
176. Chapter 176

The world fell away for Nicole. Narrowing down to a white noise buzzing in her head that replaced the sounds of gunfire, screams and the clashing of bodies coming together as Waverly’s body came to rest and shifted back from Wolf to her suddenly far too fragile human form.

Fragile was never a word she had thought when she looked at the woman she loved, but broken and bleeding as she was, her body deathly still as Nicole changed and fell to her knees at Waverly’s side… Nicole couldn’t think of anything else.

Hands trembling, Nicole gathered Waverly into her arms, a cry of despair clawing its way out as she tried to staunch the blood flowing from the ragged, bleeding wound the shotgun blast had left in her chest.

She was alive but only just.

Every beat of her heart and fought for breath grew fainter and fainter as the silver poisoned and burned within her.

Holding her closer, Nicole tried to hold on to her body and mind, begging her not to give up… Begging her not to leave her.

Wynonna dropped to her knees, her heart shattering as she took everything in. Nothing was supposed to happen to Waverly! She was the best of them! Everyone loved her even when she was chewing them out. Though she was the leader of the Pack, if anyone asked, Wynonna would tell them that Waverly was the glue that held them together… Hell, she was the reason that Wynonna had come back and stuck around to become their Alpha.


It couldn’t happen!


There had to be…

“Nicole!” Grabbing her friend by the shoulder, Wynonna gave her a shake, trying desperately to break through the despair clouding her eyes. “Damn it! Nicole!” She shook her again, hating the way it made Waverly flop in her arms like a puppet with its strings cut.

Drawing back her hand, Wynonna slapped Nicole harshly across the face. Her head snapped one way and then the other as Wynonna followed it up with an even harder blow in an effort to get Nicole to actually focus on her and hear her. “Damn it, Haught! Listen to me! Make her change!”

“Wha-?” Nicole blinked slowly in confusion.

“She needs to go full moon to flush the silver out of her system! Your mating mark makes her too strong for me to change her without putting even more stress on her! Damn it! Nicole! She helped you flush the silver out of your system at the hospital now help her! Now! Before it’s too goddamn fucking late!”

The one thing that Nicole had never wanted to do to anyone, especially not Waverly, and it was the best chance Waverly had.

Nodding, Nicole gently gathered Waverly closer. There was no time for subtly… No gently guiding her towards her change like they did during the full moon. There was barely time for anything with how dim Waverly felt in her mind.

“Waves. You need to change with me, Baby. Don’t fight, just let it flow.”

There was no response and Nicole feared that she was too late.

She had to try though. As long as there was a heartbeat she couldn’t give up.

Pushing her power out, Nicole closed her eyes and focused on picturing the sensation of wrapping the dim presence of Waverly’s full wolf form in it. With the full moon so far away it was like trying to grasp at a specific bit of mist within even more mist. She felt it though or hoped she did, the lurking presence of her beast as she lifted her beautiful head and gazed at her weakly through the pain.

Most forced changes were exactly that, forced. They were violent and painful as they ripped the wolf to the surface and left them weak and vulnerable.

Nicole chose a different method.

Rather than rip and pull she imagined their Wolves meeting as equals and gently encouraged her to run. Guiding, not forcing as she offered her hand. As she started to ease Waverly towards her change, she felt Waverly’s wolf slipping within her grasp. A punch of fear rushed through at the thought that all was lost.

But instead of slipping away she felt Waverly sink eagerly into her embrace, her wolf coiling and twining with hers and rising as smooth as silk with her own.

Even though she could feel the warmth of fur beneath her claws, Nicole barely dared open her eyes… Until she felt the familiar, loving, glide of Waverly’s cheek sliding against hers in a blatant scent marking.

Opening her eyes, Nicole gazed into the wide hazel of Waverly’s loving gaze. A sob of joy and relief broke from her as her searching touch found no trace of the terrible wound that had nearly taken her from them.

