
6 Dojo

"Sora Sora!" Someone slapped Sora's back to wake him up.


"Come let's go to a Dojo I know!" Sora opened his eyes to see Shizuka being energetic.

"Isn't it too early Shizu-nee?" Sora rubbed his eyes as he yawned.

"Come on the earlier the better!" Shizuka carried Sora towards the dining room where Ram and Rem were already preparing.

"Good Morning Sora-kun" Rem said but soon covered her mouth since she didn't notice it was Shizuka walking.

Shizuka eyed Rem and Ram who flinched after her sister said something, she then put down Sora

"You're this young and you already have cute girls around you" Shizuka pinched Sora's cheeks "eat up I'll be waiting."

"What's up with Shizu-nee?" Sora looked at Rem who was beet red and Ram who facepalmed herself.

"Well Anyways lets start eating" Sora said as he invited both Rem and Ram and seated them one by one.


"This place is awfully silent" Sora said as he followed Shizuka up the trail.

"Well there's not a lot of people that know this Dojo" Shizuka and Sora went up the hill to see a Shrine and Dojo.

As they were entering the premises Shizuka was suddenly tackled by a woman.

"Shizuka! You came back early!" The young girl hugged Shizuka intensely.

"I miss you too Tabane" Shizuka said as she hugged Tabane, "You're not wearing your usual stuff?"

"You know Dad doesn't like it when I'm wearing it here" Tabane said as she touched her hair, she then looked at Sora and widened her eyes. "Is he a present for me?"

Sora twitched as Tabane carried and hugged him intensely but he didn't complain since he was being suffocated by soft breasts.

"Hey!" Shizuka then head chopped Tabane to release Sora

"Isn't he my present? Come on he's cute" Tabane said as she continued patting Sora

"That present is my only cousin and his name is Sora"

"Say do you do those stuff like the ones yo-" Shizuka covered Tabane's mouth before she could say anything more.

Sora perked up his ears and wondered if he knew what Tabane meant.

"Fine fine you can keep your secrets, but" Tabane still hasn't given up on Sora.

"When he's older"

"Yay!" Tabane cheered.

"But only if he also wants too"

"Who knows Shizuka" Tabane smiled at Shizuka which sent shivers to her spine as the three were conversing and walking up to enter the Dojo.

"Onee-san!" Another cute voice was heard as she opened the door hard.

"Houki" Shizuka patted the young girls head.

"Say say Shizuka do you want to swap relatives for a day?"

"Onee-san!" Houki then slapped Tabane's thigh as she wasn't that tall yet.

"Houki are you really gonna act like that when?"

"When what Onee-san?" Houki wondered why but Tabane then stepped aside to reveal Sora.

"Hello?" Sora waved at Houki who then

"ONEE-SAN!" Houki ran away since she wasn't good at socializing.

"Did I do something wrong?" Sora asked Tabane.

"No, she'll warm up to you eventually Sora-kun but I can warm mysel-" Shizuka then chopped her head again.

"Ouch! You certainly hit harder than usual" Tabane smiled and giggled "I forgot to ask what do you want to do here? Do you want to do a priestess roleplay? Shizuka to th-"

Shizuka then chopped Tabane's head once more "I wonder why we're still best friends"

"Well Chifuyu doesn't really visit me anymore that much" Tabane said nonchalantly.

"She's just busy, she'll comeback, anyway I'm here to show Sora how to do Kendo do you mind if we use the dojo?"

"Sure sure you can use it anytime but what about?"

"Sure you can tour Sora around while I get the Dojo ready"

"Yey!" Tabane then dragged Sora to tour him.

"This girl" Shizuka sighed as she knew Tabane may had been too happy in meeting Sora.


"Tabane-san what are we doing in your room?" Sora said as he was dragged despite being more stronger than Tabane with his current physique.

"Ho Ho Do you want to know what Men and Women do when they're alone Sora-kun?" Tabane rummaged through her messy room.

"A-ano" Sora turned red as he was a virgin from his past life and being alone with a young Tabane didn't help his case especially with the amount of Manga he had read before.

"We play!" Tabane said as she put on her fake rabbit ears and pulled out a mechanical frame.

"Play?" Sora was curious as why Tabane kept laying out tools.

"Mhm!" Tabane then started to tinker with her mechanical frame.

"Say what are you doing Tabane-san? Are you creating a mechanical rabbit ear?"

"Oh not only you are cute but you're smart, well yes"

Sora then knew who this Tabane was if it wasn't obvious earlier then this was a young Tabane that hasn't made Infinite Stratos yet.

