
LOL: Einstein's Saga

In a world whereby the Cataclysmic Descent began a thousand years ago. This follows the journey of a young boy by the name Einstein. Various mysteries sermed to surround Einstein. His parents sudden dissapearance 5 years ago, or is it the mysterious trial ground left behind by them. Or the various high level artifacts inherited by him. Yet Einstein wasn't able to make use of anyone of them. Why?? Simple...simply because he's a trash. Unable to awaken his mana spark unlike other Awakeners or mana cultivators. Despite possessing immense wealth, Einstein was destined to stay at the bottom of the food chain. Yet this changed on one fateful day. The day he completed the trial left behind by his parents, everything changed. Not only did he gain the unknown potion, he also fused with the mysterious and enigmatic being of the virtual world. Upon awakening, Einstein found out that not only had he became an awakener or cultivator...but he had become a supreme cultivator. Now empowered with an unknown talent that most could only dream of having, and with the aid of the enigmatic being later reavealed to be the Bio-Nanotech system. Einstein embarks on the path to grow stronger and uncover the hidden secrets behind the sudden dissapearance of his mom and dad.

Dream_Lord14 · Action
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52 Chs

The Crazy Guy.

Everywhere in sight was covered in this pristine pure green flower. While some were covered in a yellow like sand.

Einstein had a wide grin on his face as he spoke.

"This is definitely not in our universe. This place is just too..."

He is lost of words, he didn't even know what to say.

The Mana density is far denser than back on Earth, the beauty, the various mountains, and through the use of his pupils.

He could see some creatures that could only be described as...being beautiful beyond compare, while some were dreadful beyond comparison.

He took in a deep exhalation as he couldn't help but be thrilled...

A terrifying pressure suddenly rapidly approached him from behind him. One so terrifying to the extent whereby he felt as though thousands of mountains had been thrown right at him...and they were currently tearing through the air at terrifying speed as they attempted to burst him into pieces.

He had a wide grin on his face...making use of the Absolute Nano Morph. His arms immediately bulged out in size, countless arms grew out of his shoulder. His arms had crimson scales growing rapidly across them.

They shun with a bizarre glint as he punched out with apocalytic might. His entire scales brimmed with otherworldly energy as they collided against the incoming object with devastating strength.


A defeaning explosion rocked the entire space, intense ripples undulated outwards continuously. The terrific ripples sent Einstein flying as he rolled twice into the air before landing on the ground...his legs smashed against the ground.


Creating a large hole on the ground. As his eyes immediately pierced through the distance.

A figure who reigned at a towering height of three meter could be seen in sight. The figure held a gigantic hammer, one that brimmed with terrifying purplish energy.

And the figure wielding the hammer had a crazy wide grin on his face, bloodshot eyes and radiated an intense energy, one that caused the entire surrounding to he strengthened by countless degree.

The mind blowing pressure descended upon the entire space...almost as though gravity itself had taken action.

But this is only because of the terrific strength the figure wields.

"Impressive kiddo. Despite being a mere first stage practitioner. You were able to take a strike from me.


I will really enjoy killing you."

"Uh-" Einstein sounded surprised. And why shouldn't he be. Someone just appeared from nowhere and decided to kill him...even saying he would enjoy the process.

That just sounded soo...crazy and perhaps unbelievable.

The figure immediately moved...his entire veins wriggled crazily as his red hands that enlarged in size compared to his humanoid hands immediately smashed forth with terrifying force.


Einstein raised his hands into the air as the punched smashed against his hands with devastating might. A terrifying vibration immediately moved through his entire arms. As it tried to destroy and pulverize his arms.

Einstein let out a loud harrumph, as terrifying Mana rose into the air.


The crazy guy was thrown into the air as he immediately appeared before Einstein again, but this time. His hammer smashed down with devastating might. Intense ripples spread throughout the entire space as the hammer smashed right against the crimson scales.


The hammer landed right against his hands as he was sent smashing right through the ground. Creating a long gorge along his path of retreat.

He wasn't even given the time to rest as his eyes suddenly widened as he raised his two arms into the air.