“I- I’m okay,” Waverly gently assured her. Better than okay. And she knew she shouldn’t have been as she could still feel the punch of the blast slamming into her and the burn of the silver as it had eaten through everything in its path.

The memory was all too real and clear but… she felt stronger, her body suffused with power even more than she did even when she changed on the full moon.

Wynonna sagged against the ground, her fingers digging into the leafy mulch beneath her fingers as she released a sob. Gathering herself, she threw herself at Waverly and Nicole, wrapping herself around them to bury her nose into their scent.

Even though the change had not been directed at her she could feel the energy of it still flowing from them both. And she could feel the alluring tug of it just how Xavier had described after Nicole had unintentionally changed him at the hospital. It had knocked him for a loop for a couple of days before he’d been able to admit to himself and them that it had felt good to the point that he had been worried that it could be addictive. Only the fact that Nicole had been so apologetic and was so careful about changing had calmed him.


Nicole lifted her head at Wynonna’s venomous growl and the murmurs of disquiet that rippled through the Pack.

They were surrounded, flanked on all sides by members of the Cult. Humans, Werewolves and god only knew what else. All were armed and had them firmly in their sights. It was the figure standing before them that had Nicole quickly surging to her feet ready to attack. The only thing that stilled her was the sight of the knives being held to the throats of all the babies.

“Very impressive, daughter!” Nodding sagely, Bulshar eyed the young wolf up.

That his daughter could change was impressive in itself… but she was his blood no matter what the witch born one said. That she had so easily turned another so close to death… that was something that needed further exploring.

How close to death could they be before her power failed her?

Could she do it with anyone or was it just because of them being ‘mates’?

So many questions that needed answering.

“It really is a shame that you are unwilling to put your talents to good use in my service. It is not too late though… Come with us… bring your ‘mate’ if you must.”

“Give us back our children!”

Bulshar shook his head at her stubborn refusal to listen to him and return to his side willingly. But if not willingly, then there were other options now that he had back his ring. “I think not! Now… kneel!”

At the rise of Bulshar’s hand, Wynonna felt the push of his power. She gritted her teeth, readying herself from the onslaught but it slid around her, raising the scent of Nicole and Waverly where it clung to her as it washed around her.

She snorted out a startled laugh as he glanced down at the ring with a twinge of confusion. No, not confusion, Wynonna realised… it was pain that he had felt! Wynonna followed his gaze and swore that she saw the ring tightening around his finger as it tried to shrink.

“Ring getting tight there buddy?” His rheumy eyes darted to hers, the yellow of them standing out more than ever. “Want to know why?”

Bulshar clenched his fist and straightened up determinedly. All around him he could feel the eyes of his Cult upon him, silently questioning why he hadn’t stuck down the insolent Wolf. “I don’t know what you’re—”

“It might have been made for you,” she cut him off, “but it knows power and you haven’t got it any more. It doesn’t want you,” she finished gleefully. By the look in his eyes, she saw that he was starting to believe the same too.

“You are trying to trick me and make them question my strength just as your sister tried! Kneel for me willingly or I will show you all power as I turn every last one of you, one by one!”

“One by one?” Wynonna snorted dismissively. “That sounds too easy to me.”

“Earp! What are you doing?” Nicole hissed.

“Trust me Haughtsauce,” Wynonna whispered. “And one other thing… protect us if he tries to change us.”


“You’re stronger than that bastard. Now, follow my lead.” She glanced around at the members of her pack that were with her, silently begging them to understand and follow what she was about to do. “You think you’re so powerful—”

“I don’t think, I know I am!”

“Then, prove it,” she challenged. “Change everyone with you…” she could tell by his followers that they found the prospect of that terrifying. “And while you’re doing that and causing them unimaginable agony going by how they’re looking… Nicole will change us as smooth as silk.”

“Earp?” Nicole gawped at Wynonna in confusion and just a touch more horror than she wanted.