"So what features are you going to put in it?"

"Mm Well there's a lot I want to put in"

"What about making it like your phone? Where you put everything essential? Like you can call from the rabbit ears or you can voice command it to do something for you? Or better yet make it so it can tinker with your senses like enhancing your hearing?"

"Why haven't I thought of that before!" Tabane then dragged out her a keyboard which lit up and Sora saw a hologram screen.

"Is that?"

"Yes it's a hologram I've designed myself Sora-kun! You maybe on to something with enhancing my senses!"

Tabane then crazily made a designs and codes to which Sora understood.

"Tabane-san do it like this? With the way your doing things it may cause damage instead of enhancing?"

Sora pointed out the flaws in her design to which Tabane understood and nodded.

"Sora!" Shizuka shouted and entered the room to see a craze Tabane typing furiously.

"Well this is different than what I expected?"

"Come on Sora let's go everything is ready" Shizuka said as he gestured for Sora.

"Hey I want to be with Sora! He's perfect for me!" Tabane stopped her typing and looked at Shizuka seriously.

"He's too young" Shizuka replied.

"For now he is" Tabane argued.

"You can have him when we're done"

"Yay!" Tabane then returned to designing her new rabbit ears.

"You're not really gonna give me to her?" Sora asked as they left the room.

"Nope, Saya-nee would kill me" Shizuka laughed as she was in her armor and they then went inside the Dojo.

"Watch me close Sora, I'm not a Kendo Champion for nothing!" Shizuka then executed her techniques in front of Sora

Unbeknownst to them Houki was watching as well.

After an amount of time Shizuka finished showing her techniques.

"So Sora what do-" Shizuka then widened her eyes as he saw Sora doing what she did earlier and even more perfectly, She didn't say anything but kept watching.

Shortly after Sora was done Shizuka clapped her hands.

"Excellent, you really are a Hiratsuka! Even though you're three years old your body is ready to start small exercises just don't immediately swing the Shinai next time"

As Shizuka was patting Sora's head Houki bursted in.

"Fight me!" She said to Sora shyly.

"Ones-san?" Sora looked at Shizuka.

"But Houki you already know how, Sora just learned it today isn't that a bit unfair?"

"But he's already better than me Shizu-nee" Houki pouted as she wanted to befriend Sora but she thought this was the only way.

"Hmm what about you train with him every time we come here?"

Houki's eyes sparkled at the suggestion and she nodded enthusiastically.

"Well that's settled then Houki-chan" Shizuka then patted Houki's head. "I'll make sure he visits you at least once a week so both of you can train how's that sound?"

"Fantastic!" Tabane was the one who replied enthusiastically as she had wore her now new iconic bunny ears.

"Onee-chan!" Houki pushed Tabane away leaving Shizuka and Sora.

"So Shizu-nee"

"I know, but wouldn't you agree if Houki falls for you she's gonna be a beauty?"

Sora nodded which made Shizuka laugh.

"But your also beautiful Shizu-nee!"

"Flirt with me when your older"

"But that's gonna be a long time"

"I know that's why grow faster" Shizuka teased Sora.

"Then I guess I have all the time in the world!" Sora smiled back at Shizuka

Shizuka was confused by the meaning as she knew she was pretty so she had to ask. "What do you mean by that?"

"By the time I grow up you'll still be single so I have no-" Shizuka slapped his head before he could finish as she was irritated being called Single.

"Say I'm single and I swear I'll use the Shinai next time" Sora nodded and soon Shizuka calmed down.

"Well it's still to early might as well as practice more" Shizuka then returned to practicing Kendo while Sora sat down and watched.

As Sora was watching he felt a slight bump in his right side.

"Shinono-san?" Sora was curious as Houki suddenly sat beside him.

"Call me Houki!" Houki pouted.

"All right Houki, so what is it that you want?"

Houki went near to Sora and locked eyes with him with for a few seconds.

She then held up her hand and struck out her pinky finger.

"Promise me" Houki said.

"Promise you what?"

"Idiot! You know what I mean!"

"Ugh no?"

"Baka! Promise me you'll practice with me once a week!" Houki turned red but she soon felt Sora's pinky finger intertwine with hers.

"I promise okay? Now can we just watch Nee-san?"

"Mm!" Houki then sat properly beside Sora and closed the distance as she was all smiles.

[ Ding! ]

[ Promise Count : 3 ]

A notification appeared but Sora didn't mind it.