
Logic Between Love

"Do you want to be a career woman or do you want to be my wife?" asked Wildan with a serious face. Nafisa is clearly surprised, she understands that there are men who like her. Meeting with Wildan with the aim of just looking for work, turned out to be a love bond. One strong reason for Nafisa not to pursue the love of her life is because she was born as a simple woman. Meanwhile Wildan, who has been looking for his true love, He used his logic to chase Nafisa. Is their love really anchored in the same heart?

Fifilani · Urbain
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23 Chs

Beautiful as an Antique

Nafisa was quite surprised to hear the words aside from Wildan's mother. So her thoughts after seeing the intimacy between Wildan and Nisa were not just friends.


But wait. Nafisa is confused herself seeing Wildan's love path. Why should you date based on the relationship between boss and employee?


Is the taste of the Wildan woman that low?


Not how Nafisa had time to think more about Wildan. The man is handsome. Rich and can have whatever he wants to have.


While Nisa is a simple woman. Even in terms of appearance, Nisa is not a very beautiful woman. Her face is normal.


Nafisa looked in the mirror. She saw her face.


"Relax, Nafisa. Nisa is still better off from you. So don't insult other people and don't brag about yourself. You're worse, Nafisa!"


Nafisa's monologue in front of the mirror. Pointing at himself like a madman. It can't be said how else, Nafisa is indeed much worse than people.


"Nafisa, can you help me or not?"


Nafisa shook her head quickly. Not a sign of not wanting to help Wildan's mother. But Nafisa had just shaken off her lowly thoughts.


"I can't be insecure. Even though I have many shortcomings, I have to stand on my own feet," said Nafisa as she walked to open the door.


"Yes, Auntie? What can Nafisa help?"


"Please note the stock ordered by the customer. I can't record it because my glasses are broken. The handle hasn't been repaired,"


Gea gave the glasses to her son's friend.


"Keep it, Auntie. Can you give it to me? What are you trying to do?" joked Nafisa.


The woman walked away leaving Gea.


"Hey, wait a minute, Beautiful!"


Nafisa stopped walking. Wait a minute. She did not stop because Wildan's mother intercepted him.


But there was one term that Nafisa had heard for the first time. And that term was directed at her.


"Oh my God, the first person who said I was beautiful was Nafisa's mother. I hope I always hear that term. Let it be true that I am a beautiful woman,"


Nafisa excited herself in her heart. She smiled at Gaea.


"What's wrong, Auntie? Call me-"


Nafisa stopped talking. So busy with his thoughts, she just noticed what Gea was doing.


"Yes, Beautiful. Anyway, you keep the production at your house first. Don't send it directly to other areas. Wait until the stock arrives. Okay, Beautiful?"


Nafisa swallowed hard. Sometimes he was too confident. The term 'beautiful' was not intended for her.


However, it was directed by someone else. I don't know who Gea called on the other side.


"It's very sad for you, Nafisa. Never mind, you are not beautiful. Forget your crazy imagination!"


Nafisa hit herself on the head. Back to walking according to Mama Wildan's wishes.




This time Gea called Nafisa. Make the owner of the name turn around. Nafisa tried to smile a forced sweet smile. Although it doesn't look cute in some people's eyes.


Including Gae, Nafisa seemed to have a frown on her face.


"What are you doing, son?"


"What, Auntie? I'm not okay. Auntie should be the self-aware one. Is it okay if I call can-"




Nafisa cursed herself at this time. She immediately covered her mouth. Sometimes she almost slipped out her word.


It's not Gea's fault if she says beautiful to anyone, right?


"Yes, son? What's wrong? Do you mind helping Auntie record the stop-"


"N-no, Auntie!" objected Nafisa hastily interrupting Gea's guess.


"Who object? I'm happy to help Auntie anyway. Auntie must have accused me of not being sincere in going to help. That's right, Auntie. If her face is born ugly and makes people misunderstand,"




Gea was surprised for a moment. Then he laughed softly at Nafisa's chatter. It was true what was said, but that didn't mean Gea thought about it.


"It's not like that, son. Auntie just wanted to let you know. The room to record the stock of people's orders is upstairs. Over there,"


Gea pointed to the left. The position is opposite the current direction where Nafisa walked to the right.


"Oh, I see, Auntie. I-yes, I'm just about to swerve to the right. You know young people like to go around first. Let the energy be healthy, Aunt. Let's work more enthusiastically if the body is fit,"


"Oh my, Nafisa. You're so funny, honey,"


Gea was excited to hear Nafisa's chatter. Her hands pinched her cheeks.


"This is if you have a boyfriend, your cheeks will be pinched often," said Gea.


"Hey? Why is that, Auntie? Is it because I can-"


"Because you're funny, Nafisa. Auntie is just excited to hear you talk like that. Especially if you have a boyfriend... uh, don't have a boyfriend. Have a husband. Surely when you're husband and wife, you, as a wife, will be fussy and ask forgiveness. excited,"


Gosh, Nafisa wants to fly high. It doesn't matter as long as she wants to say she's beautiful.


This time he was not offended. Just being called an adorable woman made Nafisa's heart pound.




Nafisa wrote down all the names of the customers. Only then did Nafisa know that Wildan's culinary business is growing rapidly.


Even though it's only been a month, Wildan's customers have exploded. Nafisa's hands got tired of writing the names she had written on the paper almost a thousand.


"The 1499th name. Yes, one name continues to be completed. Be patient, my thumb, dear,"


Nafisa encouraged herself. They are more excited when the last name will be written.


Her brows furrowed slightly when she saw her mother's name was on the last list.


"Saharia? Wow, is this serious, Mom ordered a thousand boxes of cake? Where did you get the money from? Then how do you pay for it? There's no way Mom owes Aunt Gea,"


Nafisa was surprised. Her mother never told her anything. What Nafisa knows, her family is currently dying economically. Buying rice alone must owe it to a neighbor at the shop.


"Who is inside?"


The knocks and sounds outside made Nafisa quickly write her mother's name on the paper.


The woman then moved to open the door to the room. She found Wildan standing in front of her eyes.


Nafisa's eyes scanned Wildan from head to toe.


"Why are you so wet?" asked Nafisa surprised.


"I just took my girlfriend home. Why?" Wildan asked back.


"Aren't you wearing a raincoat so you're all wet?"


"My raincoat is used by Nisa. I don't want to see a wet woman. Let me just get hit by the rain,"


Nafisa swallowed. Is Wildan too in love with his girlfriend? Even willing to sacrifice his body condition?


"You are like a stupid man blinded by love! Why don't you find a middle ground? For example, waiting for the rain to stop to go home?"


Wildan hissed covering his ears. "You are too talkative, Beauty,"


"What? What did you say?" asked Nafisa excitedly not playing. "You said I was beautiful?"


"Yes, Beautiful. Beautiful as an antique," said Wildan with a forced face.