

It was a simple walk to the park. Loaf and I took the same route every day. Cut through Mrs. McDonald's side yard, shimmy under the broken fence near the school, and wander down past the pond. We always stopped so he could take a slurp of water and bat his paws at the dragonflies. Loaf loved the ducks and would sit while I fed them with bread I stole from my mom's cupboard. This was our place. We never let anyone else know about it.

That was until my neighbor Livia showed up. I saw her sneaking around right when we got there, picking up rocks, messing around with the plants. Everyone loved her, but my family friend and I were not exactly friends.

She proved that when I turned to finally talk to her and she bashed me with one of those rocks.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a very annoyed tone.

"Nothing, I just feel like hitting you with rocks," Livia answered while throwing another one. This time it missed and hit Loaf.

My dog got hit in the leg and he fell to the ground. I could tell it was a light hit but it still hurt him. I went to help him up.

"Livia, I need you to leave right now," I said. My patience was wearing thin.

"Fine," Livia said while getting ready to throw another rock. This time it hit me right on the head.

I fell to the ground, my head smacking against the grass and dirt. The rock fell on my leg, pinning it down. The last thing I saw was Livia taking Loaf away, then everything turned black.

When I opened my eyes, I was laying in a hospital bed. My head and leg were wrapped up.

My parents were staring at me. When they made sure I could sit up, mom started asking me weird questions.

"What is your name? What are your parents' names? Do you have siblings, pets?

I answered every question calmly, "My name is Annie Never, my parents' names are Jacob and Jessica, I have a brother named Michael and a dog called Loaf."

Mom relaxed a little, but I was the complete opposite.

Suddenly I remembered Loaf! "Where is Loaf?' I asked my parents in an anxious tone. They looked sad, then everything that had happened came rushing back to me.

"Loaf! Where is he? I got to find him." I grabbed the handles attached to the bed and shook it, "Get this out of me!" I yelled in fury, trying to rip out my IV. I kicked the pillow from under my wrapped-up leg and it hit the ground in front of my parents.

For the first time since I woke up, I looked into my parents' eyes. They were filled with tears. They looked sorry. Then, the last memory came back to me.

"Livia!" I said.

"Livia?" my parents repeated.

"She stole Loaf, Livia stole Loaf, Livia stole Loaf," I repeated until I finally processed it.

"Livia wouldn't steal Loaf. She is such a sweet girl. I bet she would be the first person that would help you find Loaf," my mom said.

"And besides, the most important thing right now is to let you heal. We will find Loaf for you, but you have to stay in bed." Dad looked at me like I was crazy.

I couldn't believe them. How could they believe Livia over me? I had to get Loaf back. I just had to find a way to get out of this hospital bed and find my best friend.