“Listen to me.” Grabbing Nicole’s shoulder, Wynonna turned her and made her face her steady gaze. “I’ve felt your power Nicole, we all have,” she looked around, keeping her voice pitched for their ears alone. “You are strong but gentle and I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I didn’t trust to do it to me.”

“I won’t force anyone…”

“I’m not asking you to. I am asking you to help give us the strength to help save our children. At the very least if we keep them busy the others can maybe cut them off before they get to the portal and we lose them forever. Save us the same way you saved Waverly.”

Nicole looked around their pack, seeing their determination and encouraging nods. “Okay.”

“So, what do you say, Batshit? Ready to get beat down like the bitch you are?” Wynonna goaded him.

Ego bristling at the Alpha’s words and the smirk on her face, Bulshar stepped forward and fixed his daughter with a glower. “You will fail!” And when she did… or when she finally realised how good it felt to take control of them at will… she would be his. They all would!

“You already have!” She said it with more bravado than she was feeling but they all seemed willing and really, all they needed was for Bulshar and the others to be distracted enough so they could take advantage.

Bulshar didn’t say anything but Nicole watched, tracking the babies as they were handed off to hands that wouldn’t be turning into claws and wouldn’t be likely to drop them. Every one of them was a precious life but it was their own that she kept track of above all the others.

“Waves, if you see an opening…”

“I’ll grab them.”

“Be careful though, I can’t see Bobo anywhere, keep an eye open for him.” She hadn’t seen him since he had taken the shot at Waverly and she didn’t like the thought that he had managed to get away again.

“Oh, I hope he does show his ugly face… I’m looking forward to ripping it off!”

“Me too.”

Wynonna shivered as she felt Bulshar’s power striking out like a razor-edged whip at his own pack. It opened ragged cuts in their bodies, their blood spraying everywhere with its sledgehammer-like force. But then, like a gentle summer breeze filled with the scents of the forest and that magnetic scent that was vanilla dipped doughnuts, and lavender edged with the citrus tang of lime, there was Nicole’s power sliding through her body.

She felt her Wolf lift its head somewhere deep inside, answering the melodious howl of Nicole’s wolf as it raced through her. She wanted to run and join its hunt… and so she did.

Between one breath and the next, Wynonna felt fur flow across her skin as her muscles and bones shifted and regrew. She shook out her coat and gazed at her massive clawed hands. She’d trusted Nicole even before she had seen how she could change Waverly but she had never imagined that it would be so easy or leave her feeling so energized.

Wynonna gazed around. All of her pack had changed at Nicole’s call and she saw more stepping out of the trees, ones, including Xavier, that had split off to help where needed and hadn’t been a part of their plans but they had allowed the change to come over them too.

Bulshar’s wolves… Wynonna drew back in horror as her eyes fell upon them. Only a handful had changed and then only as far as to their normal wolf stage. The rest… The lucky ones, had passed out from the pain. The unfortunate ones were misshapen lumps of flesh stuck midway between forms with some limbs changed and others still human.

It was nightmarish to the point that despite what they had done, Wynonna felt pity for them… Almost.

Bulshar looked around. Rage burned in him as he saw how completely his Cult had failed him in their weakness! He lashed out, kicking one that dared to reach for him with a whimper on their lips so hard that he felt their misshapen bones shatter.

No matter what they said it was their fault, not his!

It was his ring and it would never abandon him or covert another like she had claimed!

That damn Alpha bitch!

A witch just like her sister!

Twisting his thoughts and controlling his flesh and blood!


With a roar of fury, Bulshar leapt towards the source of his rage. His fingers shifted painfully, lengthening into claws as he claimed his full wolf form as his method of ending her cursed existence!

Nicole leapt at the same time. Crashing her body into his, she pushed him back from Wynonna. Meeting him blow for blow, she kept herself between him, her Pack and the children.

Time without the ring had not done him any favours. The frankly magnificent red wolf she remembered dimly from her childhood had been replaced by an almost hairless creature made up of pale flesh and the same black veins she had seen on his face pulsing across his body.

