

Isekai one, of course. Not. Overpowering MC. Hell no. A second Life. Why not but not now This story is just a random one of a guy called "Da Zhu", where some bloodly life and ruthless world were I looking to confirm what logic is and why the beautiful things always destroyed for some reason. "Craziness and madness is the key yet why it fells empty" Enjoy me on this journey and Don't forget, your words welcomed the most in my world.

HachamOthman · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

001-The Da family's world P.1

In a remote area of the world. A scene of craziness and madness playing right now.

"Should I laugh from this madness?! Or should I cry from what happened?!" A child around the age of ten whispered to himself.

blood and corpses everywhere you turn your eyes, heads, arms, legs. whatever you think of is here around the place.

People hung on the trees, women, and girls are ravished and raped around all the places with no exceptions of being small girls or elderly women. All being played with.

Even some boys were no exceptions, with some held in ropes around the trees.

"What is happening in this world?! Is it the end of the world or is it just our poor end?!" While his eyes keep blinking each time he asked himself.

his body being tortured, raped, and even from his skin being cut to small pieces.

"Haaah, I believe this is what the real world is like, after all, we were just a peaceful village in the middle of forest protected by this mother nature without anything to repay it. It might be our cruel destiny for not providing something in value in return." The boy says while the light starts fading from his eyes.

Those words were actually influenced by the people they were attacked by, telling the villagers they live in a paradise.

Silent whisper of words was heart while repeating the same sentence.

"L... i... v... e..."

"D....a Zh....u, l...i...v...e...."


A girl or so what that thing looks like due to the deformation the body received which lead to the unrecognition of the gender, keep repeating each time it got breath to spare.

Looking at this thing, the boy could not bear to withstand the view in front of him when trambling red tears start falling from his almost closed eyes.


Let's go back in time a little.

This is not a story to tell to the future, this is just a Fairy tale that has no clue where it starts and where it finishes.

I just want to say try to expect, predict, and theories the following events each time, since I am just a broken-minded person who resents and presents the world of his images here.

"Logic is not basic, logic is what you confirm"

The world, a planet, earth, motherland. There are words we use to describe our environment or to be specific the land we live on or that is what I was thought by the elder.

This is our world which is blessed and surrounded by green all around the year with a river that provides us with water and the necessary supplies which are surrounded at the end by a foggy tight mist that we are not allowed to cross for our well being.

We live in peace with a happy environment that shows how we the people of this world United as one with a number of 200 persons from elders, adults, and children.

While we are not that much in number, we respect the tradition that tells us to not increase the popularity of people to a certain level to keep living in harmony. And it proves to be the case for the last teen generations who lived here. We just follow the teachings to survive a happy life without any major suffering.

In this world, all of us are given the family name of "Da" which represents the greatest in the thing that follows that thing and keeps it standing strong in the face of calamities and disaster.

It happens on the day of my birth when the rainfall followed by a rainbow in the clear sky accompanied by the beautiful voice of singing birth all around the world, the thing that gives all off all hope for the coming future and was decided to grant the name "Da Zhu" upon me and lead my people for a bright future.


"Feng'er call your little brother to come inside. Dinner is ready" a middle-aged woman with an average look called.


This middle-aged woman is my dear mother "Da Meiren", she is ** years old and gave birth to two children which are me and my sister. She loves to take care of her well-being especially her long, soft, and smooth hair that is so dark and attractive which was the reason our father fell in her love and spend a lot of time to make her respond to his feelings, or so was known. She is the definition of a caring mother since all her time focus on our family of four.


The teenage girl went outside and shouted "O great ruler. your highest dinner is ready to be eaten by you, so grant us with your presence, O great ruler" said the girl while chuckling.

People used to the girl's way of addressing her little brother and once he start walking to his house everyone standing on the road now their heads to greet him and start laughing the next moment he passes them, enjoying the drama of this adorable sister and brother.

While embarrassed to the point of resembling a tomato, the boy greets everyone in his sight with a respectful attitude, after all, they are one big family of the same blood.

Once he reached their house he said as if he looks angry "sister, how much time you will keep doing this?! It is embarrassing, you know."

"No matter, when, where, or how much time pass-by I will keep calling you is that way when you around the people. You know, that you named after our ancestral founder, so have some pride in your name." Said the girl in a mischievous way.

Lou looked at her and responded "who said I'm not proud of this name, it was given to me by my dear parents with the approval of all the elders and the whole Family. So, of course, I am proud of it."

He continued "the problem is not in the name, but the way you call me, sister."

Feng'er pounded her cheeks and disagreed "if you don't like it, never talk to me." She said and Ent to her seat.

"Ahhh...." Sighed Zhu.


Maybe some of you asking who is this arrogant and mischievous girl with a medium body, blackish blue hair, and rosy skin. Well, she is none other than my beloved older sister "Da Feng". She may look like this but she is the most person who is keeping eyes on me, fuck it, you can even call it my own mother since she was the one who took care of me from the moment I was born to this world and sometimes, she even starts asking our mother to let her breastfeeding me. It sounds crazy, but this is my beautiful sister.


Since we are a family of four that shows love amongst its member, I have no choice but to accept all my sister's demands no matter how small are they. Not like I hate doing so, after all this is what family is for.

Getting my seat I asked "Dear mother, where is father?! I did not find him around the place today!!"

The mother answered, "my little son grow up another day, anyway, your father went hunting some meat with the others as he does always since it is his turn this time."

"What?! Why?!" Lou asked.

The mother answered "what do you mean?! Because it is his turn, of course. So, it is natural to go."

Zhu responded "why did he not take me along?! He promised to do so!!"

"Ohh my little son, that is what you are concerned about. He want to take you, but you were deep in your sleep, that is why I asked him to leave you behind this time, my dear. Your wellness and rest are our priority."

"You should have just woke me up then, ah, I missed another time to try a true hunt."

Both the mother and sister laughed at the same time, after all, Zhu's dream is to be one of the strongest warriors in our people and go hunting for them as the noble ancestor did at the first stabilization of the Zhu family. Which the whole respect and hope all their children to be like.

The night takes over and time passed by, and it was three days before the hunting warriors went on their hunt. So, it was the time of their return.

Every person in the place was attended to wait for the warrior's arrival with happy faces and warm arms. and the kids playing in the place without caring about life and its troubles, with the sole purpose of getting the enjoyment of their life in every moment they have.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

HachamOthmancreators' thoughts