
Living with the popular girl

Sato is living with a girl named Aya, who is very popular at his school, The thing is she not popular for the right reason. While Sato and Aya are living together Sato childhood friend is trying to spilt them apart for her own sake.

Grandpa_4k · Politique et sciences sociales
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6 Chs

1 The day it all started

April 1st, 2005

8:30 A.M

Highschool is a place of lifelong memories, at least that's what they say, but for me it's just going to be the opposite. All I want is a normal high school experience and maybe if I'm lucky I can get a girlfriend.

And might as well do a sport or join a cl—

A woman at the front of the bus said "Please sir, I'm pregnant. I also have this heavy bag on me."

Then a man that looked in his mid 40s said "Stop complaining. I'm about to reach my stop either way."

"But please…"

"Go away, I'm not moving."

Feeling bad for the lady I said"Ma'am You can have my seat."

"Oh thank you. At least some people have some manners."

I'm usually not nosy, but I was getting annoyed by that lady and that asshole.

I arrived at my stop at last. I asked myself when I got off the bus, "What does fairness truly mean?"

Fairness can either mean equality or not being unlucky enough to experience awful things. Things happen in life, but you must keep going forward. That way at most people would say.

8:45 A.M

Sitting in my homeroom I realize that everyone here already had friend groups, I wish I had group friends…

The only student in the class I knew was Hana Takao. She was the sibling of my deceased neighbor. I wonder if she recognized me considering how much I've changed in the past two years.

I want to go catch up and see how she's doing after her sister died. She really never seems the same.

I mean who wouldn't, imagine your sister or brother dying in a car crash.

I'm pretty sure her mom is taking therapy. Her dad is trying his hardest to support his family. I hope the stress doesn't get to him. He is such a friendly guy.When my parents used to live here. Me, my dad, and him would always play soccer at the park. I hope he is doing well.

The girl beside me seemed to slowly gather a crowd of girls around her.

I wonder what being popular feels like.

"Good morning students. I know it's the first day of school, but we are going to take a test to see what you've all remembered from last year."

As everyone started to find their seats, I got a better look at the girl next to me who started all the commotion.

She looks pretty cute, she has blond hair. With blue eyes.

Mhmmm she seems pretty annoyed. Her jaw was clenched, she rolled her eyes and she seemed a bit red. Hehe, guess she wanted a bit more attention.

As the teacher was passing the test out to my row, I reached into my bag and realized I didn't have any pencils or pens.

I looked around hoping I could find one on the ground, but unsurprisingly there weren't any. I panicked so out of desperation I asked the "popular" girl if she could lend me a pencil.

"Hey. Psk. Psk,"

"Um me? Are you talking to me?"

I nod, not knowing what to say.

" Uhm I was wondering if you could lend me a pencil?"

" Um sure, let me see if I have a spare one."

"Here's one."

"Thanks." I mumbled to myself.

I didn't think she would give me one.

"Ok love birds, the testing session has started, so stop talking."

Yeah right like If had a chance with someone like her

I looked around the classroom and everyone started giggling. Then out of nowhere my heart started to beat faster and I got a little hot.

I looked over at the popular girl and she didn't even look fazed about it.

following the test. I proceeded to return the pencil to her, but before I could say anything, she had already stood up and left.

The test wasn't that hard; it took all morning though.

It was lunch time and I didn't feel like eating, so I decided to go to the school library to pass some time. I wonder what having lots of friends feel like.

It was a long day of testing so I ended up falling asleep reading a light novel.

4:00 P.M

I woke up to someone tapping me.

"Hey wake up, school is over."

Even though my eyes were closed, I could tell by her voice it was the popular girl.

I was still flustered from the morning incident

Man I don't want to talk to her, I will be awkward. What should I do?

Out of desperation and finding the courage I quickly said, "I'm awake now you can stop tapping me."

"Oh haha my bad."

"Oh no you good, thank you for waking me up."

"Uh I hope you don't mind me asking but what's your name"

"Oh I'm Aoki Aya,what's your name?"

Aoki Aya that a pretty name.

"I'm Sato Rin, it's nice to meet you."

"I still have your pencil with me, do you want it back?"

with a smile on her face she said " you can keep it you will need it for school."

with my face red I said."Look at that you got dimples."

"Oh haha you are one of the first people to notice them."

Now blushing more than ever "I said well i gotta get going."

"Alright, it was nice meeting you"

"Yeah same."

I felt like a red tomato.

I missed all my afternoon classes, and got in trouble when I tried to leave the school. I had to stay a little longer to fill some paper that I was supposed to fill in one of my classes.

7:40 P.M

I ended up going to a convincente store to buy some groceries.I got close to my apartment. When I saw Aya on the ground looking upset. I was going to mine my own business, but we made eye contact.

"You lived here?"

"Yea you too!?"

"Lucky me!!! Robbers got into my apartment and somehow stole and destroyed everything. the manager said I will have to live somewhere else until they fix up my room and go through the evidence."


"It's true I'm not lying…I got a question "

"Do you think you could let me stay the night?"

Ain't no way she's being for real.

Nervously I said "You should call one of your friends and ask them. I hardly even know you."

"This late at night, no way!?"

"All of them are sleeping and didn't pick up."

Well I can't let her stay out here in the cold, something could happen to her.

"Well you are welcome to sleep in my spare room. I can get you an inflatable mattress."

"How about your parents wouldn't they have a say in this matter."

"My parents moved out and let me keep the apartment."

"Oh that solve the problem, thank you for letting me stay over"

As she walked inside my apartment I could smell her perfume and knew this could be a chance to make a new friend.