Bulshar was strong though and Nicole was hampered by the need to keep everyone safe whereas he didn’t care who got hurt along the way… as he proved by yanking one of his own people into the path of her blow and pushing them at her so he could attack her from behind.

The feel of his ragged and broken claws raking across her back and his yellow teeth biting down through the fur at the back of her neck made Nicole snarl back. Reaching over her shoulder she grabbed a hold of him and flipped him forward over her body and rushed forward to attack before he could get up again.

Wynonna shouldered aside one of the Cult as he tried to raise his weapon to aim it at her Pack as they rushed to protect the children. As she threw him aside a glint caught her eyes and drew them back where Nicole was trading heavy blows with Bulshar.

It was the ring.

Right before her eyes, it grew on his finger, taking on a more feminine style but in a size that was more suitable to Nicole’s form. It slipped unnoticed from his finger, dropping to the dirt at his feet.

She didn’t want to be near the thing, she had felt its strength and seen what it could do when the wrong one put it on. What Wynonna did want though was the damned ring away from her people… Only it was right beneath where they were fighting tooth and claw and she really didn’t feel like asking them to stop fighting so she could retrieve it.

Not wearing it didn’t seem to make any noticeable difference to Bulshar… He was still an evil shit-ticket with or without it. It did make Wynonna wonder though if he was just so lost in his rage or just how little the ring had been ‘feeding’ him since he put it back on that he didn’t realise.

Waverly cringed with every heavy blow that rang out as their battle raged on. It overshadowed the distant, dwindling sound of gunfire and the roar of flames as their friends continued to mop up any resistance on the mansion grounds. It even overshadowed the battles closer to hand as they met out punishment to anyone daring to stand between them and the children.

Waverly fought alongside Doc and Xavier until they were within sight of their babies.


She roared out her anger as a robed figure snatched Melanie out of the arms of another. He turned. A sick smile splitting his scarred face as he ordered the other Cult member to hold her back while he set off running towards the lake.

The rattle of gunfire behind him had Bobo’s heart singing with joy. It was… unfortunate that Bulshar’s pup had managed to thwart his plans for baby Earp. But it was kind of sweet that their pup would aid his escape.

They wouldn’t dare touch him while he had his hands on the pathetic mewling creature and once he was through the portal he could just dump her somewhere or… well, maybe she could be taught in the ways of the Cult. But to do his bidding and protect him!

The gunfire was short-lived and broken off with a rattling cry of pain and a ferocious howl that had the hair standing straight up all over his body. He risked a glance over his shoulder and nearly tripped over his own feet at the sight of Waverly Earp racing towards him, her eyes blazing with lethal intent and the light of the full moon.

Waverly dug in with all her might as Bobo neared the edge of the lake. She couldn’t let him get away with Melanie! She wouldn’t let him!

The surface of the lake shimmied, the surface becoming solid and darker as the portal activated. And Waverly leapt.

Bobo felt it. The chilling feel of death clawing for his throat. He had felt it so often it was almost like a game of cat and mouse where, as death came knocking he found another door to sneak out of.

This time the door was open but he needed a way to distract death.

Without thought or care, he used the only thing he had and threw the baby high into the air and calmly stepped off the edge of the lake to disappear into the portal.

Her body twisting in mid-air, Waverly snatched Melanie onto her arms and cradled her close. She landed in a crouch, her claw making a slashing gesture as she instinctively fought against the need to try and grab Bobo and moved to steady herself to protect Melanie. But as her hand came down, Waverly felt and saw a wave of energy explode from the tips of her fingers. It felt like the power of the full moon and the energy of a thousand wolves changing to answer its siren call exploding from her as it slashed down into the obsidian darkness of the portal.

It splintered, cracks racing across the surface of the lake faster and faster.

And from somewhere within the portal, his voice echoing like he was trapped between two places… Bobo screamed.

Waverly saw the moonlit reflection of her eyes glowing brightly, starlight twinkling within their reflection as she stood and looked down at the cracked surface of the portal. She could see Bobo, reflected a thousand times over between the cracks, his mouth twisted by the endless screams being torn from him.

