
Living with the popular girl

Sato is living with a girl named Aya, who is very popular at his school, The thing is she not popular for the right reason. While Sato and Aya are living together Sato childhood friend is trying to spilt them apart for her own sake.

Grandpa_4k · Politique et sciences sociales
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6 Chs


"There are some things that people want but cannot obtain."

A long time ago, Sato and I used to be really good friends. But over the years we started to drift apart. I remember when me and my sister used to spend every single second with him. Even though I was 2nd place in sato heart it was always fun being with them.

"Hello Sato, do you want to play tag?"

"Hello Sato, I want to play in your room."

"Hi Sato, want to go shopping?"

"Sato, I hurt myself; come help me."

But ever since "the incident" nothing was ever the same.

November 27, 2000

7 P.M


Tonight, a tragic car accident killed one person and injured three others. Hina Takao, a 10-year-old girl, was killed in a car accident. The other driver, 31-year-old Frank, was said to be drunk and driving at the time of the incident. There are currently only three injured people: Tom, Amy, and Frank. Tom and Amy's other 9-year-old daughter was completely unharmed. The inciden—

"Hello Hana, some visitors are here to see you."

I looked up and saw Sato and his mom walk in.

"Hi Hana, your doctor gave us a call telling us that you're fine."

"Your parents may be here for a while so we came to pick you up."

"You will be staying with us until your parents feel better."

This day will go down as the best and worst day of my life.

November 28, 2000

5 P.M


I heard Sato run towards us

"Where is Hana?

As soon as he saw me he didn't say a word he just came up and hugged me.

"All right, Sato, that's enough," his mother said.

I didn't want him to let go, but he did.

"Hana you got to tell us what happened so we know how to help."

After about ten minutes of them telling me to tell, I began to recall all the memories I and my sister shared, and the realization that I would never see her again began to sink in.

(Crying) "I'm not telling you guys anything you want. If you guys really want to help me find a way to get my sister back.

Then I ran out of their apartment in tears. Little did I know that Sato quickly put on his jacket and started to chase me.

Gosh, I was so dumb back then.

I ran and run until I got to the little store close to our apartments. I took a seat on the bench then I felt a jacket being put on me and felt arms go around me. I looked up and saw Sato hugging me. At that moment I released all of my tears while he held me tightly. Sato holding me… I want to feel that forever and ever to the day I die

That was until she came into his life.

Saturday , April 2nd, 2005

5:50 P.M

"Sato, why is Aya in your house?"

"It's not what you think, she 's just going to be living with me for a while."

Yea Aya we haven't done anything except shade phone password, but everyone does that.

"Aya that is not helping you know. Also, you only know my password, I don't know yours."

"Sit down, we will explain everything to you."

"Alright, but make it quick I got somewhere to be."

That was a lie. I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could. My heart couldn't take it all.

"Soo Hana, listen I'm only living with Sato because my apartment got robbed and there is no other place for me to stay at.

"Yea and I couldn't just leave her sleeping outside, something could have happened to her."

"You could have stayed at one of your friends' houses."

"Me and Sato are friends."

"But why Sato…"

"What did you say?"


I didn't care about any excuse they had. The fact that they are living together when they are complete opposites annoys me.


(Mad) "Enough, the fact that you two are living together is so so AHH I can't even talk!"

(Sad) "Sato really after everything we've been through, just for you to have another girl here living with you. I'm leaving and don't ever try to talk to me!"


I left that room as fast as I could, tears in my eyes. Even though I hit him and told him not to talk to me he still ran out after me. left Aya and he hugged me just like back then. That's when I realized I had feelings for Sato and this time I'm not going to be 2nd place just like back then.

Sunday, April 3rd, 2005

That all happened last night.

"I have to see them today. I'm so embarrassed"

Saturday, April 2nd, 2005

6:00 P.M

"Sooo that was awkward. I'm sorry you had to see that Aya, let's eat now.

"Sato, I'm not trying to seem rude but who was that?"

"Oh, that was Hana. I have known her for most of my life. I guess you can call her childhood friend."

She acted like they were more than friends.

"Did you guys date at some point?"

"What!? like I said she is just a childhood Friend."

"Oh but do you have feelings for her, be honest, or I'm leaving."

Crap what with this question all of a sudden?

"No, I don't have any feelings for Hana. Why are you asking?"

"I don't want to ruin your relationship so if you think I will cause trouble for you I can leave."

I'm glad he doesn't have any feelings for her. I don't know why though.

Don't leave this is mostly my fault, to begin with. I know it's only been one day but it's been kinda fun living with you."

I let the moment get the best of me. Hopefully, I didn't just embarrass myself.

My cooking sucks

Aya's cooking sucks, but I can't tell her that she probably works so hard trying to cook this for me.

"Thanks for the food Aya. It tasted wonderful."

"You don't have to lie to me, especially to my face."

"Yeah you're right, but you probably spent so long trying to cook this for me. It would be rude to say something bad about it."

"I spent about an hour trying to make it. How about tomorrow you teach me how to make it right?"

"Umm, yea sure I guess."

Tomorrow is Sunday and I don't have anything to do. Hopefully, she can learn quickly.

Wait, could this turn into one of those romantic comedy stories? Noo those don't really happen in real life, but if it does I would mind I think. Waitttt-

"Aya don't you have plans tomorrow like any regular popular girl."

"No, I don't really have that many friends."

"Really, the first day of school so many people were surrounding you."

"Those people that are always around me aren't my friends, they don't even like me. They are jealous of me because of my good looks and family name. They only hang around me to learn things about me and use them against me. If I could, I would rather be alone than hanging out with them. There is this one girl though she is always fun to be around."

"Ohh What is her name?"

"Her name is Kei Sora."

"Does she visit you?"

"Yeah, she visits me a lot. She is sick right now and she won't come by for a while.

but if you ask her for something she will always come through."

"She seems like a reliable person."

"Hehe she sure is"

"Well, how about you do you have really good friends?"

"You just met the only real friend I have."


"Yeah, as you saw she can be pretty dramatic. She cried all the time when we were little."

"We have been through a lot together just like your friend. She is someone I can count on."

"That's nice to hear. I used to live in the states but when I moved down here with my parents and older sister, but they went back to the states.

"That's a lot do information"

"Yea I guess."

10 P.M

I always go to the balcony every night, but tonight it was different. There was a 2nd chair there and guess who was there sleeping?

"Aya wake up and go to your bed."

"Oh oh hey Sato what time is it?"

"It's 10 P.M you should go to bed. We got school tomorrow"

"Oh, yea let's talk for a minute though."

She has a very serious look on her face. Her arms were crossed as well.

"Oh umm sure what do you want to talk about."

"How smart do you think you are?"

"I think I'm average why?"

"Alright good, the highest grade in our class from each gender will be the class president."

"So what does that have to do with me?"

"Nothing if you managed to get the best score then you would be too busy to even be home."

"Being class president takes up a lot of time. They switch out each semester."

"Ohh I never knew that thanks for telling me, but let go to sleep. We have school tomorrow."

"Alright if you don't mind, can you make me lunch tomorrow for the both of us? So I don't have to buy one."

"Sure I will wake up early to make you one."

I thought she was going to tell me something more important, but she seems relaxed now.

At least that's what I thought.

New chapter #backstory

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