And then...CRAAAAACK!!!!


A devastating strike smashed against his raised arms...as he was sent reeling into the distance...creating a long gorge as he was continuously punched and punched at a rapid speed.



All he could hear was footsteps and then next, a terrifying strike would slam right against his hands. His entire arms is currently bleeding as various cracks could be seen on his hands.

"HEHEHE... kiddo am really surprised. I have been striking you so hard. Yet like a cockroach, you just refuse to die. Why are you so...adanmant on living." The crazy guy said with a wide grin on his face.

Einstein is finally given a moment to rest...as he got onto his feet. His entire body scales were filled with countless cracks. Blood oozed out of the scales continuously as they rapidly closed.

And within the blink of an eye... he's back to his peak state.

The crazy figure had a raised brow as he spoke.

"Quite the inhuman regenerative speed you have got there."

"Nothing worth mentioning." Einstein gave a light chuckle, a wide grin spread across his face as he further added.

"You came out of no where. And suddenly want to kill me, I tried to defend myself from getting killed. And you find that surprising. Are you crazy or what!!!."

Einstein let out a devilish laughter as his voice pierced through the air.

"You want to know why I am so adanmant on dying, don't you?"

The figure gave a light nod, the wide grin still on his face.

"It's actually quite simple. I have so many things I hope to accomplish. And each one is one you will never be able to accomplish even if you were given ten lifetimes."

"Oh... interesting. But are you really sure of that." The crazy guy had a crazed look on his face.

His bloodshot eyes turned completely red as his hoarse voice tore through the air.

"Genetic Fusion.

First Genetic Fusion: Ancient Titan Of Darkness!!!

Second Genetic Fusion: Claw Of The Mana Devouring Beast!!!!!

Beast Transfusion!!!!"

Immediately after he said those words....the entire twenty meter radius...precisely the sky immediately darkened completely.

As the crazy guy immediately growed in height. Reaching a towering five meters in height...his entire body had dark veins wriggling around them continuously. Dark abysmal scales grew out of his body continuously. His entire arms radiated true darkness.

Almost as though he had become the embodiment of darkness. The eyes of the crazy guy immediately gained a dark shade as his grins only grew wider.

And immediately afterwards, his hands immediately transformed into something else entirely...something different from the rest of his body parts.

This hands were crimson in color, as they radiated a terrifying energy. One that sent cold chills running down Einstein's back.

"That hand is surely weird." Einstein mused as the hands glittered with a reddish glint continuously.

Almost as though it couldn't wait to devour....MANA!!!!

The crazy guy who is now a towering giant immediately moved. His legs smashed against the ground. A large crater immediately appeared on the ground as devastating ripples spread outwards continuously.

Just this ripples almost sent him flying....he could feel that terrifying energy contained within those ripples.

Then what of the incoming figure who is the cause of such a devastating ripple...

The crazy guy raised the hammer into the air...as he pierced through the air at a rapid speed. A devilish laughter lingering in the air.

As countless large holes could be seen on the ground. He immediately appeared before Einstein as he smashed downward with apocalytic might!!!!!

Space trembled violently, as the entire surroudnings seemed to have been strengthened by countless degree. The terrifying pressure that descended upon his back felt akin to thousands of mountains smashing right against his back.

The crazy figure could almost taste victory, as the hammer was just a second away from smashing right into Einstein.

A wide grin suddenly spread across his face...and before the shocked eyes of the crazy guy.

He suddenly realized a dreadful fact. One that sent chills running across his entire back. The hammer suddenly came to a stop just right before it smashed against Einstein.

The crazy guy had a look of shock and horror on his face as he realized a fact. He couldn't move his body at all. No it isn't that he couldn't move his body... Just that he's currently moving so slow to the extent whereby it felt as though he isn't even moving!!!

'Impossible!!! Impossible!! How the hell is that even possible!!"

Before he could even regain his bearing....a devastating strike suddenly zoomed right into his face.

Smashing right against his face as he was sent smashing through the air at a terrifying speed....

The temporal zone had been laid out...as the real fight will finally begin!!!