There was a creak. The sound of another crack opening up along the surface and then… with a thunders splintering sound, the portal collapsed and shattered into a million pieces like a cheap pane of glass.

Waverly sheltered Melanie’s tiny body but despite the cacophony of the portals destruction, the pieces dissolved back into the lake, leaving behind ripples that broke gently against the shore.

Turning her back on the now calm lake, Waverly looked back to where Nicole was still doing battle with Bulshar as the air stirred around her from above, the ruffle of wings preceding the quieter sounds of Celaeno and Electra as they landed either side of her.

They were covered from head to toe and to the tip of each wing with blood… and going by the almost feral joy on their faces, Waverly was pretty damn sure there wasn’t one drop of their own blood that dripped from their feathers to seep into the ground.

“We’ve come to— Oh!” Celaeno’s voice trailed off to a whisper of sound. Over Waverly’s shoulder, she saw her mother’s eyes grow impossibly wide, no doubt matching her own. Head tilting sharply to the side, she took in the mesmerising glow emanating from the young Wolf’s eyes.

It was a primal glow that called to something inside her just as the full moon had in years gone by in warning that the night and the hunt belonged to the Wolves that ran beneath it. “It has been so very long since I have seen the moon shine so brightly from one of your kind. So many years,” she whispered in wonderment.

A gunshot ringing out startling Waverly before she could form the thought ‘what does that mean?’ let alone give voice to her confusion. Celaeno and Electra moved startlingly fast, their wings sweeping out to cover her and Melanie.

But the bullet wasn’t meant for her.


Waverly rushed forward as Nicole stumbled and fell to her knees, her hand reaching up to press against her left shoulder as Bulshar advanced on her with a dagger in his hand.

Out of the corner of her pain-clouded eyes, Nicole saw the gunman go down under a wave of Wolves, his scream of pain turning to a wet gurgle as they tore into him.

With every breath, she could feel the silver in the bullet lodged against the bone of her shoulder burning like hellfire as it poisoned her.

“You are strong, child, but you are no match for me! Submit! Give yourself over to my teaching and I will be merciful to your… friends and give them the swift deaths they don’t deserve!” He moved closer as he spoke, moving the silver edged dagger around in his hand ready to strike.

Surging to her feet as she caught the reflection of Waverly in his rheumy eyes and saw him lick his lips, Nicole caught his hand as he plunged the dagger towards her and shifted his movement back. She felt the tip of the blade catch on flesh and bone as it sank into his stomach and caught on his ribcage.

“Threaten me all you want but you’re never going to harm my family ever again!”

Bulshar staggered back away from her, the movement pulling the dagger out of his body. He clasped his hands over the wound, trying to hold in the blood and other things that spilt forth in a hot rush.

His eyes followed the glint of something dropping to the ground at her feet and he stared in disbelief at the crumpled remains of the bullet that had been buried in her shoulder. He had heard from Bobo that she had fought off the effects of silver before but he had thought that it was just the ramblings of a madman and yet… There she stood. Her body healed against a poison even he had been unable to best even with the aid of his ring.

His ring!

Bulshar lifted his hand, confusion clouding his mind as he turned it back and forth as though that might make it come back into view if he just looked hard enough.

It didn’t. But, as his vision started to fade with pain and blood loss… He saw it, another glint beckoning him.

Gathering up every ounce of his fading strength he rolled over and started to slaw his way across the ground. He could feel the dirt dragging at his wound but he kept his eyes on the prize that awaited him and the promise of strength that would renew him and allow him to exact his revenge!

“No!” Nicole realised too late what Bulshar was doing but before she could close the distance and stop him… He had the ring clasped in his hand and slipped it on to his finger.

Bulshar waited for the rush of healing power that would come with putting on his ring. It would drain them and feed him! But there was no healing… No rush of strength. Only agony was his reward as spikes of pain pierced his body. Blood rushed from every pore, filling his eyes, ears, nose and mouth with a poisoned tang of old blood.

