

Franklin Clyne, a black psychopathic guy from Los Angeles, woke up realizing he was late for work. He jumped out of his bed, put on his clouthes, drank a glass of water and took the next bus. Well, this was what he thought he was doing. In fact, Franklin was a psychopath that had been living in a insane asylum due to his mental illness. Every day since 60 years Franklin woke up saying that he had a nightmare of a evil ghost called the "Dove Man", no one ever believed the things he said, because Franklin lost his connection to reality long ago. But on this day the Dove Man, showed his power to the world by sending a lower aspect of him down to his creation and the dimensional planes.

Dove Man's Aspect called Timotheytis had an enormous black body and pink glowing eyes.

The Dove Man himself exists outside of his creation and had an Jamie Transcendence above it, an Jamie Transcendence is so effective that it transcends the concept of inaccessability and therefore it is above any type of inaccessible transcendence. He called his creation the Triad Pentagramus Tamatus Yakuzus.

He presented himself to the world:

,,I am Timotheytis. The God of this world.

I created the Triad Pentagramus Tamatus Yakuzus, it contains you and infinite other versions of this world. There is infinite variations of each of you, each of your cars and each of your families co-existing in a hierarchie of dimensions.

The amount of dimensions is equivalent to the Aleph Cardinality Aleph-739. Aleph numbers are cardinal numbers from the set theory, each Aleph-Cardinal representing an infinity.

Aleph-0 being a countable infinity and any Aleph-Cardinal above Aleph-0 is an uncountable infinity. Each of these higher mathematical dimensions transcends the one before inaccessibly, just as any two dimensional being is unable to perceive or interact with even an atom from the third dimension. Each higher dimension has an additional dimensional axis, making it impossible for lower dimensional beings, beings with a lower amount of dimensional axes to enter higher dimensions."

Franklin Clyne ran out of the insane asylum as fast as he could but by mistake he ran into the future and became faster than linear time.

He then stepped back to presence and hugged Timotheytis. Timotheytis made Franklin omnipotent and then disappeared instantly into another dimension by running and transforming into an higher type of energy, leaving his three dimensional form in the third dimension and converting himself into a four dimensional being with the help of the Dove Man.

"Thank you, you higher aspect of myself.

Thank you for my unlimited speed that allows me to run an infinite distance equivalent to the

Aleph-Cardinality "Aleph-739" in zero time".


Franklin woke up and realized his Lobotomy was over and his pain was released, he got some other surgeries to release his mental illness. Then Frank realized everything about the Dove Man was just a part of his dream while getting his Lobotomy and anyone in his world views the Dove Man and his creation as fiction, as a product of Franklin's consciousness.

"Maybe i'll dream him again...create him and his story again, where i am super fast... i'll try to imagine it, now since my mind is clear for the first time since 60 fucking years."

But little did Franklin know, the Dove Man and his creation did exist, Franklin just existed in a higher plane of existence...