
Living with the popular girl

Sato is living with a girl named Aya, who is very popular at his school, The thing is she not popular for the right reason. While Sato and Aya are living together Sato childhood friend is trying to spilt them apart for her own sake.

Grandpa_4k · Politique et sciences sociales
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6 Chs

4 Miscommunication

Sunday, April 3rd, 2005

6 A.M

Oh, yea it's Sunday…

"It's Sunday! Satoooo!" "I thought you said we were going to school today!"

*Bang Bang*

Aya was pounding on my bedroom door because I had forgotten that yesterday was Saturday and today was Sunday.

"You lied to me, Sato, hurry up and wake up!"

Who knew someone like her can get mad over something like this?

"Aya what do you want this early in the morning!"

I went out to the living room where Aya was. She had this look. A look that said I'm scared.

"Aya you good?"

"Yes, but this cat keeps staring at me, which is creeping me out."

"Oh yeah, Luna is always like that. Hopefully, she will get used to you."

"Anyways, I'm hungry. What do you want to eat?"

"Finally that is the whole reason I was trying to wake you up."

"Just to eat!?"

(Confused) "Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, do you have a problem with that?"

"You know you could have cooked something yourself?"

"You tasted my food yesterday, and you know I can't cook anything."

(Laughing) "Yep, You can't cook even if your life depended on it."

"That's really mean Sato"

"Hmmm, You owe me a compliment now."

"Oh Ummm."

What should I say…

"You look amazing???"

"Are you telling me or asking me?"

"I'm telling you that you're amazing."

Aya's face is all red. She crossed her arms and looked a bit mad. Maybe I wasn't supposed to say something different.

"Anyways I'm going to go cook something. So do whatever you want in the meantime."

Sato really surprised me with that comment…

Since he said I can do anything. I'm going to sit here and read the weekly magazine.

*50% off all clothes only at "All Clothes"

Only for this week.*

50% off all clothes!!! I should go. I need new clothes anyways.

Wait, isn't that store at the mall?

"Hey, Aya, I'm done cooking. Do you want to eat it now or later?"

"I will eat it now just let me get ready."


It smells good. Sato food is always the best.

I should totally go to the mall later.

10 minutes later

This silence is killing me.

"So Sato, do you have any plans for today?"

"Hmmm no I don't, what about you?"

"I'm going to the mall, wanna come with me?"

"Oh sure what time do you want to go?"

"It's 6:30 right now so how about around 10?"

"Alright, that time should work."

(Jokingly) "Yay, it's a date!"

"Umm, yea sure."

Wait what did she sayyy?!

A date? That surprised me and why did I agree so casually?

"Anyways Hana forgot her baking pan. I should go over to give it back to her."

"Okay be back soon."


Back at Hana place which is next door 7 A.M

*Knock knock knock*

"Huh who could that be at this time?"

As I looked through the Peephole I saw Sato standing there holding my baking pan.

As soon as I saw Sato, all the embarrassing things I did last night came back to me.

I can't look at him straight in the face right now

(Yelling) "Just leave it at the door!"

"Just leave it at the door!?" "Ummm ok ?"

"Thank you, Sato!"

"And sorry about last night!"

"It's fine I will see you tomorrow at school!"

Hana has been acting a bit weird recently I hope I don't have anything to do with it

"Aya I'm ba—"

As I opened The door I saw something I never thought I would ever see…

"Sato looks the other way!!"

"I am, I didn't see anything!!!"

"You pervert!"

"Don't try to look at me!"

"Close your eyes!"

"This is my apartment. How was I supposed to know you were only wearing a towel?"


She really surprised me. I only saw a glimpse of her. luckily the towel was covering mostly everything.

I'm going to clean the floor. She left it all wet.

I hope he didn't see anything. Why is he back so fast anyways? I thought he would stay at Hana's place for a bit longer.

Since I'm technically going on a date with him. I should at least wear something nice . The good news is I only have two outfits to wear, so it shouldn't be that hard to choose what to wear hehe, wait all my nice clothes got stolen. I guess my black jacket and jeans will do.

A few minutes go by

I wonder how she is going to change her clothes. If I remember correctly all of her clothes got stolen as well. It's not like she has something to pick from.