Desperately, with a scream gurgling in his throat, he tried to yank the ring off his finger but touching it only served to turn his reaching hand to dust that blew away on a careless breeze.

‘You are going to be torn apart, your blood scattered.’ The words he had scoffed at echoed in his head.

The Omega, witch blood’s premonition had been right! The thought burned through him as his failing eyes found his daughter’s mate standing there watching him with a look of pity warring with revulsion in hazel eyes that flashed with the moon.

Anger rushing through his veins quicker than his body could fail him and fall apart, Bulshar rushed at her. If he was going to die he was going to deliver one last blow to his daughter and take her mate with him!

Waverly’s view of Bulshar closing in on her, his body disintegrating with every step was suddenly blocked by Nicole’s massive form leaping between them. Her claws glinted in the moonlight as they slashed down and then all Waverly saw was a halo of dust plume up around her body to be blown away as Eliza and the Harpies swooped overhead.

Nicole looked down at the ring as it rolled and came to rest at her feet. They had won and yet it didn’t quite feel like it.

The ring was still intact.

And while it remained so there would always be someone after it… putting their pack and the people she cared for in danger. And it would always be calling to her, whispering sibilantly in her ear. But for how long?

How long could she resist its promise to help her keep everyone safe?

How long would it call to her before it grew tired of being unanswered and turned its attention on someone else… on their children?

Crouching down she nudged at the ring with a claw,


“I can still feel it calling to me.”

“We need to get it back in its box.” Waverly looked around desperately for a way to contain it. “’Nonna, we need to get the box back from the mansion.”

“No. That won’t be enough.”

“What are you saying?”

“You won’t be safe. No one will. But… if I accept the ring… make it mine… I can protect you from everything. I just need to accept it.”


“Haught, what in the hell are you talking about?”

“The ring is mine.” Picking it up, she slipped it on to a finger.


“Take that fucking thing off!”

Nicole collapsed forward, her fingers digging into the ground as she felt the ring trying to take her over. It sang to her in triumph. Persuading her to accept everything it was offering so she could protect… control…

“The ring is mine! I accept it! And… as it is mine…”

Waverly had a sudden flare of understanding as to what Nicole intended as she listened to Nicole’s stuttered words. “Only the person that owns the ring can destroy it,” she whispered.

Giving Waverly a smile… which Nicole was sure looked more like a rictus grimace as she fought for control… she determinedly eased the ring from her finger. “You belong to me!” She tightened her fist around it with all her might and determination. The metal bent and finally the stone that was its centrepiece shattered and she felt it die.

Opening her fist, Nicole let the crushed fragments of the band and the dust that was left of the stone fall to the ground.

Finally, Nicole felt peace settle around them… there was no more fighting… no gunfire… and no ring desperate to get her attention… Just peace. Even though it was shattered somewhat lovingly seconds later as Wynonna cuffed her sharply around the head and then promptly stuck out a hand to haul her back to her feet.

“Haughtheaded, dumbass!” Wynonna poked Nicole in the chest and stepped aside before Waverly could mow her down to get to her mate.

“Hey, I had to convince myself and the ring that I wanted it,” Nicole sheepishly defended herself from where she was nuzzled against the heady scent at Waverly’s neck.

“Still incredibly dumb! And brave… but mostly dumb!” The last was mostly muttered to herself as Nicole and Waverly were obviously not paying the least bit of attention to her any more.

Nicole felt a sob of relief rising through her as they made their way over to where the children were being protected and cared for and finally she got to hold their babies. She breathed the scent and feel of them into herself and wrapped herself in the strength of her mate’s gentle touch.

The air around them shifted, carrying Wynonna’s lonely song of triumph and sorrow across the land.

“Not joining her?”

Nicole shook her head. Even though she sensed that Wynonna wouldn’t mind… That moment belonged to her.

“I’ll sing when we get home.”