
login system

This is the story of a young man who dies on a plane, but migrates to a new world.

jean2119 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Joseph spent the whole night reviewing the memories of this world, learning that the "hunters" were divided into ranks according to their strength F the weakest then followed by D,C,B,A,S and lastly the strongest "world class" ", according to how you do Joseph remembered the reward he got in the morning from the 'system open system slot' enhancement potion. in this exam, you are assigned a corresponding rank, he also learned the different ways to manipulate mana with his abilities, realizing that the use of mana takes training to learn to control and manipulate it.

Joseph remembered the reward he got in the morning from the 'system open system slot' enhancement potion.

When the screen appeared in front of Joseph, the first thing he saw was the improvement potion, then he observed how the space was not unlimited but there were 20 more slots as space, when Joseph clicked on the improvement potion, he observed how there was a small description of this same.

[body-enhancing potion: The potion greatly improves the host's body, along with the absorption and storage of mana in the body.]

Double-clicking on the potion icon made Joseph appear to be a vibrant green potion about 5cm in size with a cork top.

"The color doesn't make it look appetizing, it could even be mistaken for poison" thought Joseph as he looked at the bottle.

Without thinking about it more times, Joseph decided to drink the entire bottle, immediately he began to feel his body heating up, the veins were marked, his skin began to turn reddish and began to release steam from the pores in the skin. Joseph, when he felt his hot body, decided to go into the shower to cool off.

After a few minutes, Joseph got out of the shower and went to the full mirror to better see his body changes.

When Joseph saw himself in the full mirror, he could perfectly observe the changes in his body, he still had an oval face with brown eyes, his body looked like that of a swimmer, he had six symmetrical packs along with broad shoulders.

"Incredible, I feel stronger, lighter, faster, apparently the potion works quite well, I wonder how much my body has changed" Joseph said to himself while calling the system.

[host status: Joseph Steel






[Ray (inata): it is one that allows the manipulation and expulsion of rays]

[Meditation: it is a skill that allows you to stay calm and improve mana recovery]

[Strengthening: With the circulation of mana throughout the body, it increases the condition of the body, making it more resistant and durable]

"I don't know if I'm too strong or too weak since I've never met a hunter or a creature but I think this is enough, the only thing I need to be completely ready for the exam is the equipment and practice my skill" he said while lay in bed to sleep

The next morning Joseph got up very early to prepare everything for the exam, the first thing was to see with his cell phone how much the equipment cost since he had so much money.

The only thing he had on his bank card was 3,000 dollars, a tent cost him 200 dollars, canned food lasts longer and is easier to carry, he decided to buy a box of beans for 18 dollars and another box of chicken and dumplings each box had 5-6 cans each, bladed weapons were more difficult to buy since he needed a permit that the school had given him along with his ID card to buy an ax along with a pocketknife for 1200 dollars.

After buying and planning everything Joseph remembered that he had not logged in in the morning so he decided to do it now.

[Ding congratulates the host for logging in and receives a cashback card up to 10 times]

"They are Fucking me I just spent the money to buy and now you give me this !!!" said the young man while he cursed.

Now more relaxed, Joseph decided to train with his lightning ability because from what he remembers this is a great ability if you have a lot of mana available.

After trying to use the ability for a while, he only managed to get a few sparks out, something that worried him because if he couldn't use his ability, he wouldn't have a way to protect himself in the exam.

After a while trying and thinking about mana control methods, he managed to create a small lightning bolt in his hand.

"So this is lightning I wonder what would happen if I channel it like armor on my body" he said to himself while trying to move the mana in his body.

"ouch"he said after moving the mana in the form of lightning to his body, apparently he had been burned with the same lightning.

"Apparently I need a lightning residence to use my ability without getting hurt" Joseph said while looking at the red and swollen finger.

"Tomorrow I will focus on practicing only my skill" he said as he went to the shower, and then went to bed.