As I said that Aya came out of her room wearing a black hoodie and some jeans. Her blond hair was shiny like a star. She didn't have any makeup on, but she still looked like a movie star.

"Sato, how do I look? I think I look fine,

Also, I had to use your conditioner. You should buy a new one to make your hair healthier.

"One thing at a time, Aya."

"Yo you look fine"

"If you want we can go buy a new one."

"Sato, your face is red."

(Teasing)"Are you embarrassed?!"

"No, it's not that. I'm just tired."

Did my face give it away? I can't let her know what I really think or she will never let me live it—.

"Sato, are you listening?"

"Wait, what did you say again?"

"I said we got some time to kill before 10, so what do you want to do in the meantime?"

"Oh Ummm, we could go down to the park and walk around."

"We would get all sweaty though."

"How about you let me do your hair?"

"Wait what?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"You never do anything to your hair, so you should let me style it. It shouldn't take that long.

"Also your hair is quite nice."

"Oh umm sure I guess if that 's what you want to do."

"Yay thanks, Sato."

"Sit down on the floor. I will sit on the couch so I can get a good view of your hair."


"Right now your hair is all flat. We should add some volume to it."

"You look so creepy with your hair covering your eyes."

"I like it like that though"

"Just for today leave it out of your eyes."

"How about we take the left side and put it behind your ear and not mess with the right side?"

"Oh umm sure if that's what you think would work."

"Alright then."

"Your hair is so tangled you know. You should pay me for this."

"This was your idea you know."

"I will get you a gift at the mall."

"Also can you stop insulting my hair?"

"Fine, just hold still."

I never thought something like this would ever happen. I'm having fun though.

9:30 A.M

Sato and Aya both fell asleep.

Did I fall asleep?

The last thing I remember was Aya combing my hair. What time is it anyway?


0 notifications

"Aya wakes up it's 9:30!"

"Just give me 5 more min—

She fell asleep again. She is so unbelievably cute while asleep.


She doesn't have to know.

"Alright, Sato let's get going!"

"You seemed excited a few minutes ago, you didn't even want to wake up."

(Embarrassed)"mm shut up I was tired."

"Let's get going though."


"Sato, your eyelashes are quite long."

"That was so random."

"Yea I know I just wanted to tell you."

Why did I say something like that!!

He is quite good-looking if you style his hair just the right way.

At the train stations

"The mall is about 10 minutes away from here, so we should be there by 10"

"Why are we going to that one when we could have gone to the one nearby?"

"There a sale I want to go to"

"We can go to the one nearby another time"

"Oh alright."


"It looks like our train is here."

"Alright let's go"

On the train

"There are so many people on this train, Aya. Are you sure that you want to go to the far one?"

(Annoyed)"For the last time Sato, yes I want these discounts."

"Fine, let's find some seats then."

"Let's go to the back of the train. There doesn't seem to be any seat up here."

"Look Sato, most of it is open, let's sit in the right corner."


"Wait Aya how much money do you—"


"Don't worry Sato, I have some money…. Just let me stay like this for a while. I'm tired."

What is happening is Aya is really laying her head on me, She is really close right now. She smells like me and her hair feels so soft. I can't take this. How can she sleep so Peacefully?

10 minutes later

Aya woke up as soon as we got to our stop.

"We are here already!?. Hurry up Sato, we have to walk a little bit before we actually get there."

Are we not going to talk about what just happened?

"Hey, Sato are you ok?"

"Yeah I know I just hate trains, they give me motion sickness."

(Laughing)"Haha that's funny, is that why you're all red?."

"Definitely also it is not funny."

She is really clueless

"Yeah, whatever."

"We should visit other stores while we're here."

"Yeah, we should because we made it to the mall now."

"Japan International Mall"

10:00 A.M

*Ring ring*

"Hello, mom?"

"Are you at the mall yet?"

"Yeah, I just got here."

"Well OK, Hana be careful bye love you, and don't forget to buy me a dress like you promised. "

"I will mom bye love you too."

Ok where should I shop

"Hurry up Sato, let's get there as soon as we can!"

Huh is that Aya I just heard and did she say, Sato?

"Alright Alright stop pulling me though."

What the hell are they doing!? I thought they said they were only roommates, but Aya is all over Sato right now!?

Are they on a date!?