolf eyes fixed upon her, shining with love. Waverly traced the lines of her face, beautiful in any form. Human or wolf, anyone seeing Nicole for the first time would probably just describe her as a redhead but there was so much more going on than just the red. Around the thicker fur of her neck there were darker strands running through it, still red but almost looking black amongst her normal coat. Hands running down, Waverly followed the path of the pale stripe of coat starting across her muzzle and cheeks, down her thickly furred throat to her belly.

She knew the stripe ran all the way down the underside of her tail to the tip but that would have to be explored at a later date as just a rub of her belly had Nicole shivering and collapsing with a huff against her. The soft swipes of Nicole’s broad tongue across her mark made her whimper under the sudden tide of soft coiling need distracted Waverly from thoughts of further exploration.

Growling softly, Nicole gave Waverly’s top a tug to remind her she was overdressed. Just in case she didn’t get the hint, she hopped up on to the bed and nudged her in the back and lay down, crossing her paws over the edge of the mattress as she settled down to watch.

“Okay, okay,” Waverly chuckled as she stepped back enough so she could put on a show for her Alpha as she took off her clothing. By the time she finished, Nicole was breathing hard, her body quivering with the restraint she was putting on herself.

Sliding off the bed, Nicole padded across the bedroom floor and butted her head against Waverly’s abdomen. She could smell the heat of her arousal rising from between her thighs and it took everything ounce of strength not to grab her and drag her back to the bed or just push her down to the floor.

Whining, Nicole nudged at Waverly’s thighs. She knew she shouldn’t not with Wynonna liable to pop out of the woodwork at any moment but she ‘needed’ and she could tell that Waverly did too.

“Nic… Wynonna will hear us…” Waverly glanced towards the door nervously… but spread her thighs a little anyway. The soft lap of tongue gliding along the inside of her thighs made her whimper and cover her own mouth as Nicole teased the tops of her legs but refused to go further. “You are in so much trouble later,” she hissed as Nicole sat back on her haunches and licked her lips. “I’m going to make you howl and beg later.”

Nicole didn’t doubt Waverly for a second and was looking forward to her Omega carrying through with her ‘threat’. She nudged for hip with a nose, gesturing for her to hurry up and change so they could join the others. After being denied a tasty treat, she was also looking forward to seeing if Waverly got any revenge on her sister while they were running.